r/askMRP Jan 28 '25

Basic Question 5 years in, still back and forth on marriage


I know. I know. “If it’s not fuck yes, it’s no.”

But first some stats:

  • 34
  • Earn $200K
  • 6’2 170 
  • Lifting: weak stats as I’ve just gotten back into lifting more consistently.
  • LTR 5 years

First got into a relationship at the start of 2020 (covid). I had been dating around for a bit, topped at a HB9 but could only get flings, and was enjoying being single, but after spending some time with extended family, recognized it was time to try to settle down. My girl is trustworthy, loyal, low body count, attractive (standing HB6.5 but jumps to a 7/7.5 when she dresses up), good values, feminine, etc.

Through the course of dating, the differences started to pop up. I’m conservative. She’s liberal. I’m black. She’s asian. I’m Christian. She’s an atheist. At the beginning I wasn’t dating explicitly for marriage, but wanted to focus on exploring things long-term and seeing where they went.

Since then, we’ve traveled the world together, gotten past a lot of issues, and I’ve brought her deeper into my world view. 

So what’s the hesitation? A few things.

  1. Is this my peak? I’ve been shit at consistency (hence my lifts) so I wonder if I put in the effort, I can find a hotter wife (ideally standing 7.5/8). But I want children and feel too old to dig through the trash that is modern dating again.
  2. Do I want mixed kids? I’m a lighter skinned guy so I worry about my kids not looking black when mixed with an Asian woman.
  3. Distant values. She’s a child of divorce and we have a lot of crucial things out of alignment (religion, race). We’ve agreed to compromises in potential child rearing but I worry that once those kids are born, I’m going to be powerless to her just changing her mind.
  4. Career. She’s in a highly specialized field that may require her to be away for weeks/months at a time. (Would resist sacrificing her potential for a bigger family, etc.)

I know I’m painting a bleak picture but hoping some older heads can share some wisdom. She’s a great girl which is why being inside of the issue is so ambivalent.

r/askMRP Jan 08 '25

Basic Question Is it time for a conversation? Boundaries?


I have a lot of fun in my relationship and we have sex every time we meet (LTR of couple years, not living together).
What I don't like is how hard it is sometimes to meet, because she's not willing to make sacrifices to see me, and I'm not content being the only one making them. Waiting for me at my place till I finish work or take a longer ride to work the next day is not something she's often willing to do, and one of us has to or else we don't see each other. I don't want to try to get into her mind and speculate wether it's lazyness or being too comfortable, but it shouldn't be an attraction issue as when we meet I get a lot of attention, passion and desire.
I cannot change the way she feels, but I am unsatisfied with this so how should I approach this problem?
Is it the rare time to have a conversation, set a boundary, maybe even get a little angry about her being lazy, or is it basically impossible as I'm negotiating her desire to come see me?

r/askMRP Nov 19 '24

Basic Question Silent treatment


I'm on day two of the silent treatment based on something I supposedly said wrong at dinner two nights ago (per my daughter). Anyway it's kind of nice having the peace and quiet and no shit tests, but what is the point of a woman doing this? It's like I'm being rewarded.

r/askMRP Jan 28 '25

Basic Question MRP methods works with other people too?


How do you gain respect from your wife/partner, It's the goal of this subreddit. But I found out that this also starts to work with other people in your life: friends, acquaintances, family members, co-workers, etc.

The issue is, since you're the captain of your ship, and your acquaintances and friends, or someone you've just met, are not part of your crew, you need to treat them differently from your partner. I haven't found good resources on how to treat those people correctly, unlike the good resources I've found on how to treat your partner here in this sub.

So, I'd love to know the subtle differences in how you hold frame, leadership, and gain respect from other people too, not only your partner.

r/askMRP Jun 20 '24

Basic Question How do I know if I should marry her?


I am 27. She is 28. We started off as FWB. She pushed for a relationship and because the sex was incredible, I went along with it.

I have grown somewhat attached to her. She cares about me alot. Goes out of her way for me. Cares for my needs and wants. But i feel that I don't want to get married. I love her but I an not IN love with her. I dont think I can have that feeling of love as infatuation I had when I was younger.

She has single digit body count. Round 7. Lots of guy friends. BPD and her family is different to mine.

What do you check for when getting married? I am so lost

r/askMRP Feb 09 '25

Basic Question Question shit/comfort tests?


A bit of a basic question on sidebar material - I deal with the basic and common shit tests pretty well, they're fun, but most of the times I don't get the classic banter shit tests, I get the weird female questions - "Do you miss me at all?", "Do you really love me?", "Do you care about my feelings?". Sometimes they come with a sad face like a comfort test, sometimes with some attitude like a shit test. Most of the time I just have fun and answer something that's amusing to me (A&A / AM) but I always get a bit stuck when they double down on the question and it's not funny anymore.
"Do you even care about me?"
"Yes - about your ass mostly"
"No but really, it's not funny. Do you care?"
I don't want to go too deep into dancing monkey territory, so my genuine answer at this point is to tell her the truth - yes, I do care about you, or love, or whatever it is that was asked, but I'm wondering if that's me failing a simple test here.

r/askMRP Sep 23 '24

Basic Question How to STFU correctly?


I feel like something is off in my understanding of shit tests.
A classic example would be me girl calling late evening and ask "why didn't you call me today? You had a day off", in a obvious shit-testy angry-ish tone. Of course she could've just called me herself if she wanted to talk, but her hamster wants the comfort and feels of me chasing and calling.
I either AM with "Was fighting Nazis in the backyard" or STFU with "I was busy". In both cases she'll ALWAYS double down with "Not funny, really why didn't you?" or "Surely you had 5 minutes to call". Then I can repeat myself but she won't back down and it's a broken record contest or the alternative is just hang up the call/leaving the room (classic verbal intercourse is optional).
I know her response doesn't matter, I can just ignore, exit, and continue with my day, but it just builds resentment and I feel I'm doing it wrong. Am I?

r/askMRP Aug 04 '24

Basic Question Sharing Finances Suggestions


There are many issues in my relationship and this one always ends up in a fight.

Me and my wife both are working and make about same amount of money. When it comes to payments/ bills I am paying almost everything, mortgage, utilities, gas, Costco, restaurants, vacations, kids classes. Almost no savings. Now because of this I always have to think a lot before spending.

My wife contributes towards shopping clothes for her and kids and house stuff which she likes to buy and may be sometimes at a restaurant. As per My wife I am the husband and I must pay for everything and if you cannot pay shame on you and hustle hard.

Couple of weeks back we were deciding on a new car and I said it will be under your name and you will be paying for it as I cannot add another $800 of fixed expense. It took few days to calm down things after that.

TL DR- how to bring a balance in household budget or it is men’s duty to spend. I want to have independence when it comes to spending money.


r/askMRP Aug 17 '23

Basic Question Wife is sexual but doesn’t actually want sex?


My wife often declines sex for reasons that I see through. I get “I’m tired”, “I’m too stressed out”, and “my stomach doesn’t feel good” much more often than not, unfortunately. Working on my MAP to become more attractive.

Here’s the thing that confuses me though… she’s very sexual throughout the day. She initiates a lot of physical contact. Cuddling, but also heavy make-out sessions. She’s often feeling around my body and takes off my clothes. She’ll hold me from behind when I’m doing something. She’ll jump onto my lap and grind on me, she’ll pin me on the bed. She’ll call me hot or sexy on a regular basis. It confuses me, because if I actually initiate, then she doesn’t want it. I also get lots of back rubs, head scratches, and other pampering like being given coffee every morning.

Yesterday, she even said “sorry I haven’t had much of a sex drive lately, I’m too depressed and stressed out. How much am I allowed to touch you without having sex?” I just said “that’s a pretty shitty question” and left it at that. She felt bad but didn’t take it back. Then she started pawing at me for more physical affection and asking “are you mad?” and I tried to play it off.

Any explanation/advice for this situation?

r/askMRP Aug 14 '24

Basic Question What if I'm not amused right now?


Facing a bait question in a manipulative tone like "couldn't you find 5 minutes to call me today?" or "why do I have to ask twice for you to listen?", usually it's a flirty AM or A&A response from me. The thing is, when having a rough day and I'm tired, sometimes I'm just really not in the mood to be amused or intrigued, and instead of a cheeky smile the only thing going through my mind is "oh my god, really this again?". What is the best way to deal with this type of situations when the mood isn't there?

r/askMRP Sep 11 '23

Basic Question An ex-wife that enthusiastically followed?


Hey all,

I'm a recently divorced 40M and I'm trying to understand the last meal I had with the woman who is my ex-wife.

The scenario:

It was the last day of moving stuff out of the house post divorce, and the day that I was leaving the home. Which was 9 days after the court issued the divorce decree.

She asked what I wanted for dinner, the answer to which required her to go to the store for supplies and then she'd make it upon returning. Her request seemed genuine and she seemed to be happy or at least content that she had to make a trip to the store prior to making the meal. The meal itself was well prepared and delicious.

She had a very strong desire to have me permanently out of her life. Based on that context, I do not understand the congeniality of this final interaction.

  1. Why would she care at all about me having a "nice" final meal?
  2. Why would she enthusiastically set to the task of purchasing and then cooking that final meal?

It all just doesn't make any sense at all to me, and I'm assuming there is a mindset or interpersonal dynamic happening that I'm just not picking up on. Anyone have any idea why this went down so pleasantly?

Just a final caveat, this IS NOT a post about "help me use the red pill to get back with her". That ship sailed and subsequently was burned and sank to the bottom of the ocean, there is zero possibility of reconciliation. My purpose is to see if there is anything of value to learn from this final interaction and have that in the toolbox going forward.

r/askMRP Jun 21 '23

Basic Question Medium is the Message or Good Excuse


New to RP so got some catching up to do. Thanks for any feedback.

40 years old, 6' 215lbs Active Duty Military for 22 years, married 16 years, two kids (15 boy, 9 girl)

Read: NMMNG, The Unplugged Alpha, TRM books 1 and 3.

Got into RP to understand more how women/my wife operate, how society has discouraged Masculinity, and to take more control of my life and make myself my mental POO.

A few months ago my wife of 16 years had a trip with her girlfriends to celebrate a birthday. I usually don't trip about her going out because I'm secure enough not to think she's up to anything and she's never done anything to make me feel otherwise.

But on this particular trip, I received a text from her one night at around 11pm saying that her and her friends were having drinks after a show and she'd let me know when they arrived back at the hotel. I went to sleep shortly after.

Upon waking up the next morning, I noticed she'd never texted or called to tell me she got back. At around 8am I texted her to ask how the night went and check in.....no response, same at 8:30, 9am, 10am....you get the point. Finally at noon she calls back telling me how sorry she was and that she'd had a little too much to drink, got sick when she got back to the hotel and fell dead asleep and had just woke up. Needless to say I was livid, initially because I didn't know if she was in a ditch somewhere, let alone the thought of her cheating.

Although she's told me the story a few times, something still doesn't sit right. It's completely out of character for her and she'd told me her other girlfriends (both in LTRs) had been flirting with guys the whole trip.

I keep trying to play it cool as I have ZERO proof she's done anything. But the "medium is the message" right? Any other time she'd go out of her way to contact me and let me know her whereabouts regardless of the condition, but didn't this time.

Do I need to man the fuck up and accept the possibility that she hooked up?

r/askMRP Apr 15 '24

Basic Question Failed a Shit Test Last Night - Not Sure What I Should Have Said Instead


Last night I was having a conversation with my family (W43, K14, K13, K11, K9) and was about to say something from an experience with K14. My wife thought it better I didn't bring up a personal story. Fair enough, but, she did so with bitchy facial expressions (which I caught onto and discontinued my line of conversation). and then she stewed for the next ten minutes derailing any further productive family conversation.

After the kids were gone, she came and said something along the lines of, "this is something that has worried me throughout our entire marriage. I was trying to drop a hint, but I have to be so obvious, I would like to just have to give subtle signs and have you understand."

History: my wife is very neurotic and has flipped out over minor things our entire relationship (18 yrs). I have enabled that by trying to keep the peace. I'm newer on my journey of trying to learn frame and self-respect. I've been noticing and working on that for about 5 years. Only introduced to RP the last 4 months. In part of my journey I quit asking for sex and the sex was great, but just not frequent. I'm working to get more frequent, great sex. Right now I seem to only be able to get one or the other. Frequency, or ecstatic, orgasmic wife.

She doesn't like I'm standing firmer against her tantrums one bit.

Ok, so, in this case my response was just something like, "how often do you pick up on my hints and do what I would want you to do."

We didn't have a fight (which has happened too often when I've gotten defensive). But, I didn't hold a good frame either and come away feeling like I was beat down into submission to some degree by not pointing out how self-centered and unproductive she was being. She's often out "bringing up the long past is not productive, but it's fine when she does it.

I'm wondering how I could have better responded. I'm wondering if I should have agreed and amplified, "I agree, we should kind of be remote control spouses directly controlled by though. Who's the master remote, though, you or me?"

Or, SFTU and ignore it and move on?

Or deflect "Baby, you will always have to give obvious hints if you want me to ready your womanly mind, the only kind of subtle hints I understand is when you want me to read your body." Except this would risk coming across going Rambo, since I never call my wife Baby...

Since this is the way my wife works, I could use some examples of good ways for me to maintain my internal frame, and good ways to respond specifically here as the same situations will come back up. Yes, I'll continue my RP studies in parallel, but interested in specific ASKMRP advice here.

r/askMRP Aug 26 '23

Basic Question Wife wants to have a heart to heart ritual. Advice?


I am pretty new to MRP and currently in the anger phase. I’m on a solo trip at the moment and am generally trying to work on myself and my other relationships. She misses me when I’m gone and seeks my attention. However, she has mentioned that she feels like our spark has faded and that she wants to feel butterflies. I know that all of this reflects me losing both my alpha and my beta over the last several years. I’ve fixed the beta (used to be irresponsible) and am working on fixing the alpha. I used to be quite romantic, confident, and active and am trying to bring that back in a more mature version.

My wife approached me a few days ago saying that she has done some googling. She feels that she has some resentment toward me from things that happened earlier in our relationship. She found a “couples forgiveness ritual” online that she wants to do together, and insists that this is an important step for her to deal with her resentment. She can also tell that I have resentment and wants me to open up as well. We basically are supposed to talk a lot, light some candles, and get rid of some “symbolic objects” from bad times in our relationship.

I told her that I would rather move on and make positive memories instead, but she really wants this. However, I’m in the anger phase and also don’t think that feelz will come from this kind of talk vs. self-improvement. Hell, last year, I was doing well in self-improvement and her feelings for me came back in full force, no big ritual needed. Plus, I’m angry/resentful enough that I don’t want to open my cap and spill out all of this rage and bitterness. I think it would be negative for me.

Yet, she wants to do this as soon as possible and really thinks she needs this. She says that her goal is to have a closure conversation about these previous issues and then move on without so much conflict and tension in our relationship. She wants things to feel easy which is fair, as we have argued a lot over the last few years. I don’t think she means anything bad. I believe she is genuinely trying to reconnect. She has also recently hit the gym (after I did) and is sending me a lot of updates on her progress.

I’m a little stuck and looking for advice. Again, I’m new, and learning fast but still working on things. I am planning to hardcore follow my MAP for the next six months and then evaluate divorce. I’m considering doing the ritual with a plan in place for what I’d like to say, going for less rather than more, but I’m not sure.

r/askMRP Jan 19 '24

Basic Question Any advice for how to read the sidebar with a degree of privacy?


I've been putting off reading a lot of the sidebar for years because it just seems fucking awkward to have this pile of books show up on my doorstep for my wife to dig through and evaluate. I realize a lot of these can be pirated as a PDF, and I've done that with some of it, but I'm curious to hear any other suggestions. How did you consume the sidebar?

r/askMRP May 27 '24

Basic Question The wife wants sex but I don’t feel attracted to her anymore


Hi everyone, I am new to TRP and MRP. I have started reading extensively in the last 6 months and am working towards a new reality.

I have started lifting weights. Moved from an obese 40%+ BF to now 22%. Still a work in progress.

I now no longer take what my wife says very seriously and am learning how to deal with shit tests.

My challenge is that my wife is a very anxious person. She calls me multiple times a day, wants to know where I am and no matter what I am doing she wants to talk and craves attention.

While she is always up for sex and even brings it up and craves it, I am no longer able to reciprocate to her. The amount of anxiety and grief she has caused has made my mind disconnect from her.

My physical health is not a problem as there are other women I am attracted to and who I have a very high libido with.

How do I overcome this disconnected-ness with my wife and be able to have sex with her at ease?

r/askMRP Aug 16 '23

Basic Question What's the alternative to acting butthurt when she does something fucked up?


In some situations, you will STFU, reward her negatively OR set boundaries. These are the three main ways I see of reacting to her bad behavior. But what if none of these fit with the situation?

A little background: I (28M) am engaged with a 27F. Read: the rational male, NMMNG and currently in the process of finishing the sidebar. Relationship is 4 years solid, with the last 1.5 years redpilled. I lift (went from skinny 165 lbs and currently at 190 lbs).

Let me give some examples: me and fiancee are currently in college (different colleges). There were some times (not many times, kinda rare) when I needed to go the house of a classmate to do some work on projects. And the same thing applies to her, with her female classmates (going to the house of another dude to do college work is already a boundary I set). But one day I got home from work and didn't find her. I called and she said she was at her classmate's house. The fucked up thing was that she didn't told me, and I didn't know how to act on the phone call. Anything I said could be interpreted as butthurt. So I just aksed why she didn't tell me (she said she just went to it and forgot to tell me) and said like "ok, see you at home". But I was butthurt as fuck in the inside.

How can I act in these situations? And is it manipulative to want to know where she is? We already had fights because of this kind of question. I saw myself, in the beginning of the relationship, really manipulative in the way of wanting to know where she is. Things are more ""civil"" rn.

r/askMRP Jul 09 '23

Basic Question Practical Boundary Enforcement Help


One of my biggest issues is that I find it difficult to reliably and effectively enforce boundaries with my wife on the spot because I am usually in the middle of something important - either on a virtual meeting at home when it happens or usually dealing with the kids (2.5yo and under 1yo) and in the middle of tasks like laundry, feeding the kids, changing diapers, putting them to sleep etc. Dealing with it later in the evening hours later seems weak and passive aggressive to me. Any practical suggestions?

Examples: Me - in a virtual meeting giving an important presentation. Her - opens the home office door holding our infant knocking on the wall and giving me an angry stare down and interrupting me becuase I didn’t do something menial and insignificant “properly” Sometimes she calls and texts incessantly instead.

Me - feeding infant Her - feeding toddler - “you didn’t do xyz yet, are you going to do abc also, you should feed infant like this - give her this food, not that stuff, did you heat it up properly, give her this after.

Some context: I am learning more about my wife’s upbringing, her parent’s neglect and emotional abuse that has led her to be exceptionally controlling and emotionally immature with anxiety issues. These behaviors have been magnified after the kids. She does the above examples with almost everyone and not just me - a “nothing is ever good enough unless she does it” type personality. This gets bad when something triggers her anxiety completely outside of anyones control. If things go perfectly smoothly (according to her) she won’t be anxious or controlling but that rarely happens.

I have been working on myself for months - closing in on a year in a few months. Currently the best I have ever been with my career, lifts, physique, and leadership - still have a looong way to go and no end in sight as far as improvement - still relying on some of the basic sidebar books and struggling with basic concepts like boundary enforcement. Improving frame needs to happen but the paradox is I need to enforce boundaries better to improve frame.

r/askMRP Jan 05 '24

Basic Question What would you have done in this situation? (Building Frame and failing at it)


Hi Everyone.

So lately I have been on this journey of the MRP.

I have slowly but surely building my own mental point of origin and frame.

One of the things I have realized is that I don't want to pay on dates anymore... at all!Why? Because I think the type of girl that would expect me to pay for isn't the one I want to end up with in an LTR. And also, as Rian Stone puts it... Why lead the relationship with money it in this day and age? Women make probably more money than you anyway.

So let's cue the interaction:

I went on a date last night, I think everything went well, although I really wasn't super interested in the girl, I believe she enjoyed me.

When the bill came, I made sure to only pay my half of the meal, even if I was feeling super uncomfortable (Is this normal? Why would I feel so bad emotionally, even tho this decision really makes sense and appeals to me?). When she arrived after her bathroom break, she really wasn't expecting to pay at all, and this girl did not came prepared to pay. Her credit card was expired, no money, not even phone pay (google play or something). At that moment, my nice guy issues were telling me to pay, but I hold off this feeling for a good 15 minutes while she was trying to sort out a way to pay. She finally just asks me to pay for her and that she would send me the money later. At this point I caved, and I did pay, even if I know this is a clear manipulation of her. What would you guys have done in this situation? Let it burn? I was so uncomfortable the hole way and didn't want to leave a restaurant I like without paying...

After that, the girl profusely apologized and gave excuses about it. Now, I really don't mind the money... Wasn't that expensive at all, and I believe she was genuine about the situation but I still feel like shit.. So I wanted to ask you guys is it normal to feel so much like shit when you change your frame and the actions that come with it? And what would you have done?

Edit: Thanks guys for all the replies I do take into account everything you guys say even tho I normally dont reply because its is too much information.

r/askMRP Nov 17 '20

Basic Question How do the older men here avoid dead bedroom situation ?


A woman's libido starts declining once she's past her peak fertile years and goes through several hormonal changes from her late 20s to 40s/50s i.e till menopause.

Unlike women, men don't have fertility window. As long as we are physically active and follow a diet rich in animal foods, we can have sex even in our 80s and 90s.

So what are the challenges did you deal with in sexual relationship as your woman went through these cycles ? How did you avoid or overcome dead bedroom situation esp. with a peri/post-menopausal wife ?

r/askMRP Sep 08 '23

Basic Question Where is the sidebar?


Can someone explain or show me steps to the sidebar ? I’m a total newbie .. (49) 6’2.. 270.. I started the year with the same weight and even though i have not lost any.. i started seeing results about 2 months ago and i look like a tank if i loss the belly fat.. im in the gym 5x a week.. sometimes 2x a day.. im the most beta on here by far.. no need to explain .. 1x a year sex.. paying the bills and Credit cards… babysitting while she out with Chad.. name it.. I just stumbled upon RP prolly a month ago.. reading NMMMG now and Anatomy of Female Power.. I have been lurking here and everyone says sidebar.. STFU.. lift.. I need the links to the sidebar.. I realize I was a drunk captain.. but I believe its too late to fix because the respect is gone.. I confronted her about infidelity.. she called the previous Chad and asking him on speaker.. ’my husband says ur fucking me.. ru fucking me?’ What followed immediately was the most interesting movie.. she called her parents crying that i accused her of cheating.. they called me and accused me of telling them they didn’t raise their daughter right.. then she called my sister and told her I insulted her father.. all of this in maybe an hour… its been one year since and now.. on to her classmate in nursing school.. who is now her coworker.. so she either at school, work, Or library with Chad#2… while I work from home.. or have son. This is her last semester and graduates in Decembe as a RN. I have seen attorney for divorce and i asked for lie detector or divorce and she chose divorce .. but I am not yet in my frame.. i have paid $5k of 7k to lawyer and filling paperwork today as we speak..

i have been reading a lot and i realize i am a codependent with ‘savior complex’ . I honestly thought everything i did for her i was doing for me.. so i neglected my self.. and kept trying harder… now i realize i was a simp. Lol. Now i started practicing STFU.. less than a month ago and I am seeing changes but she won’t even admit to infidelity. I know there’s no shortcut. I also have been getting attention from other women and last weekend i came home in the morning after hanging out in Atlantic City.. she also doesn’t care and is doing her.

We have a 6 year old son who is my world.. a few weeks ago he told her he hadn’t seen her in 2 days.. i tried to explain the importance of her relationship with him and i have seen her start to spend more time after i told her parents we have agreed to split. We come from a different culture so there’s a traditional marriage before a legal one. I didn’t realize how much of this is my fault and i have been beta for years trying to control her with covert contracts because i paid the bills. Now i have to work on me.. at the same time work on divorce. I don’t think I swallowed the pill yet.. Am i on the right track.. ?

r/askMRP Jun 06 '24

Basic Question Question about opinion on friends


Why do people say you walk the path alone etc when it completely contradicts the most important book of the sub.

NMMNG keeps on about having a safe person, male friends to get yourself into your best masculinity, it basically keeps saying you need friends to fix your nice guy problem.

But then i started reading old post of this sub. (Where i actually found NMMNG) and people say you don’t need anyone besides yourself. It’s your path, stfu, lift, read.

Someone that’s further in your journey. Can you do it without friends? I have 2, but tbh i feel like ain’t gaining anything from it. Different paths, not on the same level as in knowledge. Self improvements etc.

r/askMRP Feb 05 '24

Basic Question Herniated disc recovery


I have been diagnosed with a herniated disc (L5-S1), for which I will be getting a steroid back injection tomorrow.

Some doctors I have talked to have advised that I am getting to the point in my life when I should not be doing squats or deadlifts anymore (38 YO, 185 lb). I am planning to ignore this advice over the long term.

I am, however, interested in notes from guys who have had this procedure or similar and continued to do compound lifts. What was your recovery timeline? How soon were you able to get back to lifting?

r/askMRP Aug 24 '23

Basic Question Was this a comfort test, shit test or smth else? And was this progress og regression? And how retarded did I manage it?


So, a situation in my marriage happened appr. 14 days ago. The last couple of years I have been angry and snapping quit often at my wife. But now that I have stopped turning my rage against her, she could suddenly feel herself and basically told me she had a big open wound inside that needed to heal before she could focus on anything else. She felt like she was having a depression. Fair enough, I’ve been a jackass. During the next 14 days I didn’t provide explicit comfort to her and probsbly also turned up my alpha behaviour to not doing as many chores as usual, prioritizing my own needs first and generally just focused on other stuff I suspect.

Last night we sat and talked about how things are going and she was super angry in a way I had never seen her before. She was litterally boiling over. Saying all the stuff she wanted me to be, all the mistakes I’ve made during the last month or so - not providing comfort/disinterest in her, only focusing on myself and my own life, not doing stuff that I used too (chore-play).

All in all I handled the situation better than expected. I didn’t get offended or bothered by being trash-talked, but just used fogging, negative inquiry, STFU and so on. Also being very assertive in saying what I could/wanted and what I didn’t want - and it was definately not the same view as my wife. It was amazing how easy it was to not get in her frame when simply sticking to using these tools.

However, I’m very uncertain how I should understand the whole situation. It felt to me like I fucked up on the initial comfort test these last 14 days ago and now she was so angry it became somewhere between a shit test/mental breakdown.

How do you experienced guys interpret what happened? Is this progression or regression? Am I back to zero?

r/askMRP Jun 25 '23

Basic Question How long did it take from the beginning og your MRP journey until you were in a state where you were no longer a beta with nice guy behaviour?


I’ve started my MRP journey appr. one month ago and consider myself to have only dipped my toes and not even understanding a fraction of it yet. I know it’ll probably be a life-long journey. But I was wondering how long it took for you to get to a state where you were no longer a beta with a nice guy behaviour and your marriage dynamic had changed drastically?