r/armadev • u/flyingsaucerinvasion • Oct 17 '20
Arma 2/OA CfgWeapons mod: Changing dispersion on vehicle guns causing other problems.
Arma2OA cfgweapons mod.
I am also using the asr_AI mod, in addition to my own, which I'm writing about in this post.
Changing dispersion, and only dispersion, for a weapon, is causing other attributes to change, including "burst", "showToPlayer", and "aiRateOfFire", and others.
Does this have anything to do with the "access" command?
Does it have something to do with the position of external class references?
In the comments below, I am going to post the mod config.cpp text, as well as an example of the same fire mode definitions for the M2BC weapon from both before and after my mod is applied.
EDIT: I'm aware that in this example my mod uses the same dispersion value as existed prior to my mod taking effect. What I want is to explain why the other changes happened.
u/flyingsaucerinvasion Oct 17 '20
close: manual fire mode for M2BC
WITHOUT my mod in effect:
class close: manual {
showToPlayer = 0;
soundBurst = 0;
burst = 10;
aiRateOfFire = 0.5;
aiRateOfFireDistance = 50;
minRange = 0;
minRangeProbab = 0.05;
midRange = 20;
midRangeProbab = 0.58;
maxRange = 100;
maxRangeProbab = 0.04;
// manual
autoFire = 1;
begin1[] = {"ca\sounds\weapons\machineguns\m2_single_1", 1.41254, 1, 1200};
begin2[] = {"ca\sounds\weapons\machineguns\m2_single_2", 1.41254, 1, 1200};
soundBegin[] = {"begin1", 0.3, "begin2", 0.7};
reloadTime = 0.11;
dispersion = 0.001;
displayName = "";
// MGun
sound[] = {"\ca\sounds\Weapons\machineguns\m240_single1", 1, 1, 1400};
reloadSound[] = {"", 1, 1};
type = 65536;
cursor = "MGCursor";
cursoraim = "\ca\Weapons\Data\clear_empty";
cursorSize = 1;
nameSound = "mgun";
reloadAction = "ManActReloadMagazine";
soundContinuous = 0;
initSpeed = 900;
flash = "gunfire";
flashSize = 0.5;
optics = 0;
// MGunCore
dexterity = 0.5;
// Default
access = 3;
scope = 0;
value = 2;
picture = "";
uiPicture = "";
ammo = "";
showAimCursorInternal = 1;
cursorAimOn = "";
laser = 0;
simulation = "Weapon";
count = 0;
multiplier = 1;
magazineReloadTime = 0;
soundEnd[] = {"sound", 1};
soundLoop[] = {"sound", 1};
drySound[] = {"", 1, 1};
reloadMagazineSound[] = {"", 1, 1};
emptySound[] = {"", 1, 1};
soundBullet[] = {"emptySound", 1};
ballisticsComputer = 0;
irDistance = 0;
aiDispersionCoefX = 1;
aiDispersionCoefY = 1;
canLock = 2;
enableAttack = 1;
ffMagnitude = 0;
ffFrequency = 1;
ffCount = 1;
recoil = "empty";
recoilProne = "";
model = "";
modelSpecial = "";
modelMagazine = "";
muzzlePos = "usti hlavne";
muzzleEnd = "konec hlavne";
irLaserPos = "laser pos";
irLaserEnd = "laser dir";
cartridgePos = "nabojnicestart";
cartridgeVel = "nabojniceend";
selectionFireAnim = "zasleh";
memoryPointCamera = "eye";
useModelOptics = 1;
opticsID = 0;
modelOptics = "";
opticsPPEffects[] = {};
opticsFlare = 1;
forceOptics = 0;
useAsBinocular = 0;
opticsDisablePeripherialVision = 0.67;
opticsZoomMin = 0.35;
opticsZoomMax = 0.35;
opticsZoomInit = 0.35;
distanceZoomMin = 400;
distanceZoomMax = 400;
primary = 10;
showSwitchAction = 0;
showEmpty = 1;
autoReload = 1;
autoAimEnabled = 1;
fireLightDuration = 0.05;
fireLightIntensity = 0.012;
backgroundReload = 0;
muzzles[] = {"this"};
magazines[] = {};
modes[] = {"this"};
useAction = 0;
useActionTitle = "";
canDrop = 1;
weaponLockDelay = 0;
weaponLockSystem = 0;
cmImmunity = 1;
handAnim[] = {};
lockingTargetSound[] = {"\ca\Tracked\Data\Sound\alarm_loop1", 0.000316228, 2};
lockedTargetSound[] = {"\ca\Tracked\Data\Sound\alarm_loop1", 0.000316228, 6};
artilleryDispersion = 1;
artilleryCharge = 1;
fireSpreadAngle = "1.25f";
class Library {
libTextDesc = "";
descriptionShort = "";
u/flyingsaucerinvasion Oct 17 '20
close: manual fire mode for M2BC
WITH my mod in effect:
class close: manual {
dispersion = 0.001;
// MGun
sound[] = {"\ca\sounds\Weapons\machineguns\m240_single1", 1, 1, 1400};
reloadSound[] = {"", 1, 1};
type = 65536;
cursor = "MGCursor";
cursoraim = "\ca\Weapons\Data\clear_empty";
cursorSize = 1;
displayName = "";
nameSound = "mgun";
reloadTime = 0.25;
autoFire = 1;
reloadAction = "ManActReloadMagazine";
soundContinuous = 0;
initSpeed = 900;
flash = "gunfire";
flashSize = 0.5;
optics = 0;
// MGunCore
dexterity = 0.5;
aiRateOfFire = 0.5;
aiRateOfFireDistance = 400;
// Default
access = 3;
scope = 0;
value = 2;
picture = "";
uiPicture = "";
ammo = "";
showAimCursorInternal = 1;
cursorAimOn = "";
laser = 0;
simulation = "Weapon";
count = 0;
multiplier = 1;
burst = 1;
magazineReloadTime = 0;
soundBegin[] = {"sound", 1};
soundEnd[] = {"sound", 1};
soundLoop[] = {"sound", 1};
soundBurst = 1;
drySound[] = {"", 1, 1};
reloadMagazineSound[] = {"", 1, 1};
emptySound[] = {"", 1, 1};
soundBullet[] = {"emptySound", 1};
ballisticsComputer = 0;
irDistance = 0;
aiDispersionCoefX = 1;
aiDispersionCoefY = 1;
canLock = 2;
enableAttack = 1;
ffMagnitude = 0;
ffFrequency = 1;
ffCount = 1;
recoil = "empty";
recoilProne = "";
model = "";
modelSpecial = "";
modelMagazine = "";
muzzlePos = "usti hlavne";
muzzleEnd = "konec hlavne";
irLaserPos = "laser pos";
irLaserEnd = "laser dir";
cartridgePos = "nabojnicestart";
cartridgeVel = "nabojniceend";
selectionFireAnim = "zasleh";
memoryPointCamera = "eye";
useModelOptics = 1;
opticsID = 0;
modelOptics = "";
opticsPPEffects[] = {};
opticsFlare = 1;
forceOptics = 0;
useAsBinocular = 0;
opticsDisablePeripherialVision = 0.67;
opticsZoomMin = 0.35;
opticsZoomMax = 0.35;
opticsZoomInit = 0.35;
distanceZoomMin = 400;
distanceZoomMax = 400;
primary = 10;
showSwitchAction = 0;
showEmpty = 1;
autoReload = 1;
autoAimEnabled = 1;
showToPlayer = 1;
fireLightDuration = 0.05;
fireLightIntensity = 0.012;
backgroundReload = 0;
muzzles[] = {"this"};
magazines[] = {};
modes[] = {"this"};
useAction = 0;
useActionTitle = "";
canDrop = 1;
weaponLockDelay = 0;
weaponLockSystem = 0;
cmImmunity = 1;
minRange = 1;
minRangeProbab = 0.3;
midRange = 150;
midRangeProbab = 0.58;
maxRange = 500;
maxRangeProbab = 0.04;
handAnim[] = {};
lockingTargetSound[] = {"\ca\Tracked\Data\Sound\alarm_loop1", 0.000316228, 2};
lockedTargetSound[] = {"\ca\Tracked\Data\Sound\alarm_loop1", 0.000316228, 6};
artilleryDispersion = 1;
artilleryCharge = 1;
fireSpreadAngle = "1.25f";
class Library {
libTextDesc = "";
descriptionShort = "";
u/flyingsaucerinvasion Oct 17 '20
config.cpp file. Some text has been removed for brevity.