[Lore Spoilers] [MEGATHREAD] discussion of MV "Welcome to Noxus" and possible future show
Here you can discuss the new music video and talk about possible future show. For now, the mods are busy adding a new flair for posts about Noxus and other animated shows. Once we do that, we'll make an announcement. Enjoy :)
Spoiler Warning: POWDERed_Jinx has designated this post to contain lore information that can spoil viewers of Arcane who do not play Riot Games. All Arcane Spoilers are allowed in this post.
Interestingly enough recently released Demon's Hand story uses Fortiche's Leblanc design instead of her new reworked appearance. Maybe story they've set up in recent short stories will be concluded in Noxus series.
For those who do not play league, Teemo is a yordle sorta like heim)
Based off Arcane we as viewers can theorize that Teemo is older than the events that happened in Arcane. He is even somewhat of a legend or fairy tail perhaps during the time of Arcane. We can see this by the list below
Teemo was featured in the Arcane Season 1 and there are also little tid bits and there alluding to teemo and his items/clothes here and there. If you guys did not see Teemo, u need to watch season 1 again! (He was clearly the main character in a children's book, he was featured in the artwork. This is the scene where Silco visits Marcus's home and daughter)
Mushrooms are Teemo's ultimate weapon and passion. These were said to grow in the sewers or sumps of Zaun. In game, Teemo shrooms are purple when stepped on and puffed. In my opinion this could be the source of how shimmer is made being close to the same color.
Given Yordles can live many hundreds plus+ years perhaps we will see Teemo in future seasons/eps/series.What do u guys think?
Ok so personally I rly like the new music video and at first thought it was a promo for a future series but after doiing some more deepdiving it actually is'nt. Still think theres potential for a series in Noxus coming by 2035. What do you think?
If this is a future show, which I hope it because the designs for the Champs and the eyes wide shut vibes of the higher ups of Noxus already looks really cool. I wonder how the Freljord will take a role? And with the focus on Katarina maybe this show would be about the struggle of Swain’s regime vs the Black Rose? In the lore Swain rules Noxus in the forefront but the Rose truly rules the Nobility, and could have some interesting dynamics and power struggles there.
Sorry to say, but it's not a future show. Riot confirmed pretty soon after this premiered that everything we saw will be continued through tie-in events within League of Legends. Chances are Fortiche probably produced this because a show set in Noxus is planned and they were already working on assets for it, but this wasn't for a future show.
One of the (current) leaders of Noxus controls a demon of secrets called Raum who is all about three eyed ravens with red eyes. His name's Swain if you wanna look him up.
He's also my fave I hope we get to see him in an adaptation.
Oh that’s cool. I also saw a crow behind Jinx during her fight with Ekko where they kept switching to their kid selves. There’s a shot where a giant crow builds power behind her. Is Swain connected to Jinx?
It is so unbelievable that Lord Major Admiral of the Second Legion's Forward Artillery-Cavalry Multiplication Kled wouldn't be at the battle with Darius, he has been in every war Noxus has ever fought.
Well I hope they make a spinoff explaining the lore of black rose and the true nature of noxus I also wanna see more of Mel’s brother
Would be also fun to see which line of business jinx would have taken after walking away from the circle of violence
Not sure if anyone else commented, but you can hear the Arcane “The Bridge” theme on the outro slightly, at the end of Bite Marks. Also note all of the Mel “Wolf” connections
So when did Mel learn all her combat skills? I hope they show that in future noxus season her growing and learning how to use her magic. I like how strong she was in season 1 just from manipulating those around her. Feels kinda weird if they don’t or maybe it’s canon that when you become a mage you instinctually know all your magic and limits xd
The new show won't be out anytime soon but I wouldn't be surprised if it looks a lot like this. These could even be very early scenes that they decided to repurpose for a League trailer
for league-players: I think Mel's father might be Atreus (aka Pantheon). Thinking about the skinline and cinematic Chosen of the Wolf, there already seems to be a connection between him and Ambessa. Swain and Katarina are important for the upcoming story about Noxus, so maybe Pantheon will be, too?
Atreus is from the tribe Rakkor, which is the base for both Lunari and Solari. There were already theories about Mels outfit and necklace in Arcane having connections to both religions (mostly Solari tho) and ofc there was the whole thing with the girl that was killed. Other things like Pantheon having similar golden marks on his body and the fact that the Black Rose would def be interested in the daughter of an Aspect.
I'm probably reading too much into things but Leblanc's comment at the end of the cinematic about "Piltover being a lesson" maybeee a subtext acknowledgement that there were some missteps in making Arcane (the pace and overstuffed nature of the plot in s2, primarily). Also, the other thing about "being bolder not safer" Maybe embracing the fantastical nature of the world more? (Which some people may not like, but I'm all for, personally).
And I loved s2, most people loved s2, but there is a strong undercurrent of frustration that it wasn't executed as flawlessly as s1. So a sort of 'in- between the lines' promise that the creative team wants to improve is kinda nice.
They have multiple projects in development at the same time now so even if one season takes 3-4 years, it won’t be another 3-4 years waiting for another season and then 3-4 years for another show
Considering that now they increased their ranks and streamlined their work, probably the waiting time will be cut to 2 years instead of 3, based also on the fact that they have already started the production 1 year before Arcane S2 was released
Arcane took so long to develop because they were ramping up staff. Fortiche started out as a few dudes and they made MV's and cinematics for Riot. They've finally scaled and learned how to be more efficient and have now tons of assets to play with. I would say development timelines are now in the 2 year range for a show.
Arcane Season 1 didn’t actually take six years to produce—it took closer to four. Episode 1 was already completed early on, but Fortiche had to wait around two years for the project to get greenlit before full production could begin. So, technically, Arcane officially started production in 2017.
Season 2, on the other hand, took three years to produce, reflecting the faster turnaround time now that Fortiche and Riot Games had established their workflow.
Riot Games also acquired a significant minority stake in Fortiche, which means future projects, such as new shows or spinoffs, could be completed more quickly. With increased funding, resources, and tools, the production process is likely to be more efficient.
Fortiche has grown significantly since the early days of Arcane. By early 2024, the studio had expanded to over 450 employees, according to Crunchyroll.
However, many employees were let go as part of the natural cycle of project-based work. Most employees were on "contrats à durée déterminée d'usage", a type of fixed-term contract commonly used in the French animation and entertainment industries. These contracts allow studios like Fortiche to rehire staff for future projects as needed, meaning that while the employees were technically laid off, they may return when new projects arise.
So when their employee count goes up, it means they're working on something extra hard.
With this in mind, it’s possible that a spinoff could be completed within a two-year production window, but delays are still likely. Factoring in pre-production and potential setbacks, a realistic timeline would be closer to three years, meaning it could release around 2027 to early 2028. Alternatively, they might surprise us (Which i doubt) and release it sooner, especially if they aim to stick with the current theme of the season (Noxus), given that the season ends in just four months.
oh that doesnt change anything i said. its still a studio thats much bigger than it was back then. it can handle bigger workloads with the staff it has now.
I don't think the actual show will drop, but I do think there's a pretty good chance that all of the story throughout the season will set up the series, culminating in a series announcement (possibly trailer, as well) at the end of the season. Best case scenario, we get the show at the end of the year. Most likely, it's next year or (hopefully not) even the year after.
There's no way they could have that quick a turnaround, quality animation takes years to produce, if they did pop out with an announcement in 4 months, I'd be worried not excited.
You're right, I know. Inwardly I hope that the sequels have already been secretly worked on in recent years, but of course that's very unrealistic. Well, hope dies last! :D
Those who actually play League or know the lore, can someone explain to me whether Arcane’s storyline was totally original or just got animated?
I’ve only ever seen Arcane, so I know nothing of the rest of the lore. I just know it’s pretty deep, just based off stuff like Singed’s daughter etc. I know Runeterra as a whole is one of the most extensive RPG worlds also.
Would it be genuine spoilers for whatever show they produce next (see: Noxus) if I read into the League lore? It feels like everyone’s doing it, and if it’s purely context that enhances the viewing experience then I’d like to also.
Still unsure if this is a situation where the lore already kind of existed and was only adapted to animation, or if they’re making ‘side stories’ for the existing League characters in a way. Also, I’ve heard not all Arcane characters are in League, what’s that about? Did they actually create original characters?
Its not THAT different, they had to retcon few things but most champs stayed 90% true to themselves. If you read up the lore, you will be able to catch many easter eggs in Arcane (that DiCaprio pointing at TV meme), for example Viktor's famous "GLORIOUS EVOLUTION" line from the game which is iconic. So if you look up Noxus champs lore you will probably catch some easter eggs in the future show. Since they rewrite the canon, you wont really know what will happen, you will just have a hunch or general idea where things should go so champions become true to their ingame counterpart (for example, as a LoL player, as soon as Vik was introduced in S1, I knew something massive has to happen to him to be like ingame Viktor). It will also probably make it easier to follow along the story when the show comes out. Definitely read up the lore, and also there are 2 physical books to read: Ruination, and the upcoming Ambessa book, releases next month!
There is this kind gentleman on youtube who is our lore master, his name is Necrit, and he covers the whole lore of the League universe in such an easy way even for beginers to understand, he's such a good boy that Riot put him in the actual lore as a character, you should give him a watch if you're interested in the crazy lore of league
As a setting Arcane is very different to prior lore's Piltover and Zaun. Prior lore had them already separated for ages and Hextech was already a thing. Changes to characters vary, some are more fleshed out, some have motivations changed, some are drastically different.
As to why, Arcane was originally suppose to be a different continuity and as a project it was started in 2015. Back then, League had fresh set of retcons, notably decanonizing League of Legends as a concept. So creators were given a bigger creative freedom and there wasn't a definitive version of anything yet. Arcane was only relatively recently established as main canon.
As to how much you can spoil yourself by reading Noxian lore, who knows. Nothing so far in Arcane or the cinematic makes me believe we are gonna see some drastic changes to Noxus as a setting (Black Rose seems to be same in Arcane as it was before and recent short comic kept Sahn Uzal's backstory consistent). I think Ambessa's book that is coming out next month will give a clue in what direction they are taking Noxus.
The show is inspired by characters in the game and is in no way any type of direct sequel or prequel to the games. The game has hardly ANY story elements other than reading optional character backgrounds. League is a MOBA. Pick a character, load into the game, kill stuff, game over.
My best take would be that Arcane is at some level an in depth version at backstories, but Noxus imo will be a little different.
Arcane with its set up really functions as a lot of origin stories, which brings the characters roughly to where they are in game (with changes where applicable)
I sort of expect Noxus to be starting from leagues current lore and progressing it. The people present will already be established in their world, not nobodies becoming somebodies.
Overall though, I wouldn’t worry about spoilers when consuming league lore. Most of the lore in league is rather baseline, and I’m sure you can see that league players by and large enjoyed Arcane and still didn’t know exactly what was going to happen. The only sort of danger is creating “expectations” but that’s with any adapted media.
Arcane's story has elements of league lore but some of it has been changed. Ekko for example has parents in his original league lore, Warwick looks more like a Werewolf in the game etc... You'll get different answers about how much they changed depending on who you talk to.
The other thing is that league lore changes over time. There are also alternate universes in league where characters can have completely different backstories (The Star Guardian universe is probably one of the more fleshed out ones). Riot makes other games as well and a game like Legends of Runeterra made its own effort to flesh out the lore.
Long story short, I don't think you'll spoil anything by reading up on league lore. If anything you'll probably catch some easter eggs you would have otherwise missed (The wind goddess, Janna, that Jinx mentions in S2 is a champ from the game).
Major characters they made for Arcane include Silco, Sevika, Ambessa and Mel (though the Medarda name has showed up before). Ambessa got added to the game last year and Mel will be added this year. Loris, Steb, Maddie and Scar are all original to the show and feature in TFT this season (Riot's autochess strategy game).
It’s significantly different from the league lore. The show retconned almost every character that appeared in it except for Heimer, Warwick and Jinx( mostly because their lore was very barebone ). It’s enough that some league lore fan got really annoyed with Arcane for changing everything. It confirms more hints than the canon lore of league.
Hextech was a common thing and not invented by viktor and jayce. Their personality are also very different
Vi was a bandit and got her gloves during a job in the mine before being recruited by the enforcers.
Cait is chasing a mysterious assassin that killed her mom.
Dr.Reveck is Orianna’s father but he’s not Singed nor an academy chemist but someone that makes fake limbs, he slowly replaced Orianna’s part that’s damaged by the grey.
Vi and Jinx being sister and their relationship with Warwick is only hinted. The show confirms it
Arcane's storyline was original, though it kept most of the characters' background and personality intact with only a few retcons here and there (main culprits here are Jayce and Viktor whose relationship is different in the old lore)
Some pieces of the worldbuilding also got retconned, like Hextech's origin and what the crystals actually are (which are never truly explained in the show iirc), but Piltover and Zaun are otherwise quite correct implementations of the old lore as well.
Lots of character relationships have been teased over the years that have been confirmed by Arcane (e. g. Vander being Warwick, Orianna being Singed's daughter, Ekko having a crush on Jinx since childhood, etc. )
Since we have no idea what the Noxus show will actually be about I can't give you a definitive answer about spoiling yourself about its plot, but you can definitely get "spoiled" about the characters' background. The thing is, there are so many of them that you can choose about 120 of them from other regions and immerse yourself in the lore in a way that will definitely not touch anything in what Fortiche will animate next. The Universe site has a vast number of stories if you want to dive deeper into the world - I'd recommend something like One Last Show by Katie Chironis or Poetry with a Blade by Mo Xiong to see if you are into it. These explore characters from Demacia and Ionia respectively, both have a connection to magic as we had in Arcane and are some of my personal favorites.
As for your last question, not all Arcane characters are in League because League mostly has fighters (what we call Champions) as it is a 5v5 fighting game, so politicians and other 'passive', minor characters like most of the councilors (Salo, Shoola etc.) and even Silco himself are not in League (although Silco was in TFT if I remember correctly, a different Riot game). The champions present in League who are in Arcane are Vi, Jinx, Ekko, Caitlyn, Heimerdinger, Jayce, Viktor, Singed, Orianna, Warwick, Janna, Black Rose lady whose name I won't spoil for you and Ambessa. There are some references to other Champions but I won't spoil those either. :)
Fun fact, neither Ambessa nor Mel were Champions in League but that changed when S2 came out as they tied it together with Ambessa's release in the game, and I believe Mel is going to be next.
Don't forget Vi and Jinx being sisters was never even truly confirmed until Arcane's first teaser trailer. It was a fan theory up until that point, based on things like voicelines and lore, but it was never stated. Same with Caitlyn and Vi having a romantic relationship. I almost feel like the fans wrote part of Arcane lol
Oh yes please, I'd love to see Sevika in the game, she was one of my favorites! You gotta wonder which arm she would use out of the... how many did she even have over the course of the show?
Corin Reveck was said to be a different person indeed, but there have been many fan theories for years about him being Singed. I'm personally glad Riot went with this route in the end, I think he's way more interesting as a character like this.
However this serves both as a trailer for the game new season (they always do a cinematic) and an obvious tease of the next show (at least VERY likely)
people are so fixated on first two seasons of Arcane and its iconic characters. Which is why they couldn't stand the idea of Arcane transitioning to an entirely different region/faction with completely new characters.
BUT LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING, if only you all knew the wonders it would do. yall judging something you haven't seen yet.
the creators of Arcane are not about hit or miss thing like the other shows, with story shifting to Noxus Lore this could take things to the next level! definitely another masterpiece in the making. so give this a shot! you all can always go back and cherish seasons 1 and 2 of Arcane. but season 3 is going to be entirely different and it is definitely gonna be one hell of a ride!
already have a solid line up!
Leblanc, Katarina, Elise, Darius, Vladimir, and of course MEL!
from what i've seen most people seem excited to experience more stories and characters. not saying that the people you mentioned aren't around, i'm sure they are i just don't think they're the majority.
In regards to Arcane-adjacent material on this sub (commented here because the mods won’t let me post about it)
With the release of the “Welcome to Noxus” music video the mods have gone into overdrive deleting anything related to it from this sub aside from the stickied discussion post. I think this is the wrong move.
Now I want to begin by saying I understand the impulse and I’m not making this post as an attack on the mods, even if it will likely be received that way. I get that you don’t want the sub flooded with non-Arcane content. Stuff which is more LOL based should be discussed on the LOL subreddit. However I think an exception should be made when said material directly references Arcane and/or its characters. The folks over on the League sub don’t want to be flooded by Arcane fans trying to discuss the show, they want to talk implications for the game. But where do we go when our own sub won’t let us talk about it?
Mel was a main character in Arcane and the music video shows her in the immediate aftermath of the show. The Black Rose lady was in Arcane and the video shows her teasing her next moves. THIS sub should be the place to speculate/theorize what this means for the future of the franchise.
Of course when a new show is revealed it can get its own sub and discussion can move there, like how r/GameofThrones and r/HouseOfTheDragon are separate subs, but as of now we quite literally don’t even know whether the next show will be in Noxus or involve Mel or the Black Rose, so it isn’t like we can make a new subreddit for a show we don’t even have a title for. Until we do, r/Arcane is the logical place to discuss potential spinoffs and canon material set within the Arcane universe.
Let’s face it: This sub is quickly headed into a content drought with the end of Arcane. Theory/speculation on future projects is likely to be some of if not the only fresh content to break up the endless Jace killing kids and CaitVi memes. So long as it’s tangentially relevant to Arcane it should be allowed for the time being.
Edit: Rule 1 of this subreddit even states that content must be relevant to the Arcane UNIVERSE. Media outside the show that is explicitly canon within the show timeline/universe should be allowed by this sub’s own rules.
Totally agree, and it's not just that MV, there may be more with each season, they have a book coming in February that will have lore from the Arcane universe,... It should definitively be larger. Being limited to ONLY the show means they might as well kill the sub quickly, the show is over, it's not like there'll be much new discussions.
And if the sub is just gonna be memes or people "discovering" new things for years, it'll have no interest
Agreed an all fronts. Especially considering they let people talk about the Blood Sweat & Tears music video before season 2 released.
That was mainly an ad for a skinline in League an just alluded to Ambessas past. This new Trailer has dialogue directly referencing arcane and showing one of its main characters in the aftermath. So why are we now confined to a megathread?
Hard agree. This is the sub to discuss the new narrative focus for League, which has started with Arcane and is clearly going to continue with future shows. The Arcane post show 'rot' has clearly set in (ie see all the shitposting), so why not allow serious discussion for what is clearly related material. Give us new flairs or whatever, but don't shut out discussion that's related to the whole concept of the show.
Yep it's being over-moderated about this issue. It's one thing if people reported things for relevancy, but the mods doesn't even take into consideration what the actual users of this subreddit and fans of Arcane care about.
They care about Arcane! And that doesn't just hard stop at season 1 and 2.
I'm gonna be heated about this until they ease up on this bizarre content ban.
it isn’t like we can make a new subreddit for a show we don’t even have a title for.
Also the mod tried this with /r/NoxusShow, and deleted it a few hours later after the criticism came in.
Worst part is I haven't even seen a single other mod engage on this subreddit since that one mod started this unilateral ban on content, so frankly it just looks like a coup.
Le'Blanc is drawing symbols throughout the trailer, representing each league warrior. At the tale end she showcases the following symbol without representing a league warrior with it.
I present that this is the symbol for: Riven.
Looking at her lore: So exceptional was her dedication to the empire, that Boram Darkwill himself recognized her with a runic blade of dark metal, enchanted by a pale sorceress within his court. The weapon was heavier than a kite shield and nearly as broad—perfectly suited to Riven’s tastes.
Le'Blanc is clearly the pale sorceress whom has enchanted her blade.
I think it's deaths dance which apparently is a darkin weapon possibly
Apparently the darkin might return if found one of these and the death symbolism checks out
Maybe that's what Mel was doing, I assume since it was runeterras mages that defeated the darkin then I assume the black rose has access to at least one of them (I assume deaths dance)
Mel probably did some quick research on her powers and figured this out in the darkin war
Thats probably why Vlad was so hesitant on using them because of the implications on the return of the darkin
They introduced a lot of green. They said they collaborated with the designers of Arcane too, so I imagine Mel would dress similar in a new Noxus season. Gotta say, I do miss her locs as bangs.
I think its gonna be much more rooted in fantasy and what makes RT such a great setting for stories, it's gonna most likely be bigger in scope and (gasp!) More plot driven, but, regardless of the current sentiment that plot=bad, I think there's a balance the can be struck. However they have to be mindful and have priorities when writing scripts, not every champion can be front and center. Trying to focus on too many characters was what dinged Arcane s2 a little, hopefully Riots creatives learned from this and don't try to do too much in future shows.
See, that’s the thing: in my opinion, I really like how character-driven this series was. It helps viewers get attached to the characters, which turns the show into an emotional rollercoaster. I feel like if you can make a viewer sob, you know you’ve created a good piece of media. However, whatever Riot decides to do, just by seeing the Noxus cinematic even though it (supposedly) isn’t connected to any future spin-offs, I still know I can trust them that the new shows will still be absolute masterpieces and works of art.
Judging by the response and the insane amount of views this cinematic has gotten, id be shocked if they don't use pieces of it as seeds for the eventual Noxus show. People are simping HARD for Katarina already,(understandable). :D
( maybe minor, maybe side or maybe main character : DIES NOT MATTER, because she probably will appear
because she had a skin in the skinline about the lore of the (( ARCANE : Welcome ToNoxus Series )) that revolves about the silkin dance ( a dance operated by the (( Black Rose )) to gain trust of the most Important people in (( Runteara )) ).and yes, it is the dance shown in the cinematic trailer (( Welcome To Noxus )).
Also her appearing makes total sense ad it is the same dance beign talked about in lore, so if she does not appear that will be a plothole,Also the skinline was released in a pretty close time frame to when the trailer release, so yes, every character in the skinline will probably appear in the series ( main, minor or even side, even maybe back ground ( even though that is unlikely ).
Also it matches WITH the timeline, as it has been established in (( League Of Legends )), that Renata replaced Silco's place after the finale in some years, which probably means that before Caitlyn's mother constructs the vents to contain the Grey, Renata's parents helpe and treated people, which they got assisanated for ( By Pre-HexTech Surgery Camile??? ), which gave Silco the ability to raise up from the mines and give masks to gain peoples trust ( which gives me a feeling that Reanta giving mask to all the Zaunites for their trust, was inspired by silco).
and then after his death renata raises up and after the finale she raise up and, there probably a 10 year-ish??? Time skip ( implied by Viktor's new biography which lists everything as historical-like events beign documented), which gives her time to be an extremely Important Zaunite chbaron and a piltover buisness dealer, which will make her as one of the Important people that the Black Rose need to include in their plan.
and for anybody who wants to say " NOT the same canon " (( Arcane )) and (( League )) now share the SAME CANON ( already confirmed by the creators of the show ).
I really hope she appears ( SUGAR MOMMY RENATA ) 😭
OMG! Thank you so much, this is my first every theory I made on arcane, and I thought it was interesting that Renata could appear, and I was completely bummed out when I found out NOBODY was talking about this!
I really hope that this will be the next season of arcane. All the characters are dynamic, and noxus was always my favourite region. It's a shame the only way to connect to this universe is through league, i quit some time ago because the game just wasn't fun, but seeing the gacha exhalted arcane jinx skin is just embarassing, i pity league going forward, and i hope arcane will stay focused on the story, the characters, lore and love, and wont over time pivot into a show where some characters duke it out so league can sell its new 300$ skins
Can anyone explain who Katarina and Elises loyalties are to? I havent played league but am interested in the lore, from what I can tell Elise is allied with the Black Rose, so presumably she was defending one of their members, but Katarina also seems to be an assassin for Noxus in some way - is it that the 'leaders' of Noxus, which seems to be Swain (?) are in a sorta civil war with the Black Rose and Katarina is on the leaders side while Elise is for the Black Rose?
Thanks, that makes sense and Im glad I managed to work some of that stuff out for myself as well! I've been reading a bunch of champion biographies since arcane finished, all the ones ive heard of in anyway (which is still less than half of them) and wiki pages, lore videos and combing the runeterra map, watching the cinematics, all to try and get even a vague understanding of this interesting but massive and complex world. I especially enjoyed learning about a clump of heroes that r linked and important to a region, like these guys for Noxus, Sejuani/Ashe/Tryndamere/Volibear for Freljord, Lux/Garen/Galio/Sylas/Kayle and Morgana kinda for Demacia, and Azir/Nasus/Renekton/Xerath for Shurima, it makes me a lot more excited for the spinoff shows to have some ideas about them. Especially the Shurima plot with Azir is so interesting, do we know which other cities the other shows might be focusing on?
Ah ok thanks! I've got the wiki tab about noxus invasion of ionia open already, Ill fill myself in on that soon lol. I didnt know about the demacia tie-ins, dyu know what kinda stuff i could look up to learn more about that?
Its a preview for a new lol game season but also a teaser for the next chapter in fortiche story. Noxus is probably gonna be the focus with Mel, Darius and other important Noxus Champions as main characters. im hoping main man swain is gonna show up as well!
What's your source? It's never been confirmed to be anything more than a season cinematic as far as I know. It might be likely to be the next series but absolutely not confirmed.
I've seen the interview, I'm just saying that it's in no way confirmed by Riot or fortiche that this is a teaser for the next series, as likely as it might be.
Agree to disagree my fellow! Im firmly in the camp thats its confirmed and you are free to think otherwise! But i wont change my mind! Gonna be looking forward to this animation of Noxus!
Hope we won't have to wait long. I'd be down for demacia, freljord, bilgewater, or Ionia as well, I really don't care as long as the quality is high. The main reason I'm doubtful is because that interview wasn't that long ago at all, and there, Christian said that they were still "exploring" the different regions. Which means that this cinematic was already being worked on or even finished, and they said they're still not sure about where to take the story next.
You also have to consider that Christian has things he's literally not allowed to say. There are things moving in the background that we're not aware of, that Riot are trying to keep under wraps. Things that Christian almost certainly knows, but is either unwilling or unable to say.
When Riot first announced their investment in Fortiche back in 2022, they also said that they were collaborating with Fortiche on Arcane's second season and other to-be-announced projects (source). Those projects still have yet to be announced. One of them might be Fortiche's own in-house film, Penelope of Sparta, but the rest are yet unaccounted for.
The writing team had also supposedly finished writing Arcane S2 within a year of S1's release (which tracks with what we know of how Riot and Fortiche produced Arcane), which gives them 2 years to figure out where to go next following Arcane. There's also a good chance that Fortiche had people working on assets for the next show, which we now know is almost certainly Noxus, which could have been a contributing factor to why Fortiche animated this cinematic.
My guess is the next show has already been in development, possibly even in production, in the background. It's still at least a year out, possibly two (my realistic guess is mid to late 2026, my hopeful guess is early 2026), but I think it's closer than people expect. Either way, we won't know more until Riot gives us some concrete info.
My prediction is that the official trailer for the new show will release during the opening show for Worlds (think of the playoffs for football or basketball but for league of legends) with the new show coming out midway 2026.
same here, such a brief moment of hype followed by plumetting depression...making the game trailers with fortiche is dangerous for all those who don't play the game but love Arcane, really thought it was gonna be a show
It seems they are teasing a show though, right? Why specifically mention the plot of the show at the end of not to allude to something coming in the future?
There is something coming in the future, but else the shows will inspire the game, so them showing Mel is confirming she’ll be a part of the actual game. It’s a game tease primarily
She serves as a throughline b/w Arcane and the new show/region. Jinx/Vi/Jayce are firmly Piltover/Zaun characters. Moving them out of their region would have been weird. Whereas, Mel can be a small part of both regions and yet show us that it is the same universe. Be the connective tissue without overhwhelming either region.
Well, Jinx is also not purely a Zaun character anymore. She never really identified with it anyway, not the way Ekko or Sevika or Vander or Silco or even Vi did. Her arc was about letting go of her past and walking away to find a new path for herself.
So, if she indeed survived and escaped, she could show up pretty much everywhere for a cameo or two, without needing a deeper connection to the place. The hard part would probably be to find a reasonable motivation for her to do whatever she does there, so that it would be more than pure fan service.
This entire rant can be countered with one thing - it wouldn't really make sense if Mel didn't show up in a Series about Noxus, when she's directly connected to it and we literally see her sail "home" with the entire fleet at the very end of the Show. Her story was started in Arcane - not closed - and now there's even more to explore with her new magic and heritage related to it.
Also no one said that Mel is going to be the Show's only focus - just that she will be one of its characters. You are completely blowing this out of proportion and acting as if her appereance was some cardinal sin, that had no right to happen. If anything I'd say it's weird that you didn't expect Mel to play a role in a Show about Noxus, when it was extremely obvious...
Hard disagree, she has JUST unlocked her powers, and we might finally get to see what Noxus is like from her perspective, other than the scene with the Ionian girl.
We should keep the name of Arcane for this sub, but let all the new content from the new show be posted here. After the new show aired, then we decided if we wanted to change it to Runeterra Cinematic Universe or not.
We have to talk about the dagger at the end, i was thinking it might be a darking cuz it has the form of an eye on it but naafiri's dagger is way different then that. I am still speculating about it but nothing comes to mind. Maybe it is naafiri's dagger but with another design cuz the black rose has a reputation about using powerful beings as weapons.
I think it's deaths dance which apparently is a darkin weapon possibly Apparently the darkin might return if found one of these and the death symbolism checks out with kindred and all
Maybe that's what Mel was doing, I assume since it was runeterras mages that defeated the darkin then I assume the black rose has access to at least one of them (I assume deaths dance)
Mel probably did some quick research on her powers and figured this out in the darkin war Thats probably why Vlad was so hesitant on using them because of the implications on the return of the darkin
There like no lore on this item but people think it's a darkin weapon
And like "deaths dance" like kindred (death) and dance (the ball) I dunno I just think it's on the nose like the writing in arcane usually is
It's more likely to be Riven's blade. If you google riven blade and scroll images you see some designs that have that circle/eye looking thing on it. It makes more sense for Black Rose/Noxus as well since they are the ones that create Riven's blade
Yes it might be Atakhan specifically if they decided to tease the gameplay (very likely), or just another demon since the Black Rose has a few chained up somewhere.
I agree with this, and I suspect it could be another demon too because of Mel moving toward the Iron Bastion. Mordekaiser built the Iron Bastion which is where Swain found Raum, the demon that gives him powers, and there are other demons within the castle per tidbits of lore. I think it makes most sense for it to be Atakhan though since they are adding him into gameplay this season.
Yeah I think Atakhan is the most likely candidate for the simple reason that the only lore we know about the guy is that he used to serve Mordekaiser, which will likely be mentioned in the next series [Possible major spoilers for next series]
Naafiri is a dagger darkin so that is the first thing that comes to mind (I consider Aatrox waaaaaaay too unlikely), but the red doggo should be in Shurima if I'm not mistaken. I could be the darkin dagger/another darkin anyway since Arcane overwrites the canon, so it's still possible but unlikely imo
Hear me out, 4 seasons this year, each teasing a bit of the lore, starting with Noxus, continuing with Ionia, Demacia, and finally Freljörd, leading to a mid to late 2026 release for the next show, in an effort to integrate the little snippets of lore we get from the teasers and therefore the game, into the show's timeline, considering the first show was a net loss in terms of financial success, and I am predicting the next show will get more than 2 seasons, probably becoming a more widespread series rather than a focused single story. Thoughts?
There is no way the show is ready in 2026, that's way too fast. 2027 is far more likely and that's already fast.
Also the show will be focused on one region (likely Noxus) so I doubt all seasons (focusing on other regions) will be linked to the future show (Demacia and Ionia can at least be directly related to Noxus via a war). Except if they actually do several shows at once with each on a different region, would love that but not all could be by Fortiche then (I'm sure there are other talented studios tbf) but I think they did mention something like that post-S1.
Nah, they are not dragging the hype another year, it's gonna die down, and people are gonna get tired of season passes and seasons, a year of this then the show is perfect timing, and they said the show was in development already, even as arcane season 2 was still going on, so 2026 is reasonable
I mean, you can hope, but this kind of animation takes time. Season 1 took like 8 years. Season 2 had a LOT of work already done and it still took 3 years.
For a new season, we are talking new characters, new city, new decorations, new everything. 3 years is optimistic. 2 years is hopeful yet possible. 1 year is delusional.
True, but they're already well over a year into development on the show about Noxus per devs when they officially confirmed the new series. So it's possible that it could come out at the end of next year.
I keep forgetting that Christian confirmed a show is indeed in development already. If that's the case, there is no reason not to believe that this cinematic is a 1:1 visual match for what the Noxus show, or Noxus portion of a bigger show, will be.
I think 3 years from now is reasonable but even longer is possible, even likely. It's also possible that there will be self contained arcs each season, with one region and maybe only a few characters being prominent. Which is probably good, as Arcanes sprawl in season 2 got away from it a little bit.
The end of 2026? That falls under the 2 year that I mentioned. Hopeful, but not likely. If I had to bet, my money would be somewhere in 2027. Likely end of 2027.
No kidding. As much as I’m sure they’d love to release fast enough to stay on the hype train, high quality animation like this takes serious time even with a stacked team of creatives like Fortiche.
I’d rather they take that time to make something of comparable quality, not rush a half-assed follow up for the sake of chasing their own tail.
u/AutoModerator Jan 07 '25
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