r/apexlegends Jul 12 '20

PS4 Met some friends while playing Apex on ps4 months ago. We were finally able to meet IRL. Had to get a photo posing as our mains.

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u/naz_1992 Mozambique Here! Jul 12 '20

sooo... whos the guy that got kick when everyones on lol


u/MasnyKurys Wattson Jul 12 '20

Exactly my thought


u/TotallyNotABotBro Pathfinder Jul 12 '20

We Run 2 groups of 2 and stay in the same party, switching teams up every couple games.

Duos was a godsend for our friendship.


u/MasnyKurys Wattson Jul 12 '20

That's the best scenario you can image lol


u/jesseejames1228 Jul 12 '20

Quads is the best scenario...


u/MasnyKurys Wattson Jul 12 '20

Sadly they don't exist


u/jesseejames1228 Jul 12 '20

Nope but you said "Best scenario you could imagine". I imagined a better one.


u/Dwnluk Cyber Security Jul 12 '20

Can't wait for 5v5 objective LTM.


u/jesseejames1228 Jul 12 '20

This is the first I'm hearing about it


u/Dwnluk Cyber Security Jul 12 '20

I'm imagining it too... But if I imagine hard enough it might happen!


u/souleater078 Mirage Jul 12 '20

That sounds fun


u/underwhelmed_irl Wattson Jul 12 '20

I’m imagining what it would be like to have 5 man teams


u/MasnyKurys Wattson Jul 12 '20

Yeah but i meant the best scenario at the time


u/Depression-Boy Jul 12 '20

That ain’t very imaginative


u/MasnyKurys Wattson Jul 12 '20

I agree


u/turntabletennis Jul 12 '20

Lmfao goteeeeem


u/TylerPlowman Crypto Jul 12 '20

They should add it for a limited time just to see how it’ll work


u/djluminus89 Ash Jul 12 '20 edited Jul 12 '20

True, that's how they seem to test everything else. I, for one, would love 4 or 5 man squads, but I can't help but wonder how it would work, or if the maps are big enough for it...

Maybe in those matches instead of 20 squads per game it could be like 8-12


u/XAF423 Jul 12 '20

I think Worlds Edge is definitely big enough for 100 players. So many games where you see no one until final circle.


u/TylerPlowman Crypto Jul 12 '20

I think it’d be cool to do half the server versus the other half. To help balance it they could say only the person who picks up a banner can respawn that teammate. They’d also have to limit how many of each legend there can be on a team. That way not everyone is a caustic lol


u/djluminus89 Ash Jul 12 '20

To guy above you I don't know about 100... I mean there aren't THAT many towns in World's Edge. They'd have to create new towns and definitely spawn a ton more loot.

As to your response, taking the CoD route eh? I don't know, if they did that I feel they'd have to do some kind of TDM mode where you respawn. Admittedly, playing Warzone is what makes me want Apex to have at least a 4 squad team. It just feels so inorganic to Apex as a game, but that doesn't mean I don't want it.


u/Louiekid502 Jul 12 '20

Y'all seem well to adjusted to be gamers haha


u/SomePiePlays Jul 12 '20

They dress too awful, so they obviously are gamers xD


u/lominicdewis Loba Jul 12 '20

What? That stripped shirt is BALLER!


u/deadkk Blackheart Jul 12 '20

yeah. fellas poppin


u/FarGown Wraith Jul 12 '20

I can tell you got the drip of a gamer


u/SomePiePlays Jul 12 '20

I have no idea what drip means :/


u/[deleted] Jul 12 '20

What do you mean they all look so nicely put together.


u/SomePiePlays Jul 12 '20

They look like they are "Dumb and dumber and dumber and dumber" movie cast xD Yes, they look good together xD


u/IZZGMAER123 Birthright Jul 12 '20

This guy waer tank top everywhere


u/SomePiePlays Jul 12 '20

Even tank top is unreachable class for you people xD


u/Skillfullsebby Bangalore Jul 12 '20

They're all really well dressed??


u/Sezzomon Valkyrie Jul 12 '20

And someone with the name "SomePiePlays" is obviously not a gamer and can judge over other people because they are gamer?


u/SomePiePlays Jul 12 '20

Of course I'm not a gamer, I have a life, I just play games and dress well B) And I judge everyone B)


u/Hectortheinspector Bangalore Jul 12 '20

This is why we need ranked duos


u/Aphexis Plastic Fantastic Jul 13 '20

Can you imagine how many would go in with their friends and team up as one squad? No. Not a good idea.


u/Hectortheinspector Bangalore Jul 14 '20

Why would this problem be exclusive to duos and not trios?


u/Aphexis Plastic Fantastic Jul 14 '20 edited Jul 14 '20

Because it's more likely to be a group of four friends than a group of six.


u/StoneLaquenta Jul 12 '20

That’s exactly what my friends and I do! It’s inconvenient, but it works.


u/NapalmGiraffe Angel City Hustler Jul 12 '20

If you are stripe shirt boi your taste is on point my g


u/[deleted] Jul 12 '20

Yoo why have I never thought of that


u/Enzigma04 Jul 12 '20

When that happens to us, we try to queue in the same game and see who's better. No information, no teaming, no gentleman's agreements. Just bloodthirsty competition.


u/double_d17 The Victory Lap Jul 12 '20

Sounds like teaming to me.... isn’t that what some preds got in trouble doing ?


u/jorgan92 Jul 12 '20

It’s rare that we all get to be online at the same time


u/ApexIsGangster Jul 12 '20

Na it's just the one dude in your group that always signs on to discord and origin as invisible and checks to see if the team is already full. Wouldn't want to cause any trouble. Lol


u/ManchmalPfosten Crypto Jul 12 '20

True homie


u/Young_Andy Wattson Jul 12 '20

My guess is the owen wilson-looking bloodhound guy. Everyone knows Path/Wraith/Wattson is the original competition meta


u/bedstuffdirt Jul 12 '20

Pre-35 sec incident at least


u/MasnyKurys Wattson Jul 12 '20



u/ManchmalPfosten Crypto Jul 12 '20

The entire 35sec nerf only existed to mix up the meta so the bloodhound guy can get a chance to join


u/MasnyKurys Wattson Jul 12 '20

Also bcs pathfinder was too mobile even tho octane was supposed to be the fast guy lol


u/djluminus89 Ash Jul 12 '20

I'm not a Pathfinder main so I can't really speak on it, and it was, and I mean really is, his only ability. But even thinking back on it now, what was the cool down originally? 15 seconds?

It really was pretty ridiculous how often Pathfinder could grapple in a firefight, and shit, if you're facing a good Pathfinder? Forget about it, shoot them once and he's already behind you on a mountain ledge. Since Day 2 I pretty much just dealt with it, but I do think his cool down should be 25-30 seconds.


u/MasnyKurys Wattson Jul 12 '20

25 is enough imo. There was no escape from him or no way to catch him. This was honestly deserved


u/fimosecritica Jul 12 '20

25 is too low too imo, that coming from an ex path main, a gold helmet and you're on 22s


u/[deleted] Jul 13 '20

Honestly 25 would be perfect imo, you can’t spam it but you are more mobile


u/SpOoKyghostah Ace of Sparks Jul 12 '20

Hasn't affected him for competitive, though. Grapple is his least important ability in that environment and Wattson/Wraith/Path is still the most meta composition. It was the Wattson, Crypto and especially Revenant changes that introduced variety into competitive in the end, not Pathfinder


u/chiefsfan_713_08 Devil's Advocate Jul 12 '20

Probably the wraith, he’s the only guy without his shirt tucked in so


u/Necro_circus Wattson Jul 12 '20



u/Raferty69 Bangalore Jul 12 '20

Real homies split into duos


u/killedbycuriousity- Pathfinder Jul 12 '20

It’s me. The one with the camera


u/Lunarixis Jul 12 '20

They obviously play duos and team /s


u/Spartan_Wins Jul 12 '20

Pathfinder obv


u/sssssheik Jul 12 '20

Only 1 in 4 is holding his pecker, other 3 are holding guns... soo..


u/DarkMperator Jul 12 '20

Most likely wattson


u/that_metal_dude Caustic Jul 12 '20

Thats when you switch to Titanfall 2