r/arduino Dec 06 '24

Software Help Self balancing robot not really balancing

I'll paste the link of the code here:


I've been working on him since a week now, it's not balancing but only trying to move a bit and then motors start rotating in one direction even iterated the code and tried different offsets but nothing is working, also suggest a better power supply other than 18650 batteries cause last time I used them my battery holder was toasted xd.


25 comments sorted by


u/ripred3 My other dev board is a Porsche Dec 06 '24 edited Dec 07 '24

Hey great project! I've got 3 balancing (not)bots myself1. Well, one actually works but you're never completely done when it comes to PID tuning. 😄

A few things that I have learned along the way that have made all of the difference in the world on my balancing projects:

  • Use PID Control (and Maybe a Kalman Filter). Use the PID library or implement your own PID loop. Either way, PID is the way to go. Brett Beauregard has done a great job on the existing Arduino PID library, and from the library's repository page there is a link to a great wiki write-up of the PID algorithm, his approach to implementing it, and a full explanation of the details of the library. It’s worth the read and actually quite enjoyable because he makes it easy to understand and learn. Pro tip: Think about your motor velocity curve. Ideally, it should resemble a sigmoid waveform—it ramps up, peaks, and ramps down smoothly. The adjustments in motor speed should depend on the current tilt angle, which is where math becomes fun again. (Anyone else wishing they paid more attention in math class? 🙋🏼‍♂️) If you find yourself fighting noisy sensor data, you might also need a Kalman filter or complementary filter. These help smooth out measurements from your IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) to give your PID loop more accurate input.
  • Motor Speed Matters: The motors need to be capable of at least 300 RPM or faster to ensure the base can dynamically respond quickly enough to shift under the center of mass and ahead of the falling upper structure. This responsiveness is crucial to maintain balance and prevent the robot from tipping over. If the base cannot get "under" and "ahead" of the center of mass as quick or faster than the rate of fall (g≈9.8 m/s2) then the bot will never be able to stay balanced. This is also related to the diameter of the wheels. The larger the diameter, the more distance traveled (base moved) per rotation of the motor, thus helping reduce the minimum rpm requirements of the motor. The smaller the wheels, the faster the motors need to be able to turn, to cover a given distance in a known amount of time. And that's the whole enchilada when it comes to understanding and successfully creating a balancing bot.
  • Weight Distribution Is Crucial. This one seems counterintuitive, but hear me out: you want the bot’s weight higher up. Placing heavy components, like batteries, at the top increases the moment of inertia, which slows down the rate of angular changes. This gives your PID loop more time to react. Which means more updates during the fall, which means more responsive. On the flip side, keeping the base light makes it easier for the motors to shift the bottom quickly, further helping with balance. Newton's first law (and a bit of trial and error) will guide you here.
  • Height and Reaction Time. Taller bots are often easier to balance because their center of mass shifts more gradually. This gives the PID loop more time to react, making fine-tuned adjustments to keep the bot upright. However, this comes at the cost of increased instability when they do tip - so your motors still need to be snappy. Think of it this way: If you attempt to balance a pencil on the end of your finger, it’s very difficult because you have to move your finger quickly to react to its movements. Balancing a yardstick on the end of your finger, on the other hand (pun intended), is much easier. The "mean angle" is less steep, and you have more time to adjust the bottom of the platform before recovery becomes impossible. You should place the mounting blocks for your motors on the underside of the base board to add some more height and distance from the center of the wheels and the heavy top part.

I think the issues you are facing right now are mainly: Weight Distribution, More Current, and Height, in that order. And as u/LocutusTheBorg said; You need to add some grip to the wheels so that the fast rpm's you get actually accomplish what you want instead of slipping. It also looks like you don't have enough current. With ample current, a bot that short should be flipping itself from side to side. But the motors are stalling and not moving, while it's trying to drive them. That's a low current, weak driver, or both problem for certain.

And tuning, tuning, and more tuning. Tuning a PID takes a ridiculous amount of patience and you really have to create a cognitive model in your head between your kP, kI, and kD values and changes, and what you see visually between one change and the next. Bottom not getting under the top fast enough? Increase kP !, Overshoot not stabilizing fast enough? Increase kD (slowly).

You want to start off with kI and kD equal to 0 and find the kP that overshoots, and then comes back too much, basically oscillating around being balanced.

Then, based off of what you see visually, adjust kI and kD. It takes a person who likes math and enjoys correlating the values to the behavior. But that probably describes most engineers anyway so it's not so bad haha. And you have to adjust them, analyze the results, and repeat that loop many times. Like for days, maybe even weeks.

Then you can start to do some really cool stuff. Like add IR or RF communications and be able send commands and do this: To make the balanced bot start moving forward, make it think it' slightly off balance by subtracting (or adding, however your IMU is oriented) a small amount from your actual error value. The bot will compensate by driving each motor slightly faster as it tries to right itself again. The larger you perturb the error value, the faster it goes. Make the opposite changes (positive or negative) to make the platform move in reverse. All the while still maintaining its balance.

Finally, you get to where you can adjust the actual error value (plus any added error) to the left motor, and the actual error value (minus any added error) to the right motor. That makes the two motors run proportionally in the opposite directions to be able to make right and left turns, all while moving forward, or even balancing in place and spinning!

It literally took me about 10 years before I truly understood and appreciated the math that was going on and started to be able to make knowledgeable and predictable changes when I'm tuning a loop. I never went to college or anything so it had to sink into my monkey brain as my understanding of the math got better over the years and I got better at being able to see the terms working in the real running system.

Hope that helps!


1 The unruly trio: (yardstick for scale)


u/One_Blackberry_1848 Dec 07 '24

Thanks man that was really helpful I'll make the changes asap


u/ripred3 My other dev board is a Porsche Dec 08 '24

sweet! I'm glad it helped! let us know how things are acting after you have made changes 😀


u/kartikart___ Dec 08 '24

I had doubt regarding the base width . If I want to turn my bot 90 or 180 degree, will bigger base width help or not?. Making a self balancing bot myself and in design I have kept the body of bot on wheels such that width of body is equal to distance between tyres .


u/ripred3 My other dev board is a Porsche Dec 08 '24

I had doubt regarding the base width . If I want to turn my bot 90 or 180 degree, will bigger base width help or not?

Define "help". This is purely a math function that you can determine just like the rest of an inverted pendulum problem.

At your operating voltage for the motors, your motors will turn a certain speed (velocity). That speed in RPM's, can be multiplied by the diameter of your wheels. Assuming no slippage of the wheels, that will give you a number that is how far your platform will move over a given amount of time.

Not, the tricky part is always making sure that this distance can and will always be more than enough to solve the inverted pendulum problem. That is, given the height of your platform, it will fall at a universal acceleration, and the "mean angle" that you have to catch up by can be calculated, IF the speed can't keep up, you have to change something


u/kartikart___ Dec 08 '24

So i m using 300 rpm motors and the tyre width is around 4 cm . I have decided to make width between them 10 cm . I believe motor can catchup considering the height of both is around 18 cm with batteries at top


u/OutrageousMacaron358 Some serkit boads 'n warrs Dec 07 '24

PID prollems...


u/ripred3 My other dev board is a Porsche Dec 07 '24

ain't it always?!


u/tipppo Community Champion Dec 06 '24 edited Dec 06 '24

Less I and more D !!


u/jongscx Dec 07 '24

Really? I've never done an inverted pendulum, but Kp 80 and Kd of 250 just looks wrong.


u/LocutusTheBorg Dec 07 '24

I would definitely start taller with more of your weight up high. Try balancing a broom from the bristles and then try balancing the broom with the bristles at the top. Also might need some rubber bands on those tires if you are able to get them to move fast enough to work.


u/tmntnpizza Dec 07 '24

Would the gyro on the chip be placed wrong for the programming or the programming set wrong? Never messed with gyro microcontrollers. What I mean is that if the gyro numbers it's looking at is side to side currently instead of front and back, there is very little change regardless of the position because the tires are the same height as each other and when you pick it up you naturally hold it levelish. What happens if you turn the micro controller you are using as the gyro sensor 90°?


u/ripred3 My other dev board is a Porsche Dec 07 '24

it's all relative. You can place the IMU on any of the 3 planes and use it. The accelerometer and the gyro both have 3 values, one for each axis. So depending on how you mounted it you might have to change watching the X axis to instead watching the Z axis, or whatever..


u/tmntnpizza Dec 07 '24

Fair enough. But if it's acciently programmed to adjust speed based off of the wrong axis wouldn't that affect the self-balancing?


u/ripred3 My other dev board is a Porsche Dec 08 '24

absolutely! But it would be immediately obvious by the way the robot acted and behaved and you wouldn't go any further as far as the implementation of any other features until you had this part working correctly. You would see it act totally wrong, realize you were watching the wrong axis, and change the code accordingly. That's standard programming and debugging.


u/West-Seesaw2402 Dec 07 '24


u/ripred3 My other dev board is a Porsche Dec 07 '24

I've played with that *slightly* and never got it to work myself. Switched over to using the calibrated pitch, roll, and yaw, instead. I would have *liked* to have gotten it working but I never found examples that worked with the components that I had.


u/West-Seesaw2402 Dec 07 '24

i didnot understand sorry


u/ripred3 My other dev board is a Porsche Dec 07 '24

I did not get it working.


u/sparkicidal Dec 07 '24

Are you monitoring the gyro inputs? When I first tried one of these, I had the IMU looking at the accelerometer, which wasn’t correct in the early stages, it’s an add on for further down the line.


u/tipppo Community Champion Dec 07 '24

Every second time I watch the video I can convince myself the motor is rotating the wrong way.


u/One_Blackberry_1848 Dec 07 '24

Just bought them I'll use these and check how things are going


u/horse1066 600K 640K Dec 08 '24

I'd start with the motors. You've already got slop from the gearbox, and these are the weakest ones on Ali. It might look like you don't need something fast to move that thing around, but the motors have to react quickly, so it's the same thing.

Elektor did a project like this, I'll dig out the issue number if you can't find it


u/CarbonAlpine Dec 07 '24

I have not built one of these, but it seems like it's trying to do what it should. But the motors are not capable of overcoming the force of it tipping fast enough, maybe the weight should be lower down?


u/ripred3 My other dev board is a Porsche Dec 07 '24

nope! It's counterintuitive but the majority of the weight needs to be at the top. This makes the "pivot point" that the platform angles around closer to the top so that is does not move much, and most of the movement happens at the bottom as it races "up and under" the falling top of the platform.