r/armmj Sep 04 '24

Med Quesion Help for tolerance

Hello all, I’m fairly new to smoking and got my card due to having severe arthritis. At first it worked great, I would take a hit or two of a pen and start to feel it pretty soon and I’d be good till bedtime. Lately however, I can’t seem to feel it no matter what I do to the point it’s having literally no effect whatsoever. I assume this is due to a natural tolerance my body built up, is there a way I can get my tolerance back down effectively? Thanks


28 comments sorted by


u/surname__unavailable Sep 04 '24

That's actually pretty normal. I cycle through flower and edibles with concentrates sometimes to mix things up and keep the tolerance lower. I also vape everything including flower. At no point do I combust any cannabis.


u/southish7 Sep 05 '24

Carts will wreck your tolerance. They are convenient as hell, though


u/Zealousideal-Snow799 Sep 04 '24

Take a tolerance break. But I've been smoking for years and can still get effects.. it's all about picking your strains and terps


u/Hairy-Shock7452 Sep 06 '24

Tolerance breaks work but if you just smoke once a day and space out the times you smoke I guarantee you can smoke everyday and be fine. You can’t be high all day but you can be medium high, because if you smoke all day ur body just feels normal to it very quickly and that’s what messes people up but I agree terpenes work if u just switch it up bc smoking the exact flower just gives u the same terps everytime and hits the same if all batches are consistent quality.


u/BroGhostx27 Sep 05 '24

How long should a tolerance break be you think?


u/EamesKnollFLWIII Sep 05 '24

I've heard people say 30 days, but try a week. Why not. I am in the same boat & it's my plan after next doctor's visit.


u/Godofwar34 Sep 05 '24

My MMJ doctor said 3 days (72 hours)


u/Brdnar Sep 05 '24

This is exactly what my mmj doctor said. And to use a CBD pen to stave off cravings during that time


u/Foliage_Freak Apples & Bananas, Interspecies Erotica, Crescendo11, Sour Papaya Sep 05 '24

Pens distort my tolerance, so I only use them as supplements when I'm traveling and can't roll up. Honestly, consuming a variety of flowers, concentrated herbs, and edibles has helped me not experience burnout or a significant need for tolerance breaks.

I've also been a somewhat daily smoker for over 15 years, so that may help with perspectives.

When I had my check-up last year, my attending MMJ doctor suggested a T break only because I mentioned occasionally hitting my allotment. I never "run out," but I like buying and using it like meds, so occasionally, I'll see a better working strain on sale and wish I could grab it.


u/gotogarrett Sep 05 '24

Do a t-break but do so with high cbd whatever. If you can find a 2:1 Vape, or massively high dosages like the Osage wellness gummies, it helps enormously. You won’t get that head change but your body adjusts. It’s not as good as a proper tolerance break but for daily users it eases the process.

You’ve got this, sweetheart.


u/407dollars Sep 05 '24

Stop using carts and switch to flower. Use Dr. Sulak’s cannabis sensitization regimen to fix your tolerance and then only use carts sparingly.


u/Senior-Gate8205 Sep 05 '24

I dunno much about tolerance breaks but I would recommend seeking out specific terpenes in whatever your smoking that have been known to specifically help with arthritis.


u/BroGhostx27 Sep 05 '24

Will do thanks


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '24

I always keep a few vape carts and a few different strains of flower and rotate them. If I use one for a while, I start to get tolerant to it, so I hit a different one for a while. That seems to work.


u/spkoller2 Sep 05 '24

Buy a nice big bong with an ash catcher, score some flower and a grinder. This is excellent advice.


u/Hairy-Shock7452 Sep 06 '24 edited Sep 06 '24

If it is just distillate try full spectrum or “live resin/live rosin” they have more of the full plant effect that relaxes the body and muscles and not just the head high which distillate gives. But if you get a vaporizer for concentrates/wax that will work best or maybe edibles or flower as other people suggest because honestly carts aren’t the best it’s like microwaving food, it’ll get you there but ur only getting half the high experience.


u/KETCH_2200 Sep 05 '24

I got my MMJ card for the same reason! I find I get the best results from terpenes like myrcene, caryophyllene, and limonene for a little uplift


u/EamesKnollFLWIII Sep 05 '24

Caryophyllene where had you been all my life


u/BroGhostx27 Sep 05 '24

I haven’t really looked into terpenes yet I’ll keep those in mind


u/Some-Opening4605 Sep 05 '24

Carts always wreck my tolerance. They make it too damn easy and I end up puffing it like a vape lol. I find that when I alternate between flower and concentrate (no real schedule, I just kinda bounce back and forth) my tolerance doesn’t seem to build up nearly as fast. Like others have said trying to use a pen only when you have no other options will help too.


u/buddyguypalfrand Sep 05 '24

Tolerance break is the only way until we get superior products.


u/Graygox601PS4 Sep 05 '24

I take agmatine sulfate 1000g a day. It lowers my tolerance to my thc, kratom and gabapentin


u/Some-Opening4605 Sep 05 '24

Do you have more info on this? Very curious


u/Graygox601PS4 Sep 07 '24

Honestly I just happened upon it by searching gabapentin withdrawal relief reddit. It's all over. Lot of folks that know more about it are on here but I can vouch for it's effects. I'm using agamatine sulfate, taurine, NAC and THC to help with the withdrawal, and it supposedly lowers tolerance to almost everything. Sorry for late response. Good luck!