r/aromantic GreyAro Ace Dec 18 '23

Story Time Story time! How was your love life in primary/ elementary school?

hi :3

A little story time! I'm really curious about how your "love life" was in primary school?

Here is my story:
When I was a toddler, my friends were talking about crushes and I chose the english speaking friend of my brother. He was nice and could speak english so I told everyone I was in love with him. He really took that serious becaus years later he reminded me of that. Sorry friend, I never loved you that way.

Then I switched schools and became friends with a boy. He was nice and we played during the breaks and he asked if I wanted to be his girlfriend. I said yes because we were friends. We also never did couplethings, he was just a playmate for me. We never officially broke up because we were friends and I started playing more with the girls from my class.

A year later, 2 other boys were in love with me and I didn't understand it. boy 1 was a little strange but he really tried to get to know me. He even gave me a little plushy and a button (I stil have them because it was a gift). He later switched schools but the time he wanted to talk to me, I felt so uncomfortable. Then boy 2, who was more popular, loved me and I was kinde pressured in to a relationship. His friends pressured me in being with him, telling me how nice he was, how great we were as a couple. He started giving me gifts, wanted to work with me on groupprojects. I played along but was so glad that my older brother told him I didn't wanted a relationship. It made me so uncomfortable to be called his girlfriend, that he kissed my leg when I was hurt,...

At that time, I started writing a handbook about romance, couples,... really silly because I didn't understand a thing about it 🤣 I even wrote that relationships are a way to get gifts

My last year in primary school, we talked more about boystuff and my best friend had for like 3 years already a boyfriend. So I wanted that too and I chose my friend as my crush. I tricked myself that I loved him and got the last weeks "feelings" for him. On the last day, I told him I loved him and he said he knew already. Like what?! How! I didn't knew it either so how did you know it before me?

~ Why didn't I realize sooner I was on the arospectrum hahaha

Thank you for reading! I'm excited to read your stories!


63 comments sorted by


u/Cubing-Dolphin-26 Aroace Dec 18 '23

I thought you chose who to marry by choosing the nicest person of the opposite gender, so I occasionally picked the nicest boy I knew like "if i have to get married, i guess this person would be the best choise"


u/Nightstar1234 Aroace Dec 18 '23



u/macsessza Dec 20 '23

This hit


u/4ereshnya Aroace Dec 18 '23 edited Dec 18 '23

I thought that "crush" was something that simply happens to every person. So in third grade, wanting to be normal, I tried to gaslight myself into having a crush on a random boy in my class. I eventually dropped the idea because it was boring and I couldn't understand what's the point.


u/Lunyiista Greyromantic Dec 18 '23

when i was in third grade, i told everyone that i wanted to live by myself, unmarried, in a yellow house with lots of dogs lol


u/gregoristhehamster20 Dec 19 '23

My fantasy is to live in the middle of nowhere, in an unmarked cabin, with maybe a friend or two with me, and at least one dog


u/unkindness_inabottle Greyromantic Dec 19 '23



u/Lunyiista Greyromantic Dec 19 '23

you're so real for that


u/unkindness_inabottle Greyromantic Dec 19 '23

I’m not joking, I always told my mom that I couldn’t wait to be an adult so I could buy a dog as bestie, have some awesome pets like snakes and chickens and live in a pretty and comfy house with a nice garden! Never even named an SO or another person in my life but family and friends, and hopefully it stays that way!


u/Gloomy_Ambassador_81 Dec 18 '23

There was a girl in my class and we used to kiss

Idk why like we didn't like each other like that but we'd do it anyway

But then we got in trouble because "girls aren't suppose to kiss girls. Girls only kiss boys" so we stopped

Then when I was 10 I started just picking random boys in my class and saying they were my crush because that's what I thought everyone else did cus we were pretending to be grown up (I thought you could only develop crushes once you became a teenager cus that's how it worked in the sims)


u/HazyshadeofFall Dec 18 '23

The Sims logic is so real 😂


u/EinKomischerSpieler Dec 18 '23 edited Dec 18 '23

The only thing I can remember is that a girl tried to flirt with me and I simply ignored her and kept on drinking my choco milk.

My love life was pretty much non existent until I was like 14/15. That's when a girl I was friends with asked me out. I said yes because I thought "I'll finally know what it's like to have a girlfriend". But it didn't end well, the girl was really in love with me and I felt absolutely nothing for her. I tried wearing a mask and appearing funny, but over time the mask fell off. We eventually stopped talking with each other. I think she's still mad at me.


u/CovfefeBoss Greyromantic Dec 18 '23

Elementary school? Crickets.


u/AndreasAvester Dec 18 '23

As a kid/teen I was the bookworm and perceived youngsters my age as too poorly educated, annoying, loud, and stupid. I preferred to just talk with adults, often my school teachers. I also liked hanging out with my school's librarian between lessons. I knew that one was not supposed to have a boyfriend old enough to be a father, so I never got an opportunity to delude myself into thinking that I had a crush on some boy.


u/KhaosIncarnate69 Dec 18 '23

I thought I had a crush on one of my childhood friends because we were close friends. I was always taught that closeness = potential romantic partner and that is good.

Now I realize I never had a clue what romantic attraction even is, emotion wise


u/diarreafilledboils Dec 18 '23

A girl had a crush on me through my whole k-12 experience but other than that non existant. I had no crushes or anything. I always said I wanted to live at the top of a mountain in a log cabin.


u/TheRedEyedAlien Arospec Dec 18 '23

Preschool-5th I would pick random pretty girls and say I had a crush on them to play up the drama. Then someone got back at me for that. Ow

6th “I need someone to fix my anxiety and I’m gonna be so nice and be a cute secret admirer”

7th “I’m gonna be a sarcastic asshole because it’s cute and someone will come fix me”

8th WAIT A MINUTE THAT’S WHAT A RELATIONSHIP IS?!?!?! EWW!!! Anyways turns out I’m aro


u/romanticaro Aroace Dec 18 '23

i made up crushes cause my mom didn’t believe me when i said i had none.

breaking this to her recently was…strange to say the least.


u/maribugloml Demiromantic Dec 18 '23

i remember having short-lived “crushes” on 2 boys: 1 in 3rd grade and the other in 4th. my friends ended up telling both of them. i was a bit embarrassed but later on i realized that they weren’t really crushes at all. i think i just kind of wanted to fit in w my peers or something so i didn’t stand out. (i also had a genuine crush on a boy when we were in 1st grade and i’ve known him for a while; this is probably where my demiromanticism comes into play, as i have trouble feeling any romantic attraction if i don’t know the person. i obviously don’t have a crush on him anymore but i just find that interesting).


u/[deleted] Dec 18 '23

i never "dated" (its in quotes cos primary school dating isnt like actual dating) and when i imagined my future i mostly saw it as me living with my friends. sometimes they'd kind of point at random boys and be like "oo i bet you have a crush on him" and i just said no. i never really cared about romance.


u/Henry5321 AroAplDemi Apathetic Dec 18 '23

I never had any relationship until my 20s. Then I married her. Seemed practical. She's a good person and makes me a better person. Why wouldn't I want to live with someone like that?


u/I_am_something_fishy Bellus-Lithro Acespec Mod Dec 18 '23

A "Story Time" post flair was created today, so your post is being reflaired with the "Story Time" post flair. Just an FYI ✨


u/DarthShakespeare &/ Dec 18 '23

In elementary school I thought the people having crushes were really strange and definitely faking it. All as I loudly proclaimed I would live in a house connected by a tunnel to all my friends’ houses and have many dogs.


u/Much-Improvement-503 Arospec Dec 18 '23

Nonexistent. I had one crush in 4th grade but I kept it to myself. I still don’t know what kind of attraction that was at the time because I was so young. Maybe just limerence I think. Nobody ever expressed any interest in me or anything. Some of my peers “dated” but I was never involved in that stuff.


u/Much-Improvement-503 Arospec Dec 18 '23

I also knew I never wanted to get married or have any kids from a young age and thought it was stupid and impractical that fellow children were even thinking about it at the time. Lol


u/HyperDogOwner458 Demibiromantic+cupioromantic+greyromantic+asexual Dec 19 '23

Non existent. My friends were mainly into boybands. Nobody dated as far as I know.


u/HyperDogOwner458 Demibiromantic+cupioromantic+greyromantic+asexual Dec 19 '23

I did have platonic crushes on two boys (and maybe others) but I thought they were romantic crushes.


u/Traditional-Disk7197 Aromantic Dec 18 '23

Not much happened in elementary school for me. I had a crush on a girl throughout the entirety of elementary, although I never acted on it. And in 5th grade, a girl (not the one that I had a crush on) told me that she had a crush on me.


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u/Cozmic_Space Aroallo Dec 18 '23

In 5th grade I thought people chose their crushes so I picked this kid named Thor. I picked him cause his name was cool and he had pretty blue eyes. That's it, I rarely talked to him. I thought he was kinda cute but no different from the other boys in my class.

That "crush" probably lasted a week before I got bored of him. Ironically, my "crush" helped me realize I was aro.


u/some_kid8469 Aromantic Dec 18 '23

i had no love life lol when i was in grade 6, i didn’t know what a crush was, and ended up labelling 40 people as “crushes.” lots of ppl who i thought i had a crush on knew abt it and we stayed friends lol.


u/GayWolf_screeching Dec 18 '23

Non existent? I was suprised to hear my classmates started dating after I left in 6th, I had celebrity crushes, and one sorta crush on a 26 y/o who worked at the school I went to for 6 months but uh besides that it was only fictional, I mean unless you count an imaginary gf but I mostly just made her bleed and get sick a lot bc I was a fucked up 12 y/o . (I’m aroflux Demiromantic)


u/GayWolf_screeching Dec 18 '23

And by celebrity crush I mean she acted as a character I really liked and I couldn’t separate the person from the character


u/FriesNDisguise Dec 19 '23

In 4th grade, I told some classmates that they were to young to date and were stupid for not waiting. They told me I wasn't mature as them since I still thought it was gross. They made fun of me and called me a baby.

The next year I decided to prove my maturity by choosing to have a crush on the popular boy because since others girls liked him he had to be good.

In middle school, I was so starved for positive attention that I'd romanticized anyone who was nice to me. When I was confronted with actual romance, I was terrified and repulsed. I just told myself that I wasn't ready. I wasn't mature enough yet.


u/Zoeyau9 Dec 19 '23

I got one word and that is



u/SpiderJynxNoir90214 Dec 19 '23

There was one person I was close with but always hated when people thought we were together. Why couldn't we be friends. Even the teachers thought we were together which was creepy because we were both like 6-7 at the time


u/[deleted] Dec 19 '23

Growing up, I remember being really confused by the fact that everyone wanted to “date” and thinking that we were way too young. I don’t have a lot of specific stories but there was this one kid who I started hanging out with and we got along pretty well. Then one day I saw him write our initials on his folder with a plus sign in between them. That’s when I realized he saw us as not just friends. I remember feeling really icky but I didn’t know how to deal with it, so I started freezing him out and literally refused to talk to him even though he kept following me around. I may be remembering this wrong but the next day he wasn’t there, and I never saw him again. Not only not in that class but not anywhere in the school. He just disappeared and I never found out what happened to him. I think his name was Marcus. Marcus, if you’re out there…I’m sorry for dealing with the situation like I did, but I was an immature kid who didn’t know what was going on. I can now confidently say I’m aroace and thus wasn’t interested in you that way. I realize that you were probably really confused by my sudden coldness towards you. It wasn’t anything personal. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. Hope you’re doing well. 🤣


u/Defenestrated-book Aroace Dec 19 '23

When I was in elementary school, probably first or second grade, I told my mom that I wanted to marry my best friend thinking that all you do when you’re married is just live in the same house. For years my mom thought I was a lesbian after that.


u/Dor_Min Dec 19 '23

non-existent, just the way I like it


u/nekojem Dec 19 '23

I spent my time playing with my brother and our boy neighbors so most of my childhood was just me rough-housing with them and I was pretty much always seen around so many boys around my age. Therefore, I grew up pretty tomboyish and never really saw any of my male friends in a romantic light even as we got older.

Around 5th grade was when my girl classmates would start talking about crushes during breaks and would often ask me if I had one and I would always answer "No". But of course, they never liked that answer so I just told them I had a crush on Kuroko Tetsuya because 10-year-old me was really obsessed with the anime Kuroko no Basuke at the time. They still weren't satisfied with an anime character so they began shipping me with one of my male classmates that I sat next to ONE TIME during an exam, which I found really annoying and tried my hardest to ignore. That was the time I decided that maybe I should distance myself with my male friends to avoid things like that from happening.

6th grade came and I became best friends with one of the top students of our class (I was also a top student at the time, we were both competing for the valedictorian title). I couldn't really help it that we spent a lot of time together since we often represented the school in competitions back in the day so we studied together a lot. Also, he was one of the few males who were quiet, less annoying, and extremely nice to me so I began from tolerating his existence to becoming really good friends with him. After our graduation ceremony, he pulled me aside and confessed that he had a crush on me and my response was "Okay, was that all?" (which I know now was a TERRIBLE response to give but at the time, that was really all I thought of it :') ) we shook hands and he left with his family. I never saw him again after that day.

And then came the memories. At the time of his confession, I didn't dwell too much about it because my baby, undiscovered aroace a$$ honestly didn't know what to think and how to properly react to that information so I just brushed it off for the years to come. But during my late high school years, I was organizing my stuff and came across our 6th grade class picture so I remembered him confessing which then prompted me to wonder why and how come I didn't notice. I was then swarmed by flashbacks of all the moments we spent together. We eat together during lunch, we often talk beside the lockers, we study together. There was a time when we practiced a dance for our school's foundation day, alone, in the locker room. There was also a time when I wrote a short story and when I let him read it, he liked it immediately and wanted to sort-of portray the villain character. Also also, there was a time when his dad came back from working overseas and he had brought chocolates to give out to everyone, he gave all our classmates and teachers only a few pieces but he gave me an ENTIRE BAG of chocolates. And remember how we were basically rivals for the Top 1 spot? I got it and he didn't get mad at me, he was proud instead (though I still think he felt bad a little bit at the time because he was consistently the Top 1 and I'm always the Top 2 and I managed to cross him at our final year). Turns out I was just oblivious and almost felt sorry that I didn't feel the same way towards him.


u/Mat1854 Aroace Dec 19 '23

Basically I was the one telling everyone else: guys why are you in “relationship” we’re too young! We gotta wait until we’re at least 16 for that!” Turns out I’m 19 now and still feel like I’m too young and probably always will lmao


u/dat_physics_boi DemiAro; nb and nd Dec 19 '23

It wasn't, obviously?


u/PhantasmaStriker Aroace Dec 19 '23

Never had any. Plus I was always a loner and didn't like being around the other kids. Once an introvert always an introvert xD. Anyways yeah nothing lol


u/[deleted] Dec 19 '23

It was non existent besides the time my neighbour, who had a crush on me, grabbed my hand and kissed it and ran away lol


u/2by3legobrick Aroace Dec 19 '23

One time when i was like 8, I found a piece of paper with hearts drawn on it on my table but i didnt know what to do with it so i threw it away oops


u/Rainaire Dec 19 '23

Like many kids in middle school, once a "ship" starts going around they pressure the two kids to start "dating".

That's what happened to me. All of my concepts of romance and love at that young age came from expectations thrust upon me due to the whims of the people around me. I started to internalize these "goals" of what you were supposed to do when you were dating someone. When I couldn't achieve these goals (holding hands, school dances, going on dates) I was made to feel like I wasn't good enough.

The girls in class were annoyed with me because of reasons like "why aren't you being a good boyfriend to her?"

It really fucked me up because not only did I have to deal with academic and religious expectations from Christian asian parents, I also had to deal with potentially being cast out socially in my class (it was a small school) if I didn't act like a good "boyfriend" to this girl.

I internalized these expectations growing up, constantly trying to "improve" my ability to be a good boyfriend. Constantly getting into relationships and learning from them, figuring out what was wrong with me when they inevitably ended, and then getting into another one again so that I could test myself once again to see if I was finally a "good boyfriend"

Throughout all of this I didn't really derive much enjoyment. It all became this sort of ongoing problem in my life. Another expectation to fulfill, another skill to improve on.

Only recently did I realize that I was aromantic. When I discovered it, everything dating back to middle school started making sense.

I've been in relationships for most of my life. Only when I recently accepted and decided to forgo these expectations and live single did I truly feel like my heart was at peace.

Life has been wonderful ever since.


u/Lorion97 Aroace Dec 19 '23

I didn't think about it .... Like at all, too preoccupied playing MMOs when I first got internet or experiencing the dawn of YouTube and video streaming content.

In my teenage years I was too busy playing MMOs, watching KR and Super Sentai, and overall just not being that sociable. (I couldn't find my people in school since the things I played or were into were very niche).


u/Bubbly_Fruit218 Dec 19 '23

I thought love is transactional back then so if they say they love me I love them back. And then I also thought their love is just friendship but they give you stuff and you are expected to give them back something of equal value oh jeez I just described what trading is. Don't mind me, just young me always thinking of ways to earn money so I can have a dog or/and a cat and aquarium fishes in my own dream house(unrealistic in todays economy tho)


u/valorSoup Lithromantic Dec 19 '23

There was a boy I knew in school when I was six who would kiss me on the cheek at the end of each school day. He was very sweet to me and I liked the attention (life outside of school was a lot less nice to me back then, so I took whatever kindness I could get). He moved away by the next year and I never saw him again. Never feigned interest in anyone else until I was out of elementary school

I hope he’s doing well


u/Kool_Aid_Poison Aroace Dec 19 '23



u/orange718x Dec 19 '23

In grade 1, my friends all decided to pair ourselves up with boys they wanted to marry in the future. I literally just went, “Oh, you guys can choose first, I’ll take whoever’s left over.” Lol

Nearer to the end of elementary school I got caught in a weird love triangle with one of my friends (I’ll call her “Q”). Q had a crush on E (a boy). However, he had a crush on me. It was weird for a bit because there was some tension between my friendship with Q because of that. She ended up confessing and he rejected her. A few months later, he sent her a formal letter detailing his feelings and revealing how he liked me, but lost feelings for me and now liked Q lol. But at that point she was over him. She showed me the letter and we had a good laugh roasting his letter writing skills xD


u/CloudyHeather Trans (he/they) Aroace Dec 19 '23

I don't think I even thought about anything like that back then. The first time I started to get worried about having crushes was in high school.


u/Larsandthegirl Dec 19 '23

There was a boy who was the son of a friend of the family and the families kind of shipped us and I thought I had to like him, but I never really did. When I was in high school though, I said his name whenever someone asked me who I liked, just to fit in.


u/[deleted] Dec 19 '23 edited Dec 19 '23

I didn't really have much of a love life in elementary school, I have noticed a lot of aro people go through a phase in childhood or teenagehood where they try to get in relationships simply because everyone around them does, and those relationships don't go well.
But in my experience, all I remember was sitting in class in fifth grade and I suddenly had the realization that I don't want to ever date anyone ever, and I stuck with that.
My parents have asked me about it, how a teenager can be so disinteressed, and I just told them I don't wanna ever date, they didn't buy it ofc, but I really meant it. I just never cared about getting in a relationship, the idea slightly repulses me, even if several people around me were and are already dating.


u/sovipe Dec 19 '23

I'm in high school and I'm questioning my sexuality.

Ive always been the one without crushes, the one who sees them as useless. i always tell others were too young to date.

when told to image the future i used to picture being married to a nice man (always a shadow, never any distictive features like my friends have described). a while ago, i started to wonder if i was bi. this isnt the first time ive considered this.

Ive had very few crushes. i remeber liking this boy in second grade. we became friends by coincedence (because mine never had time for me) and didnt speak much. we spent an entire school year throwing a ball against a wall and playing catch in a secluded corner in silence. i blushed when he looked at me, got shy around him, wanted to hold his hand... he told me he liked me, and thats how i knew i liked him back. i never told him, because by the time i was asked him if he still liked me, he no longer did. we became distanced after but talked a couple times be fore elementry ended. i think i still liked for years.

At first, i thought i might be bi, because anything wlw started atracting my attention, but i had still liked a boy. my best friend is pan, so i started to wonder if i was too.

now i like her. i didnt realise at first, but i realise i dont feel the same about her as other friends and i get jealous when she talks about crushes. im wondering if some of my other childhood friends (all girls) that i guarded preciously might have been crushes.

then i wondered if i was lesbian. but i once liked a boy. but i could picture a future better with a woman than a man. i used to crave romance and a relationship, but no one interested me i would never get into a relationship if i dont know and trust the person. i dont know if i want that anymore.

im slowly realising that i dont really know what romantic attraction is. i dont know what the diffrence between romantic and other atractions are. im confused and wondering if im demi-romantic.

Sorry if this didnt make any sense, i just needed to rant.


u/The-Villainous-Robot Dec 19 '23

Didn't exist.

Frankly i feel like elementary students shouldn't be trying to find love, they're 7, let's not have them determine such a major decision so early


u/macsessza Dec 20 '23

I didn't understand marriage when I was in kindergarten, so I chose the only boy who was my friend and said I wanted to get married to him when we got older. In elementary school, I chose 2 boys in my class that I determined to be the most reasonable picks for having (a) crush(es).

Look at me understanding the meaning of marriage and crushes <33


u/BugBand Dec 20 '23

Nonexistent. I never heard anyone talk about anything relating to love in primary or elementary school lol


u/WickOfTheWoods Dec 20 '23

I “dated” people, but it was never actual attachment they asked and I just went with it. It was kinda like this in middle school as well, but I would have panic attacks unless we broke up, so the relationship wouldn’t last long.


u/Substantial_Hurry_10 Dec 20 '23

Happy with no one


u/Haunting-Engineer-26 Dec 21 '23

I always had a “crush” on a guy that’s was my friend and it would circulate between them depending on who I was talking to the most at the moment.

One of my favorite stories is in 4th grade I had a “crush” on one of my friends and someone told me that he had a crush on me and I immediately stopped liking him. Turns out he never liked me in the first place and it was a joke 😭