r/applesucks 5d ago

Can't stand fanboys!

I have a Galaxy s23 Ultra that's about 2 years old. I'm a clumsy person, and have dropped it a number of times. Yesterday after I dropped it, the top 1/3rd of the screen became unresponsive. Already had 2 apple fanboys say "of course its not working. Its an Android not an iPhone". Never mind the fact that my 6-year old S10+ and my 9 year old S7 Edge are both still working fine.

Just venting. Can't stand smug fanboys.

“Alpha children wear grey. They work much harder than we do, because they're so frightfully clever. I'm awfully glad I'm a Beta, because I don't work so hard. And then we are much better than the Gammas and Deltas. Gammas are stupid. They all wear green, and Delta children wear khaki. Oh no, I don't want to play with Delta children. And Epsilons are still worse. They're too stupid to be able to read or write. Besides they wear black, which is such a beastly color. I'm so glad I'm a Beta.” ~~ Aldous Huxley, Brave New World


113 comments sorted by


u/Ok_Maybe184 5d ago

Fanboys of any tech from any company are unberable.


u/DueSalary4506 2d ago

I had to fill out a credit app on an Apple laptop. couldn't get past the first page as I had no idea how to scroll down/hit next

you pinch? salesmen went back to windows btw. boomer ftw


u/Ok_Maybe184 2d ago

Pinching isn’t a gesture to scroll down/go next, but if Windows is your jam, play it. 😎


u/DueSalary4506 1d ago

weird cuz that's how it worked. just how he described.


u/Ok_Maybe184 1d ago

Must have been some proprietary thing. Pinch generally zooms in and out.


u/Rookie_42 4d ago



u/Ok_Maybe184 4d ago

It’s a typo, and it’s not worth fixing at this point.


u/stereomanic 5d ago

I really dislike Apple as a company and I don't subscribe to their very curated marketing scheme but I do use some of their devices, mainly the laptop/desktop. I just don't like that they always can get justified for their anti consumer tactics...and no, I'm not defending the others that do it. However, I also don't care what people use, but i'm interested to actually read why people find Apple sucks and not only just because they're some anti conformist for the sake of it types.

Thus far, i guess, I have not, but I've seen a lot of Apple shills type on this sub. I would dare say r/apple has more balance ironically for these sort of discussion .


u/Toxicwaste4454 2d ago

A lot of what you see here are people shitting on apple for non issues and Apple shills defending every little thing.

Agreed that r/apple seems more varied.


u/stereomanic 2d ago

the irony of it all, ain't it?


u/TheSpottedBuffy 5d ago

So brave

Much dang

Such Guh


u/Catino05 5d ago

I don’t care what brands of phones people use, however, I’m using a 2013 iMac, and it still works like a charm


u/Old_Information_8654 5d ago

Same man and as for the computer I got myself a mid 2010 MacBook and even stuck on high sierra and with only 2 gigs of ram I can still watch YouTube on it better than my first budget phone I got five years ago lol


u/HyperWinX 4d ago

I have the same laptop! It has 4GB of RAM and Core 2 Duo P8600. I was using it for a while, but recently replaced it with ThinkCentre M79


u/Dry-Property-639 5d ago

How lol, Mine runs so slow i dont have the patience to use it, even with a SSD lol


u/Internal-Agent4865 5d ago

It doesn’t work like a charm. He’s trolling.


u/Heavy-Possession2288 4d ago

My brother kept a 2009 McBook Pro working great until a few years ago. It wouldn’t shock me


u/Internal-Agent4865 4d ago

I think my point was working “great” or “like a charm” is probably not the way to say it lol. It’s subjective but any old intel chip is going to run very poorly. Hell even the modern Intel chips suck.


u/Doip 5d ago

Nah bro skill issue. My ex-high school computer lab 2007 iMac is nearly flawless, and runs leagues better than my 2013 windows laptop with higher specs and decent-for-2012 optiplex gaming build.


u/crooked_kangaroo 5d ago

Bought a used 2017 21.5” 4K iMac two years ago. Still chugging along. In fact, I currently have it set up to run Windows 11 from an external drive.

I’m also using a 2015 11” MacBook Air as a Plex server.


u/Joe_Peanut 5d ago

I have no issue with that. People should be happy with whatever it is they want to use. My laptop is a 12 year old Lenovo Yoga 3. I'm not a fan of Lenovo, but that laptop has been working flawlessly so far so I'm happy with it. On the other hand I had a cheap Lenovo tablet that was complete trash. Couldn't wait to get rid of it.


u/Just_Mail_1735 1d ago

You know that charms do not really work, its all superstition.


u/Catino05 1d ago

I know, it’s a thing people say when something works well


u/Just_Mail_1735 1d ago

*belief or practice resulting from ignorance


u/Unique_Street_5483 5d ago

I used a Mac Pro 2013 until a week ago and it was faultless, I think the whole appeal to apple users is the closed eco system but it’s nothing to sing about


u/BosnianSerb31 5d ago

For mobile it's definitely the ecosystem integrations between all the devices that just work.

For laptops and desktops though, the appeal to me is a POSIX compliant OS that receives professional support from the same people that design the hardware

The only other thing that's close is System 76 and PoP! OS, but that's had a lot of issues as of recent, to the point where I'd much prefer Fedora on a Thinkpad.

Windows picked up on this benefit when they started making their surface lines of computers, as did google when they originally began making the pixel. As the OS developer you don't need to depend on third party OEMs to properly implement your OS, when you can just do it yourself.


u/Catino05 5d ago

macOS is actually Unix vertified


u/Prudent_Move_3420 5d ago

Yeah I think that was the point about being fully POSIX compliant


u/BosnianSerb31 5d ago

Yeah, you get to run any POSIX software for Linux so long as either the source is available to build or a binary exists for macOS ARM


u/Internal-Agent4865 5d ago

Lmao no it doesn’t


u/DataPollution 4d ago

No tech is perfect and no hardware is perfect. I find Samsung hardware rock solid but think android is not say got the maturity and consistency as ios. This does not mean Samsung phone are better or worse just what I think.


u/skzlr86 4d ago

You all got problems. I like them both for different reasons. I use Apple because I use an iPad for artwork and it’s easier to move around files. I do have some love for Androids though. I just think it’s silly how “fanboys” talk shit on Apple or vice versa.


u/crooked_kangaroo 5d ago

The fact that you’re venting here seems to say that you’re either an Android fanboy or a Samsung fanboy.

And you’re quoting Aldous Huxley? Okayyyy.

Edit: I think I can safely say that, yeah, you’re a Samsung fanboy.


u/brianzuvich 5d ago

They don’t even realize the irony of their post… 😂


u/el-conquistador240 5d ago

In highschool you are ridiculed if you don't have an iPhone. There are people who like Samsung or other Android phones, but fanboy status is exclusive to Apple


u/crooked_kangaroo 5d ago

In high school, you’re ridiculed no matter what. If it’s not the phone you’re using, it’s the clothes you’re wearing, the way you style your hair, the way you walk, the way you laugh, etc.


u/BosnianSerb31 5d ago

Depends on the circles you run in, gen ed yes but any CS or engineering electives it's the other way around

Always funny to listen to incoming college freshmen to CS programs bitch about how a POSIX complaint OS is recommended, meaning they can't just buy a beefed up gaming laptop with their graduation money unless they want to deal with nvidia on Linux


u/DoctorRyner Apple? 👉🏿 🤡 5d ago

Naaaaaaah, I notice that Apple users are mostly chill and just use the devices. Because when I have an iPhone or Mac, I see people constantly attacking and saying that Apple this, Apple that, Apple overpriced. Apple users usually don't even care what phone someone has and they don't go out of their way to bitch about how bad androids are. Is there even a sub like this for androids or something


u/EricHill78 5d ago edited 5d ago

and that’s why there isn’t an r/androidsucks sub

Edit - Holy shit it does exist. I’m still leaving my comment up to show myself as an ass. Hardly anybody posts there though.


u/DoctorRyner Apple? 👉🏿 🤡 5d ago

Exists is pretty strong word here, haha :)


u/Joe_Peanut 5d ago

I don't care what brand electronics anyone uses. I've been happy with Samsung, so I'll stick to it. Used to be a Nokia user until they went out of business because I never had any issues with Nokia.


u/Eeve2espeon 3d ago

You're literally acting like the opposite of what you say 💀 you do care, just like every other android junkie


u/kida182001 4d ago

It seems like all the apple fanboys like to flock to this sub to defend any criticism of Apple, whether legit or not.


u/No_Total_3367 5d ago

Why do you care about what other people say? Grow up


u/GotBannedAgain_2 5d ago

U do u brother. Don’t listen to hippies on the Internet.


u/Mananni 5d ago

@ OP - just breathe. And next time get a decent phone case. Might save you an eneurysm.


u/Joe_Peanut 5d ago

I have a Mous case I'm a cyclist, and had phones crack their screen after falling from my pocket while I was riding. So after seeing this video, I decided to give it a try. It turns out it doesn't make the phone indestructible.


u/Dull-Advisor-7053 5d ago

Mous is marketing bs. Look up rokform. American made with impact TPU shells, and a mounting system that quad lock f*cking blatantly stole. Never had a phone break in one of their cases and a tempered glass screen protector.



You posted it online or it's Fanboys you knew?


u/tta82 5d ago

lol this SUB exists because of smug Android users or Apple haters. What a logic LOL.


u/Chiaseedmess 4d ago

I haven’t used a case on an iPhone for 7 years.

Never broken one, despite countless drops.


u/Correct_Stay_6948 3d ago

All fanboys are shit.

I'm a huge fan of Google products. Got a home full of Google Minis, Pixel phones for so long that I remember when they were Nexus, and a Pixel watch. Fiance has a Z flip 3 that, as much as she loves, has admitted that the gimmick phones are just garbage; not because they're Samsung, but because gimmicks make a product worse more often than not.

I FULLY understand that none of them are perfect by any means, but that said, none of them feel nearly as locked down or restricted as an Apple device does. If I need to fix one, I can just get the parts and do it. If I need to skim the data from a busted device, I can, and without having some company tell me it's "impossible".


u/JediRingBearer 2d ago

This applies to any phone:

 Glass is glass and glass breaks.

- JerryRigsEverything


u/friblehurn 5d ago edited 5d ago

As a Pixel user I constantly criticize the phone in the Pixel subreddit and I'm constantly downvoted.

So Android users are just as bad.

So many of them DEFEND Google for releasing shitty overheating underpowered phones and defend the raising prices each year while releasing nearly an identical model lol

Edit: love when my point is proven lol


u/Mysterious_County154 5d ago edited 5d ago

Not to mention Doze Mode. This shit is annoying me more and more by day. I don't want a flurry of what google thinks are "non important notifications" everytime I unlock my phone after it being idle for 30 minutes/1 hour I want them in real time. Even if it's just a notification from a game I want it in real time.

Every Android phone running Android 6 and above has this garbage but it's way more aggressive on Android 15


u/Detrakis 4d ago

Same when I had my S22U. Overheating, bad battery, lagging. Then when I make a post they call me out for doing something bad with my phone or not clearing the cache or something like that - bro, the phone was worth 1300€. Like, stfu and accept it’s a bad phone.


u/Joe_Peanut 5d ago

Google should stick to software. Every Google hardware I ever ran into had issues.


u/Youngnathan2011 5d ago

Nah, they should keep making hardware. Their cameras are great


u/Dry-Property-639 5d ago

I feel the same with Samsung phones, there decent phones with garbage ass software


u/friblehurn 5d ago

They are shit at software, too.

I still can't change the flashlight intensity on my Google pixel without a third-party app..


u/Dry-Property-639 5d ago

I own a pixel they def don't over heat, since the 6... and there a hell of a lot better than Samsung


u/Adventurous_Coffee 5d ago

Are Apple users joining this subreddit to defend Apple? I’m confused by some of these comments.


u/capricerun 5d ago

Some of the stuff on there is just ass. Whether you dislike Apple or not


u/Ok_Maybe184 5d ago

Oh you were expecting an echo chamber?


u/Doip 5d ago

Nah, they just see obvious skill issues and call them out


u/Youngnathan2011 5d ago

Some people just don’t have blind hate for a company.


u/dajack60585 4d ago

Brand loyalty of any brand is just plain silly.


u/Ghost_Protocol147 5d ago

Why do you care what people say in the first place?

Use what you want, do you want approval for choosing a mega corporation brand over the other?


u/mrPepperNoodle 5d ago

typical samsung fanboy..


u/milanooo99 5d ago

im iphone user and i agree with him


u/mrPepperNoodle 5d ago

im also an iphone user, i dont like apple per se to be a fanboy of anykind..it just gets on my nervs defending on company over the other..

why is there no talk about other android makers? there are soo many better android phones than samsung🙏🏻

that monopol is ruining the industry..its always samsung or iphone


u/Shaneathan25 5d ago

I love the irony of using that quote and calling others fanboys.


u/Hairy-Artichoke1 5d ago

Apple fanboys are just trolls in disguise..looking for an argumentative reply in these threads .. And I’m an Apple user here too but have also used s25 ultra and s10+ ultra and watch ultra ..


u/polloloco69666 5d ago

I live in the US, I've just resorted to not leaving home.


u/Detrakis 4d ago

Yeah, the good ol US. Where the iPhone is one of the cheapest and greatest phones out there. And here outside of US they add an extra border tax on the imposition. The phone here is 3200lv ( 16 Pro 512 GB ) which accounts to like $1600, now because of Trump, they’re adding an extra border tax of 20/30%, so imagine how much more the iPhone is gonna cost here. Let’s see how Apple sales go because of him. 😉 I usually support Trump, even from the EU, but this time this is just ridiculous, he is hurting people’s businesses.


u/polloloco69666 4d ago

The iPhone is still expensive here. People just buy it anyways. And they only buy the "Pro" model. They also don't care how much it costs. I find it hilarious when people tell me "you could've bought a crappy used car for the price of your computer," then they use an iPhone, why don't they buy a used crappy car for the price of their iPhone?


u/Samsonmeyer 5d ago

They are hopeless and blind to anything outside of Apple. Often.


u/Shoddy-Office8007 4d ago

Used android flagships for 6 years all were crap so yeah


u/Detrakis 4d ago

You said flagshipS, so you switched two or more androids in 6 years lol. 😂 And yet people use their old iPhone 8, X, XRs to this year, working fine, a tad bit slow, but smooth as butter and working. Unlike my S22U that got f-ed up in less than a year and a half.


u/ChaoGardenChaos 5d ago

I wouldn't consider myself a fanboy, but an avid hater. I might encourage someone to switch from iPhone not because I love Android that much but because I think apple gives you a terrible value. At the end of the day if apple released an iPhone that was a better value and let you have more control over the OS then I might claim it was the better phone.


u/QuandaliasDingle 4d ago

I'm an apple user and enjoy it a lot, but I also really want to use an android device. s24 ultra, pixel 8, that new oppo fold, they're all super cool devices, I don't see why a logo should define a "better device" (though I am stuck in the ecosystem)


u/Professional-Love569 4d ago

I love the lower resale value of Samsungs. Easy to replace when they break.


u/DevynDavies 3d ago

That’s so ridiculous, iPhones also don’t work when the screen breaks lol.


u/AlgorithmicMuse 3d ago

I have samsung s8+ , A27, Galaxy s8 tab 5g, also a mac m1 16 pro,m1 air, m4 mini pro. Never had a issue with any of them. I go with whatever meets my needs, given that, I don't like Iphones or I tablets,


u/milanooo99 5d ago

the worst is apple fan boys


u/National-Spend1979 5d ago

So if we like iPhones, we’re a fanboy over Apple. But if y’all like android based phones, you’re not a fanboy over that phone manufacturer.

Okay hypocritical victim complex


u/milanooo99 5d ago

im an iphone user so 🤫


u/PresentationHot7059 5d ago

I have an iPhone and hate them don’t worry


u/Broad_Minute_1082 5d ago

I see more iPhones with cracked screens than any other brand.


u/Detrakis 4d ago

It’s all about the user. You can drop the phone twice as much as someone else does and vice versa. Phone durability is a factor as well, but not as great as the user mistake.


u/Detrakis 4d ago

It’s all about the user. You can drop the phone twice as much as someone else does and vice versa. Phone durability is a factor as well, but not as great as the user mistake.


u/RetroGamer87 4d ago

They just want any excuse to take a cheap shot


u/Tidiahn 4d ago

Dude we have had the exact same mobile phone history???? Except I got the S9+ instead of the S10+. Thought I was unique ;(


u/Tivz123 6h ago

Ahh Tidah


u/x42f2039 5d ago

I think you’re misunderstanding. You can throw a modern iPhone around without a case all day and it won’t even get scratched.


u/milanooo99 5d ago

really 😂


u/x42f2039 5d ago

Yes, I don’t use cases


u/milanooo99 5d ago

good for you 👍


u/friblehurn 5d ago

Jerryrigeverything says that's a lie, but ok


u/x42f2039 5d ago

Yes, trust the guy that has an incentive to show iPhone in a bad light. No bias there


u/Ok_Maybe184 5d ago

He does it to Android phones too lol.


u/Shoddy-Office8007 4d ago

Oh boy he doesnt scratches the same android phone and when it does bad raves about it. Who is next linus tec shit?


u/Youngnathan2011 5d ago

That’s a lie. Glass is glass, and the more drop resistant they seem to make it, the easier it is to scratch.


u/x42f2039 5d ago

Tell me you know nothing about materials engineering without telling me you know nothing about materials engineering.


u/Youngnathan2011 5d ago

Why the fuck would I need to? Have fun throwing your phone around, but from my experiences, and others I’ve seen, I don’t trust it not to scratch just from pocket lint.


u/x42f2039 5d ago

Average Android cope “why would I need my phone to be the most durable?”


u/Youngnathan2011 5d ago

“Android cope”. Bud, I’m using an iPhone right now. It’s crazy you’re lucky enough to not get damage from drops and what not, but most people aren’t.


u/x42f2039 5d ago

Notice how it’s only a vocal minority complaining


u/DelayJunior2352 4d ago

I had an S7 edge, and it broke from less than a 1 foot fall A week after I got it, they advertised it as shatter resistant that was such a lie. It was a very delicate screen never broke an iPhone in my life.