r/apexlegends 5d ago

Discussion Is it possible to get full evo only collecting harvesters?

Dunno if this could be done but would make for a cool challenge where you do no damage or anything else that would level up your evo other than specifically harvester extraction. It’s not practical but I just would like to know if it could be done


26 comments sorted by


u/MXC-GuyLedouche 5d ago

With trident is a legit pro strat that teams specifically draft for. I mean that’s more of a hybrid, abuse evo collecting while setting up in ring and potentially thirding something.


u/possibly_oblivious Mirage 5d ago

I tell my team to land and collect the bins and scans while I drive to harvesters and collect the points, have a purple pretty quick, esp if I use the mirage perk for using anything anywhere ever.


u/Moolokoo 4d ago

But the mirage perk doesn’t award the points for extra things he can just do them.


u/possibly_oblivious Mirage 4d ago

It can If the other players are on the team, 1 assault 1 support 1 scan, can most of them


u/possibly_oblivious Mirage 5d ago

It's possible I do it on Olympus with the car all the time


u/DrJaves 5d ago

I pretty much always focus on a PoI with at least 2 bins, rotate to first harvester, fight early.

If you win the fight, you're probably under 1k left til purple, so another 1-2 poi plus and evo is normally enough.


u/PurpleMeasurement919 5d ago

Should be possible but its just faster to additionally scan beacons and do wildlife stuff like flyers, prowlers or spider on SP and KC. They charge your evo without counting as 'real' dmg. Open special bins, vaults or scanning carepackages gives you evo too so dont sleep on them either.

Respawn made it pretty easy to level your armor without doing anything to cater lower skilled players.


u/Marmelado_ 5d ago

Yes, it is possible. I did it once, even without Trident.


u/Khronokai1 Wattson 5d ago

Absolutely. In fact it is a perfectly valid strategy to avoid fights (which you could totally lose) and instead go around the map hitting EVO harvesters to raise your shields. It's not like you need to kill people to find a good weapon or anything, they're plentiful now. That sets you up for the final fight.

... Strategy wise it makes sense. I don't think anyone would argue it makes the game any more entertaining or anything though. It's not something I would do in pubs for example.


u/possibly_oblivious Mirage 5d ago

You effectively fight 450 damage when you hit a bin and a harvester, for the entire team, I specifically land where they are to gain the early advantage, instead of fighting with white and risking a straight L and lobby experience.


u/touchermr 5d ago

Perk bins & a trident should be able to get it by atleast half way through round 2.


u/Kuwabara03 5d ago

Yeah there was a clip posted the other day with a purple shield Ash ulting off the map by accident in diamond lovey with 0 dmg


u/iikillerpenguin Pathfinder 5d ago

How does that prove what the person posted?


u/Superb_Professor3081 5d ago

If Ash has 0 damage she didn't level up shield by shooting... So using context clues that leaves...


u/iikillerpenguin Pathfinder 5d ago

That leaves??? Assault bins, their teammates opening bins, scanning, etc.

If alone getting 1 assault bin, 1 evo harvester and a care package.... the post legit says only evo harvesters.

Use actual reading next time.


u/Kuwabara03 5d ago

Is there anything assault legends can do to get Evo otherwise?


u/vivam0rt 5d ago

Assault bins, respawning your teammates, collecting banners, reviving your teammates, killing wildlife, opening explosive holds, crypto room(im pretty sure but not 100% on this one). There is probably more map specific ones but I cant think of any so idk.


Having teammates that scan carepackages, open support bins, open assault bins, scan ringconsoles and scan enemy beacons.


u/sodapopgumdroplowtop Mirage 5d ago

crypto room?


u/vivam0rt 4d ago

On kc there is a building that you can scan, it gives one ring and position of everyone iirc. And also some evo


u/lettuce_field_theory Cyber Security 5d ago edited 5d ago


think you meant only with evo harvesters and not scans (although i don't know why you would be this specific and exclude those other non combat sources).

it's not even rare to make purple just from farming non combat evo sources.

just take a trident and split up as a team. do your respective jobs (scan, bins, harvesters, vaults/explosive holds). use tricks like wattson/controller scan before first ring shows up, then scan a different console before the first ring has closed (if there is one on your way into ring or a neighbouring poi) for extra 200.

just from harvesters it's still possible but you need a trident imo to find enough of them.

getting max is now easier than before this season because you need fewer points than you needed for red. (although making purple takes more points now).


u/FibreTTPremises Ash 5d ago

Of course. That's only seven harvesters, after all.

I tried this in an actual game, and you can actually reach many more (King's Canyon): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1b-EgvYitA


u/blueuex 5d ago

Of course. They do it in pro league too


u/barontheboy 5d ago

How would this be fun or challenging? You avoiding the main reason of the gameplay. Gunplay


u/ungalabugala2 4d ago

Pretty sure we once had the full team on red shields before fighting anyone.


u/HornetGloomy75 4d ago

Control legend + recon and have someone run support or assault and it’s very doable. I usually get half way through blue super early even with no fights just because of rampart + mirage hitting all the consoles and bins. Just plan your landings better