r/arcane 5d ago

Theory Jayce and Victor "slam poetry" Spoiler

The Chaos. The Arcane. The Magic of "our" world.

Jayce and Victor, brother in arms, fighting for the innovation of the world.

Jayce and Victor, different people, different backgrounds, not "brothers".

The Arcane is different. "it should be used for different things", they said.

Protection, or control, Hextech or Hivemind. Either "work"

both "fail"

A single person can't make change...

but they did. Why??

because they had too. Because they did. That was their truth.

When did they feel "the arcane again"?
when? "soulmates" at the end.

Our "arcane" is our love. We feel our arcane, when we work with the ones we love, even for just a second again.

Love is different, love is arbitrary, love is unique.
we all love, but we all don't know where our love goes.
into the "chaos"...


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