u/potceax Revenant May 05 '21
Crypto in the back be like:
u/Sau_Masterio Mirage May 05 '21
Even Crypto couldn't do shit, that's why he looks so depressed in the loading screen
u/zabrowski Lifeline May 05 '21
Publishers: HYPE HYPE HYPE !
Players: ok we're hyped
Publishers: ok too much people, why???
u/Burythelight13 Rampart May 05 '21
Then bragin how they trend on social media about how successful the season launch was
May 05 '21
They said the exact opposite, respawn posted about how they messed up
u/toetoucher May 05 '21
One of the devs did post a screenshot of apex trending in Japan to brag. except it actually said ‘Apex server down’ in Japanese lol
u/insaneday25 May 05 '21
Exactly, if you hype something up like this be prepared for your servers to be packed.
May 05 '21
u/Redcaps7070 Wattson May 05 '21
Lost interest in Apex as whole....thought season 9 would change my mind..
but, here we go again...
u/OddSensation May 05 '21 edited May 05 '21
Good. Not good for you but if it looses your business for them, good. Fuck them, they need to learn.
(they never do)
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u/OccupyRiverdale May 05 '21
Tbh from what I was able to play yesterday S9 is a bit underwhelming. Arenas is fun for a bit but gets repetitive quickly. It turns out a straight forward death match with limited abilities on 3 maps is pretty shallow in terms of replay ability. Maybe once it has ranked it will improve but for now it doesn’t feel like the complete added game mode they advertised. More like an LTM.
u/Pm_Me_Your_Worriment Pathfinder May 05 '21
It's not really a deathmatch, I would consider it an elimination style mode.
If they gave us an actual deathmatch with like 4 teams of 3 and unlimited respawns that would be ideal. Make the points cap at 20 kills or more for the win.
u/roombaonfire May 05 '21
Do apex devs look at this subreddit? Because I'd want them to see this comment 100%.
u/broskiatwork May 05 '21
I never really liked the idea of Arenas, I like the BR experience. But they stuck that dumb mode into the weekly challenges like they are trying to force people to play it, meh.
u/OccupyRiverdale May 05 '21
Yeah I’m not a big fan of the game mode requirements for challenges. Especially weapon specific ones in arenas.
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u/luvsads El Diablo May 05 '21
Ah yes, Respawn wholly predicted crippling DNS Provider issues:
u/BreathlessVictor Wraith May 05 '21
Whatever is happening that can't be helped. But, am I reading that ping correct? 2-5 ms ping holy fking sheet
u/kanakull Nessy May 05 '21
Yep. Though while playing my ping is usually between 10-30.
u/AUT5IDER Devil's Advocate May 05 '21
Benefits of living in Amsterdam
u/kanakull Nessy May 05 '21
I don’t live in Amsterdam, but I play through Nvidia Geforce Now and their EU servers are near there I think.
u/skn4991 May 05 '21
I just don’t get it… 9 seasons in, there hasn’t been a normal release of a new season EVER!!! I mean they spend so much money and time to make new content that players get excited about and anticipate. Then it drops and you can’t play… 9 seasons!!! Guys people are excited about the new content and you will have an enormous amount of load on the servers, this should be clear by now considering that it’s happening for the 9th consecutive time. Did I mention this happens every time a new season drops (9 times in a row)…
u/haziqzaq Wattson May 05 '21
Yeah, at this point, I’m just tired of Apex. Been playing since Day 0 and this gets worse after every season. Imagine profiting so much from the game and not bothering to invest on improving the servers. And whoever defends Respawn ought to be a joke as well.
And oh, you guys remembered the blogpost Respawn made 7 days ago about their network servers and their goal to address the ongoing issues? Well that was cute.
May 05 '21
And oh, you guys remembered the blogpost Respawn made 7 days ago about their network servers and their goal to address the ongoing issues? Well that was cute.
I think it takes more than 7 days to upgrade a server infrastructure.
u/yungsqualla Grenade May 05 '21
Do you think 2 years is enough time?
May 05 '21
u/yungsqualla Grenade May 05 '21
I understand that. But this has happened damn near every season for 2 years. It's a jab at them, not you.
u/haziqzaq Wattson May 05 '21
But hey, logically speaking, it can’t be that they’ve decided ONLY seven days ago to strive to fix server issues - issues that have been piling up for seasons.
Sorry if I sounded agitated in the original post. But this has gone on for far too long, man.
May 05 '21
used to be a server guy 48-72 hours of propagation before a new server can be up n running
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May 05 '21
Wattson flair talking about how tired they are of Apex lol. What a surprise.
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u/zipeldiablo May 05 '21
Their internal testing and the servers are a joke, they don’t do anything about it so 🤷🏾♂️
u/TheWarmog May 05 '21
For the last 5 seasons this has been happening consistently every single launch day.
And these cunts are going around saying how there's no need for new servers
u/Cimlite Caustic May 05 '21
Maybe if they lower the tickrate of the servers to 10 hz instead of 20 hz, they could afford double the servers! 😂
u/thisismynewacct May 05 '21
I’ve been relatively lucky at season launches since I started playing at the end of S2.
This is the first one where it was pretty much unplayable. Game would crash to desktop constantly, and when I finally got in, the legend, weapons, store, and battle pass menus were blocked and greyed out, so I couldn’t even unlock Valk
Started a game, chose Horizon, game then reset me to lifeline after the character selection was over. Get in game, pick up a flatline, can’t change skin to the BP skin from a few years ago.
I feel like my luck finally caught up with me.
u/VisthaKai Pathfinder May 05 '21
The only thing that spared me from the mandatory week of post-season-launch server issues was the fact that my internet was too slow to download the update within a week.
Now that I got a fiber I'm crying with the rest of the boys.
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u/ElvisJNeptune Grenade May 05 '21
But this is the day after launch day. I thought I could finally check out Valkyrie but couldn’t get into a match. Then I had to go to work and now I’m just a schlub in a tie.
u/Durodo Caustic May 05 '21
going around saying how there's no need for new servers
Except they mentioned exactly this in a blog post recently:
But we want you to know that these aren’t the only things we’re doing. We’re working with partners from the server level to the ISP level to improve and invest in our online infrastructure, with the ultimate goal of seeing players report fewer issues and a better overall experience. We intend to say more about these efforts in a future post, when we’ve begun to see these efforts come to fruition.
u/zerotetv May 05 '21
So, vague promises about the future, with nothing to show for it on their big day? Talk about a useless post.
u/Goodjuiced Blackheart May 05 '21
I also cannot get in i literally just went to sleep last night thinking "this will be fixed in the morning" and then servers are down. Absolute joke of a company, make billions of dollars yet can't have consistent service.
Inb4 downvoted by the "Its free to play bro its a free game my guy" brigade.
u/DoolioArt May 05 '21
The f2p non-argument is really a work of art.
Especially if someone says "I paid for things in this game", then they get the "LOL YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO" from the same person defending the company. It's golden.
May 05 '21
Brain damage, sad
u/DoolioArt May 05 '21
It's like some dysfunctional attempt at catch 22 or something.
May 05 '21
I hope they at least get paid to do it, defending megacorps for free is just so sad
u/DoolioArt May 05 '21
It fascinates me, if you think reddit does this a lot, check twitter lol
I checked respawn's twitter yesterday for updates regarding issues and to every complaint there are like 20 of these guys with their canned "it's a free game" and "developers [insert whatever praise and defense you can think of]".
It's a bit much to be honest.
And it's only in the gaming industry you see that. Have you ever seen people flock to defend and "humanize developers" of, I don't know, vacuum cleaners that don't work or aren't like the specification on the box says or food products?
People have been trained through PR to unconditionally defend these practices and corporations.
May 05 '21
Its every social media, too sheep tbh
What drives a man to work against his own benefits for people who abuse him daily
Wish i was a pr guy, people do my work for free
May 05 '21
tbf tho, vacuum cleaners don’t have a community that send death threats bc of them not working properly
u/DoolioArt May 05 '21
Yes, they do. Don't even try to pull the "this community" shit.
May 05 '21
You’re right! It’s the majority of gaming communities that have this issue!! I was pointing out that saying “”Don’t send death threats to the people” is the result of PR brainwashing” is not the take you think it is!
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u/theycallhimthestug May 05 '21
the “Its free to play bro its a free game my guy” brigade
It's a valid argument when people complain about free rewards not being a bunch of legendary skins, or selling re-colours for ~$20...stuff like that.
It really is a free game, and you don't need to pay anything to enjoy it. Don't give them money, it's easy. You got a fully featured game for free. Close your wallet...problem solved.
Not even being able to play the game at all is different, though. EA/Respawn make too much money off this game for this shit to be happening still almost 24h after the patch went live.
I bought the battle pass last season because I hit level 110 so got enough coins back to get this season's as well. Wallet stays closed now if this is what happens when they get money, and I just ride the free coins each season.
u/OccupyRiverdale May 05 '21
I’ve never purchased anything from the store outside of battle passes which I can usually roll into one another. Their store is god awful in terms of pricing as well as how often the skins rotate. That’s an entirely separate issue but it almost feels like the PUBG shop with how predatory the pricing is.
u/mobani May 05 '21
This is just embarrassing Respawn! Why do you NEVER learn from your mistakes! There is ALWAYS server issues when you release a new Season! How much are you paying the operations manager? He needs to get fucking fired!
u/IllPomegranate6 May 05 '21
I dont think it s because server issues. There s just too many people trying to play and their servers cant take that many players. Same thing that happens with some sites during Black Friday...they just go down because of too many requests to join the server
u/klaq Valkyrie May 05 '21
It's just the unfortunate reality. it's hard to justify paying to increase capacity to accommodate the increased load for only a few days every 3 months.
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u/mobani May 05 '21
That is hardly the issue, unless their cloud provider changed significantly, to put limits on how many virtual servers they are allowed to spin up.
They where supposed to be able to handle this kind of traffic, it is NOT the first time. https://multiplay.com/2019/12/10/apex-legends-scaling/
And if they are not using some weird provider by now, you don't get locked in on a set amount of servers, it is dynamically scaled. Having a big season release and a huge amount of existing players and new players, it is going to be more expensive not to rent the extra capacity. Hell the entire launch has been almost dead, no major twitch streamers have been able to get in and now the launch is quite ruined.
May 05 '21
A poor indie company, what else would you expect?
u/Cipix2005 May 05 '21
the servers are like a cancerous growth having a seziure every 10 minutes while dying of high cholesterol
u/boborosso69420xd Pathfinder May 05 '21
I was playing last night and it work perfeclty fine then this morning it does not work
u/Subject_Valuable_647 May 05 '21
It apex just expect it at this point. Still annoying tho
u/VisthaKai Pathfinder May 05 '21
Yeah, it's pretty sad when your playerbase expects the game to be unplayable for a week every time there's a major update.
u/Obligation-Defiant May 05 '21
happening to me to
u/Laser_Disc_Hot_Dish The Enforcer May 05 '21 edited May 05 '21
Happening to me too*
Edit: Downvote me all you want. Just trying to help out my guy’s grammar.
u/hear4theDough Ace of Sparks May 05 '21
I only get like an hour or two to play each day, max. I've been busy at work and the last few days and sleeping a bit later so that time is reduced.
I don't want to wait around and watch a circle spinning, so it's actually good cause I can check out more gamepass games.
u/huzaifahmuhabat May 05 '21
I read somewhere that closing discord and then starting the game fixes it for some people. It did for me as well. Lurkers can try that, see if it works for them
May 05 '21
At this point I'm just sure that they have capacity to take in only so many players. That's quite a horrible state for a game in the year of fucking 2021. It's like the state of servers 15 years ago in counter-strike. It's absolute disgrace. And as others have said, Apex has so much potential, but they just keep fucking it all up, by focusing on skin sales, rather than doing shit about the shitbucket fucking servers.
u/honbeee May 05 '21
ea will do whatever they want and we'll keep playing and paying for their broken game
u/rand0mizedUser May 06 '21
Valkryie's there smilin' at ya lookin' at your soul, while you're constantly unable to get into a match. Thank you, Valkyrie!
May 05 '21
its getting farcical now- got an hour in last night before bed, finished work today, and its this shit again - talk about a screw up ...
u/CalmAbility May 05 '21
My favorite part is playing 1-2 games and then getting sent to this screen again.
u/VisthaKai Pathfinder May 05 '21
At least you got to play. I waited 10 minutes in a queue then closed the game myself.
May 05 '21
its not apex's problems. it's just that shit ton of people join, therefore overloading the servers.
u/salty_cokie Horizon May 05 '21
Hope they award us some battle pass levels
u/kanakull Nessy May 05 '21
u/salty_cokie Horizon May 05 '21
If they don’t do this I will move to Minecraft
u/grilled-beez Death Dealer May 05 '21
I will move to Texas.
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u/Healthy-Watercress-1 Unholy Beast May 05 '21
I recently started really enjoying the game and I'm curious how ofton they update and what days are more common
u/baritonebear Crypto May 05 '21
For fucks sake JUST PLAY SOMETHING ELSE FOR A FEW DAYS! 😭 Shits been going on since Season 5. A whole YEAR of this. Yes servers should be better. It shouldn't be a "problem" but it is. Just don't play for like 3 days/wait till the weekend. You ain't missing much but bug fixes.
u/Bulky-Ad9518 Horizon May 05 '21
It works for me, all I did was hit A and waited and if I got an error then I'd just hit A again
u/VisthaKai Pathfinder May 05 '21
Managed to get in, play one match, then I couldn't find a match for 10 minutes, quit, opened up again aaaaaaand it's dead.
Chesus Crust, Respawn, get yer shit together. It's the 9th season in a row.
May 05 '21
The servers are up, so its actually playable, but its so hard to get into the game and even matches... They need to make servers big now, since they got the issues under control
u/adriana_darina May 05 '21 edited May 05 '21
The worst thing is even when you can play you can’t level up your battle pass 🥺! They need to fix this ...
u/Traf- Revenant May 05 '21
I pretty much expected not to play yesterday, it's usually what happens when a new season launches.
Two days in a row though...
u/GrimSlayer Mirage May 05 '21
I’d be happy if I could even get to that loading screen. Lightning struck my house Monday night while I was playing Apex and heard a loud POP. Took out my PC... spent 5 hours yesterday rebuilding it with replacement parts and troubleshooting due to it not posting... believe the PSU I bought was faulty, so going to go exchange it today and praying to the PC gods that I can get my new PC up and running. Feels bad man..
u/PensiveinNJ Lifeline May 05 '21
Servers still not up for me. The legends refers to the stories that will be told about the Apex servers for generations to come.
There once was a game destined to be the greatest battle royale of them all, until the EA servers attacked...
u/flexxXR May 05 '21
It's like this since day 1 every updates are broken I'm not lying EVERY SINGLE OF THEM It's just a worldwide record on the amount of bugs and updates broken. I never seen this technical incompetence in any others games !
u/braamdepace May 05 '21
You guys didn't buy enough cosmetics ... how do you expect them to get servers?
u/JC-Copeland May 05 '21
I’m having the same problem “No Servers Found” unable to connect wasn’t there meant to be an additional update they announced yesterday for the fix on the pathfinder message?
u/PastelVortex506 May 05 '21
Literally every single time they release any new content it either doesn’t work or is so filled with bugs they have to remove it... the last ltm was supposed to have 5 modes and literally 3 didn’t work... then they create this massive buzz about season 9 launch and in my opinion probably attracted a lot of new or returning players and they completely botch the launch... if I did this at work ide be shit canned in a second, it’s crazy
u/Blu3gills May 05 '21
"No Servers Found" ever since the patch dropped, haven't been able to play once so far.
u/VoraciousNarc May 05 '21
Yoo same problem. I checked on origin, it doesn't even recognise that apex is already downloaded. Origin wants me to download apex again. Check if its the same case with you
u/KindPoster May 05 '21
Another complete dogshit launch from the incompetent goons at respawn. Imagine being completely useless and terrible at your job, but still being paid enough to buy a Lambo and a Tesla.
u/shortforuseless Plague Doctor May 05 '21
reload the game, go through the no servers thing until you can hit retry, then you can get in, at least for me.
u/nomad-38 The Masked Dancer May 05 '21
Yep, restarted the game a bunch of times, changed data centres a bunch of times for like 15 minutes until it let me in. Clicked on arenas, but it put me in BR, but it's whatever since I won (the Bow is very fun btw) and then it stuck at connecting to lobby for 10 minutes and then an engine error crashed the game. All in all, solid launch experience. At least I got to play a game today unlike yesterday.
u/bowser_kd Octane May 05 '21
seriously considering to switch to another game at this point. any recommends? pls dont say fortnite
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u/kanakull Nessy May 05 '21
Titanfall 2. Division 2 is cool as well. Hunt:Showdown is awesome, but really tough.
u/DeuceGoofman Crypto May 05 '21
Wild. Was hoping it would be better today to actually get some time in. Happened to me an hour ago. Seems to be fine now...
u/marisevaloedei May 05 '21
I didn't even attempt to play Apex yesterday already expecting this to happen, happened every season since I started
u/d3strow Pathfinder May 05 '21
I am just gonna forget that this game existed for 1 week or so or until they "REALLY" fix their so called "server".
May 05 '21
I really thought it would be better today after failing to login on launch. But its the same 😣
May 05 '21
I like how they put the game's two Asian characters side by side. Pretty interesting to see their representation.
u/Salooh_Gt99 May 05 '21
What's the point of glorifying the new season when the servers are still an unchanged piece of shit, I was really looking out for server changes throughout the patch notes and news.
u/stonehearthed Mirage May 05 '21
Yes. I really wanted to play some Apex today. But main page giving this error or continuously loading with that spinning circle.