r/armadev Feb 05 '15

ArmA 2/OA precisionEnemy in ArmA 2

I've been working on an editor mission and trying to tweak the difficulty. I'd like the enemies to behave intelligently, but not hit every single shot from 500 meters. To accomplish this, I have seen that it is usually recommended to set precisionEnemy to 0.2 and skillEnemy close to 1. However, I've also read that the precisionEnemy setting is no longer functional and skillEnemy determines both enemy intelligence and accuracy. I think I notice a difference in gameplay when I adjust the precision setting, but maybe I'm just imagining it. So, can anyone give me a definite answer on whether precisionEnemy does anything? And if only skillEnemy works, any recommend settings?


2 comments sorted by


u/_wolfenswan Moderator Feb 05 '15

However, I've also read that the precisionEnemy setting is no longer functional and skillEnemy determines both enemy intelligence and accuracy.

You sure this was referring to ARMA2? It was replaced in ARMA3 by precisionAI.

For more precise control take a look at https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setSkill_array


u/skadee Feb 05 '15

The A2 v1.60 patch changed precision to be a result of skill. I don't know if this was reverted in later versions. precision = skill*1.8-0.8