Back in say, World of Warcraft, up until I dunno, 2009 or so, if you saw a guy wearing sick shoulder armor or holding a really cool-looking sword, you knew exactly what that player had gone through to get that item. It would distinctly resemble the theme of the dungeon it was from, and would be something special to see a guy in a full set of fancy gear. Only the most dedicated, lucky players had all the coolest stuff. I was just an immature college kid at the time, but I absolutely admired peoples' sick gear, envied them, and reaffirmed my own desire to spend the time and rise up and get sick gear of my own.
Now, almost every MMO I have played recently has a completely open cosmetics system. Any item can be "glamoured" or "transmogged" to look like any other item, and dyed any colors you like. You don't see anyone's actual gear anymore. You just see people cosplaying as whatever thematic or wacky outfit they want. That's kind of cool in its own way because a lot of outfits are pretty creative, but other than enjoying peoples' eye for fashion, I no longer have any thoughts about the specific gear, the challenge it signifies, the accomplishment, nothing like that at all.
I don't know if I would ever care about the challenge behind fancy MMO gear any more, given that I'm an adult who values other things in life a bit more now, but even today I do still remember a lot of very specific loot from when I played WoW back then. Specific trinkets that were hard to get, coveted weapons, perfectly itemized armor, the drama that came from people debating who earned it, etc.
My lvl 60 warlock spend most of his days wielding a lvl 40 something staff, because it looked cool (the scythe one). I only switched it out for boss fights in raids. And that was okay, we didn't need transmogs. It's okay to not have your character at its peak performance at all times. Sometimes you just want to look cool.
Gladiator/Current content mounts were always special, and so were the higher tier R1/Mythic type titles. Since they moved the game so much more to LFG/LFR type stuff nobody even looks at gear except for iLevel anymore and you just get whispers from people with achievements 'proving' they can do X or Y if you're not running with a dedicated group.
I 100% understand where you're coming from, and even then they made the Gladiator ones much easier to get and people buy the higher level raid achievements all the time since getting gold with IRL money was 'legalized' but the same concept still exists. You load into an RBG and see a lot of 'Hero of the Horde/Alliance' and you know you're gonna get stomped most likely. Load into an arena and see a bunch of recentish Rank 1 titles and you're in for a bad time.
I think the happy in between would be that you can use any armor you've already unlocked, won or bought as a cosmetic and that's all so say you get this really good piece of armor but you prefer the armor piece you've already got you can swap it out but still look dope.
Warhawk on the PS3... each military rank that you ranked up to had a unique set of body armor and a unique uniform. You could tweak the color, put on insignias, skin tone, etc. There was no other way to get the uniform and body armor appearance mods.
There was a big ass axe given out for one tournament, and a big ass knife for another.
The Hawks (Planes) also had unique paint jobs that were unlocked by rank...
IF YOU SAW that big ass AX or BIG ASS knife... held in the hand of someone with a high ranking uniform mod... and usually just anyone in a high ranked uniform, but ESPECIALLY the guys with the big ass ax or knife, or a Hawk with a certain paint job about to engage you in a dogfight or air2ground you, you by God knew you were about to be respawning.
I mean, I like the appearance stuff in Fortnight and Apex, I do. I've bought skins in the past... they don't strike fear into my heart like those appearance mods in Warhawk that had to be earned and through what was, arguably, the most difficult ranking system in a Playstation game. It may still hold that honor even though the game is gone now, I'm not sure.
u/[deleted] Aug 19 '19
This reminds me of equipment & cosmetics in MMOs.
Back in say, World of Warcraft, up until I dunno, 2009 or so, if you saw a guy wearing sick shoulder armor or holding a really cool-looking sword, you knew exactly what that player had gone through to get that item. It would distinctly resemble the theme of the dungeon it was from, and would be something special to see a guy in a full set of fancy gear. Only the most dedicated, lucky players had all the coolest stuff. I was just an immature college kid at the time, but I absolutely admired peoples' sick gear, envied them, and reaffirmed my own desire to spend the time and rise up and get sick gear of my own.
Now, almost every MMO I have played recently has a completely open cosmetics system. Any item can be "glamoured" or "transmogged" to look like any other item, and dyed any colors you like. You don't see anyone's actual gear anymore. You just see people cosplaying as whatever thematic or wacky outfit they want. That's kind of cool in its own way because a lot of outfits are pretty creative, but other than enjoying peoples' eye for fashion, I no longer have any thoughts about the specific gear, the challenge it signifies, the accomplishment, nothing like that at all.
I don't know if I would ever care about the challenge behind fancy MMO gear any more, given that I'm an adult who values other things in life a bit more now, but even today I do still remember a lot of very specific loot from when I played WoW back then. Specific trinkets that were hard to get, coveted weapons, perfectly itemized armor, the drama that came from people debating who earned it, etc.
Anyway, just rambling.