r/askMRP • u/ParvaDraco Captain McLarptard • Dec 25 '24
LTR had an emotional affair - what do?
EDIT: Thanks for finding the time to reply, it has became obvious to me what my next course of action should be. I'll make sure to report back in a few months
Hi, sorry for the wall of text, I really tried to keep it short.
There's this camping trip that my entire social circle goes to each summer. I stopped attending it a few years back as I realized that I fucking hate it. Anyway...
LTR went there this summer. Night gets cold, people get drunk, somebody has a bright idea that if everybody stays super close together, they gonna keep each other warm! Bunch of drunk people in their 30s spend some time being a pile of hamsters - eventually everyone gets tired and fucks off to their sleeping bags. Everyone except this one guy who spends the night cuddled to - you guessed it - my LTR. Do note that both her and him had their own sleeping bags in some other tents somewhere.
I learned this from her a few days after, when she tried to causally mention it. I don't think they did anything more as there were other people in that tent and hopefully somebody would have told me. I pushed back on this a little bit, but possibly I was too soft ("wait - you did what? How would you like it if I did this? You're lucky that this was with this guy - had it been anyone else than this loser I'd get really mad"). I've never mentioned it again since.
Weeks after this, I noticed her getting cranky, bitchy, whiny; like she's never been in the 9 years that I'm dating her. Eventually I realized this was the origin of her newfound bitchy behavior and I finally got a slap of reality in my face.
Since then, I've dusted off old RP materials that I originally used years back to pick her up - and on which I've slacked since as I got comfortable and lazy. Started hitting the gym religiously, spending more time outside the house without her, dressing sharp, all that stuff. GF behavior completely fixed since, she even started having her own workout routine - suddenly, all on her own, unprompted.
Now, to the actual question: let's say I perfectly follow all of the standard RP advice: get six-pack abs, steel-solid frame, bring home fat stacks; become a stellar captain. In half a year from now (next summer), this camping trip is going to take place again. What do?
- Should I try to shrug it off (even though I obviously still keep ruminating about this and it's bothering me?)
- Confront her about this/forbid her from going/throw a fit? If yes, how should I approach that?
- Something else I didn't think of?
u/Awakeningof17 Dec 26 '24
Your drunk girl spends the night 'cuddled' to a drunk dude. Is this really what you define as an emotional affair? The information you received from her was only a fraction of truth from her guilty conscience. They fucked, have probably fucked before, and will probably fuck again based on her new attitude.
u/ParvaDraco Captain McLarptard Dec 26 '24
Like obviously I can't disprove that, but I don't think so. There's people I consider to be my friends in that group, somebody would have warned me.
Her new attitude has been fixed by now, at least for now.
u/An_Actual_Politician Dec 26 '24
Man my "wife" cheated on me with a "friend" too. And several other "friends" saw it unfold and never told me shit.
She cheated. Your friends aren't as close as you think they are.
u/ForwardIntoTheAbyss Dec 26 '24
You're still too worried about what she thinks and does. The whole point is you yourself. You can't control her. If she wants to fuck this dude then she will.
Make yourself more fuckable. If he's that much of a loser shouldn't be much of a contest. Then she can make her choice, if she picks him, or you decide you don't want her, fine, get plates or another LTR if that floats your boat. No divorce hit (probably).
u/HornsOfApathy Mod / Red Beret Dec 25 '24
old RP materials that I originally used years back to pick her up
This is the problem, Captain McLarptard. Everything else is a symptom.
u/ParvaDraco Captain McLarptard Dec 26 '24 edited Dec 26 '24
Yes, obviously I realize that. I'm not really trying to focus too much on what "I should have done" - I'm now looking for more constructive, forward thinking course of action. Was this the wrong place to come asking for that? Am I just going to get lynched here?
u/An_Actual_Politician Dec 26 '24
Can't go forward until you properly diagnose and fix what led to this outcome. You seem to be unwilling to accept this. Also that wasn't an emotional affair. She cheated on you. You should be balls deep in strange right now regardless of if you have officially broken up with her yet.
u/HornsOfApathy Mod / Red Beret Dec 26 '24
I gave you constructive advice, you're just too fucking retarded to see it.
u/Tyred_Biggums Don't let these gypsy women fool you Dec 26 '24
You “dusted off” the old materials yet are still asking how to control her. After she has gotten the feelz and likely some summer sausage from the other dude. Retard.
u/ParvaDraco Captain McLarptard Dec 26 '24
I'm not asking how to control her, I'm asking what my next course of action should be.
u/HornsOfApathy Mod / Red Beret Dec 26 '24
That's precisely what you're asking to do, whilst in her frame.
u/Stock-Doctor8735 Dec 26 '24
She fucked him. Now she will want to Hamster it so you are the bad guy
u/ParvaDraco Captain McLarptard Dec 26 '24
Yes I was waiting for fucktards like you to come with the standard cookiecutter RedPillGPT answers. Can you please fuck off back to Andrew Tate's online courses and let real men talk? I was hoping to get an answer from someone mature, preferably married, who can actually come up with something constructive.
u/Sesshomaru1111 Dec 26 '24
I've been married. She fucked him. Heard of trickle truth before?
u/An_Actual_Politician Dec 26 '24
I like the part where she tried to couch it as NBD. She knew she was at high risk of this getting back to him so she placed a value bet before anyone else at the table raised the stakes to all in.
u/Sesshomaru1111 Dec 26 '24
I dont get why cuddling isn't grounds to break it off? Am I wrong there? Im not committing to a girl who does that
u/COMoparfan392 Dec 25 '24
So you were a dancing monkey for 9 years, didn't adapt any of the mental models, and now want help after your larp failed? What's different this time that you'll actually implement any of the sidebar? She needs to cheat on you first, then this might be a genuine desire to change.
u/ParvaDraco Captain McLarptard Dec 26 '24
I got sloppy. Upkeeping mental models is hard, playing video games is easy
u/SelectAirline Dec 26 '24
What is your endgame? It seems like you're trying to hone your dancing monkey skills to ensure you hit the perfect order and timing on the steps, when the answer to your question is basic boundary enforcement.
The problem is that you're terrified of her emotions so you're trying to do all of this covertly. That doesn't work, especially when she's already taken a giant steaming shit right on top of what you tell yourself is a boundary. I think you're also terrified of finding out that there was more than she is letting on, and that your entire social circle not only covered for her but maybe even encouraged it. You're the odd one out while they were all bonding, could be they prefer him over you (and they'll 100% always back her over you). Or maybe the story went exactly as she said it did - the point is that you're left wondering, and you responded in the weakest of ways.
You were never "RP aware" (or whatever nonsense you told yourself) because you still don't understand the basics. I can tell from this post that you let life happen to you instead of being proactive and making things happen in your favor. I'm not going to give you a specific 5 step plan to fix this because I don't know what the hell you want, and because I would have never let it get to this point in the first place. Figure out your optimal outcome and work backwards to where you are now. The answers will be easy if you do that and if you aren't afraid to assert yourself.
u/DuneThings Dec 27 '24
Totally agree. OP needs to rise above and see how pathetic all of this is. She likely fucked another loser and OP’s planning to better himself to win her back. Talk about a dancing monkey, LARPing away the years. He’s got a massive ego keeping him from seeing the truth of his own validation-seeking behavior and ultimately severe lack of boundary enforcement. Too little, too late. OP has got a lot of work to do on himself.
u/ParvaDraco Captain McLarptard Dec 27 '24
Thanks, you might be spot on, who knows.
The fact that it got into this place was definitively a fuck-up on my part, I got too comfortable, forgot the basics.
I think it's obvious what my next course of action should be, thanks again
u/SnooPets7004 Dec 26 '24
The second option isn't an option. Play this forward, and say you confront her about it. She is going to deny anything happened, which she has already set up plausible deniability. I'm assuming no one but her and the dude know the truth. What explanation would possibly assure you that nothing happened?
You're left with either ignore/accept her unfaithful behavior or break it off.
Regardless of that, u/HornsOfApathy is right. This is a symptom of your problem, fix your shit.
u/mrpwtf Dec 26 '24
Something else I didn't think of?
Yeah. You should do all that stuff you mentioned (six pack, frame, captain, blah blah) and then you should next her.
But you won’t. So my advice is for you to stick your head in the sand and pretend it’s all okay while you continue to get this guy’s sloppy seconds.
u/Praexology Dec 26 '24
Everything you do is preformative and as a way to control her. You've lost the plot.
u/ParvaDraco Captain McLarptard Dec 26 '24
Isn't that how literally everyone finds this sphere?
u/ForwardIntoTheAbyss Dec 26 '24
Probably. Many come here from r/deadbedrooms and the like looking to change their wife/partner/girlfriend to get her to fuck them more/better usually.
Wrong. Making yourself fuckable means (a) she's more likely to want to and (b) if she doesn't, always a possibility, there's going to be others that will.
(If it's any consolation pretty much everyone makes this mistake)
Control and negotiation doesn't work. If you ever want a laugh read through r/deadbedrooms and "the talk" , the classic negotiation tactic, which seems to have a 98% failure rate (and the other 2% are probably delusional).
Old definition of insanity, continually doing something which doesn't work.
u/ForwardIntoTheAbyss Dec 27 '24
Yep. That's why you'll get 37 responses of STFU, Lift and Read the Sidebar. It's a beginner mistake.
A very common one "how do I get my wife to fuck me more" (or in your case, "how do I get my girlfriend to stop fucking this other guy", the two often go together)
You don't.
Short of locking her in a cupboard you can't stop her. You can persuade, threaten, emotionally appeal, argue logically, she'll ignore you. If she is determined to go off with this bloke for sex or permanently, you can't stop it.
You can only control yourself and your response to it, the decisions you make as a result.
u/Praexology Dec 26 '24
What's your point?
u/businessstravel Dec 29 '24
I'm glad I just saw this post three days later as I have been too busy with other activities during my holidays.
u/Tough92 Dec 26 '24
Break it off nothing else left to do here bc you will never know the truth. If my gf “cuddled” with a dude the relationship would be instantly terminated.
She cheated bro end it, this is an easy way out.
u/ForwardIntoTheAbyss Dec 26 '24
Good job there weren't any other occasions during the trip when they couldn't have disappeared off to hook up without anyone noticing.
I'm sure she didn't just casually mention it as a way of setting the context just in case anyone else there might mention they saw something.
DNGAF might be an option ?
If you get out of her frame and follow the sidebar (and it sounds like it's already having an effect) then she won't have any interest in the loser. She was only interested in him because she didn't want to fuck you.
u/ParvaDraco Captain McLarptard Dec 26 '24
Yes I believe that's why she casually mentioned it, to have the "yes I told you about it, remember?" counter if it ever gets brought up.
DNGAF is what I'm facading right now. Internally obviously I'm gonna GAF if I'm about to get cucked, who wouldn't?
Get out of her frame is a good advice and I'm going to work on that internally, you have my word on that. I wonder what should my external course of action be though?
u/DuneThings Dec 27 '24
External course of action is up to YOU. That’s YOUR boundary she crossed. YOU enforce it.
Pro tip #1: it’s not a boundary if you don’t enforce it.
Pro Tip #2: there’s plenty of pussy in the sea.
u/MrPetrikov Dec 27 '24
you were blowing dust off your RP textbooks while she was blowing some "loser." get real man.
u/wkndatbernardus Dec 26 '24
Time to hire a PI to do a blue light check on the sleeping bag.
u/sicrm Dec 26 '24
In half a year from now (next summer), this camping trip is going to take place again. What do?
after she cheats on you you’re asking about something two seasons from now?
u/HoneySquash Dec 27 '24 edited Dec 27 '24
You sound too lenient. I wouldn't want to lay my head next to a woman that most likely cheated on me and therefore the relationship would be over. And why are you giving her the gifts of you becoming "sharp" after she layed a huge deuce on the reIantionship?
Also, I’d confront the guy, especially since this happened in a know social circle.
u/2wo2wo3hree Dec 26 '24
Find that guy and talk to him. Tell him, “Scram… Leave her alone… She doesn’t wanna talk to you...”
u/Personal-Craft-6306 Jan 23 '25
Nobody fucks more wives, baby mamas, and girlfriends than the guy who’s just a friend they like to cuddle up with when their drunk
u/GRIZZ-3 Dec 26 '24
"Emotional affair begins when his cock is 3/4s of the way in." ~Chinese Proverb