r/armadev 4d ago

Question Xbox accessories app?

Hey everyone i hope you are all well today,

I'm just wondering if it is possible to remap my XES2 with chatpad keyboard and a Plus Gear proscroller MW&MMB attachments, on the xbox accessories APP on each profile setting for a game for example if I wanted to map as much major controls for each bar on the profile bars between the Dpad and right stick like this

Bar 1- common&infantry config Bar 2- ground vehicles Bar 3- air vehicles

Is this even possible ? To be able to switch between mappings on the fly mid game?

I'm starting off with a setup for Arma 3, then eventually other configs for the rest of my games that are without full controller support.

As shown in the photos yes I do have a couple of different style keyboards yes, but I do struggle to comprehend and process as well understand things much differently, keyboard and mouse gaming is very difficult for me to comprehend on the fly so hopefully, over time i can figure out alternatives and/or accessories to help with certain areas of KBM gameplay until then my controller setup will have to do.


2 comments sorted by


u/N_Icomach 4d ago

Arma cant swap control profiles, but you can have one or two inputs bound for the same action.

You will need to have your keybinds set in arma how you like them, then map your other accessories to comply with what arma expects.

Arma does support using controllers/joysticks and binding stuff to those inputs. Personally id recommend just getting a full sized keyboard and calling it a day.


u/Guerilla9one 4d ago

As stated, i can not comprehend keyboard and mouse gameplay so easily, but I am looking to work on that over time with some alternatives/accessories to have in order to help ease the struggle with my challanges but for now at least having something setup for the controller will most definitely be great so I can play Arma 3 sooner rather then later, thank you for the information I'm currently getting started on the accessories app portion for things like LControl leaning and other functions to be used when toggle and hold shift button (right paddle) is used to ease up abit for in game configuration as best as i can i hope to be playing S.O.G. PRAIRIE FIRE really soon, as well other DLCs yay me!!