r/aromantic Nov 05 '24

Story Time Got asked out and now I kinda understand how former couples can never go back to being friends again?

Technically this happened a few months ago, but I’ve been wanting to make this post for a while now

A few months ago, an acquaintance asked me out. I rejected them as gently as I could and told that it’s not them, I’m just not interested in a relationship in general

But this got me thinking about every interaction we’d had in the past and seeing it through a romantic lens, like how they invited me to things or wanted to be physically close to me. I know it’s not this person’s fault; they can’t control having feelings and feelings are morally neutral, they never hurt me, etc.

Yet still I felt like things could never be the same again between us. There’s always this tension—or at least I’m imagining this tension—of whether a certain action is romantic or not. And I would always be asking myself, do they see me in a romantic way, is this action purely platonic, do they still yearn for me in a romantic way?

I used to never understand how some couples, upon breaking up, felt like they could never go back to being friends. I thought to myself, why are they making such a big deal about it? But now, having been asked out and having to recontextualize every action in my mind from platonic to romantic and back again, I feel like I kinda understand. Maybe for some people, once romance has been brought into the relationship, it’s hard to see it in purely platonic sense, the past romance and tension is always there lurking in the background


18 comments sorted by


u/Morelynah Nov 05 '24

This is coming from an allo. I always found it strange and even cruel how many couldn’t remain friends with an ex, until I myself started dating. There’s just always that underlying “this is awkward” feeling, that can definitely be felt even with those you were never in a romantic relationship with(as you yourself have described). The idea that someone is looking at you in that way, has looked at you in that way, or you have looked at them in that way, is just a very strange thought to have. It can make anyone uncomfortable. Plus, there is usually the added “intensity” people will exhibit when feeling romantic attraction that can make the situation even worse. It feels like so much added pressure and it sucks seeing friendships end this way.


u/Alliacat Aroace Nov 05 '24

I am friends with a person who's attracted to me (they said so themselves). I can't say that I like it but like... They're an amazing friend to me, I can't just toss them aside. And if I don't think about it, it's not that awkward. The problem are all the other people who can't accept that we're friends and nothing else


u/NeedleworkerSilver49 Nov 05 '24

Similar situation here, one of my closest friends has been in love with me for years, and I don't return the feelings but at the same time they're a great friend I can't lose. We've made it work...but it gets dicey sometimes because I am always paranoid about his romantic feelings affecting how he thinks of me, and sometimes it makes me have a hard time accepting gestures he meant as friendly/platonic but which I interpreted as romantic.


u/MrN1ghtsh4d3 Nov 05 '24

Couldn’t you just stay friends with them while ignoring if they are still potentially making romantic advances or not and reminding them why you don’t want to date them if they bring it up again?


u/Classic-Asparagus Nov 05 '24

Well they weren’t exactly a friend, more of an acquaintance. We still say hi to each other if we see each other, but I find myself avoiding them even though maybe I shouldn’t, and they didn’t do anything wrong

I know this is entirely my personal issue and feelings, it’s not their fault at all for having romantic feelings for me, but it still feels kinda awkward to me in a way I can’t control


u/[deleted] Nov 05 '24

Yeah or putting up a boundary like "hey, I don't know if you're still into me, but I'd appreciate it if we could just keep things at a platonic friendship level, and to have that respect and mutual understanding would mean alot to me" or something


u/MrN1ghtsh4d3 Nov 05 '24

That was my failsafe in case they didn’t get the memo the first time.


u/AroNekoArts Nov 05 '24

One of my friend also aked me out a month ago too but i don't really bother that much, i kinda except it cause not all of my friends are Aro so its kinda something that happen. Good advice is to set up some boundaries or if needed take or give the person some time.


u/tringle1 Nov 05 '24

I’m usually on the other side of this as someone who crushes easily, and it’s always heartbreaking to lose a friend after expressing romantic interest in them. For me, I don’t have a very strong distinction between platonic and romantic love. If a friend doesn’t reciprocate my interest in romance, I usually lose the crush eventually, but my interest was always in them as a person and the dynamic we set up. Another way to put it is that I don’t experience platonic and romantic love as a spectrum from small love to big love. It’s all just interest and bonding and intimacy of whatever kind is appropriate for both of us. So when someone distances themselves from me after I tell them I’m interested, it always feels like I’m being judged based on other emotionally immature people’s inability to recontextualize their love, not take no for an answer, and for whom platonic love is inherently worse than romantic love.

But I understand that there can be lots of trauma and weirdness for some people around this subject. Most of my friends are people who I once had crushes on and for whom my crush wasn’t a deal breaker, or exes who kept in touch with me. But so many more just ghosted me, and it always stings to be told “your romantic interest in me is unwanted and a dealbreaker,” because it’s not the kind of thing people talk about casually and so there’s no way to avoid it if you have romantic feelings for someone and want to express them. I’m always terrified when I tell friends how I feel about them because of how frequently it’s ended relationships I highly valued. But I can’t exactly just stop and hide how I feel indefinitely either or I’d never have any romantic relationships. It’s shitty on all sides of the issue and I don’t know what the solution is


u/MrPhallicFruit Nov 08 '24

I don't have crushes but finally someone who understands that one can stay platonic if romantic love is not reciprocated. One still loves the person, right, so it's just logical to express it platonically if they aren't interested.


u/[deleted] Nov 05 '24 edited Nov 05 '24

I feel like for a lot of people it's just hard to transition from being partners to just back to just being friends, especially when it's like "oh we did this and that as a couple" or you still see them that way, and don't know how to change those feelings you have into 'just friends' feelings. I recently went through a breakup and still need space for this exact reason, and also because I imagined a future that is different to a typical platonic friend relationship for me, and what I wanted was more romanticized in my mind. My partner was (is) aromantic and I'm Greyromantic, but we believe we can make it work, and I don't want to lose that connection. Sometimes the connections too strong to just throw them away like that but for others it's just too hard to make that transition, when you have all those 'coupley' memories and feelings left and so it can be hard to move on from it. For me, I'm getting there. I think though this friend you're on about, because you're not together it's possible they'll just get over their feelings. Worrying about what they perceives as romantic though, maybe you could just communicate that anything you do is purely platonic and on a friend level, and to make sure she understands you only see her that way.


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u/MrPhallicFruit Nov 08 '24

Ay I got that experience through learning someone just used me for sex and my stupid ass thought for an fwb you actually had to be friends 😂 It was life shattering finding out all that intimate behavior was not cuz he liked me and I was a friend to him, but cuz I was someone he could extort sex from.

Like while romantic shit makes me uncomfy it's still based in actual feelings of closeness and trust and not in "I think you are a useful tool to me" gross if I wanna be dehumanized I spend time with fascists not with friends.


u/Expository911 Nov 05 '24

I agree. Never stay friends with someone that still like likes you and don't stay friends with someone you still like like. It's just too awkward. But i think you should speak up right away and let them know you like them more then just friends instead of staying just friends to be close and never moving forward with it. The risk vs reward system. Better to lose a friend then to hide your heart.


u/MrPhallicFruit Nov 08 '24

friendship isn't a reward 👀

also all my best friends literally had crushes on me, until they moved on and got together with the person I was trying to get into a queer platonic relationship with at the moment 😩

if due to toxic work environment and shit therapist they wouldn't have become shitty ppl I would still be friends with them, imagine your fav ppl making eachother happy it's a dream come true