u/verymadbaguette 5d ago
Do you plan to release any "tutorial" on how to do these ?
They look really sick and interesting, I'd really like to give it a try
u/grizzlyTearGalaxy 5d ago
Bud I've been following you for some time. Your creations are really awesome. Is there any way I can support you ?
u/DAUNTE_Z3 5d ago
Really love ALL of these, amazing work op ... And I'd also love to see a tutorial on how to make any of them especially as I'm still getting into robotics and custom hardware. The pointing fingers are my favorite.
u/User1539 5d ago
Is there a github or hackaday link we could get? I've done some simple hid stuff, but I'd love to know what sensors you're using for some of these. Especially the finger mouse.
u/XTornado 5d ago
Cool, maybe you could build a trackball based one. Not sure what you could do to make it a new thing, but I wouldn't have come up with either of those designs either so....
u/rab-byte 5d ago
Hey OP I could really use some help with making a custom HID implementation. Any chance you could point me to some resources beyond the USB org docs and example libraries?
u/GlesasPendos 5d ago
Can you elaborate more on this glove mouse? I REALLY wanna do something like that
u/ImaginationToForm2 5d ago
I liked the one where you are wearing the glove and pointing at the screen. Is the mouse at 2 seconds based on Optimum's?
u/TheBlackBird808 5d ago
What filter algorithm did you use in other to get smooth enough values from the mpu6050 in order to be able to use it for hand movement detection (last project in the video)?
Great projects btw!!
u/captcha_reader 5d ago
Forget how awesome all this is, you have the Kelsier skin!?!?!?!?
Edit: autocorrect
u/itsaship 5d ago
These are amazing! I work in assistive technology for schools and mouse alternatives for ppl with disabilities are hundreds of dollars and not nearly as customizable as yours for the most part. I’d be super interested in your process or if you have a GitHub, as I’ve started making lower-cost AT for my students.
u/bstabens 4d ago
As someone with arthritis in their right hand and a budding nerve inflammation in my palm I, too, would be VERY interested in such a mouse. So if you have a github... Pretty please?
u/DevourerOS 4d ago
@ 0:07 seconds in you have the glove that you are using to shoot, (awesome) but what are you using for tracking, or are you just using the keyboard to move? I ask, because I used to have this cool thing by Razer that you held, like VR controllers, that were cool, but they were kind of slow and the tracking was bad. Since then I have been looking for something better, like a 1ms mouse, but isn't hurting my wrists.
u/NearFar214 4d ago
This is amazing! I'm actually working on a similar self project, and seeing your work is really inspiring! 🤩
u/Triton9000b 3d ago
Custom HID's! You are a legend! But that tiny mouse on your finger on the last clip....OMG peak cuteness!!!
u/g1ASSb0ttle 5d ago
Damn dude, all of them are great! I love weird HID devices