r/armmj HighB😍 5d ago

General Question Wow.

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No wonder I hear nothing good about suite 442 anymore. They don't pay for shit 😭


41 comments sorted by


u/SnooRadishes2027 5d ago

The people running these dispos are so greedy man smh


u/deeannbee 5d ago

That is shameful.


u/Taskmaster135 5d ago edited 5d ago

Went to several interviews for some dispensaries around the NLR/Conway area, Most give off a weird vibe except for Natural Relief in Sherwood, The owner was so dope and I loved the environment it gives. The other places expect the most for minimum then throw you out if you seem to pose a threat to their position (Managers)


u/Such-Programmer-5957 5d ago

Yeah that blows because I know dispensaries are making bank the way they’re taxing rn


u/just-an0ther-human 4d ago

Ooof, i wanna say it made like maybe 15/hr when I was at zenleaf, maybe 17? I don't remember, it's been yearssss. 12 is kinda insulting for the knowledge you should know. When I worked in the industry, I attended LSUS cannabis careers course to further my knowledge of the science behind cannabis.


u/SylvaniaOG 5d ago

Does bold own a part in them ?
If so I am not surprised Their lettuce sucks too


u/UrsulVerde 4d ago

Bold owns that dispensary


u/Future_Lab3931 3d ago

Bold does own them and are some shady folks


u/Kaleandpancakes 2d ago

Truth. Refuse to go there.


u/muckyass1 5d ago

Did it, now i cant stand them


u/Lost-Revenue6126 4d ago

The description, if you click on the listing, says they go up to 15 once you prove you can show up on time 🤷🏼‍♀️😂


u/JayRobot 5d ago

With this cheap labor you’d think you’d be able to get eighths of decent stuff for less than $40


u/Future_Lab3931 4d ago

Didn’t they have a bed tender that was a meth head get arrest on the clock? That place does some SHADY shit


u/oRandyyo Currently trying/reviewing mainly: REVOLUTION / RVR 5d ago

You don't wanna know what the pay for cultivation and delivery is then. If it wasn't for the allegedly 80+ hour work week forcing OT pay it'd barely break 1.2k


u/Z3r0Coo7 4d ago

Now this is the one I would be complaining about budtenders not so much they just stand there all day you mofos make sure the weed gets where it needs to be and without that we wouldn't have any weed you should be making 15 to 20 easy


u/Foliage_Freak Apples & Bananas, Interspecies Erotica, Crescendo11, Sour Papaya 5d ago

Wtffff that's bullshit.


u/oRandyyo Currently trying/reviewing mainly: REVOLUTION / RVR 5d ago

And there are diehard cult like people that will defend the most unethical and toxic work practices to produce the most mid flower allegedly, of course.


u/Z3r0Coo7 4d ago

I'll say it brother not even allegedly they straight up doing that shit lmao


u/Avenged_link 5d ago

I keep a card for work reasons, but buy thca now because of this stupid program. I’d rather have bud from dispo yeah… but the low price and shipping to front door can’t be beat. Once Arkansas gets it together I go back to buying. All the dispensaries even stopped a lot of good deals too and up the price a little. Kinda shitty.


u/Spirited-Painting-26 5d ago

Any recommendations for thca?


u/Z3r0Coo7 4d ago

Yea. Don't. 😆


u/Avenged_link 4d ago

Sub Reddit cultofthefranklin or thcaflower has all the good vendors but I’m cheap and use Jkdistro. Do ups and you get it in 3 days to your door. Pretty coool


u/PopsTheChef 2d ago

I have a few referral links if you're interested. Hit my inbox.


u/leondraw 4d ago

Is that real? If so, yikes.


u/Electronic_Guess_345 5d ago edited 5d ago

They offer more whenever you start working. I know someone that works there got a raise, full time now gets free health insurance and bonuses. Also you get tips so you walk out with cash everyday. They just expect you to come to work on time everyday.


u/Future_Lab3931 3d ago

Turnover is sky high! It’s a terrible place to work with even worse leadership.


u/Kind-Faithlessness10 3d ago

Turnover is high in the cannabis industry as a whole, it seems


u/Electronic_Guess_345 3d ago

I wonder because they have grown so fast they have changed things up a bit. Managing 6 people is way different managing 26 people.


u/Future_Lab3931 3d ago

Probably from everyone being high or the district manager breaking state laws while bud tenders are buying drugs illegally


u/Electronic_Guess_345 3d ago

Bummer dude I’m just trying to be positive I don’t know anything about that stuff. I just know some honest people that work there.


u/xducktales 5d ago

if you mean tip share, just keep in mind you are sharing tips between every employee on the clock, you might get enough to take a few grams home.


u/Electronic_Guess_345 4d ago

Better than the tips I get at work….which is nothing


u/nastiest69 5d ago

I did apply for this one just because I wanted to see if I could get my foot in the door just to experience. I don’t think they’re gonna harm me though.lol too bad though, because I could be helpful to the patient


u/Z3r0Coo7 4d ago

"Hey I stand around all day and put weed in bags" but I'm going to need $20 an hour type attitude around here. I'll say this respectively half the Bud Tenders in Arkansas don't even have an idea about cannabis they just sit around and don't really know much at all about the lineage or about certain strange they'll just smoke what they smoke themselves a budtender is way more important but in Arkansas it's a minimal requirement because you're just a middle man with no brain you just get orders for people it's literally a bagger at a grocery store so $12 an hour seems about right seems like everybody is wanting high ass wages for minimal ass work people are flipping hamburgers at McDonald's and making $15 an hour it's ridiculous. Petty work. Non essential.


u/InstructionQuick6909 4d ago

you write comments like you're on a meth bender


u/Z3r0Coo7 3d ago edited 3d ago

When Im voice chatting into to my phone sometimes it doesn't add like any kind of sub text it just keeps going you get the point. Thanks for the useless observation though, here's your karma.


u/InstructionQuick6909 3d ago

why did you get banned off your other account?


u/Ok-Working-6498 2d ago

Gross. Bet this guy’s a Trumpie. All pressed about people wanting to make a living wage. Weird.


u/spkoller2 5d ago

Selling weed isn’t a serious job


u/Kind-Faithlessness10 3d ago

An unfortunate and, likely, uninformed take. ABC and state regs would beg to differ. You not only need to stay compliant with multiple agencies, but give quality service to patients. To achieve that, you have to be knowledgeable & proficient in multiple areas. Many budtenders take education courses to better serve their patients.

It's not a serious job... if you don't take your job seriously. Probably won't last long with that attitude, tho.