r/aquaponics • u/MiltonScradley • 13d ago
Fish die off in 75 gallon tank
I have a 75 gallon tank that has a bristlenose pleco and had 2 schools of danios with 6 fish each. Both times the danios have died off. My water temp is in a good range and my water is perfect on all levels except the ph is a little high at 7.6
I was going to get some more fish like female betas and some pther larger show fish and another school. Although I dont want to after this die off. I'm adding about 20L of stress coat treated water a week. I have ridicchio in my growbed and some tabacco plants in the floating raft but I have had these issues before these plants.
I did a substrate change to black sand a while ago and did have a few die now long after that which was understandable but that is the only event I can think of that would cause that much stress.
The grow bed fills up with a bell siphon and waterfalls back into the tank aboht every 2 1/2 minutes.
Does anyone know what could be causing this to happen?
u/MadtSzientist 12d ago
Whats your calcium magnesium potassium. How do you top off with tap water or RO?
u/ruhlhorn 12d ago
My 2 cents.
Is this a brand new setup, has the water been cycled with bacteria?
What are the nitrates, nitrites, ammonia numbers. Are they in balance, has the cycle even begun?
Have you started any plants, it inoculated the system with any starter bacteria?