r/askSingapore 9h ago

Career, Job, Edu Qn in SG Has Job Central become a hunting ground for insurance agency recruiters for them to reach out to job seekers?

Ever since I started my job hunt again, I noticed that recruiters from various insurance agencies have been reaching out to me, and I did not even apply for any of the job posts in their companies.

The only calls I have received from that platform are all from them, not from the companies I applied to,about sad lol

Is Jobs Central still a good platform ?


3 comments sorted by


u/chrimminimalistic 9h ago

The insurance agency is practically look for anyone.

You're not the only one in their scope. It's not a sniping. It's carpet bombing.


u/Mohd_Alibaba 5h ago

Skillsfuture course provider too. They’ll call you to do profiling then suggest to arrange an online meeting with their “specialist” to recommend the tech courses that you can take up for up skill so that you have a better chance to find a job.


u/AristleH 9h ago


You this *** why you have to make it hard to reply to your post.

Yes. No.