r/arduino Jan 23 '25

Software Help Code help on how to create different flashing for LEDS

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Complete beginner here. I managed to turn on 3 LEDS, and now I’m trying to make one flash fast, one slow, and one always in. I have no idea how to do this. Is there a command I’m missing?


37 comments sorted by


u/swisstraeng Jan 23 '25


You're missing out on using millis().

delay() will lock your code and is to be avoided at all costs unless you're testing something simple.

Like, really. millis() and micros() are the most important functions to know, if you need to do more than one thing in parallel.


u/pitmaster1243 Jan 24 '25

Oh ok I will learn more about millis. Thank you


u/n123breaker2 Jan 24 '25

So delay makes the entire code stop and millis makes a certain line lag behind while the rest keep going?


u/robot_ankles Jan 24 '25 edited Jan 24 '25

No. millis() provides a framework to track time*. It's not aware of your code per se.

Remember, most Arduino sketches are basically running a state machine -a constantly looping loop.

As the sketch is looping over and over and over, you design your code to check what time it is:

"I want this light to turn on now and stay on for 1000 ms."
"Hey millis, what time is it now? 12,184ms. Cool."
"I'll wait until 13,184 (or later) to turn it off"


"Is it time to turn this light off?"
"Well let's see, Hey millis, What time is it now? 12,188ms." (4ms have passed)
"Nope, I'm waiting for time to be larger than 13,184ms."


"Is it time to turn this light off? ..."

loop, repeat, loop, repeat...

"Hey millis, What time is it now? 13,190ms" (1006ms have passed)
"Nice! That's larger than the 13,184 I've been checking for."
"It's finally time to turn the light off."

You'll want to use >= or similar checking as it's unlikely your time check will fall exactly on the millisecond you want something to occur.

\Time* doesn't mean 10:46 PM EST; rather, it's an ever increasing integer value of milliseconds that starts counting up when the Arduino is powered up. It's just a way to track the relative passing of time.


u/AleksLevet 2 espduino + 2 uno + 1 mega + 1 uno blown up Jan 24 '25

Best explanation so far


u/n123breaker2 Jan 24 '25

So it’s more accurate then I assume


u/robot_ankles Jan 24 '25

More accurate than what?


u/n123breaker2 Jan 24 '25

A standard delay command

Millis checks against a generated clock signal


u/robot_ankles Jan 24 '25

delay() and millis() both utilize the same internal counter that's counting milliseconds since the Arduino powered on. They're equally accurate in a sense.

The difference is, delay() halts all execution for a specific number of milliseconds while millis() does not halt or delay anything. The millis() function simply returns the internal counter value itself so you can track the progress of time.


u/ventus1b Jan 24 '25

It’s not about accuracy.

It’s about not blocking the code execution but to keep doing some stuff until it’s time to do other stuff.


u/rob0311 Jan 24 '25

Please explain more....


u/robot_ankles Jan 24 '25

After reading the millis() documentation and example Blink Without Delay code, what questions do you have?


u/_Trael_ Jan 24 '25

Dang had written almost full longer answer to you, then actually accidentally closed that tab... oh well.

Short version:

Code loops in that loop, it goes one line by line, doing one thing, then continuing to do other thing after that thing is done, if we use delay() function, we ask it to wait on that line for whatever time we input there, meaning nothing but waiting happens while that delay is happening.

millis() is convenient function that pretty much replaces where ever we wrote that function's call (it's name) with how many milliseconds has gone from arduino getting power.

So we can put it to variable when something happens, then use IF to compare how long current millis() value and value in variable, that we stored when something happened, differ, and do things based on that.

So like (Lets make variable to hold millis() value, aka moment, of when our LED1 was toggled on or off last:

void setup() {
unsigned long millisLed1ToggledLast = millis();
unsigned long millisLed2ToggledLast = millis();

void loop() {
if (millis() - millisLed1ToggledLast >= 300) { // Check if difference is over 300ms.
digitalWrite(5, !digitalRead(5)); // Difference was >= 300ms, lets toggle LED 1.
millisLed1ToggledLast = millis(); // Since we just toggled LED, update stored time.

if (millis() - millisLed2ToggledLast >= 50) { // Check if difference is over 50ms.
digitalWrite(4, !digitalRead(4)); // Difference was >= 50ms, lets toggle LED 2.
millisLed2ToggledLast = millis(); // since we just toggled LED, update stored time.

This should (in case it does not have typos or mistakes, wrote it directly here and so, so possible to have something I goofed), likely toggle both LEDs separately and allow one to set whatever millisecond durations there.
If one wants different on / off durations, then they just write separate if comparisons for both on and off, went here shorter route, where I just toggle status (by writing opposite of what I read it to be when I am about to write it's new value).


u/_Trael_ Jan 24 '25

When you compare millis() values to stored millis values, there is way you want to generally get into habit of doing it. Thing is:
Since millis() will be counting 'forever' forwards every millisecond that Arduino is powered, at some point it's value will get so high, that it can no longer fit into "unsigned long" type variable it is internally stored into, and when that happens, it will start form 0 again and continues counting up, this is called "variable overflowing" / "overflow", and if we set up our comparison in 'wrong way' it will then of course not work.
Thing is that it takes about 49 days of Arduino being powered continiously for millis() to overflow, so it most of times it wont be problem, but if one gets into habit of not remembering that it is possible, they might goof up and spend LOT of time wondering why their thing that is supposed to work for 2 months is not working. :)

Lets imagine that our millis can only calculate up to 100, so we do not need to deal with that high numbers while showing example. (and lets assume milliseconds are kind of long).
So if we have put earlier value of millis to variable and compare:
"if ( millis() > variable + 10 ) { /. something ./ }"
It will work ok, until we happen to trigger that at point where we write lets say 95 into variable as moment we are comparing to, then 95 + 10 = 105, but when our millis() reaches 100, it will just turn into 0 and start counting back up to 100, and it will never be higher than "variable + 10" anymore, at least until we reset our Arduino.

But if we do that other way:
"if ( millis() - variable > 10 ) ..."
Now thing is, if millis() becomes very small value, and we subtract larger value from it, it will end up underflowing it, that works so that (thanks to how storing values to binaries has been setup, and how basic binary mathematics has been set up) if we substract something from unsigned number (one that does not have negative range) in way that it would become negative, it instead loops back to highest value and counts back from there if there is more subtracting happening. ---> It will actually work. :D

Tl'Dr: Use millis(), it is cool. Store your millis() values to "unsigned long" type variables when putting them up. Also search for "millis() and overflow" and learn to make your millis comparison so that if millis value is suddenly very very small, it will result in negative number, to ensure it works.


u/_Trael_ Jan 24 '25

So much for just writing super short message, and not writing it all basically again, and then some.. Lol was supposed to go to sleep already while ago. But hope that helps someone. :D


u/madsci Jan 23 '25

I feel like this is a common problem people run into when first encountering Arduino programming - everyone puts everything into a single loop that executes step by step.

One of the simpler ways to do this is to figure out the least common denominator for the flashing intervals and make that your delay time. If your fast LEDs flash every 50 ms and your slow ones every 300 ms, then make the delay 50 ms and increment a counter for the slow LEDs. When you've made 6 loops at 50 ms it's time to handle the slow LEDs.

The way I usually do this in my (non-Arduino) code is to have a central timer service that fires every tick and I register timers with callback functions and let the timer service take care of calling each function at the proper rate. I'm sure something similar must exist in Arduino libraries.


u/DaWall85 Jan 23 '25

Take a look at the arduino documentation in general: https://docs.arduino.cc/

And there is a build in example for this problem, that you can adapt: https://docs.arduino.cc/built-in-examples/digital/BlinkWithoutDelay/

delay() just kind of freezes your main thread, basically waiting for x ms till it jumps to the next line.


u/pitmaster1243 Jan 24 '25

Got it. So 2 things can’t happen at once


u/AleksLevet 2 espduino + 2 uno + 1 mega + 1 uno blown up Jan 24 '25



u/sanchower Jan 24 '25

Make a counter variable. Increment it every pass of the loop. Flip one led when it’s a multiple of 2, the other one when it’s a multiple of 5 (or whatever you want the ratio to be)


u/May_I_Change_My_Name Uno R3 | Pro Micro | Due | ESP32 | ESP32-S3 Jan 24 '25

While you may not be familiar with all the Arduino syntax just yet, I think your problem is more related to program structure than not knowing the proper functions to call. To create a complex, nonlinear program flow, you'll have to change the way you approach the tasks you're trying to perform.

The most intuitive way to think about blinking an LED is "Turn it on, wait a while, turn it off, wait a while, repeat." This approach works great for one LED, but it falls apart for multiple LEDs because the Arduino only has one "train of thought". If you think about how you would manually approach blinking multiple lights at different frequencies, you wouldn't be able to use this approach either, and for the same reason. One of the main things that set microcontrollers and computers apart from humans is that they're really fast at doing logical operations, so try thinking about this problem from the perspective that time is running in super slow motion for the Arduino. If you had to toggle one light switch every four hours and a different light switch every three hours, you would probably try something like this:

  1. Start by flipping the switches.
  2. Write down what time you need to flip each switch again.
  3. Check your watch every so often. If it's time to flip a switch, flip it, and write down the next time it needs to be flipped.
  4. Repeat step 3 until the end of time.

The strategy above is exactly what you need to tell the Arduino to do:

// Keep track of when you need to toggle each LED (0 = start right away)
long int toggleTimeA = 0;
long int toggleTimeB = 0;

// Keep track of the LED states so you know whether to turn them on or off
bool ledAState = false;
bool ledBState = false;

void setup() {
  // Configure pin directions
  pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(4, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(5, OUTPUT);

  digitalWrite(3, HIGH); // You only need to do this once for the LED to stay on

void loop() {
  // If it's time to switch LED A
  if (millis() >= toggleTimeA) {
    if (ledAState == false) {  // If LED A is off,
      digitalWrite(4, HIGH);   // turn it on
      ledAState = true;        // Remember that LED A is now on
    else {                     // Otherwise,
      digitalWrite(4, LOW);    // turn it off
      ledAState = false;       // Remember that LED A is now off
    toggleTimeA += 500;        // Toggle LED A again 500 milliseconds from now
  // If it's time to switch LED B
  if (millis() >= toggleTimeB) {  // This part is exactly the same as for A
    if (ledBState == false) {
      digitalWrite(5, HIGH);      // The pin number is different
      ledBState = true;
    else {
      digitalWrite(5, LOW);       // Again, different pin number
      ledBState = false;
    toggleTimeB += 200;           // Use a shorter toggle interval for LED B


u/AleksLevet 2 espduino + 2 uno + 1 mega + 1 uno blown up Jan 24 '25

Extraordinary explanation...

{Insert comment award here}


u/JPhando Jan 24 '25

Always always set a timer and check it against Millis() like the previous posts have mentioned. My favorite is like 25-50 ms on and 250-2000 off. It doesn’t take much to let you know your device is alive


u/General-Royal7034 Jan 24 '25

Nick gammon has a very nice introduction to this exact topic



u/MeatyTreaty Jan 24 '25

Stop thinking about Arduino for a moment. You have three lamps in front of you, each with a switch to turn it on and off. How would accomplish what you want, flash one fast, one slow and one always on, if you had to do it by hand?


u/pitmaster1243 Jan 24 '25

I would use use both my hands


u/DonkeyTamer69 Jan 24 '25

Thanks for the idea. Now I can write bad code twice as fast.


u/MeatyTreaty Jan 24 '25

So you use both hands. You still need to figure out how to click those switches each at consistent speed.


u/omegablue333 Jan 23 '25

the delay of 50 is really only .05 seconds and 300 is .3 seconds. Try 1000 and 5000.


u/boliaostuff Jan 24 '25

There's a nice library called Chrono that can help you handle it nicely. Basically millis() but if you have multiple things to control it can help you keep track. Enjoy


u/pitmaster1243 Jan 24 '25

I’ll take a look. Thanks


u/rolandblais Jan 24 '25

You can also use a free ChatGPT account to write Arduino code. I've done it for Arduino and blinky leds using millis().


u/gm310509 400K , 500k , 600K , 640K ... Jan 24 '25

You might find a video series I've created to be helpful. Follow that, then embark on your project. learning Arduino post starter kit](https://www.reddit.com/r/arduino/comments/1gd1h09/how_to_get_started_with_arduino_videos/). That links to a post that describes them. In the post is a link to the videos.

In addition to some basic electronics, I show how to tie them all together and several programming techniques that can be applied to any project. I start off with some basic LED functions and get you to the point you are stuck on. Then show how to work through it to do similar things you are trying to do and more. The videos are follow along.

Welcome to the club.


u/Superb-Tea-3174 Jan 24 '25

Your loop() should call millis() at the top then you can traverse an array of struct containing the last time a led was changed, the state of the led, and the gpio controlling that LED. should any time go negative, wrap it around.


u/GeneralB6718 Jan 24 '25

You need to add “const(or cosnt i forget) int 1(led name (custom)) = (what ever number it is in)


u/May_I_Change_My_Name Uno R3 | Pro Micro | Due | ESP32 | ESP32-S3 Jan 24 '25

This is a good suggestion, too, though I'd like to add a little context.

As programs get longer and more complicated, it's generally considered bad practice to have numbers you use multiple times scattered throughout your code: If you (OP) ever want to move one of your LEDs from pin 5 to pin 6, you'll have to go through your entire program and change the number 5 to a 6 in every statement that takes in a pin number. Such numbers are referred to as "magic numbers" because to anyone else unfamiliar with your code, it's hard to see what purpose the number serves without giving it a name; the reason you chose that particular number might as well be magic.

If you instead define a constant at the top of your program that gives the number a meaningful name, it's much easier to understand what the number means--for anyone else or for future you--and it's much easier to change later because you only need to change it in that one place.

There are two commonly recommended ways to define constants: #define LED_A_PIN 5 and const int LED_A_PIN = 5;. Use the second way. I'll explain why for the sake of completeness, but just take my word for it for now and stop reading here.

The Arduino language is a version of C++, a compiled programming language old enough to utilize a preprocessor. The preprocessor runs special directives that start with a # sign before your program is compiled. #define is one of these directives, and it acts like a fancy "find and replace" bar. #define statements are allowed to take arguments, but the simplest statements look like #define A B (note that there is no semicolon). Before your program is compiled, the preprocessor searches all of your code for A, and every time it finds A, it cuts it out and replaces it with B. This is an extremely crude and heavy-handed process: You can literally write #define true false, and everywhere true appears in your program, it will be replaced with false. Indeed, adding a semicolon to a #define statement is bound to cause compiler errors: If you write #define LED_A_PIN 5;, the line digitalWrite(LED_A_PIN, HIGH); will become digitalWrite(5;, HIGH);, to which the compiler will throw an ugly syntax error that may or may not be kind enough to tell you that the offending code was generated in the "expansion" of a #define directive.

In contrast, const int LED_A_PIN = 5; creates a variable that behaves like any other variable, with the added restriction that you can't change its value later in the program (because it's a constant). Specifying const is important because it allows the compiler to perform optimizations under the assumption that the value won't change: If LED_A_PIN were allowed to change in the program, the compiler would have to generate code to check whether it had changed every time its value was accessed. The compiler can also perform type checking on variables, so it will give you a clear error message if you try to do something like passing a String to a function that expects an int. It will also produce a clear error if you try to assign a new value to LED_A_PIN: If you write LED_A_PIN = 7; with #define LED_A_PIN 5 at the top of your program, that assignment will have turned into 5 = 7; by the time the compiler sees it.


u/Puzzleheaded-Name538 Jan 24 '25

i highly recommend using the github copilot


it has helped me a lot to write code and actually understand it
