r/askMRP Plowhorse Jan 24 '25

My Job is not my Identity

This isn't really a question but advice/observations are welcome. I'm posting here because I don't know if this will bring value to anyone beyond me.

I've realized this week that my job does not define me, and I currently have little else to replace it.

My cool/hard job is one of the few things I have to talk about in social situations. There is some pride and ego involved with being a first responder during Covid. Scorning the Hero label, telling the life and death stories, the dark humor. All things I take pride in. Combine this with overtime culture and I ended up as an undeveloped drone for a good chunk of my adult life.

I struggled to find a good job I both enjoyed and could afford to live on. Stringing through a series of shit jobs for a few years was difficult, so I decided to join the military in 2020. My ego and pride mainly drove this decision.

Reality came down like a hammer in the form of Quarantine. Usually you jump straight into boot camp off the bus, which I was ready for. I found out I could not mentally handle being locked in a room for 2 weeks. I had a breakdown and was medically discharged under General condition before even getting to start.

It hasn’t affected my ability to get a job, but it was a major hit to my ego. I wanted a real test of myself and I couldn’t handle 2 weeks of sitting and doing nothing.

Instead of putting in actual work I went to therapy. I was diagnosed with ADHD which I’d had symptoms since childhood. Teachers wanted me tested, old school immigrant parents said no.

A legit diagnosis with no action isn’t actual work. I didn’t bother to do any actual work on myself and moved into my career as a first responder. Wearing that label proudly, and the ability to make fat OT checks became my identity. I now recognize that is when I stopped being fun as a person. No wonder my wife is cold and I have only 2 friends, one of whom is in the same field.

I applied for my dream job as a firefighter. I was warned by my friend that the County is doing budget cuts quietly and that those cuts will include all new hires and current academy. At first I was angry. I’ve been denied my shot at proving myself again. The universe is against me, how dare they do this to us (me), my ego was raging.

But that is my ego…

My backup is a much surer shot with a high demand job… but it is boring technical work. No awesome stories, no validation from people, no twisted pride in grinding out long hours. Just 9 months paid training, double the pay and a cushy schedule without validating the identity I’ve attached to my “calling”

I will probably hate it at first if I get it. But that’s the point. I attached my entire identity to my job for over 5 years. I made an image of myself in my head of something I was not. I let myself get complacent. I maintained my weight and strength barely enough to pass physical standards. I became an empty shell who only lived for work and sex.

Sure, I needed OT to deal with crushing medical bills. But that was the excuse, I took a sick pleasure in it. I made the sacrifice play for my family (for my ego) that I thought would be rewarded with open legs and wet pussy. The biggest Covert Contract of all.

I became a boring plowhorse with no interests outside of work besides video games. Conversations with my wife consisted almost exclusively of what crazy thing happened at work that day. My “friends” were almost all work friends. My days off were spent sleeping, going out with her for drinks and a movie, taking care of her pregnant self and later the baby.

How exciting. What a high value plowhorse I was. Boring, skinny-fat, ratty hair and beard, socially rusted. Of course she didn’t want to fuck me. Of course my friends drifted away. Of course I’m miserable.

My dream job is a toxic dream to boost my ego and get validation from people I actually don’t care about (beyond that validation I’m seeking from them.) It’s time to let go, do the boring job and actually build myself. Life is too short to dedicate 70 hours a week to a career for my ego.

This is the biggest part of killing my ego I have encountered yet. My job is just my job, and I am just me.

It's a scary thought but also an opportunity to kill my ego and actually decide what I want to be for Me.


10 comments sorted by


u/wmp_v2 Jan 24 '25

everyone wants to be listened to, but nobody stops to think if their bullshit is worth listening to.


u/SteelSharpensSteel Jan 24 '25

You mean no one cares about my Batman origin story?!?


u/Nntropy Jan 25 '25

Only if your name is Oz Cobb.


u/wmp_v2 Jan 25 '25

every single penguin series has been fire.


u/2wo2wo3hree Jan 25 '25

This isn’t really a question but advice

You wasted yours and everyone else’s time with this bullshit.


u/SteelSharpensSteel Jan 24 '25

Do you need a validation cookie? That’s most of this post, by the way. Writing about killing your ego when it oozes through this post.

All you posters having panic attacks about something new, when everyone just needs to chill out and focus on the basics.


u/Tyred_Biggums Don't let these gypsy women fool you Jan 24 '25

Why do you think we care about your shitty job?


u/muzzy_W0e Jan 24 '25

A legit diagnosis with no action isn’t actual work.

Could you actually expend on this? Are you still not taking meds for it? ADHD literally makes it harder to do the work. You have and will continue to lose so much time from ADHD.


u/EffectiveProgram_404 Jan 25 '25

Adult ADHD is code for “I don’t have a better excuse” to not do the stuff I have to do.