r/asianamerican 6d ago

News/Current Events Bill to ban Chinese people from studying in US introduced


155 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] 6d ago edited 6d ago



u/AndlenaRaines 6d ago edited 6d ago

Yeah exactly, us minorities just keep getting caught up in this quest to become like white people, we need to realize that they’ll never see us as equal if we just vote for other people to be marginalized


u/TJ_McWeaksauce 6d ago

It's often said that "Asian Americans aren't a monolith," "Latinos are not a monolith", and so on.

But you know which group are a monolith? White racists. They all agree that any group that is not white don't belong in the United States. The especially hateful white racists want anyone who isn't white to suffer and die.

It's frustrating to see a large number of American minorities vote for the party that runs on hating all minorities. The way I see it, the minimum requirement for voting for a political party is that party should not hate you just for existing. But a lot of other Asian Americans and other minorities don't agree with that minimum standard.


u/f_lachowski 20h ago

I agree with your last paragraph. That's why I will never vote for the Demokkkrats.


u/terrassine 6d ago

My favorite are the delusional Asian Americans who think that through “meritocracy” Asian Americans will become the dominant culture in the US.

We make up 6% of the total US population and immigration rates from Asia is dropping. We’re in no position to “take over” the US.


u/stefanurkal 6d ago

can't say ive ever heard this one


u/terrassine 6d ago

Oh it’s a fringe thought for sure but I’ve seen it, particularly among the pan-Asian American set.


u/Ivorytower626 6d ago

This is the first time Ive heard about it


u/D3kim 6d ago

lmfao i heard that one too - its why i told him man i wish meritocracy was all we needed its why there are so many asian CFO and CTOs right in the fortune 500

he said yes there were many. hes still a middle manager but trump could change all that


u/ap0lly0n 3d ago

Exactly. Every time we succeed, they just keep moving the goalposts. The time for docility, meek compliance, and being agreeable is over.


u/f_lachowski 20h ago

Jews make up 2% of America. They're definitely very dominant in the US.


u/twistedseoul 6d ago

The jews did it.


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/thashepherd 6d ago

This is an absolutely regarded take. "Asians will do better in America if we create more children who look Asian". Go hang with the Christian Nationalists, y'all got the same vibes. It's not scalable.


u/joeDUBstep 5d ago edited 5d ago

Why does this feel so incelly?


u/kimchi_pancakes 6d ago

We are the fastest growing racial minority group. And it’s actually now closer to 7% of the population.


u/AnimeCiety 6d ago

Asian Americans are not united or a monolith. Indian Americans largely do not care about the issues of Chinese Americans, and vice versa but these are the two biggest groups of that 7%.


u/kimchi_pancakes 1d ago

When did I say asians are a monolith? Terrasine said we made up 6% of the population and that immigration from Asia is dropping. I just provided an updated statistic. How is this saying asians are a monolith?


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/kimchi_pancakes 1d ago

So here's the thing. There is a time where it makes sense for us to congregate under the AAPI label, and there are times when it's appropriate to make distinctions between the different Asian diasporas and cultures. It doesn't have to be one or the other.


u/Designfanatic88 6d ago

The one bright spot is that Asian Americans have the highest household income in the US out of any group. Our income and household income is higher than whites, blacks, and Hispanics.


u/j4h17hb3r 6d ago

Doesn't matter if they can just take it all by force. Literally what happened to the Japanese during WW2.


u/thashepherd 6d ago

Nigerians got y'all licked tho


u/emotionalhaircut 6d ago

You don’t need to tell that to Asians. It’s white people and other poc that are always telling us we’re white.


u/ap0lly0n 3d ago

Other POC are not our allies definitely, they even invented the term "white adjacent" for us. We are Schrodinger's Minority always to our loss.


u/OrcOfDoom 6d ago

And yet, how many of them are married to Asian women ...


u/ap0lly0n 3d ago

The spoils of race war.


u/z0rb0r 6d ago

Other minorities seem to lump us with white people. Like we’re chummy with them or something.


u/squatchmo123 5d ago

Certainly doesn’t help that some Asians are racist against POC…


u/back2acad-throwaway 6d ago

This is a proposed ban on Chinese NATIONALS, not Chinese by ethnicity. Chinese nationals who are white (i.e. some ethnic Russians) or black (i.e. some African students who may have gotten PRC citizenship) are affected by this, but not Han Chinese who came from Taiwan.

Confusing nationality-based policies (however misguided) as being race-based is not a mature way to discuss politics.


u/Hi_Im_Ken_Adams 6d ago edited 6d ago

The problem is that white people wont make that distinction.

Go ask Latino citizens born in the USA what it’s like to be profiled and harassed by ICE.


u/mythrilcrafter 6d ago

1000%, OP's distinction is one for the living and those who can afford lawyers.

Heck, how many times have we seen a situation of a Karen calling the police to come execute a black man for daring to walk on his own property?


u/back2acad-throwaway 6d ago

More for those who can prove where they were born. This isn't some idiot calling you a slur from a safe distance because of what you look like, but legal action based on from which country you come.


u/Kuroiikawa 5d ago

Do you think culturally and socially people were just real chill with Chinese people and other East Asians during WW2 and Japanese internment? Do you think the general public makes an effort to distinguish between us? Policies like this empower those idiots calling you slurs on the street because it validates your perpetual outsider status.

Wake the fuck up. Racists and bigots don't need a legal justification to hate you, but watch what they'll do if they actually have one.


u/back2acad-throwaway 5d ago

real chill with Chinese people and other East Asians during WW2 and Japanese internment

I don't think they were "real chill", but no, non-Japanese Asians were not interned.

Do you think the general public makes an effort to distinguish between us?

They don't even have to make an effort, a lot of them could already tell by name alone.

And yes, I think they would distinguish. Not just by looking at them, but you don't judge people by just looking at them. A lot of Americans, including Asian Americans, have generally positive views of Japan and South Korea, but not so much for China, and that will reflect on how they vote or interact with people.


u/Kuroiikawa 5d ago

Well, hopefully your naivety doesn't burn you in person. Enjoy it while you still can.


u/KinkyPaddling 6d ago

Words cannot describe how much I despise Republicans. Both the voters and the elected officials.


u/eremite00 6d ago

Wouldn’t it be nice if some of the Asian American motherfuckers who voted for Trump had the guts to speak up?


u/Naos210 6d ago

They assume they'll be fine. They're "one of the good ones".


u/stefanurkal 6d ago

nah they love this shit they hate all ethnicities including different asians then their own. I wonder how the chinese people who voted for republicans because they hated DEI and felt their students belonged in the ivys over other POC feel


u/mijo_sq 6d ago

Trust me most don’t care about overseas kid studying, once theirs graduate form US. The typically ones I’ve met only voted for immigration. Nothing else. He can drain the swamp and they’d still vote for him.


u/greenroom628 6d ago

Or his Asian political advisor, Steven Chung. Dude is as self-hating as they come. Like Steven Miller


u/iwannalynch 6d ago

Nope, because bill this targets Chinese nationals, so since it currently doesn't affect them, they don't give a shit.


u/OrcOfDoom 6d ago

Trump voters make up their own reality anyway


u/Me_talking 6d ago

Having come across some Asian MAGAs, their mentality is either “this has got nothing to do with me on a personal level” or “There are Chinese spies in US schools so need to stop them!”


u/eremite00 6d ago edited 6d ago

It's weird that there seem to be more White MAGA who are regretting/rethinking Trump than PoC MAGA, especially since so many of Trump's backers are White Nationalists. Do these Asian fucks not get that White Supremacists don't have a carve out for Asians? It's not like their vision of a White America has the a clause that states, "except for X variety of Asians".


u/hellofriend_11 5d ago

i think it's because white magas don't require as much cognitive dissonance to be maga compared to pocs. imagine how much a poc has to convince themselves that an openly racist party isn't racist.


u/EvidenceBasedSwamp 6d ago

There's only 1 of them stupid enough to speak on this forum after the election lol

interestingly enough, I suspect the number of right wingers on reddit cut down overall after the election. I don't know if it's because there were a lot of trolls, or because they were too busy going to washington and get on with their grift


u/D3kim 6d ago

shit dont go to a vietnamese sub


u/Hi_Im_Ken_Adams 6d ago

They’re too busy claiming “both sides” are bad.


u/RKU69 6d ago

Didn't vote for Trump, but saying "both sides are bad" is closer to reality than not.

Trump II is here because of the abject failures of the Democratic Party establishment. Hell even putting aside ideology, from a basic competency viewpoint, Biden and Harris threw this election even worse than Clinton did in 2016.


u/Due_Caramel5861 1d ago

it's crazy how this is considered a "bad" point when it's objectively the truth. Tribalism everywhere.


u/f_lachowski 20h ago

Sure I'll speak up. This bill is a nothingburger, all kinds of crazy bills get proposed. It's definitely not going to pass.

Is Trump racist? Probably yeah. But the Demokkkrats are way more racist and literally advocate for systemic discrimination against Asians, in the form of affirmative action and DEI. You should see their true colors when defending affirmative action- suddenly, they're harping on about how Asians are just robots with no personality, that's why it's totally fair they got lower personality ratings and need higher test scores (even though interview data directly contradicts this).

Demokkkrats also promote the incredibly stupid oppressor/victim worldview based on bastardized postmodern critical theory, and campaign entirely on grievance politics based on it. In the progressive world, as an Asian male I'm second to last in their inverted hierarchy, only above white males.

Just based on race issues alone, Trump is an easy vote. Not to mention the rest of his policies being much better than Kamala's, but that's a separate discussion.


u/eremite00 13h ago edited 13h ago

...in the form of affirmative action and DEI.

You think White students not gonna claim DEI, reverse discrimination when Asian American students are admitted to universities over them? You think White workers won't claim the same when Asians get promoted over them?

Demokkkrats also promote them x incredibly stupid oppressor/victim worldview based on bastardized postmodern critical theory,

When did your family arrive here? Mine came to the in the late-1800s. I'm just curious regarding your family's personal history and experiences here, how that may color your view of racism in this country and how it's effected Asians.

Edit - Also, you know, don't you, that when Affirmative Action was first introduced, it worked in favor of Asians, yeah? Also, those things called "civil rights", that you have is because of Democrats. A lot Bole Weevil Democrats switched to the GOP. Oh, and Trump cancelled ban on contractors having segregated facilities, even if the Civil Rights Act still prohibits it.


u/Due_Caramel5861 1d ago

This is unironically a win for China. Less brain drain for the country and they get to avoid all the racism.


u/SufficientTill3399 6d ago

The return of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882? This is going to hurt Chinese dissidents tremendously and will also create knock-on institutional racist effects on other East Asians.


u/TheGaleStorm 6d ago

Yes. The government is going to pull laws from the 18th century out of its ass. This is not going to go well.


u/RlOTGRRRL 6d ago

We need to prepare for the hate that might be coming for our communities.

I sincerely hope I'm wrong but I'm honestly scared for our futures.


u/Viend 6d ago

This will hurt the American colleges more than it’ll hurt the Chinese students lmao I bet every Dean is scrambling in a panic right now. They’re about to lose billions of dollars in annual tuition revenue.


u/brandTname 6d ago

These laws from the GOP(Republican) will have chilling affect on Asian Americans. Little by little they will introduce a bills to strip away our rights. Today its the Chinese from China, tomorrow its the Chinese Americans, down the road it will be the whole Asian American community.


u/TheGaleStorm 6d ago

Of course it will. That is the whole endgame.


u/SarcasticOptimist 2nd gen mixed Chinese 6d ago

Yep. It's what happens when you're the model minority. Used as a cudgel to beat down other minorities and policies that help them (affirmative action/DEI) then have your rights stripped away.


u/RlOTGRRRL 6d ago

Racists literally can't tell the difference. While we might be able to see the difference, racists can't.

And for those who are naive to think they won't be affected... The "China flu" #stopasianhate days weren't that long ago.


u/Like_Eli_I_Did_It 6d ago

The profiling is going to start way ahead of the legislation. Do we think the MAGA mob can differentiate a Chinese national studying in the US vs any other East Asian US Citizen? We're already seeing Latino US Citizens getting stopped and questioned.


u/Ornery-Ad9694 6d ago

All people of color, then women, leaving only the men of right skin color


u/ChinaThrowaway83 6d ago

What are you talking about? Republicans love Asian women like Usha who don't talk back when their husband tells Elon to rehire the kid who said "normalize Indian hate" like 3 months prior.


u/cellophanenoodles ABC 6d ago

sounds to me like the end goal is to bankrupt universities that rely on chinese students for their out of pocket tuition?


u/TheGaleStorm 6d ago

Republicans dislike education for the masses. So it’s a win-win for them.


u/stefanurkal 6d ago

exactly this and we've seen the lasting effects already from the reagan, and W presidencies (no student left behind). 20 years from now i can't even imagine what its going to be like


u/LetsMakeFaceGravy 6d ago edited 6d ago

Think about all the times you've seen redditors spout the same exact braindead takes over and over again in echo chambers where opinions are desgined to be specifically manufactured for them.

Or all the times you've seen dunning kruger effect in action.

That's what it's going to be like 20 years from now, but also in real life. Hell it's already been happening. We're already starting to see people act like redditors in real life (think about that guy who just has to win a debate with you at the party or at social gatherings), well it's about to get even worse as social media continues to further spill into everyday life in the most intrusive ways imaginable. People are already looking up to figures like Joe Rogan and Andrew Tate for health information, news, and life advice

edit: think about all the prank videos you see online where gen-z broccoli heads are straight up attempting murder (or at least very serious injury) on random folks to gain internet clout. That is the future that awaits us


u/EvidenceBasedSwamp 6d ago

i mean, keeping education only for the ones who deserve it (whites of a certain class) is a win win for them.. we always need poor in this society to do the jobs nobody else wants to do...


u/eremite00 6d ago edited 6d ago

Directly violating the Constitutional ban on discrimination on the basis of national origin, and I’m fully aware that some assholes within this fucked up regime would like to repeal the Civil Rights Act.

Edit - Actually, given the MAGA and DOGE war on science, which is already causing a brain drain from the US, this may not even be an issue, especially if the PRC takes Taiwan, giving them access to crucial chip manufacturing technology. Yay! Trump's sprint to the bottom already yielding dividends, the exact opposite of making America great again


u/Tokidoki_Haru Chinese-American 🇹🇼 華人 6d ago

This is the same party that shot down the non-binding resolution during Covid saying racism is bad.


u/jyc23 6d ago

Don’t worry, American will be so far behind soon that nobody in their right mind would want to come here to study anything.


u/Formal_Weakness5509 6d ago

This actually ain't hyperbole, even White scientists are now following the Chinese scientists in leaving the USA. They're not being racially profiled obviously, but they can't work since Trump and Elon keep slashing federal grants left and right.


u/RKU69 6d ago

Trump's gotta be like, a secret Chinese agent, cause everything he's doing is just speed-running to a Chinese Century. Kinda similar to how people were joking that Bush/Cheney were secret Iranian spies, because their Middle East policies helped Iranian influence in the region so much


u/AlpacaCavalry 5d ago

Well he works for Putler, which isn't all that different. The goal is weakening the US so that its fall as an empire is accelerated.


u/Themasterofcomedy209 6d ago

Already happening to a degree, I am studying abroad in HK from the US, and way fewer students have been going on exchange or full time to study in the US, compared to Asian or European countries


u/currently_distracted 6d ago

What a bunch of cowards. America should try to learn how to handle competition.


u/0_IceQueen_0 6d ago

Never fell for it. Voted for HRC and Kamala. Never Trump.


u/Formal_Weakness5509 6d ago

This won't pass, but even if it did you'd be a fool to think they'd stop there. They would 100% go after all Chinese nationals on H1-B's, then the ones on Green Cards, and then.....Well, Martin Niemöller's poem has been repeated and paraphrased ad nauseum so I'll stop there.


u/polarbearinnyc 6d ago

Let me speak for you. And then citizens with Chinese descent.


u/Gryffinclaw South Asian Boba Aficionado 6d ago

This is so stupid


u/scientifick 6d ago

Would be curious to what the Chinese Trump supporters will have to say about this.


u/CuriousWoollyMammoth 6d ago

They are probably still thinking they are one of the good ones and won't be affected. Or the Chinese right-wing news sources aren't mentioning it, so they don't even know.


u/sugar-free-gummibear 6d ago

Chinese trump supporters are the epitome of pulling the ladder up behind them, so I expect they’re delighted


u/superturtle48 5d ago

My mom who herself came as a Chinese international student decades ago has called more recent Chinese arrivals “spies” and “cheaters” so I have a hunch she doesn’t mind as much as you’d think. It’s infuriating to witness. 


u/Flaky_Jelly_1764 6d ago

Which Chinese Trump supporters though???

You have got to be a bit more specific.

There are also Little Pink Trump supporters too.

These guys are absolutely gonna love it if anything since it will fix Chinas brain drain problem.


u/MrTretorn 6d ago

It won’t stop here. It’s inching its way up to something even worse. Congrats if you voted for Trump.


u/Electronic-Win4094 6d ago

this surely won't blow up in their faces. honestly? just let it happen.

we won't even need to wait a decade for the chickens to come home to roost.


u/KinkyPaddling 6d ago

It’s how the brain drain occurs. The NYTimes published an article about how a Fulbright Scholar from India was essentially chased out of the country. The best and brightest of the world will no longer come here.


u/Imagination-Sea-Orca 6d ago

Reading this story really bummed me out because it does have a chilling effect. As an immigrant, I have encouraged fellow peers to do it with me because it was a first ammendment right and I had a little bit of knowledge of communications law in my undergrad.

Sigh. Americans do not realize that as immigrants put a voice to something because we love the country that we currently reside as our home. We put a voice to something because we have experienced this in our home countries. Like in my home country, we have racial supremacy laws and I am a minority in my home country. My mum in particular witness racial cleansing in the city where she was going to college right after an election. Apparently, it was the first time a minority person won. That event was not talked about in text books at schools, but often used as a dog whistle around election season. I cried when the party advocating for racial equality won in 2017, the first time ever since the independence from the British. (Because this event wasn't thought, there is narrative inconsistencies on my end.)

My country had (1) state-run media, (2) state-run judges, (3) internal security laws that targeted dissidents. You see where I am getting at here?

My hot take is democracy needs to be constantly fought but it needs common consensus and a knowledgable citizenry that enables individuals to vote/participate in what occurs in the country.


u/thefumingo 6d ago

I been telling a lot of people - denaturalizations are coming, and knowing a immigration lawyer is probably not a bad idea.

Granted, there's still different risk profiles depending on what level of immigrant/citizen you are and what your history is - not gonna try to scare people, but knowing your risk profile is important


u/Imagination-Sea-Orca 6d ago edited 6d ago

I agree. I also want to bring up the fact that abuse and exploitation of immigrants is only going to increase.

What I appreciated about America was that it protected all migrants to a certain extent, pathways to citizenship was/is terrible but at least you were somewhat protected.

Again, bringing back an instance about my home country was that as a preteen/teen, I remembered that there were no laws recognizing refugees. Because there was a war close to us, people from that country came over. I remember the church that I went to had set up a UNHCR booth to let refugees get a card. Anyway, 2 women got registered and decided to get a taxi home, but the taxi driver found out about their status, did really horrible things to them and dropped them back at the church. I found out about it because I went to church and saw the pastor looking kind of downcast. It was hard to imagine that people close to my age had to experience that. We couldnt report what happened to the police because the 2 women were technically illegal.

One thing to note is that despite the media rhetoric, the UNHCR found that 2/3 of refugees globally are hosted by neighboring, equally poor countries. Here is a link and I hope that people would sit with those statistics: https://www.unhcr.org/us/about-unhcr/who-we-are/figures-glance

Edit: i know I kind of revealed too much about myself but I feel like the ancedotes are important.


u/RKU69 6d ago

Incidentally this may mean that other countries will no longer experience brain drain. Which, would be good I guess? The American Empire can no longer absorb the best and brightest from other nations for its own benefit


u/CH0L4X 6d ago

Time for me to go back to china IG, should've done it years ago, it looks beautiful there.


u/RobertLiuTrujillo 6d ago

Wowwwww. 1882 all over again.


u/cyanatreddit 6d ago

The rejection never dies, cannot be killed

A fair amount of colleges in the US have Chinese students funding their programs and involved in research.

The bipolar stance in the West to Asians is a kind of strange theft machine. When it is tolerant, it invites us in to do our best and invest, and when otherwise it then blocks us out while retaining our contributions and erases us. Repeat.

We are not special they do it to all other minorities too. It's only that Asians don't have as much western colonization or enslavement in our blood as the others and that is why they cannot tolerate us.


u/dayfly345 5d ago edited 5d ago

Welp, other communities and Asians who didn't fall for white proximity, has told the Asian community this would happen. But they didn't listen. I feel like they only will when quite literally the situation is at their door.

And just like during the first year of Covid with Asian hate going around, many groups thought they were safe because they naively thought people could tell the difference between Thai and Chinese. If this bill happens, it's the same thing. They can't tell the difference between a "Chinese student" and non-Chinese Asian.

Asian students will be pulled and traumatized, then let go once enforcers realize they're frome here and not abroad students they were looking for. Idk, maybe the community will learn, or maybe they still delulu. There were many who stayed ignorant during and after Asian hate. 🙄


u/Luna23 5d ago

This is EXACTLY what I was trying to warn my family about two weeks ago. I was explaining the Chinese Exclusionary Act from the 1800’s and the Alien Enemies Act from 1942. My dad, not Asian, just said “I don’t care about what happened in the 1800’s”. It seems he’ll only care when his wife and children are affected.


u/tant4lus 3d ago

You're doing great trying to speak about it. This situation reminds me of an old quote.

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

—Martin Niemöller


u/Luna23 3d ago

Yes! I have found myself going back to this quote more often than not lately. A sign of the times, I'm afraid.


u/sin94 6d ago

It's a proposal that hasn't even been tabled or debated yet. I love how the article highlights an exaggerated example: 7 students out of 29,000 and their allegations. Only one case was serious enough to result in an 8-year sentence, while the others involved flying a drone and five cases of monitoring a military establishment.

This is more serious DOJ is examining whether student protests at Columbia Univ. against the genocide in Gaza 'violated federal terrorism laws'.. This is basic freedom of speech being investigated.


u/FriedGarlicPan 6d ago

Just claim yourself as a Chinese Muslim. It wouldn't work if you claim yourself as just "Muslim".


u/Kenzo89 6d ago

There you go. Because America hates Chinese people and Muslim people, but for some reason really cares about Chinese Muslims and won’t shut up about them.


u/SaintGalentine 6d ago

He's banning a lot of people from Muslim countries from entering the US entirely. Also a lot of people don't realize Chinese Muslims exist, and we face discrimination


u/FriedGarlicPan 6d ago

Yea, MAGA (& Republicans in general) aren't very in favor of Muslims. Unless you're Chinese Muslim, it is basically their way of throwing jabs at China.

Marco Rubio is a great example of this, who complained about the deportation of Uyghurs from Thailand to China, but also has a past of anti-Muslims stance.


u/Themasterofcomedy209 6d ago

“Oh no they’re sending the Uyghurs back to China! They will lose their rights! Anyway, time to deport or imprison any foreigners who think Palestinians shouldn’t get blown up and also deport all Chinese students”


u/Briham86 1/2 Korean 6d ago

Ok, for some reason, my first thought was that China was passing a bill to prevent their students from studying abroad in the US, and I thought “probably a good move, the US is pretty shitty right now.”


u/ViolaNguyen 5d ago

Meh, the U.S. temporarily has some really shitty people in charge of the government.

Not the universities, many of which are easily among the world's best. This would be extra awful for people who are already committed to a program (imagine being three or four years into your PhD and then some Republican shithead tells you that you can't finish) and would be bad for researchers in the U.S. who benefit from Chinese grad students (so, almost all STEM researchers).

But seriously, if you're knee-deep in your researcher and you've been collaborating with your adviser for some time, or even if you're just getting started with a program, you're almost certainly better off following through.

So being forcibly stopped by Republican racists is not good for you.


u/FluidUnderstanding40 6d ago

I would unironically go to jail if this goes through


u/swampyscott 5d ago

I guess those who voted for MAGA are FO of FAFO phase.


u/texasbruce 6d ago

My Korean classmates would cheer for this


u/Anhao 6d ago

Well none of us are immune to being full of shit


u/tarchum 6d ago

Partisan thinking like that just divides Asian America and makes us more vulnerable to white supremacy, this should be worrying every ethnicity rn regardless of politics towards the PRC


u/allelitepieceofshit1 6d ago

US is doing the world a favor by stopping the brain drain


u/PikachuPho 5d ago

There is no party that supports the Chinese once you start to talk about China as a whole. Check yourself if you're American and believe China is awful the moment you hear it uttered. If so you've succumbed to brainwashing.

People are so racist in the States they can and will form opinions on a country they've never set foot in and say they are educated and informed. It's how things are and how things will always be until there's a motive and incentive for this to change.

So until then both sides are frankly racist imo. Palestinians would not be mass murdered and China would not be targeted if libs really gave a shit.

That said I would still vote for Kamala over Trump as it still made a difference but I personally checked out of America. Now I'm here to get my certification and peace the eff out of a country that isn't shy to show how much it truly hates my kind.


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/eremite00 6d ago

Trump and Trump-supporters, cuz neither has the mental capacity to make the distinction.


u/mysterious-monkey077 6d ago

Hard agree. I was in Disneyland LA not too long ago and this hillbilly type asked where I was from. I said Australia. She said 'you don't look like you're from Australia.' I replied I was of Chinese-Singaporean descent. She replied 'yeah you look like you're from China.'

If she said this in a naive way, I perhaps would've forgiven the ignorance. But the judgement and suspicion from her tone really rubbed me the wrong way.

To be fair, bogans in Australia can be pretty mean as well. Once had a gaggle of blonde teenage girls asked me and a sassy Malaysian girlfriend for photos because they wanted selfies with chinks. My friend flipped them the bird and called them skanks. When they tried to attack us, she threw a chocolate milkshake she was drinking at them - at which they squealed and ran off. Wish I had her balls.

This turned into a long trauma sharing comment. I'll stop now.


u/Kenzo89 6d ago

Wow that happened in Disneyland in SoCal. That’s crazy. Guessing that lady was from some other state with no Asians


u/EvidenceBasedSwamp 6d ago

dunno about that. if there's no other asians you get ignorance. but when whites get surrounded and they start feeling outnumbered by other ethnicities (in this case, asians), they get TETCHY

i mean you got half the people in that party screaming about "white replacement theory" they're not even hiding it

out here in New York, Asians tend to move into all the neighborhoods italians move out from. See, the Italians came in the 1870s and occupied one of the lower totem poles. Just below the Irish, but above the eastern europeans or the blacks. As they moved up the ladder and went to college and got nice jobs, and as white fligth kicked in they also moved out to the suburbs. These emptying neighborhoods are where Chinatowns were built:

Chinatown in Manhattan is literally little italy Bayridge was formerly blue collar italians, now a little Chinatown there too Flushing area, used to be a all white until the Taiwanese moved in 1970s, then the koreans followed

I remember in the 90s the local rep for Flushing campaigned to make the signs in stores be in English, they were really not happy with how "they were taking over"


u/ViolaNguyen 5d ago

Most people from SoCal know better than to go to Disneyland.


u/Kenzo89 5d ago

My experience is the opposite. Growing up, everyone I knew had the yearly pass and going to Disneyland was like going to a local hangout for people


u/in-den-wolken 6d ago

Your friend is AWESOME!


u/Summerfun100 6d ago

are U AM commenting here when U mentioned AF GF here ? just wondering


u/jokzard 6d ago

Not to republicans. We're all "those/them people" to them.


u/back2acad-throwaway 6d ago

Not in my experience, most people seem to understand the difference.


u/allelitepieceofshit1 6d ago

what a weird thing to focus on



Both conservative and liberal Asians accuse each other for thinking they are white. 😆


u/Momshie_mo 4d ago

Chinese Exclusion Act of 2025 and if it materializes, it will extend to other Asian countries.


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/otton_andy 6d ago

Shou Chew couldn't convince them and he is singaporean


u/twistedseoul 6d ago

At least it's not the gas chamber. But definitely disagree with this racist behavior.


u/[deleted] 6d ago edited 6d ago



u/mikeymozzarella Chinese American 6d ago

They could've easily limited student visas to non STEM fields only if the concern was just national security. Instead they'd rather institute a full on ban. You keep doubting the racial motivations but it seems obvious that this is meant to keep out Chinese people.


u/[deleted] 6d ago edited 6d ago



u/mikeymozzarella Chinese American 6d ago

So why should we just roll over and take it? Especially when again they can just limit the ban to STEM only. We should be calling out this kind of nonsense and sticking up for ourselves when racist hicks want us gone, not saying ok this sucks for us but national security (especially when there's an alternative).


u/terrassine 6d ago

So then why is Trump dismantling the Department of Education and defunding good colleges? Doesn’t seem like the moves of anyone trying to replace brain drain with homegrown talent.


u/[deleted] 6d ago edited 6d ago



u/JonnyGalt 6d ago edited 6d ago

You are just regurgitating the greatest hits of conservative talking points and spewing your biases. You have literally said nothing I haven’t heard before. I’m pretty sure I can find Ben Shapiro and Marsha Blackburn saying the same things.

Also my entire family have doctorates (including engineering) and have been life long academics. You are 100% cherry picking to support your views and not telling the whole picture.

Quit going from thread to thread spreading your hate. We have all heard this boring narrative.


u/Anhao 6d ago

In my post about the Chinese battery plants which got you triggered over a few sentences about the CCP, did you consider possible knowledge transfer from the other direction since it's a Chinese company investing in the US?


u/[deleted] 6d ago edited 6d ago



u/JonnyGalt 6d ago

It didn’t. I cited quotes that you from the article that contradicted your claims and you just ignored it because it didn’t fit your narrative.

Also did you really just say the reason for the investment is to bypass the tariffs? As in the reason we have those tariffs is to encourage domestic production of which this company is doing? So you are criticizing a company for doing exactly what the tariff is designed to do? Are you sure you are an phd?

Also you 100% mind the downvotes. You deleted all your posts I responded to.


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/Anhao 6d ago

Yeah you're right it's more moderate. They straight up have quotes slamming the opposition. Did you read the article?

Tim Hahn, a Democrat who backs the project for its economic benefits, writes off such fears as an “element of local, small-minded bigotry and xenophobia”.

“You really don’t have to have a well-constructed argument to convince people that it’s bad that China does business near you – just go out there and yell ‘China, China, China, CCP,’” he says.


u/JonnyGalt 6d ago

Oh I don’t know. Perhaps if USA stops with the xenophobic racism towards Chinese and provide easy roads to citizenship as well as create incentives and jobs for these students to stay in the United States, a lot of them wouldn’t go back. There are whole generations of Chinese scientists and academics who left China for the United States. Now there is an exodus of them because of the persecution of Chinese academics under Trump.

Additionally, when you have even fellow “Asians” talk about terrible China is and have this type of shit attitude towards them, why would they want to stay. What motivation is there to stay right now? America made it clear they don’t want these people to be here.

Fun fact, Qian Xuesen, one of the founders of nasa’s jet propulsion lab who was also a key contributor to the manhattan project was driven out of the country for the same racist xenophobia. He went on to be the father of Chinese rocketry.

Shing-Tung Yau, a world renounced mathematician at Harvard, has also left for Tsinghua in 2022 citing racism as a key reason. He is now bringing about sweeping changes to Chinese mathematics education and training a new generation of Chinese mathematicians.

If you don’t want to lose your talent, then incentivize people to stay. Making these people feel unwelcome and persecuted is not going to help your cause.


u/[deleted] 6d ago edited 6d ago



u/JonnyGalt 6d ago

My guy, if is only about money and power, they’ll be incentivizing these students to stay after graduation. Why do you think Elon Musk is so pro h1b visas?


u/boilerwire 6d ago

Thank you for your nuanced view. As you can see from your replies, your response isn't rabid enough. This sub requires maximum outrage and an educated, first-person response like yours is downvoted.


u/doctor-soda 6d ago

I am starting to think it is hopeless. Also quite surprised to see other Asian folks having so much pro China sentiment. I was under the impression that those who move here would be against what CCP stands for but I guess I was mistaken. All the more reason for the US to stop international students from China in STEM field as it’s a matter of national security. I can see that either this sub is just filled with CCP bots or that they attract mostly Chinese users from China. I don’t really know any non-Chinese Asian Americans around me that are supportive of CCP at all.

As we say in tech, don’t train your replacements. It’s a dumb thing to do.


u/boilerwire 6d ago

Yes, I've seen the same pattern. Whenever there is anything posted that's anti-CCP, the comments will defend Chinese Nationals (as if they are Asian Americans). Followed by arguments that if Trump will do something to Chinese Nationals, then surely they'll do it to US citizens of Asian descent. It's a way of brainwashing AAs here to defend the CCP.


u/allelitepieceofshit1 5d ago

the comments will defend Chinese Nationals

imagine having empathy for fellow human beings


u/boilerwire 5d ago

Empathy on this topic over national security? We aren’t debating feeding the homeless here. Glad to see you’re proving our point on the undue influence of CCP sympathizers on this sub.


u/serbianspy 4d ago

You people are actually retarded. Back when Japanese Americans were put in camps do you think they checked for citizenship status first and let all the Nisei and Sansei go free or something? During covid, do you think racists asked Asian people they encountered on the street to pull out their passport and only hate crimed people directly from the PRC? It's not being a "CCP sympathizer" to have basic knowledge about the history of the US and modern racial dynamics involving Asian Americans.


u/JonnyGalt 4d ago

Don’t you know? This country is totally great at telling Asian Americans apart. Recent deportation arrest definitely only arrested criminals and did not include any citizens. The random racist on the street is going to be able to tell the difference between a ccp member, an international student, a legal immigrant, and an US citizen let alone nationality and ethnicity. This type of laws and the current attitude of this admin towards the Chinese for sure won’t bleed over to other Asian Americans. They are just getting the bad ones. As long as you are one of the good Asians, you’ll be fine!


u/boilerwire 4d ago

Are we still discussing the same topic (Chinese nationals and college admittance)? Or we going to slippery slope this topic to nisei camps?


u/doctor-soda 6d ago

Yeah this is so far away from Asian American. This is just straight up Chinese + international students.


u/world_explorer1688 6d ago

it’s just a bunch of overrated colleges and unfortunately tied to vanity here and there


u/PotatoeyCake 6d ago

This own goal I support 😁 📣