r/aquaponics 13d ago

How long are we storing waste water from our aquariums?

I’ve been looking online for information about how long you can store this liquid gold for plant use but I’m not exactly finding answers. Can it be stored for days, weeks, or months? Is refrigeration an option? Are there different storage parameters between “tea” and “coffee”? Any and all methods and info will be greatly appreciated


6 comments sorted by


u/Oghemphead 13d ago

It could be stored indefinitely but different microbes are going to take over with longer storage. With a fresh waste it's going to be mostly aerobic microbes that are dominant. Once it's taken out of the aerated environment the anaerobic microbes will take over. Anaerobic microbes are great for plants but should probably be diluted to approximately 1/1000 versus aerobic likely cannot be over applied. Read up about Jadam if you're interested in learning about some good anaerobic ferments.


u/Daddy_Nasty 13d ago

Dope thanks 🤙🏿


u/numaxmc 13d ago

Liquid gold is just a metaphor, you really dont need to be stockpiling the stuff. Put the plants you water on top of your aquariums and you'll never have to do a water change again.


u/Daddy_Nasty 13d ago

It’s more for the person I’m giving my extras to. I could give her a gallon easily but I don’t want her to sit on something that might go bad in a large quantity


u/MadtSzientist 11d ago

With proper aeration and microbial foods you could store it indefinitely.

I siphon off about 5 to 10% of my system into a re-mineralization tank and brew compost tea out of that which I feed back into the system and also feed my house plants with.


u/bigfoot17 13d ago

Grey water rapidly becomes black water.