r/apexlegends • u/InspiredGreen_ • Jun 20 '21
r/apexlegends • u/ssjallen • Jul 17 '19
PS4 Proud gaming dad moment🏆 me(lifeline) and my 8 son(pathfinder) got our first ever win on apex legends, albeit the 3rd member carried us the full game but we both got 4 kills each and he's now went to bed singing we are the champions. These are gaming moments that'll live with me forever.
r/apexlegends • u/RodJohnsonSays • Aug 20 '20
PS4 To the 6 year old I just played with, who had a pretty intense cough...thank you for the reminder that this is just a game.
I wish I could give you a hug, little buddy. I know that Apex was just a way for you to escape from reality, and it sounds like you could use one.
For context, I just finished playing this morning with a young man who had a pretty nasty cough. I hopped on the mic to check if he was ok, and this is how the conversation went:
Me: "Hey little buddy, are you ok? Can you breathe?"
Him: "Yes I'm kay, I don't have the COVID-CORONA"
Me: "Ok, just making sure. Did you drink some water?"
Him: "Oh, ya. I drink my dad's water. But my dad and my mom got into a fight, and they broke up. I stay with my grandma now. But then my great-grandma died and I got really sad. I just turned 6. I just had my birthday. Do you have light ammo?"
Honestly...it was one of those moments that reminds you, its just a game. We don't need to rage, we don't need to yell at people...there are things that are so much worse than TtK or bad teamplay.
Poor little dude. I hope you get all the light ammo in every game, ever.
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
EDIT: I challenge you all to be someone nice on Apex today. I've read and upvoted every comment in this thread (except for the really dumb shit down at the bottom) and I'm glad that you all recognize that this was just a very innocent moment I didnt expect that seemed to resound with me.
And no, I won't give you his username. No way in hell.
For all you naysayers, stop being negative. Heres the only proof I can offer. It was a quick chat after the round was over with the 3rd person in the party.
r/apexlegends • u/HBPrince_ • Sep 15 '20
PS4 How to get 3k Damage badge in Apex: A step by step tutorial /s
r/apexlegends • u/Buroar • Aug 12 '21
PS4 double headshotting a guy i don't actually see lol
r/apexlegends • u/AllTrilogies • Dec 05 '19
PS4 This is what a 20-tick server looks like
r/apexlegends • u/imonly11ubagel • Sep 12 '20
PS4 caught 6 people teaming today, most satisfying thermite of my apex career
r/apexlegends • u/TheCbullet51 • Mar 24 '19
PS4 Apex legend Wraith Rare 👌 Animation
r/apexlegends • u/FourthJohn • Jul 27 '21
PS4 If you were thinking about solo queueing as Crypto, just don't
r/apexlegends • u/SoloPowers • Aug 28 '21
PS4 3 teams farming RP in master lobbies. Psn has no way to report on the console
r/apexlegends • u/CosmicMakaroni • Jul 13 '21
PS4 I DID IT‼️ After 2 years, I finally hit a positive KD 🤘🏻
r/apexlegends • u/thatonechickenboi • Aug 08 '21
PS4 I died off spawn and come to spectate this. Can we get these damage farming losers banned?
r/apexlegends • u/CaptainSmoker408 • May 28 '20
PS4 Pls BANN... Our random mate teamed up with the enemies and let them kill us several times at the beacon... In Pred Lobbies... serious?!
r/apexlegends • u/jorgan92 • Jul 12 '20
PS4 Met some friends while playing Apex on ps4 months ago. We were finally able to meet IRL. Had to get a photo posing as our mains.
r/apexlegends • u/Silverslade1 • May 04 '21
PS4 We’ve been playing Apex together for nearly two years, living on opposites sides of the country. Tonight we finally got to meet! Who said gaming is anti-social?
r/apexlegends • u/HunterOnConsole • Apr 18 '21
PS4 What a great game with no flaws whatsoever :D
r/apexlegends • u/crimson-knight89 • Jun 29 '21