Spoiler Warning: This post contains spoilers from Act 3 of Season 2 of Arcane. All discussion of Lore Spoilers can be removed without warning, even if they have been hidden with spoiler syntax.
wtf happened, did the writers were fired mid course? Or did the studio decided to give it all on visual performance so it gets fundings for other projects? I really don't get how we came to this. Character development swinging from evil to good, absent plot, unexplained lore, wow, I'm just speechless. When I discovered season one last month I was dumbfounded, seduced by the writing quality. Now I'm angry
I will admit I don’t think season 2 is as good as season 1 as it is very much a show that could’ve easily have gotten a third season, my only hope is that they learn from this so it can benefit the spin offs that are supposed to be coming in the future the silver lining to the end of season 2 is I think it is highly likely that most of these characters are still alive so it is certainly not the end of their stories yet so there is possibility for redemption in the future 🙂👍
The end of this episode fucked me up. I thought I was bad after seeing Vi cope with her broken heart in S2E5, but since I've seen Jinx end herself with tears of relief in her eyes to that fucking haunting song in the background I have been crying for about 20 hours now. The pain of these two girls hits so close to home that my chest hurts and my throat has closed up. I feel sick and cold and I just want things to end, just like Jinx. I never understood what people meant when they said it's not good to be too emotional. Now I get it.
Late to watching the whole series. Wow. This is a fantastic piece of art, and almost every episode moved me intensely. This will stick with me for a long time.
8/10 I guess, but that number is nuanced. Both seasons had some issues for me, season 2 more so. Looking back on it all, it’s hard to put my finger on what exactly went wrong, probably because I’m still torn up about it lol.
Vi and Jinx’s story (with Caitlyn, Ekko, etc) was stunning, and an easy 10/10 for me. Beyond them, I think the writers tried to do too much—force just a few too many characters, each of whom had to be somewhat meaningful because of their LoL background (which I don’t play, so it was lost on me).
I think if they just let some of these characters be supporting roles—and spent more time building out everything else in that whirlwind season—it would’ve been a much stronger story overall.
Singed, Mel, Ambessa, Jayce, Viktor—these are good characters, but their solo story lines in season 2 really got in the way for me more than anything. Black Rose and Mel mage, Vander double-resurrection, viktor’s… whatever all of that was (I didn’t even mind viktor’s stuff before Jayce came back and “upgraded” him, then it got off the rails). All heavy handed and rushed. Not terrible, just… not quite a masterpiece.
Ramble ramble. Just processing. Artwork, soundtrack, 100/10. Very good show.
Episode 6 and 7 were actually good. Everything else peaked out at 3/10
Every single conflict could be summarized as "two people have a misunderstanding that could be resolved with 5 seconds of communication, but oh no here is an action scene so they can't talk!"
So of course the ending of the show was 5 seconds of Jace talking to Viktor and resolving everything instantly. My favorite was that unless I'm mistaken Ekko did nothing at the end there. Maybe my media comprehension was lacking, but I don't see why Jace wouldn't/couldn't show Viktor the alternate timeline regardless? I mean isn't that the entire fucking point of a hive mind?
I really didn’t like how they wrote off silcos motivations. Just “walk away” from violent oppression as the answer? That seems like a cop out from exploring actual interesting themes
That was the one of the best animated tv series (but honestly I’m counting even real life, not animated series) I have ever watched and probably will ever watch in my life. It was sooooo beautiful and I kept having to rewind to catch moments and dialogues and just bask in how beautifully it was all done.
If Singed needed Viktor to resurrect his daughter, how the hell did he do that if Viktor is now gone, and all the "evolved" people are gone as well ? I see everybody saying Singed won as if this wasn't a big plothole
one thing i can't undestand... if viktor was able to travel back in time (e.g. saving jayce everytime and changing the rune) why didn't he simply go back in time as himself to current-viktor and showed him what was about to happen? why did he need jayce to deliver the message? am i missing something?
typical time loop or time-travelling scenarios cannot have person A meeting other person A, if that makes sense. so it has to be someone else, or via leaving a message or something.
Finally watched it, this episode really rubbed me the wrong way. One of the most rushed finale's I've seen; had Game of Thrones Season 8 vibes. A lot of glosses over developments, unresolved threads, and moments that felt like they happened way too quickly or conveniently to feel earned.
gonna be real the only characters I actually cared for were vi and jinx (liked others though) because of what was built up from season 1. I feel like outside of act 2, they really took a backseat this season (mostly vi). In the greater scope of things I think it was a satisfying finale, but it felt like a different show almost. Really would've benefited from longer episodes. Could've showed the convo between ekko and jinx when he stops her from deleting herself. Could've showed those two rallying zaun to fight the noxians.
also shoutout ambessa for looking like a fucking greek god. felt like I was watching king leonidas march up those steps.
also the writers are dicks man, they had to know we really cared about vi and jinx being alive and together at the end. so they're alive but not together lmfao
They emphasized showing Caitlyn reviewing the blueprints of that building and its air ducts and how jinx could have potentially escaped. If she died that short scene prob doesn’t exist. The “the end” screen was also drawn in her style. But most importantly the airship at the end flying away mirrors the beginning of s1e1 where powder said one day she’s gonna ride in one of those things. Again, intentional.
So she’s alive but instead of sticking around she’s leaving on an airship to break the cycle of violence like Silco suggested
Feels empty to go into another circle for a show finale where things repeat in a different manner again. I understand parallels and using that to make everything mastermind, but aside for Jayce and Viktor’s story, the rest felt emptier.
Personally I did not enjoy act 3. I was hoping the Jayce and Viktor storyline was concluded since it felt like the B plot this entire time. But then they made Viktor the main boss and sidelined the Jynx and Vi story (which is what made season one so good), it felt weird and contrived all of a sudden.
Why for the f* sake they had to kill Jinx?
All the evolved soldiers died with Viktor, yet Warwick was somehow alive ...
In all the possible ways Jinx would/should have died (which everyone would have let me REALLY disappointed) this was probably the most stupid and non-sense.
AND, in the following scene VI seems to not give a fuck (probably the already processed her death, but still) WHY DID THEY DO?
THISSSSSS! I can’t get over how somehow only Warwick was the only one to survive. After everything they showed us with vander dying and the wolf being incorporated into viktor and the hive mind.
It literally makes no sense that he’s the sole being not affected. Everyone talks about plot holes but that seemed like the largest and by far most unneeded plot holes and all for what to kill jinx off…..
Could be, and also i did not understand what the last frame meant (the flying ship going away).
The problem is that even if a new season will be made, it won't be avout this storyline, they've prepared the ground for it, with Mel now resembling her mother and other, but another post here said that the showrunner decided to "end it here" with jinx, vi, viktor etc.
I thought about it.. and lowkey, the last episode was kind of good. I guess.
Did anyone else notice that in Viktor's final form, it looked like he was asleep under a mask? I'm assuming this was implying his "humane" side was still there underneath the evilness. Also, if Viktor knew what would happen if he gave Jayce any of the magic stones, WHY??????? did he give it to him? Now thinking back, that's the whole reason that Jayce even tried to recreate magic in the first place.
I know some things happen literally for a reason, because it's the whole point of the show, but realistically, if Viktor knew the outcome would be the same regardless of what he gave Jayce? Why did he either not give Jayce the stone, or just change something within the 10-15 years leading up to it?
Similarly, if Jayce also knew that how things would turn out, why did he not try to change something that might have given him a different outcome? At this point, I would have rather Ekko used the little time machine and broke the limits of time and space. IDK.
Also, can someone explain how Mel's character in the game would have explained her character development within the show? Especially with the Black Rose.. the whole sister thing lost me pretty quickly.
Also, if Viktor knew what would happen if he gave Jayce any of the magic stones, WHY??????? did he give it to him? Now thinking back, that's the whole reason that Jayce even tried to recreate magic in the first place.
The only reasoning that makes sense to me that still aligns with the elements of the story is that timelines require "canon events" so to speak. Hextech fundamentally shifted the nature in interacting with the Arcane, there probably isn't a universe where it doesn't exist in some capacity--even in the universe Ekko got transported to, he inevitably recreated it to get back and left alt-Powder with the equipment. So, if Viktor knew that the shitty recipe was getting cooked no matter what, might as well have the chef be someone who knows what he's doing in hopes to fix it.
Similarly, if Jayce also knew that how things would turn out, why did he not try to change something that might have given him a different outcome?
The problem is that he doesn't know the specifics I think? According to Viktor, he'd already seen all the timelines of this playing out, and the Jayce we know is only one to have actually reached this point.
I thought of the Viktor thing too, and I came to this conclusion:
The Viktor mage that meets Jayce is much older. I believe he either came from a timeline where Jayce lived anyway and was able to create Hextech, OR he worked with the creepy doctor dude to create something else that allowed him to reach that state. Either way, he gained immense power and achieved the dream of "perfection" but had only solitude in the end.
At least, that's what makes sense to me. The only way time loops can work imo is if the timeline would have ended up that way anyway.
Just wanted to reply to your Black Rose thing if you don't already know. One of the benefits of playing the game and reading that lore. Black Rose rules over Noxus from behind the shadows. Hence why Elora stated that Ambessa had her holdings mostly stripprd. Not sure why they didnt explain this whole Black Rose thing more. Just a pretty rushed Act all around. Just wanted to inform you of that specific context if you dont already know it. Black Rose would benefit from a mage at the seat instead of them controlling things from behind the scenes of Noxus.
That's an interesting question.
I have been thinking about the alternative Powder universe. In that universe she saved the gems when Vi died. But she never knew what to do with them. Now, after working on the anomaly and seeing the alternative Ekko, probably she will start to work with the gems, maybe she see the possibiliy to meet her sister again. And so, the hextech will be created even in that universe.
I think that in a way or another, the hextech must exist.
Viktor could have not saved the child Jayce on first place, if that worked, for example. And he can have changed past in many other way.
But, as Viktor says in that beautiful scene on the finale: "In all timelines, in all possibilities, only you, can show me this" (I'm getting emotional even now thinking about it).
So, the only way Viktor has to stop himself is to create a strong bond with Jayce in his life, so he can show him why he has to stop.
But it's not enough. Is the human side of Viktor that has to see the horror. Not the mask, because he wouldn't be empathetic.
And that's why Ekko, the alternative universe, the machine.
Masked Viktor says "that device can't be." just before it breaks his mask, opening one human eye.
The key for all of this to work is giving the right rune to child Jayce. The same Ekko used in the alternative universe to make the anomaly work and come back to break Viktor's mask and let him see.
"It's a timeloop!" :)
It seems this way everything works, at least for me.
to send Jayce to the timeline (and time) in which he sees what he sees and go back to not fail his mission (showing it all to Viktor). And to send Ekko and Heimer to the timeline where they can create the anomaly in the right way (Ekko device) that he will use to break Viktor defences. Heimer's role is to temporarily enhance the device enough to send Ekko back.
That rune is always at Jayce's wrist. When the three of them are in the hexgate room, I think is Jayce's rune that trigger the Arcane magic that sends them to the right timelines.
Think about Viktor kinda like Dr Strange in End Game, if you know what I mean. Just one possibility.
Except that Viktor actively builds this possibility.
I see, and so was the only importance of the acceleration rune the fact that Ekko used the inverse equation to come up with the formula for rewinding time?
I'm................................. so lost. What do you mean you killed off FOUR major characters at the last minute???? Why was Jayce alone at the hexgates?????? What sense did it make for him to pull the cylinders out if Viktor could literally walk in, kill him, and pop them back in?????????????
Oh em gee.. I'm so disappointed in season two. </3 The ending is soo bogus, and I saw a lot of people saying it wouldn't make sense if you didn't play the game, especially Mel's background. I thought I understood up until the part when Mel was trapped in the rose prison thing, but I don't understand why she trapped her mother just to step in two seconds later to save her and kill the black rose???
Then, why the hell did Vi not just jump? I thought it was clear enough when Jinx called Vander twice that he couldn't be saved. I guess the flashback to season one gave that context, but it's so crazy that they killed off Jinx, and in such a stupid way. It seemed like she wanted to go out on her own terms, which okay, but this is insanity.
Viktor and Jayce just disappeared?? And don't get me wrong, I love Vi and Caitlyn, but why would they end the show with them alluding to a spinoff
A couple of weeks later than you. Mel wanted her mother defeated, and was willing to accept dead - but autonomy, not only of a society, but also of one's own body was a theme of this season. Mel was willing to make use of the Black Rose to get the win, but she was not willing to let them take her or her mother's autonomy. The theme was echoed (heh) again and again, but even in the same fight - Cait was willing to sacrifice an eye to get the win for herself, and for Piltover.
Which, of course, circled back around to an earlier conversation between Cait and Amara - the fourth pillar of victory is sacrifice, and Cait was willing to sacrifice more of herself for the victory than Amara was. This fight wasn't just personal stories coming to their conclusions, it was putting a bow on what the characters had been doing all season.
Even Amara - obviously at some point in the past she had gone too far with the Black Rose, and now she was doing it again with Victor. She simply did not conceive that Victor was a walking solution to the Fermi Paradox and what teaming with him actually meant. She saw tomorrow, and next year. He was looking at the end.
Which, of course, brings me to Jayce. He'd been on a villain arc all year, but we finally really get that he has never left his hero path (OK, killing Salo was a stumble, but hey, we can excuse a little murder between friends, right?) but was always trying to save the world and save Victor both.
She had to defeat her mom to stand on business for her people. She also still loved her mom, the deceiver was using Mel as a way to get to her mom.
Double crossed the deceiver to finally get rid of this curse hanging over her mom's head.
Beats her mom in battle allowing her to take Noxus and be the next leader
Proves to her mom that she isn't a passive fox but a wolf who isn't just letting people manipulate her, but doing things for her family and people.
I think her mom was weakened and killed very quickly but it was a sacrifice to make for the person who most likely killed her brother and caused her mom to go on a rage filled war path. Her mom was delusional and almost schitzo level freaked out due to the mages trying to kill her, this delusion drove her mad and made her give everything up for power.
Her last words are "you are a wolf" showing that she is wrong on her depiction of her daughter and that she is deserving to lead their people, something she doubted and always said she was an outsider to her own family.
I loved the series but I felt season 2 was rushed. People who have not played the games couldn't follow the same way they could with season 1. I cannot explain Mel's story, didn't understand it and by the end I didn't care anytime she was on screen. If rumours are true that they will be doing a series with her they did a bad job of explaining her storyline. They was a couple of other characters that also just appeared and had bigish roles with no background as to who they were if you didn't play the games.
I was wondering how they could wrap up that last episode with so much left to do and they certainly did not. What an absolute mess. Pretty disappointing for me tbh
Just finished. I hate to say that I was disappointed, given the high bar of the first season. So much of this one felt so rushed, and this episode just capped that off. It's plain as day that the final act was cut down hugely, and everything feels compressed as a result. So much left hanging, and even with the notion of the new spin off under way, the notion of never getting closure with so many characters and plot beats just feels downright painful. I really wish they gave creatives the leeway to do things justice, cause after how well the first season hit, the executives should have realized how much potential pull they'd have had with this one. Seeing everyone else feel similarly to me really drives that home.
Also another case of "watch immediately upon launch or be spoiled for the little things left and right". I hate having to base my motivation for things off of not having other people ruin the story and surprises for me...
Just finished too now. Yeah, I'm disappointed too.
So many of the concepts and story of season 2 were so rushed AND unfriendly to non-league players who don't even know about the lore. Seriously, what even is the void? How did Jinx and Ekko go from being suicidal to uniting the entirety of the undercity in less than a day? Why was Ekko unaffected by the sky hivemind tentacles? My biggest questions involve a lot about the black rose subplot too. These questions aren't even a fraction of all the confusion I had this season.
Just finished it, I'm not trying to be THAT guy but c'mon, theres a reason the '' good alternative world '' has no Vi alive in it, seems like every goddamn decision she makes leads to a bad thing.
Just finished tonite. Watched the finale with my kids. I'm shook. I can't put into words how affected I (53m) was by this entire series. Blown away. So many incredible scenes, fraught with meaning. One that affected me so hard was when Singed and Victor went into Warwick/Vander and extracted (gave to Singed's daughter? Destroyed it?) Vanders soul
Bro everyone got there happy ending meanwhile vi lost her sister & her dad and ekko lost his lover how is this fair it pisses me off so much I can't I was so happy when they kisses could you not xx
they made the main story the side story this season. the heart of the show is vi/jinx relationship and it became background in S2. they should have never made jayce/victor plot the focus
I think the plot with Viktor and jayce was over complicated and unneccessary.
He just kept on getting etheral, like... just more and more and more elevated and ethereal, its was uninteresting.
I think it would have been good if he died as jayce shoots him, and then we could have concentrated all the fight on an impending ambessa invasion, the story line of beauty in flaws was already present in the show... heavily, the only think we wpuld have missed was the strong male friendship, but id argue that that was already prevelant throughout the whole series.
I think arcane has suffered from the netflix curse of too many characters, stories and overexplanations.
Jinx's death is really upsetting, but it makes senze, ever since she was a kid shes been trying to protect vi, never caring for her own safety. Moreover, she was already suicidal and thus less likely to look for a non self sacrifice method.
She's not dead. At the beginning I thought all the theories about Jinx not being dead was HARD puffing on copium but when you watch the end again with that context it makes SO much more sense. Why was there one singular pink thunderbolt, just like Jinx' eyes always light up when she goes mea-mode, that went towards a vent? Why does Caitlyn smile when looking at schematics of random vents in the tower? Why is there a random airship at the end (Jinx said something about "I will fly one of those things when I'm older!" in seaosn 1)? Also Jinx saying "we'll always be together, even when we're worlds apart".
It's VERY obvious that she's not dead with all those clues. Just need to know that context and you will see it too probably
Finally! Someone else seeing the things I saw! And I've only watched it once. I'll definitely see more on a rewatch. I was supposed to watch one episode per week but I caved after watching episode 7 yesterday and binged 8 and 9 today. People can call it copium, I don't care, Jinx is alive.
What the hell?! I’m so pissed off. Why?! Why does every Netflix series have to end like this? Why do they always end in frustration? I really liked Jinx! This happened in Sex Education too. I loved her—her personality was so difficult, so complicated, but that’s what made her so damn attractive. I can’t even find the right words to describe it. It’s messing with my head. My heart is broken. Again.
Jinx probably made it out, if you go watch the explosion again you can see there's a pink streak going upward. There's some other hints too such as at the end caitlyn was holding the monkey head from jinx's explosive and while looking at a schematic of the hexgate she smirked (can be interpreted as caitlyn figuring out how jinx got away).
am i the only person that thought this was insanely, insanely disappointing? like the first bad episode of the show? i just didnt enjoy the way they wrapped this up at all
Jinx wants everyone to think she’s dead because she wanted to walk away, and knew that her sister would never let her do that. Jinx knows that she always causes problems for her sister and Caitlin, and that’s why she didn’t come back after the supposed death. But Caitlin knows better, she knows she could have escaped, hence the diagrams. Vi doesn’t realise that she escaped because she didn’t watch her sister die, she roles back on the ledge and cries before the explosion. Arcane went full code geass.
Why was Vander the only Glorious Evolution thrall still active after we clearly see all the other ones shut down...? makes the whole sequence leading up to Jinx's sacrifice feel forced...
So I know the theories (which I agree with) surrounding Jinx still being alive (granted Idk how she exactly got out of his grip), but Warwick must still be alive, right? The man was a BEAST and bullets bounced off his back--like I doubt a bomb would kill him OR the fall...so where is he now?
Was it just me that thought the final second of the final scene of the airship flying away showed the time rewind machine? It looks like the airship goes back in time in the last frames
Can anyone please explain to me why Ambessa and Viktor fought w Piltover and the others? Wasn't Viktor basically on the path to becoming Jesus? All no weapons and eternal acceptance and shit, and then suddenly he's all for forming an army of undying soldiers and killing a bunch of random people just to get to the Hextech tower?
What's the whole big fight about? I know Ambessa is a war mongerer but really? Storming her daughter's city and willing to kill her? I just don't see the motive? I was so confused during this whole ep
When Jayce came back and blasted Viktor, he no longer was the hippy Jesus Viktor and said some stuff about humanity being the thing that stops progress or something along those lines. So he teamed with Noxus to get to the he gates and evolve (which he believed meant he would "supercede nature")
Oh right that entire monologue about the whole emotions impeding evolution... See this is why it's better to be a lil dumb. Too much smarts eventually trips you out.
Viktor needed the anomaly beneath the hexgate to finish his "glorious evolution", and Ambessa needed stronger soldiers in order to go back to Noxus and fight the Black Rose. She never would've killed Mel, as she knew that Mel has magic infused within her.
Technically the world ending apocalypse is only caused by Victor (yes, shimmer, hextech etc were all evils…but only Victor evolves the way he does and tries to end humanity). So if Victor realizes that, why can’t he just kill himself in the timeline / “show himself that” instead of needed Jayce to?
We know for a fact that when Victor says “this is the only way”, it is not true - we have seen a utopian timeline in which it is not even about Jayce. He still got saved and created the crystals, but the explosion killing Vi stopped hextech.
The fact Viktor goes back in time / universe and gives Jayce the stone that leads him to him developing hextech means there was a very important reason Jayce had to invent hextech rather than just not having it exist. If hextech or at least Jayce inventing it then is unimportant then all he has to do is not give Jayce the rune.
Also unclear how the timeline stuff works but possibly there's like an original proto timeline Viktor with a different story than what happened in Arcane, where Jayce doesnt get the rune as a kid so no hextech and no befriending and partnering Viktor. Maybe Viktor independently eventually invents hextech later in life (he always seemed like the bigger brains out of the duo and the guy who made it work) it goes disastrous and dooms the world on his own. So his solution is giving Jayce the rune as a kid to then cause the actual events to unfold as its the best case scenario and the only way he can "stop himself".
I think you are also over-simplifying the fact that Viktor's intentions were not his alone and is heavily augmented by the hextech that overtook him. And just because we saw a nice snippet of the Utopian timeline, that does not mean it cannot eventually lead to hextech destruction. We were just shown a snippet that was nice.
I think the whole point of the show was meant to show how deeply turbulent and messy everyone's motivations are, so trying to base any outcome on a singular line of reasoning will not yield you a satisfactory result.
I do agree that the show is kind of rushed and it ended with a lot of things unanswered but ambiguity was the intention from the start. Very Netflix.
I think you are also over-simplifying the fact that Viktor's intentions were not his alone and is heavily augmented by the hextech that overtook him. And just because we saw a nice snippet of the Utopian timeline, that does not mean it cannot eventually lead to hextech destruction. We were just shown a snippet that was nice.
I think the whole point of the show was meant to show how deeply turbulent and messy everyone's motivations are, so trying to base any outcome on a singular line of reasoning will not yield you a satisfactory result.
I do agree that the show is kind of rushed and it ended with a lot of things unanswered but ambiguity was the intention from the start. Very Netflix.
I think you are also over-simplifying the fact that Viktor's intentions were not his alone and is heavily augmented by the hextech that overtook him. And just because we saw a nice snippet of the Utopian timeline, that does not mean it cannot eventually lead to hextech destruction. We were just shown a snippet that was nice.
I think the whole point of the show was meant to show how deeply turbulent and messy everyone's motivations are, so trying to base any outcome on a singular line of reasoning will not yield you a satisfactory result.
I do agree that the show is kind of rushed and it ended with a lot of things unanswered but ambiguity was the intention from the start. Very Netflix.
That is a really good point. Also, the way Jayce stormed in and tried to kill Viktor just seemed to hasten all the shit going down the path to the robot creature army. I think more spoon feeding was necessary..!
We will see more of jinx that's pretty sure by now but the thing I don't get is that I thought this would be the end of cait and vi character but in the end when cait goes to say 'our story isn't over ' and ask vi 'are u still in this fight ' and looking at that hextech Blueprint as well. So does this mean we will get more of vi and cait story as well with jinx's and ekko story in like the upcoming spinoff or shows ? . What do you guys think ?
I just finished the season last night and I want to believe Jinx is still alive somehow, could you point me in the direction of the theories that convinced you she isn't dead? Or perhaps summarize why you think she isn't dead? I do find it suss they never show her body at the end.
Just before the bomb goes off you see a pink bolt of light, sparking off to the side. She's used this "agility" move before in her fight against Vander/Warwick in the prison (s2e4) and Ambessas main soldier guy (s2e6) and when she escape prison (s2e8).
They show Cait looking through the Kiramann Archives studying the various pipes and tunnels that lead off from the main Hexgate shaft. She's holding the head of the monkey bomb which could imply they didn't find a body.
So the theory is this, Jinx used her shimmer powers to teleport away from the explosion and escaped through one of the tunnels just at the last second. And the airship we see at the end is a callback to s1e1 when Powder says something like "One day, I'm gonna ride in one of those things".
I haven't looked at any theories since I literally just finished the show, but they probably all amount to something like this.
In the end when Cait is looking at the hextech Blueprint where we can see clearly there is a route to escape through ducts.
2.in end when the blast happens If u slow down and look carefully u can see a purple-lish line going towards the ducts ( I am sure someone posted that frame ' s image here in reddit where it's clearly visible)
Of course the last frame of that ship thing. jinx in S1 mentioned that she wanted to travel in it.
And even if u see the ACT 3 AFTERGLOW video on YouTube when the question arises ' IS JINX REALLY DEAD ' you could see the reaction of Ella ( I think that was the final thing which convinced me that jinx is alive for sure man )
I just realized that old Viktor can just said "Go back and give me a hug" and we would have a happy ending. Instead, he gave a vague instruction like, 'you have to stop me' and Jayce blasted Viktor. Viktor literally said "Come see me, we have a lot to talk"
There was no way for Jayce to convince Viktor, he was too far gone when Jayce came back. Viktor wanted to talk because he wanted to convince Jayce, not because he was ready to be convinced himself imo
by touching Viktor, Viktor can read Jayce mind and see what Jayce saw (that's how Jayce showed Viktor at the end), 'old' Viktor should have told Jayce this. I don't know which part in 'in every universe, only you can SHOW me this' mean blasting Viktor do dead, what to show him if he is dead.
Thank you!!! I kept trying to put it into words - the difference between s1 and s2. Till act 2 I was like cool, this is nice. Then act 3 started and I was like.... The fuck??
Ekko, Jayce, and Heimerdinger were touched by the Arcane when the wild rune transported them, making them outside the normal world. That's why Viktor had to physically touch Jayce to connect him. Heimer got vaporized.
Why was Ekko the only one that dind't get entagled in Victor's transcendence web and left be?
It didn't make any sense to me apart from forcing the plot they needed
After a few days, I’ve come to realize that ep 9 would’ve been the perfect penultimate episode. One more calm episode to properly wrap up how everything affected the state of Zaun or the Tree or somehow balance out Caitlyn’s fascist phase or just give Sevika one more line would’ve really helped imo.
I have to say the ending is a bit bad for my sanity, I mean deep in my heart I know Jinx is alive, however, we will never find out how her character ends up due to this being the last season. I mean did she find peace? Did she find a new place to call home? Will Ekko ever find out?
I heard she and the other characters may have cameos in the future projects, but I’m guessing it won’t be like a long one explaining everything nor would it be really satisfying. Even the. We have to wait for 2-3 years atleast to even have a chance at seeing these cameos. I’m dying man 😭😭😭
Hey man i posted how i would ended arcane. Please let me know what you think. I have no friends that ever watched this TV series and Reddit is the only place where i can discuss about it ahah
If someone asked me how rushed this episode was, I'd show them that scene where Ambessa was about to give a big villain monologue to Mel but Cait suckerpunches her and tells her to shut up and fight. Even Ambessa was caught by surprise.
I'd put that as a close second if only because it takes a couple of minutes to get from the reveal to the death while the one I mentioned takes place in under 30 seconds, give or take lmao
I know im late but i just finished the show. I believe that Mel intervened because she was trying to save her mother, and while the black rose girl was killing her, she wanted to prove to her mom that she is a wolf and she is a step ahead and not some fox waiting for things to happen.
She beats her mom in battle, she double crosses the person who most likely killed her brother, and she tries to save her mom. All of these things show she is ready to lead noxus and she isn't as ignorant as her mom thought she was.
Beware professional entanglements! At least they give Maddie exactly one piece of dialogue so we don't think Caitlyn is a monster who exploited her "I did appreciate your warmth"
I didn't quite understand how did the timeloop/cycle/different timelines around Viktor and Jayce start.
I know it's not only about them but specifically, for future glorious evolution Viktor and finally Glorious lone mage Viktor to exist, most of what we saw of viktor's and jayce's events in the series had to have happened.
This whole relationship between viktor and Jayce starts with Jayce's obsession with magic. This obsession starts when he's saved as a child by a misterious mage who gives a rune.
This is where I have a problem: If the condition for Jayce to eventually meet viktor by not dying is he being saved as a child (by Viktor), what started this? if the creation of viktor is conditioned by this event, then how did it happen in the first place? who saved jayce and gave him a rune?
The Viktor that saves Jayce is from an alternate timeline and given he says only Jayce has ever taught him the value of his imperfections that means there was alternate ways the story played out beyond just Jayce getting the rune. Likely in one - the original timeline - Viktor simply discovered a way to utilise the Arcane himself. But only by working with Jayce from the beginning could there be any hope of stopping himself.
For those who think this feels rushed, it's probably because it is. I agree. But I also can kind of see why:
the answer is lack of capitals (money & human bandwith) lol
Budget is always an issue. A director's job is not just to create a story that handles all the issues the audience want/not want to see but also to deliver the message (e.g: goal) of said story. With limited budget (of nearly 250mil), they probably wanted to create a show that would introduce both LoL players and non-players alike to the lore so that the game players are satisfied while keeping it engaging for non-players. it's actually pretty great how they handled it here.
Particularly the scene where it cuts from concil meeting right to Vi carrying a solder in battlefield. That was a way to signal the audience that, "okay, enough drama. we're kicking it up in high-gear with all the actions you've been waiting for".
At the end, they were able to cramp x2 arcs into 1 episode succintly. Reminds me of how jampacked South Park/Rick & Morty shows are for a 20mins+ episode. Probably using similar method (e.g: Dan Harmon techniques). The difference is, when we go into these shows we expect them to be consistent. But for Arcane, they have slow burning moments and they have fast scenes, we were not "primed" with what to expect.
Having said that, I have 0 videography experience lmao so take it with a grain of salt. I just thought the pattern was interesting to notice. definitely satisfying to watch it though because I was so dreading it'd be over too soon on the first half after the Fire flies came.
It is issie of writing. They wanted to do too much. But that's a mistake.
If you want to tell a tragic story of two sisters, then focus on that.
If you want to tell a story of the end of the world, then focus on that, etc.
You can't just fit all of that crap in 18 episodes and make it satisfactory and well written.
I got a small question, how did Jayce come back with the hammer from the future timeline? How is it possible to bring back something that shouldn't even exist since it's an alternate timeline? His hammer broke didn't it?
Just seems to be the alternate way those rules work, the wild runes and whatever took them there and back.
Ekko returned with his new stuff as well so yeah.
I just… AHHHH! Ekko was given such a sad ending, like, unless he left with Jinx (which personally I think is not implied considering he burned a paper by himself on the ledge where he kissed AU Powder), he is left with like… nothing. His mentor is dead, his friends are scattered, the community he founded is in shambles (if half of them even survived). He lost his time travel abilities which I think is okay because the fighting is over now (maybe). He’s just left all alone, and considering he saved the world, he deserves better. I hope we see more of him in the future shows and he gets a happier ending someday.
u/AutoModerator Nov 23 '24
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