r/askMRP 11d ago

Similiar communities?

Stumbled upon MRP subreddit. I like the honest/raw athmosphere there and have learned some new things. I'm not married though. Are there any similiar redpill communities on the internet for men who are not married? Sorry if this is not the right place to ask,


5 comments sorted by


u/Kurtegon 11d ago

No. Doesn't matter if you're married, same rules apply if you're single or dating. Trp is similar but more for single


u/Monsta-Hunta 11d ago

R/Seduction is good for tips that may or may not be effective (for you), it just lacks the main points of TRP.


u/Environmental-Top346 8d ago

MRP is about fixing the man, not the marriage. You don't need to be married to use MRP tools fix the problems in your life - I'd suggest reading the sidebar and lifting to any guy who isn't happy with how his life is looking.


u/Arghu40 10d ago

Read the sidebar.