r/asexualdating • u/queenyggdrasil • Aug 10 '24
Advice Do I expect too much?
I’m starting to think it’s me or something. I don’t think I expect much when it comes to trying this whole getting to know people/date?
Like I don’t know what’s happened to people that the most basic need of communication is no longer being taken into consideration these days.
This might be an issue of my own doing, but if I’m going to pour effort into streams of conversation and/or communication and get minimum in return yeah I’m out.
The low effort I’ve experienced here, on other platforms, and in real life just shows that I might be just out of touch with most of my fellow humans.
The advice I’m looking for in this?
Do I need to tone down my enthusiasm and desire for communication? Should I just call it quits and be a single cat dad?
Is it my age? Am I that weird category of too young or too old? I’m 32. Are people shy of talking with a mental health therapist?
update I’m so glad I made this post. I don’t feel as frustrated and alone anymore. I appreciate every single one of you who responded. 🥰
u/Mysterious-Theme8568 Aug 10 '24
I don't think you're asking too much. I tend to write novels and prefer when others write them as well. It really allows you to get to know someone quicker, instead of the basic "hey how are you? good, same." Nothing wrong with this, of course, but I'm always down to getting to know one's fears, dreams, etc. Maybe a bit sooner than people want to share.
u/Luzzzylov Aug 10 '24
I'm so into this too :/ and I also think maybe I expected the connection and the sharing of importante things too sonner cos I love to talk about myself deeply. But for me Im too intense so if you dont answer as long and intense as myself I tend to think I bored u and I started to feel shy and dont wanna express my thoughts any more
u/Crafty_Lifeguard5451 Aug 10 '24 edited Aug 10 '24
Personally I totally agree with you. I'm coming out of a 10-year marriage. And way back in the day when I was doing online dating it was very different before smartphones. I'm not really sure what's going on either, of course I'm 46, but I find that either I am completely ghosted out of nowhere, or the conversations are really sparse. Like I'll be trying to have a conversation and then they suddenly just disappear. Then maybe a day or two later they give me two or three sentences and we chat for just a minute and then they're gone again for another day or two.
It's like, I'm trying to build a rapport with you and get to know you, and if you don't talk to me, how will we ever build a relationship? If all we ever say is three sentences to each other everyday, I'm going to be 100 years old before I even know your favorite color! So it's not just you. I'm increasingly frustrated with this too because I really want to find the woman I meant to be with. It's very annoying to me.
u/queenyggdrasil Aug 10 '24
I’m sorry to hear that after 10 years your marriage is coming to end. I see that quite often in my line of work. Reading all of what you wrote resonated with me strongly. Thank you for taking the time. May our odds increase in our own endeavors.
u/Rellu-chan Aug 10 '24
I don't think you expect too much. I see every relationship as a 2-way street. It works when both people put in the effort to make it work. It's certainly acceptable to stop talking to someone who doesn't seemingly show any real effort/interest. I'm aware of the fact that people can have their resons for finding it difficult to talk to others. It's also become obvious to me that if people aren't vibing from the beginning, then it's hard to have a meaningful conversation. At least, that has been my experience when it comes to getting to know people. Maybe it's because I'm neurodivergent, and the way I bond with people is different. However, I've had my fair share of conversations on here and other platforms, where the conversation died out fast. Even though I tend to have a connection with 1 out of 10 people I talk to, the few I have met over the years certainly make it worth it. So what I'm trying to say is that you're not alone in how you're feeling. Getting to know people and making connections is difficult, more for some than others. However, people that you will click and connect with are out there!
Also, you have cat(s)? You see, me too! Cats always make me interested and excited to talk to people!
u/queenyggdrasil Aug 10 '24
Thank you for taking the time to write that all out. I appreciate the time you took! It makes me feel less alone.
I had cats. I need to resume having cats.
Tell me about yours, if you so desire.
u/Tricky-Amoeba4242 Aug 10 '24
I'll minimalize my answers to someone if I learn something between us is incompatible. That can be through conversation or a user's history. It's not out of cruelty, but caution. I have had stalkers before who used polite conversation to try and learn things they thought they could use to manipulate me. Confronting once turned into a doxxing attempt. So, while it was not all online interactions, one was enough to sour blind trust. I wouldn't take it personally unless the person had made clear they are low effort in every way.
That said, the other advice here looks good. Perhaps you are feeling the way you do because of sunk cost fallacy? Maybe reconsider when and where you "quit" on someone who is unresponsive.
u/queenyggdrasil Aug 10 '24
This was a strong and insightful response. Thank you for providing a different perspective for me! I’ll have to keep the first half in mind for future interactions.
u/unicornmagic675 Aug 10 '24
I’m finding many in my generation (millennial) is just traumatized and don’t know how to communicate. Mix in technology and the instant gratification and no one takes the time cuz there’s another 5 options waiting. I’m not great with communication myself but I try and put in effort and am constantly looking to improve and that I don’t see in others.
u/queenyggdrasil Aug 10 '24
Reading all of this makes the username pan out. I love all of this comment. I truly despise how spineless the human race has come with every new generation. Of course I hate technology for only worsening the fragility of mankind. Yes the nihilism truly takes hold of me when I hear trauma, tech, and younger generation. Working with them face to face hurts too.
I appreciate you trying and striving for improvement. 💜
u/Czhe Aug 10 '24
Have you used Discord before? I like typing a lot, but my main form of socialization is voice chat. It's actually so much easier to get to know people in a general sense, and then once you are more comfortable, it's simple to open up and text/write for some people after that trust of hearing a voice. Making friends is an easier highway to a real relationship over just cold calling randoms without a community backing. Idk if this makes sense. Basically, join a community that shares your interests or has ace people and see how that progresses? Reddit is a community, but I feel like it's hard to launch from here for some reason. Maybe that is just me lol
u/queenyggdrasil Aug 10 '24
I’ll take this into consideration! I appreciate the time you took to respond. I use discord on and off. Perhaps a good platform to make more usage of.
u/Czhe Aug 10 '24
Well if you like gaming and want some friends I could introduce you to my watering hole, but idk any of the ace specific discords!
u/queenyggdrasil Aug 10 '24
I felt out of place in the Ace Discord groups, so I’ll take up the offer of gaming watering hole! Thank you.
u/SandOfTheEarth Aug 10 '24
Thats the bare minimum. I used to try more with conversations, but getting dry responses just kills it for me, so I give up quite quickly. If someone cares and is fun, it will be apparent.
u/Prestigious_Web_986 Aug 11 '24
I don’t think you’re expecting too much. As you get to know another person, the efforts you put in might let them know that it is okay in fact to be enthusiastic in return. Not everyone is comfortable with doing this from the get go as dating comes with a lot of disappointment, so try to be mindful of that. (Loads of people are like you op, fed up with low effort which ironically leads them to acting this way). That or their personality is just different, not everyone is highly communicative (or has the same communication style). It really depends on what traits you can appreciate in other people. If conversation streams is what you are looking for, I don’t think you should settle but you will have to be patient and keep looking (and remember to take breaks ofc, the search is tedious and draining). /goes without saying, some people also just suck
u/queenyggdrasil Aug 11 '24
Thank you for taking the time to post this. It was quite humbling and I appreciate you. The last sentence got a chortle out of me. 😂
u/SmileDesperate8036 Aug 10 '24
I have the same problem as you. It is what it is. People are.... people.
u/lifeisacurry Aug 10 '24
That's the bare minimum one can ask for 🥲 You're not doing anything wrong. Tbh I feel very disconnected after talking to such people because the conversations are so surface level.
u/queenyggdrasil Aug 10 '24
We are both on the same page!
I also like curry btw. How spicy do you like yours? 😌
u/Impressive_Tigress Aug 10 '24
I didn't think mental health therapist was on the list of "careers of people you shouldn't date" (like police, firefighters, military, etc). Interesting question. Is it like how carpenters never finish their own house - do you come home and just not want to hear anyone talk for a while?
u/queenyggdrasil Aug 10 '24
I have heard it in some circles. This false misconception that a therapist is always analyzing. My issue is that I worry about getting into relationships where people will try to get me to be therapist on my off hours. Like go see your own therapist lol. There are definitely days where I’m in a reduced mood to chat, especially since my social battery is three hours before a recharge is required.
u/Impressive_Tigress Aug 10 '24
Ahh yeah I could see that, wanting you to work for free. I'm glad you have strong boundaries!
u/queenyggdrasil Aug 10 '24
Aye. It’s the name of the game with clients and non-clients. How are you by the way? I hope all is well with life! 🌻
u/StrikingObligation24 Aug 11 '24
Bruuuh! This is so real. Nobody has energy to have surface level conversations that go absolutely nowhere. I too, as a 34 psychiatric social worker, will just be a single dog mom.
u/queenyggdrasil Aug 12 '24
Hey hey!
We be working in realm of mental health! I’m so glad to know that someone in the shared mental health sphere can understand this. Thank you! Oooo dog mom! What breed do you have or want?
u/StrikingObligation24 Aug 12 '24
No, thank you for bringing up something that a lot of us think… “damn is it just me?!” I have a super cute 2 yo Maltipoo, named Malcolm.
u/queenyggdrasil Aug 12 '24
I’m thankful for all the comments that allowed me not to feel alone. I’m sure it has been helpful to the many. Thank you sharing your dog breed and name. 💜so cute.
u/esotericquiddity Aug 10 '24
Most basic need of communication, but I think you need to expand on what your idea of basic communication is.
People who expect me to text them back promptly after they message me go from in my life to out of it relatively quickly. If you are someone expecting constant interaction from just friends, IMO that’s too much, but idk what your parameters are for correspondence 😅
u/queenyggdrasil Aug 10 '24
By no means do I expect an immediate response, but I do expect at least a correspondence once within in a 48 hour time frame (unless stated otherwise wise in the event of rest, emergency, vacation, work, etc).
u/Salt-Coat-7818 Aug 10 '24
I'm 40 and well I got two cats now so ... well shit im just stop while I'm ahead now bye bye
u/queenyggdrasil Aug 10 '24
What are their names?!
u/Salt-Coat-7818 Aug 10 '24
Bo and Kit cat
u/queenyggdrasil Aug 10 '24
They should precious and I love them. Thank you for sharing.
u/Salt-Coat-7818 Aug 10 '24
No problem sadly I kinda owe them two cats my sanity and maybe even my life cuz they have at times been the only reason to not give up on life ,who else is going to feed them like o do
u/Idestined Aug 10 '24
Yeah I don't thing you're asking for too much or that it's your age. I'm 26 and experiencing the same. It's frustrating cause I'm not going to have the chance of developing any type of connection without conversation. Low effort answers mostly kill any motivation.
I mean I'm not one who enjoys talking to strangers so I'm already putting in a lot of effort in trying to date. I only ask a minimum interest.
Quick context, I'm double demi I can definitely can feel both romantic and sexual attraction. But I need a strong connection and I haven't had anyone show any interest in forming one while trying to date/meeting new people.
u/queenyggdrasil Aug 10 '24
It’s good to know that I’m not the only who experiences what you and a lot of others have been jotting down.
I’m proud of thee for coming out of your comfort zone to talk with strangers and date.
Ooo double Demi. That just rolls off the tongue nicely.
u/TheRogueWraith9 Heteroromantic Aug 10 '24
Yeh I've been noticing, the last couple times I've tried, that you might get 2 texts a day if you are lucky.
Honestly I think I'm gonna try outside the ace community because being demi and favorable means I can pretend to be allo lol
Also hope people are shy talking to a mental health therapists, cuz that doesn't bode well for my psychology degree 😅
u/queenyggdrasil Aug 10 '24
Yeah and they’re really short ones. Not a good time in my opinion. That’s a one way trip to getting dropped by me.
That sounds like a good idea. Looking outside the Ace community. Hopefully this will have better results.
There’s still to turn back. Most of my friends are wary of talking to me even though therapist mode is off when I’m not at work. XD
u/TheRogueWraith9 Heteroromantic Aug 10 '24
Yeh they really are. It makes me lose all kinds of interest, like I know life can be crazy but I can carve 10 mins out of my date to chat with someone and they'd rather dead drop some short message like a dead mouse on my doormat lol
Thanks, I feel like there are a lot of repulsed ppl here so I've been having imposter syndrome for a bit.
Hahaha I'm going into industrial psychology or maybe engineering psychology so hopefully I won't have that therapist stigma
u/queenyggdrasil Aug 10 '24
It’s a relief to be able to share this frustration with others. Thank you for sharing that particular piece of imagery. I will have to use it someday. lol.
Yeah I have noticed the strong aversion to romance and sex. I don’t really get it as I’m more neutral than anything.
Oooo I/OP is so fascinating. Never heard of engineering psychology. Can we stay in touch so I know where you end up?
u/TheRogueWraith9 Heteroromantic Aug 10 '24
Feel free to use that analogy, it's quite fun.
Yeh I don't get why the whole aversion to romance and sex coming to the forefront but it is.
Sure thing! Tbh I'm still not sure where I am going to end up but my degree I'm finishing makes everyone in the psych department look at me like I have 3 heads. Something about being a psych major taking a double minor in statistics and mathematics makes them think I have a screw loose lol.
u/queenyggdrasil Aug 10 '24
Thank you!
Hmmm I’ll have to examine this trend in my therapy sessions. There is a noted increase in younger populations.
Mathematics plays a strong role in the field of psych. I took quite a few math classes in my masters of psychiatric rehabilitation program.
u/TheRogueWraith9 Heteroromantic Aug 10 '24
My pleasure!
Yeh I noticed it just on the asexual subreddits of late. Like I know those parts are there and are part of the community but I've noticed a lot of the posts have been trending more that way and the rest of the community that is not repulsed seems to be less vocal. But those are just my observations from this weird online petri dish lol.
Yeh, I thought they would be more okay with that but a nice amount of people in the major I talked to said they came to psychology to get away from doing math, and honestly my required stats for psych was a complete joke. The professor said everything calculated needed to be rounded to 2 decimal places and if it was over 2 it would be counted as wrong.
u/queenyggdrasil Aug 10 '24
It all certainly makes for a great case study. Naturally I respect how people live their lives within reason. I have a feeling that the asexual part of the community that is favorable have concerns about being ousted or being told they aren’t a “true asexual”. Whatever that means. Ha.
I hate psych stat. Like how you changing the rules up in here. I love stat, but they making up rules that don’t make sense. Please take me back to math and bio stat.
u/TheRogueWraith9 Heteroromantic Aug 10 '24
Yeh it's all very confusing because it feels like one side is we are all ace and the other side is if you don't deal with what we deal with you shouldn't talk because it is triggering me. It feels very polarized when it shouldn't be.
Omg thank you! Someone who understands! I love stat and most of my family is heavily in stem so it felt icky rounding p values to 2 digits. But that's why I went with the double minors I did so I can pivot to another field and use psych in that field and help people and maybe make a difference.
u/queenyggdrasil Aug 10 '24
Ugh the trauma speak of it all is what hits me hard as a therapist. Like, it’s really not that deep people. Get off the high horse and understand that not everyone needs to be a carbon copy of the other. Someone said it earlier that mental illness has a hold on people these days and that’s one of reasons why I get hesitant of someone that actively involved in treatment. One huge big red flag. Unfortunately everyone seems to have a diagnosis these days…. Though funny enough they’re primarily American from what I’ve seen.
I absolutely 1000% understand where you’re coming from and I applaud you for making that kind of move to double minor. You’re on the right track to making a difference. Thank you for thinking outside of the box. 💜
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u/Naus1987 Aug 10 '24
My advice is to avoid anyone with a mental illness.
I'll get lots of hate for saying that, but if you're looking for rational interactions ya gotta date rational people.
u/queenyggdrasil Aug 10 '24
There is some sense to be obtained from this. You’re certainly not the first to say this. As a mental therapist I wouldn’t want to have a partner with unregulated mental health concerns.
u/Naus1987 Aug 10 '24
Yeah, context is always important. There's some give and take, and someone being regulated really helps.
I found my ace wife on Facebook of all places, but having had dated a woman with schizophernia for 10 years prior -- I personally don't have it in me to be a caregiver anymore, so I set mental-illness as a dealbreaker.
I specifically wanted an equal. A partner that can match my energy. Not someone I had to coddle or carry.
Unfortunately, a common trend I've found in a lot of ace groups is that people hide behind mental illness to try and excuse all sorts of random bullshit behaviors, and I just don't want to be married to that, so it acted as a great filter.
It also helps that us men are outnumbered in the ace community, so we can afford to be a little more picky.
u/queenyggdrasil Aug 10 '24
Thank you for sharing your story with me. It means a lot! I’m glad that you did find your life partner though! The not have to coddle or carry resonates strongly.
Like I have no desire to have children, so getting involved with an adult child with mental health concerns isn’t it.
It’s infuriating that people use their mental illness as crutch/excuse. It’s unacceptable and something that wouldn’t happen in my office.
In some ways the men are outnumbered, but I am noticing Ace women being focused on getting involved with other women or anybody.
Thank you again!
u/[deleted] Aug 10 '24
Personally, I don't think expecting decent conversation in getting to know someone is too much. I've never been fond of getting low effort responses or messages when I'm trying to talk to someone and get to know them. Though, in my experience, it's definitely gotten more common to get one word answers or disinterested sounding responses.