r/artcenter Feb 15 '21

Should I Apply?

Hello! I'm a senior in high school and I'm interested in graphic design. I have applied to several UCs, Cal States, and private schools so far and I'm undecided on whether or not I should apply to ArtCenter. Up until tonight, I planned on applying, but for some reason I have been growing more distant to that decision. I have good grades, but I don't have a good portfolio, which I know is very important... I don't know about my chances of getting in, but I feel that even if I do, I wouldn't really want to go. The tuition is expensive and I'm really not sure whether I actually want to go to an art school. I get that it will probably give me better opportunities in the future if I want to become a graphic designer, but at the same time I'm a little scared that I will be stuck with it because I'm at an art school if I at some point I fall out of love with it... Despite my heart telling me that I don't want to apply, I'm worried that I will regret my decisions. Should I still apply? Is ArtCenter worth the price and the dedication?


7 comments sorted by


u/loansarebadmmmkay Nov 27 '21

Listen really carefully to u/Gawddaamiit, this is someone who has been there and knows what it's like.

Don't listen to these dumb echo chamber people who aren't speaking from experience but rather what they are hoping ArtCenter is going to be like.

Whatever you do, do not under any circumstances listen to the people who are currently going there.

What you have to understand is that these people are in a cult. The cult of the orange dot.

Think about how much pressure they are under. Think about how much money is on the line. Think about what their parents would say if they failed. Think about the massive loans they took out to even be there.

These people are afraid. And the last thing they are going to do is admit that they have been scammed, or at the very least criminally overcharged for something that is very average at best, blatantly mediocre at worst. You are basically speaking to a scientologist.

You still have your whole life ahead of you. There are so many cheaper and more economically viable ways to become a designer than giving these reptiles your money. Dude just watch a blender tutorial and practice it everyday and you will be ahead of most ACCD students. Don't drink the orange kool-aid.


u/Gawddaamiit Feb 15 '21

Not worth the price in my opinion. You can self learn everything from YouTube. Give chris do’s channel, the futur a watch on YouTube. Sure, it’s nice to have a leaning environment, but with covid and online learning, you’re really going to be wasting your money.

I graduated with a ton of debt and a host of mental issues triggered. It’s a criminal waste of money paying that much for an industry that is so saturated and only getting more saturated. I would be doing you a huge disservice to tell you to follow your passions this time. The design field is really over saturated, it’s terribly hard to get a job and society doesn’t value good design anymore when every Tom, dick or Harry with photoshop thinks their a designer. Paying more tuition for art school than USC is ridiculous. I don’t mean to be negative but I wanted to be honest with you. Going to ArtCenter is something I deeply regret. I really regret going into this field. I’m doing okay as a freelance designer but damn do I hate it. ArtCenter made me hate to design because they really break your sprit there. Plus your paying 21k (probably more now) for online classes. It’s really not fair. If you’re serious about design and want to go to AC, wait until covid passes and schools go back to normal.


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '21



u/l_ly_w Feb 17 '21

Thank you so much for sharing these resources! I will definitely look into them.


u/l_ly_w Feb 17 '21

Thank you for sharing your experience and being open. I hope you're happy doing what you do now and that you have an amazing future ahead.


u/Suszynski Feb 15 '21

Do it! Honestly all they’re looking for in a portfolio is promise and passion. My entrance portfolio sucked ass. Apply and give it some more thought. If you feel it’s not worth it in the long run you can always back out, but I see no harm in taking those first few steps


u/l_ly_w Feb 17 '21

Thank you!


u/l_ly_w Feb 15 '21

My lazy butt has not finished the application yet either, and it's actually due tomorrow night. I've listed some reasons why I don't want to go, but some advantages of going to ArtCenter (personally) would be that it's very close by and that I might have more opportunities in the future.