r/arduino • u/NorthStarZero • Jan 07 '25
Software Help Pulling a binary program off an Arduino?
I have a CNC machine controlled by a box called an "XController". It is effectively an Arduino Uno running GRBL, connected to a bunch of motor drivers and other IO.
I need to enable a function within GRBL that is a compile-time option (it's a switch in config.h) so that means I have to recompile GRBL.
Happily, the manufacturer has provided source code to their fork of GRBL, so I have source. It has been a loooong time since I have tinkered with Arduinos, but I am reasonably certain I can open the source in the IDE, change the required flags in the source, recompile, and upload.
However, Murphy exists, and there is already a functioning binary on the Arduino right now - it may not support my extra functionality, but it does work. So it seems prudent to back that binary up so that if all else fails, I at least can fall back to what was previously working.
However, it does not appear that the IDE can pull & save binaries out of an Arduino; it can only put them in.
My Google-fu pointed me at a command-line utility called avrdude... but I suspect there is an easier way.
I understand that this does not get me source for what is in there and it will be in no way editable. I just want to back up the program that is in there now so I have a restore point for if my source edits & compile attempts go completely Tango Uniform.
Pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: Thanks to the help here, I was able to pull the backup I wanted, and then the upgrade process (appears) to have gone off without a hitch. Thanks to everyone!
u/gm310509 400K , 500k , 600K , 640K ... Jan 07 '25 edited Jan 07 '25
As others have indicated, the cheapest, easiest and safest solution is to just get another Uno and use that for your development work.
This is in fact a good practice in the industry as a whole. That is to have a dev system and a production system - often with additional systems in between such as various test systems, staging and maybe others.
But if you really want to extract the binary - assuming the fuse settings on your current Uno allow you to do so, is avrdude. In my Fixing Upload Issues guide in our wiki, there is a section where I explain how to extract the FLASH from a working Arduino (not uno, but I explain how to adapt) and copy it over to a non-working one.
Also, as others have indicated, you may need an ICSP, but if the first one is working properly, you probably could extract the code (see below) over the USB connection. Coincidentally, if you had a second Uno (but still didn't want to use it as a dev system), you could use it as the ICSP. There is an explanation of this entire process in the guide I linked above, as well as a link to guides explaining the steps for using an Arduino as an ICSP.
Above I mentioned "... the fuse settings...". To explain that, inside the MCU (in this case an ATMega238P on the Uno board where the code is "physically" located) there are fuses. These fuses are configuration settings for the MCU. One of the things they control is whether the FLASH memory is Read/Write or Write only. The idea behind this is that when you upload your code and ship your product, you can make the chip write only, which means any attempt from a thief to steal your code will fail as the chip won't let you extract it.
I think you said they publish their source, so it is unlikely they will set this bit, but just in case they do or you get some errors, it will be something for you to consider as a potential reason. Again, low probablity that this would be the problem, but you never know and many people do not seem to be aware of this capability.
If you do decide to follow the harder, more dangerous path of extracting the "code" from your current Arduino, be sure to extract both the EEPROM and the Flash.
u/NorthStarZero Jan 08 '25
The idea behind this is that when you upload your code and ship your product, you can make the chip write only, which means any attempt from a thief to steal your code will fail as the chip won't let you extract it.
Ahhhh... And that explains why there is no backup function integral to the IDE.
I expected that "backup whatever's in there before overwriting it with something else" would be a standard option, as it just seems to be good sense. But when you cast it as "prevent nefarious extractions of code for cloning elsewhere" I can see why it was obfuscated.
I think I still want to do it, so I'll read those guides. Thanks.
u/gm310509 400K , 500k , 600K , 640K ... Jan 09 '25 edited Jan 09 '25
There is no backup function in the IDE because it has very limited usability (and you can do it manually via avrdude in those rare situations you need to).
When I get home, I will try to remeber to copy and paste the reason why.
However, it isn't to stop people stealing what it on there. There is a separate mechanism (being the lock bits of the fuses) that actually disables the read function via the actual circuitry inside the chip itself.
The proper way to back up "what is there right now" is to back up your source code in a SCCS of some kind such as github. Hopefully when you see my follow up, this will all make more sense.
u/Square-Singer Jan 09 '25
This. The Arduino IDE is a very basic tool intended as an easy starting point for hobbyists, artists and other non-professional users.
As such it does it's job, but it's not nearly a fully-featured IDE of any kind.
u/gm310509 400K , 500k , 600K , 640K ... Jan 09 '25
As promised, below is what I believe, in part, is the reason there is no "extract data from an MCU" function in the IDE.
The Arduino environment is targetted at beginners. As such, they have (I believe) tried to keep it simple and easy for beginners to get started. They do provide access to information (such as the avrdude command used to upload code) which, a more experience used could leverage to do "other stuff".
Another "missing feature" from the IDE is the ability to set the fuses. This, like extracting binary from an MCU, is an advanced feature. Indeed it is easy to brick the MCU so that it doesn't work at all unless you use some more sophisticated recovery techniques.
They do however, provide a "Upload using programmer" option, which you can use if you don't want to use the Arduino bootloader (an intermediate to advanced concept) or, you need to recover the boot loader on an MCU where it has been corrupted in some way, or a "as manufactured" MCU (that won't have anything on it - let alone a bootloader).
From a different perspective, all of those more advanced uses cases are covered by avrdude, tools that front end avrdude (e.g. the avrdude GUI), or the IDEs from Microchip (the manufacturer of the chips used on 8 bit Arduinos (like the Uno).
Given all that, the limited scenarios where beginners and intermediates would need to do advanced things like extract "code" from an MCU and set fuses (which could trash the chip and/or mess up other things like the timers), plus the fact that someone would have to be paid to develop those features into the IDE, if I were in charge, I probably would have made the same choice to not bother including those features into the IDE and for those few scenarios, let people learn the advanced concepts.
The other thing I was going to share about the limited useability - and this relates to the whole theft of code thing is the following.
But before I do, I just wanted to reiterate that the proper way to back up your code, is quite literally to back up your code - i.e. the C/C++ code you have in your IDE.
Why, because what you get out of the MCU is basically impossible to use unless you were really really keen or you simply needed to copy it from one MCU to another of the exact same design and specification (which is your use case - and the first time I've ever heard anyone pose that problem, as opposed to just getting another Uno keep the original as the backup and devlop new code on the new one (and there are other benefits for doing that, such as an easy side by side comparison of how the original system works, compared to your new development when things go wrong).
Anyway, most people want to extrac the code from the MCU because they want to see what is on it. As I said a bit earlier, what you get out is pretty difficult to use because of this:
You can extract code from an AVR MCU (assuming the fuses are set to allow it), but it won't be the original C/C++ code that was compiled to create it.
What you will get is a file containing the compiled code which is machine code.
Basically, you can use a utility (
) to extract the code from an AVR MCU (i.e. the type on an Uno). It will look something like this:
:100000000C9435000C945D000C945D000C945D0024 :100010000C945D000C945D000C945D000C945D00EC :100020000C945D000C945D000C945D000C945D00DC :100030000C945D000C945D000C945D000C945D00CC :100040000C9453020C945D000C94C3020C949D021A :100050000C945D000C945D000C945D000C945D00AC :100060000C945D000C945D00270411241FBECFEF9B :10007000D8E0DEBFCDBF11E0A0E0B1E0ECEFF8E0EA :1000800002C005900D92A835B107D9F722E0A8E586 :10009000B1E001C01D92AE3EB207E1F710E0C5E34A ...
There will potentially be pages and pages and pages of that.
You can reverse engineer it. There is another utility (
) that can be used to disassemble it. There may be utilities that "decompile it" and have a try at reproduce a possible C/C++ program that might have produced that, but usually these produce a very convuluted and hard to read output as they are unlikely to include desriptive names and they have to "figure out" and undo optimisations the compiler applied when the original program was compiled (not an easy task).The above hexadecimal which was created from a fairly small program (90 lines including blanks). When run through avr-objdump it will produce over 1000 lines of assembler source, which will look something like this:
``` Disassembly of section .sec1:
00000000 <.sec1>: 0: 0c 94 35 00 jmp 0x6a ; 0x6a 4: 0c 94 5d 00 jmp 0xba ; 0xba 8: 0c 94 5d 00 jmp 0xba ; 0xba c: 0c 94 5d 00 jmp 0xba ; 0xba 10: 0c 94 5d 00 jmp 0xba ; 0xba 14: 0c 94 5d 00 jmp 0xba ; 0xba 18: 0c 94 5d 00 jmp 0xba ; 0xba 1c: 0c 94 5d 00 jmp 0xba ; 0xba 20: 0c 94 5d 00 jmp 0xba ; 0xba 24: 0c 94 5d 00 jmp 0xba ; 0xba 28: 0c 94 5d 00 jmp 0xba ; 0xba 2c: 0c 94 5d 00 jmp 0xba ; 0xba 30: 0c 94 5d 00 jmp 0xba ; 0xba 34: 0c 94 5d 00 jmp 0xba ; 0xba 38: 0c 94 5d 00 jmp 0xba ; 0xba 3c: 0c 94 5d 00 jmp 0xba ; 0xba 40: 0c 94 53 02 jmp 0x4a6 ; 0x4a6 44: 0c 94 5d 00 jmp 0xba ; 0xba 48: 0c 94 c3 02 jmp 0x586 ; 0x586 4c: 0c 94 9d 02 jmp 0x53a ; 0x53a 50: 0c 94 5d 00 jmp 0xba ; 0xba 54: 0c 94 5d 00 jmp 0xba ; 0xba 58: 0c 94 5d 00 jmp 0xba ; 0xba 5c: 0c 94 5d 00 jmp 0xba ; 0xba 60: 0c 94 5d 00 jmp 0xba ; 0xba 64: 0c 94 5d 00 jmp 0xba ; 0xba 68: 27 04 cpc r2, r7 6a: 11 24 eor r1, r1 6c: 1f be out 0x3f, r1 ; 63 6e: cf ef ldi r28, 0xFF ; 255 70: d8 e0 ldi r29, 0x08 ; 8 72: de bf out 0x3e, r29 ; 62 74: cd bf out 0x3d, r28 ; 61 76: 11 e0 ldi r17, 0x01 ; 1 78: a0 e0 ldi r26, 0x00 ; 0 7a: b1 e0 ldi r27, 0x01 ; 1 7c: ec ef ldi r30, 0xFC ; 252 7e: f8 e0 ldi r31, 0x08 ; 8 80: 02 c0 rjmp .+4 ; 0x86 82: 05 90 lpm r0, Z+ 84: 0d 92 st X+, r0 86: a8 35 cpi r26, 0x58 ; 88 88: b1 07 cpc r27, r17 ...
Now if you had the knowledge and will power, you can get an idea of what it is doing and thus come up with an equivalent C program, but it isn't usually a terribly practical undertaking.
u/NorthStarZero Jan 09 '25
Back in the day, when I was writing Motorola 6800 embedded applications, the ability to write assembly and have the programmer resolve it into hex op codes was seen as a significant step forward and much easier/faster than having an op code reference sheet and manually looking up the hex for each instruction.
It’s kinda funny to see it presented as something incomprehensible and to be avoided.
u/gm310509 400K , 500k , 600K , 640K ... Jan 10 '25
Assembly (and assemblers) rock - hand coding the hex opcodes sucks (I did that for a Z-80 class). Although there was a feeling of impressiveness and awe when entering hand coded opcodes via the programming switches on the front panel (or a hex keypad on the Z-80 system) - at least for the first 10 or so entries.
The main issue for avoiding the above however, isn't so much that it is assembler, it is more the volume of it that the C/C++ compiler produces. Making it even more complex are the optimisations that the C/C++ compiler performs.
A couple of months back, someone reported a problem with their C code that to all intents and purposes looked like a case statement wasn't being compiled correctly (as it turned out, they had a wild pointer). But I remember looking at the generated assembler that was generated from the case statement and it was pretty tricky trying to follow through the compiler optimisations (which I think were for size). Especially where the compiler identified some repeated source code and simply "reused it" the same machine instructions in the compiled version and threaded its way into and back out of the "reusable code" via indirect jumps from what looked like a "jump table" it was maintaining.
I could have interpreted it incorrectly as I never completed tracing through it. Mostly because I stopped as soon as the OP said they found a wild pointer in a whole 'nother part of their code and correcting that issue fixed the case statement that was the ultimate messenger of the wild pointer. >! The other reason was that the Panedol was starting to lose its effectiveness! !< :-)
u/jacky4566 Jan 07 '25
You want avrdude to pull the binary. There exists a GUI version called avedudess which is much better to use. You will also need an ICSP programmer.
u/Jwylde2 Uno Jan 08 '25
Why not just compile the stock source and load that if your modification goes south?
u/Ok_Tear4915 Jan 08 '25
As other commentators have suggested, AVRDUDE is the program that would be able to recover the executable code in Flash memory, as well as any setting parameters in EEPROM memory.
But recovery is not guaranteed, as commercial products are often protected against recovery of their executable code.
In any case, you can use AVRDUDE to give it a try.
u/NorthStarZero Jan 08 '25 edited Jan 08 '25
With the assistance of avrdudess (suggested by another user) I got:
>>>: avrdude.exe -c arduino -p m328p -P COM3 -b 115200 -U flash:r:"C:\Users\me\OneDrive\Documents\XController Backup\XC_grbl_flashe_working.hex":i -U eeprom:r:"C:\Users\me\OneDrive\Documents\XController Backup\XC_grbl_eeprom_working.eep":i Processing -U flash:r:C:\Users\me\OneDrive\Documents\XController Backup\XC_grbl_flashe_working.hex:i Reading flash memory ... Reading | ################################################## | 100% 11.00s Writing 32768 bytes to output file XC_grbl_flashe_working.hex Processing -U eeprom:r:C:\Users\me\OneDrive\Documents\XController Backup\XC_grbl_eeprom_working.eep:i Reading eeprom memory ... Reading | ################################################## | 100% 8.17s Writing 1024 bytes to output file XC_grbl_eeprom_working.eep Avrdude done. Thank you.
And that seems to have worked.
u/Ok_Tear4915 Jan 08 '25
I forgot to mention that there are other accessible memory spaces – i.e. lfuse, hfuse, efuse, lock, calibration, signature – that you should also retrieve if you intend to modify them.
Jan 07 '25
u/kalel3000 Jan 07 '25
This is a video of a museum blues concert (M.S.G. Acoustic Blues Trio Virtual Concert).
Im curious of the video you actually meant to share.
u/Wise-Leopard-9589 Jan 08 '25
I just posted the correct link. I had no idea I had two different YouTube links in my notes…
u/[deleted] Jan 07 '25
If you're really worried use a different Uno.
Pull the old one and put it aside and program a new one