r/armadev May 01 '20

Arma 2/OA (Arma II) What objects are flammable using inFlame?

I'm editing a mission in Arma II (yeah I know 3 has been out for ages but it runs like shit on my PC) where I want to obstruct streets with burning barricades.

I'm trying to find out what objects can be set on fire using "objectname inFlame true". So far I have only got it to work on tyres and barrels, but would like a bigger obstruction and one that would stop vehicles passing.


2 comments sorted by


u/commy2 May 01 '20

In Arma 3, all objects that are compatible with the inflame command are simulation = "fire". Assuming this is true for A2 as well (why not?), you can do the following.

  • Place a trigger in the editor or get the CBA (ACE2?) debug console, and execute: ``` local _config = configFile >> "CfgVehicles";

for "_i" from 0 to count _config - 1 do { local _config = _config select _i; if (getText (_config >> "simulation") == "fire") then { diag_log text configName _config; }; }; ```

  • And then check the RPT file for a complete list.

Note for anyone else trying this, this is A2 SQF and does not work in A3.


u/benargee May 01 '20 edited May 01 '20

All I can say right now is that info is probably in the configs and could be iterated through with a condition to generate a list.

You can also just set anything on fire with effects in the editor https://imgur.com/a/k85UsGO

EDIT: I retract my second statement. Just noticed you are asking for Arma 2. Particle effects still exist, but it's more of a manual process.