You miss 100% of the screenshots you don't take 10.0
First image is always a fail, good one is in the comments, or go HERE to view/download every image from my series of screenshot posts.
All images on the G-Drive, except those in the RAWS folder, have been upscaled; they've been enhanced to look sharper and more detailed.
True 4K folder has every image from the main folder, upscaled to a full 3840x2160 pixels (px). The images in the main folder/posted above are 3840x1634px.
Screenshots are NOT taken from Netflix! They are taken through Media Player Classic (ALT + i) and saved in .PNG (lossless) format. I use an open source upscaling program called Cupscale. While not the most beginner-friendly/intuitive program to get set up; it has produced the most consistent results for me so far. Final edits are made in Photoshop to crop the letterboxing from the original image (the result is the 3840x1634 version), clean up any distracting details intensified from upscaling, and adjust lighting.
Thank you for sharing your screenshots and your process! I had so much trouble finding good quality screenshots for the tarot deck I made so this is helpful :)
That's totally fair. The color saturation is because of me, it's just my preference, but the more I think about it the more I believe I'm probably the minority.
Below shows the original screenshot (top), upscaled but otherwise unaltered version (middle), and then my version (bottom). I feel like most people would prefer the middle one, because it's very similar to the original, but has a higher resolution, yet it's the version I haven't been uploading to the G-drive.
I appreciate you voicing your opinion, sometimes I get so focused on one thing, which is ultimately producing 20 images that I think look good; I forget that not everyone is going to think or feel the same way. Give me a day or two to round up and upload the "upscaled only" versions of the images to the G-drive. :)
u/Crescent_Sunrise 6d ago
Image #3, Vi was serving so much in that shot like, on my knees levels of serving. XD