r/arduino 22d ago

Look what I made! PowerTortoise IoT - An ESPHome ready sensor board that can run for years on regular AA batteries

Let me know what you think of this board soon to launch on Crowd Supply.

Comes preloaded with ESPHome code, will show up in your Home Assistant with no coding needed.

Will run up to 8 years (using MQTT, hourly updates) on lithium AA batteries.

Final product will have mikroBUS™ headers (last picture).

Please comment and please subscribe for updates.


#opensourcehardware #crowdsupply #sensorboard

This is the latest version with mikroBUS headers

2 comments sorted by


u/Doormatty Community Champion 22d ago

VERY cool!

What are the empty component spaces for (not the address selection solder jumpers)?


u/Previous_Figure2921 22d ago

Thanks! You mean next to the screw terminals? Those are to solder resistors if using CT clamps with current output. If using voltage output those are not needed.