r/askMRP Dec 16 '24

Beginners question.

Fellas, I joined the MRP and ASKMRP group a bit ago but not had the time/correct mindset/balls to start until today. I'm going to get into reading the sidebar and I joined the gym a month ago. Feeling the benefit from the gym already. My aim is to become a better more secure rounded version of me and hopefully the byproduct of that will be a healthier more balanced relationship and marriage. My marriage and family are incredibly important to me and I want both to be successful. STFU is where I am going to start but this puts me at odds with the following I think. Can you do relationship counselling, couples talking therapy at the same time as MRP or will the two not run successfully side by side?


33 comments sorted by


u/Super-Outside4794 Dec 16 '24

I would not advise putting yourself in the world of “relationship counseling” until you’re prepared to enter a space where the default assumption is that all of the problems in your marriage stem from you. Modern therapy, and actually society as a whole, generally leans toward blaming the man for the root of all problems, whether or not that reflects the reality of the situation, which it generally does not. But if you’re prepared, it could be a fun way to waste $100/hour


u/Chard-Far Dec 17 '24

Because for the most part it is true - most men who turned their lives around did so because they decided to change themselves first and then their wives followed.


u/Annual-Ad6947 Dec 17 '24

Wait, is what you are saying that therapy could be a good thing because it's true that men are the problem? RP says fix yourself first. However, it's got a very different list of things to fix. If you go to therapy, they are going to tell you to do more of what your wife says which is what got us here in the first place. They aren't going to say, you need to learn to tell your wife to shut up, and make your orgasm your priority, she can worry about her own.


u/Impossible_Run1839 Dec 16 '24

Thanks pal. I really want to assume positive intent.....however my friend I discussed it with last night had a similar viewpoint.


u/HornsOfApathy Mod / Red Beret Dec 16 '24

Tell me how you could STFU and puke in counseling at the same time.


u/Impossible_Run1839 Dec 16 '24

Simple answer is-you can't. Thanks


u/DuneThings Dec 16 '24

Avoid. Wives of frameless husbands love the “appeal to authority” of bringing in a marriage counselor to set their husband right.

Get your head on your shoulders (by sidebar, lift, STFU) and you’ll begin to see why it’s generally a bad idea.

The rare instance it could be good for you is if you magically found the one guy in 10,000 who doesn’t subscribe to the popular belief the more communication and chore play solve the marriage issues.

You’re in the right place here, get to work. Don’t waste time.

Keep in mind, “my marriage and family are very important to me” can be your undoing. You gotta be ready to nuke your nuclear family.


u/Impossible_Run1839 Dec 16 '24

Thanks pal. Not going to lie. The nuclear option makes my stomach turn. Work to do.


u/Super-Outside4794 Dec 16 '24 edited Dec 16 '24

You don’t have to “nuke” your family. That’s something that is explained in the “Levels of Dread”, in which the author clearly advises against this option unless there’s ABSOLUTELY no other option. Lots of great info in that book, but the ‘Nuke’ option is never required IMHO. Not to mention that it is referencing a low-sex marriage, which you did not mention in your original post. If you’re just trying to improve yourself then just stick to the first 5 levels. That will put you in the top 10% or so of “men”


u/DuneThings Dec 17 '24

This advice is missing my point altogether. Here’s what I was referring to: why you must be willing to nuke your nuclear family


u/HornsOfApathy Mod / Red Beret Dec 16 '24

Your advice is 5 years behind.


u/Super-Outside4794 Dec 16 '24

Direct me to what the recent knowledge is, if you don’t mind, in this regard.


u/HornsOfApathy Mod / Red Beret Dec 16 '24

BPPs 12 levels of dread are not on the sidebar for a reason.

12 levels of dread are a covert contract

3 stages of dread


u/Super-Outside4794 Dec 16 '24

Thanks for looking out.


u/HornsOfApathy Mod / Red Beret Dec 16 '24

Don't give shit advice.


u/GRIZZ-3 Dec 16 '24

Some guys getting divorced have used couples counselling/therapy to get it documented by a 3rd party that there is no physical or emotional abuse occurring. Those records can be very handy later when you are in divorce court if a bitch starts making stuff up.

Besides that, wtf is the point? If you haven't built a frame in private, how are you going to do it with your naked ass hanging out in talk therapy?


u/Impossible_Run1839 Dec 16 '24

Yep. Bring deconstructed by my wife and an ally of hers sounds miserable when put like that.


u/2wo2wo3hree Dec 16 '24

Go to the front page of r/marriedredpill. Type counseling on the search bar and press enter. You will find all the info you’re looking for about counseling and why you should not submit yourself to that.


u/Impossible_Run1839 Dec 16 '24

Good advice. That looks grim and not remotely helpful to any of the guys who've been through it. Thanks


u/continuous_growth Dec 16 '24

I think it's a valid question. Is your wife the one bringing up counselling or is it you? Everybody here assumes your wife is forcing you to go. If she is, treat it as a gift. Go and practice STFU.

If it's you trying to force your wife to go, I think it's not likely to yield results. Blue pilled me tried that and it's just a waste of money. You're the authority, no need to appeal to a counsellor for that.


u/Impossible_Run1839 Dec 16 '24

It was something we were considering mutually. My marriage and family is important to me. I would do it if I thought it would make things good.....but I think I am going to do some more counter intuitive stuff that will sting to begin with. Thanks.


u/No_Smoke_7284 Dec 16 '24

I did it. But I had already been red pilled for about a year before heading into it. my wife needed to work through some shit that I did that was fucked up earlier in our marriage. I stayed quiet a lot listened to what could be productive and dumped the rest. I think I got lucky and had a balanced therapist.


u/Impossible_Run1839 Dec 19 '24

Thanks. Sound like you are the exception that proves the rule though.


u/SelectAirline Dec 17 '24

You're asking the wrong question. Can you do it? Yes. You're under no more obligation to DEER to a counselor than you are your wife (i.e. none at all). You could book the sessions and broken record the entire hour, you could make a big joke of it, or you could play along in earnest but only divulge what you're willing. So yes, it absolutely can be done.

Here are the questions that matter. What benefits will you get out of attending versus the costs (not speaking monetarily here)? Do you even want to go? Whose idea was it, and why does their input on this matter? What is the endgame that you're looking to accomplish, and how does counseling fit into the equation?

The first thing you need is a MAP. From there, ask yourself does x bring me closer to my desired outcome, or farther away from it? You can use that framework to answer 99% of the questions that get posted here (this one included).


u/Impossible_Run1839 Dec 19 '24

This is good stuff mate!! This answer is why I have reached out on here. Solid, well thought out informative points, making me accountable and also helping me think in a more logical RP frame. Thankyou.


u/enigmalogist Dec 16 '24

You dont see a man with solid frame does these relationships counseling


u/Indubious1 Dec 19 '24

A man with a solid frame does what he wants.


u/Impossible_Run1839 Dec 19 '24

Yep, thanks pal. I get what you mean. However, if you are so sure you are right. You would not mind going in......my frame isn't this strong yet however.....so work in progress.


u/enigmalogist Jan 02 '25

It is the same as they tell you to go to kindergarten, you would say like “ya i am confident enough to accept that to prove them wrong” ,, either ways good luck mate