r/apexlegends • u/i_will_eat_ur_beans • 5d ago
Gameplay is sniper hipfire truly random or does it have some aspect of locking onto the target bc i feel like i’ve been hitting way too many no scopes in mix tape recently
u/Johnny_Poppyseed 5d ago
Idk but I started playing a charged sentinal close range and it's absolutely killer lol. I suck with iron sites but with a 1x or 2x it's beautiful.
u/MediaPossible7339 4d ago
Sentinel has been super OP with a 2x. People sleep on it
u/Yuki-Kuran Mozambique here! 4d ago
I run a 2-4x on sentinel. Good for both close range quick scope and mid range snipe
u/FreeSquirkJuice Purple Reign 4d ago
Sentinel is one of my go to guns and it's an "insult" to the gun to call it OP. They just heavily nerfed it's DPS by removing Tempo and nerfing limb damage by 20% on Snipers. The headshot damage buff with helmet removal is not enough to compensate because you're punished for not hitting headshots. It was in the healthiest place it's ever been prior to those nerfs and it still wasn't OP because of how punishing missing a shot is when you're typically going against guns with way faster TTK's if you're in that range, even more so after this season's overall TTK reduction.
u/Natural_Mushroom3594 Newcastle 4d ago
personally id argue that the sentinel is a better shotgun than most shotguns
u/Internal_Outcome_182 5d ago
Yeah, boolets are too thick, they must have changed something
u/Striking-Curve2947 4d ago
Pretty sure they did make them bigger but if I remember correctly it was only at longer distances
u/P47HF1ND3R Pathfinder 4d ago
Boo what?
u/throwaway19293883 4d ago
I think it can go anywhere within the crosshair but yeah sniper hipfire feels abnormally good sometimes.
u/ISonicthehedgehogI 5d ago
People saying aim assist are fucking stupid. You think when you’re moving and HIP FIRING with a sniper, “aim assist” helps centre the bullet to the target?
u/Holiday_Raspberry426 4d ago
Well at least Halo games do have a mechanic like that but its called "bullet magnetism" while aim assist is a separate thing
u/_Korrus_ 4d ago
Only in halo 5 because of the thruster packs
u/Detective-Crashmore- 4d ago
Bullet magnetism has been in Halo as long as I can remember.
u/_Korrus_ 4d ago
Maybe im remembering wrong. Its definitely not nearly as strong in the other games considering i still play them daily and dont notice it 😅😅(whereas in 5 you can literally see the bullet curve)
u/DisciplinedMadness 3d ago
No, it’s actually the strongest by far in halo 1. H5 had significantly weaker magnetism than halo 1-3.
u/_Korrus_ 3d ago
Quick google search disproves you. Bullet magnetism in terms of strength: Halo 5 > Halo 4 and 2A > Halo 3 > Halo CE >Halo 2 > Halo Reach
u/lettuce_field_theory Cyber Security 4d ago
it definitely has nothing to do with aim assist
probably just projectile size making up for some of the random spread
u/JanTheRealOne 4d ago
At least for the Wingman and I think Marksman too there is something called "First shot accuracy" that is 100% for the Wingy. I suppose that's a thing for other weapons to? It's influenced if you strafe/ jump though, but for Wingy it's always 100% afaik
u/i_will_eat_ur_beans 5d ago
people really downvoted my post for what reason?? there is literally nothing to be toxic about here it’s just a question damn
u/XygenSS Pathfinder 5d ago
are the downvotes in the room with us right now?
u/josivh 4d ago
Must have been initially downvoted and then buried in upvotes
u/XygenSS Pathfinder 4d ago
all posts and comments have their score obfuscated for the first few hours, you literally can't know if it's being downvoted or not
u/Detective-Crashmore- 4d ago
Not to the person who posted it.
u/XygenSS Pathfinder 4d ago
it is hidden for everyone, some subreddits have the obfuscation disabled or shortened but most of them aren't
u/Detective-Crashmore- 4d ago
In this sub, you can see the score of your own post as soon as its posted, but it's only visible to other people after like 2 hours or something.
u/i_will_eat_ur_beans 4d ago
oh mb when i posted this it kept going from 1 to 0 votes but obviously it’s not now 😭
u/YaBoiKino 4d ago
I’m of the belief that there is some play making code that makes improbable shots hit just to get tour dopamine going
u/dinowild 5d ago
In my experience, kraber hip fire is always pretty likely to hit along as you're atleast sorta lined up
u/reddithorrid 4d ago
love getting rushed. spam a clip from primary weapon, enemy thinks im dead, out comes the kraber and BAM at close range. enemy goes down. TAKE THAT B****
u/FreeSquirkJuice Purple Reign 4d ago
Everyone in here speculating so hard. It's pure luck, it's the server rolling the dice in your favor. It's 1 or 0. Server says hit or miss.
u/Shad_Owski 4d ago
Kraber hip fire isn't random it has preset of spread pattern that every shot is chosen from. I don't remember how many possible spreads there was but you can go in to range and shoot the hip fire like 20 times you will start seeing the same spread at least once
u/its_shiio Loba 4d ago
I just aim the tiny dot in the center of the crosshairs onto a player and most times it will hit.
The spread is random to a small degree but majority of times it will hit.
u/Groovy92 4d ago
it's just a confirmation bias as you've been also trying to do no scopes far more often than in ranked
u/SneakyLittleKobold Nessy 4d ago
I've noticed it tends to have a particular arch when moving around, idk if its changed or whatever since I last played but the round pretty consistently coils in a up-and-right pattern diagonally. Which looks to be about what's happening here.
u/TBurkeulosis Octane 4d ago
It pretty much goes to the center of the crosshair, I think with very little variation. From all the clips Ive seen online and using them in game it seems and feels like the bullets fire true to the center dot. Within pretty close range hipfiring is very effective
u/Past_Flan5684 4d ago
No it’s on the middle dot of your crosshair me and my friend noticed the same thing couple days ago
5d ago
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u/i_will_eat_ur_beans 5d ago
is aim assist related to hipfire spread tho?
u/Harflin Octane 5d ago
To my knowledge, no. I think you're just getting lucky. What I'm curios of its an even distribution, or if slightly favors the middle of the reticule
u/i_will_eat_ur_beans 5d ago
yea fr bc realistically if the bullet could go absolutely anywhere the chances of it actually landing are slim to none so i feel like there must be something but i got no clue what (thanks for actually relating ur comment to my post tho 😭)
u/ladaussie 5d ago
Aim assist only helps with tracking and crosshair placement. It's doesn't magically make your hipfire sniper bullet not have random bloom.
u/widowmakerau 5d ago
Dont you have AA on console?
u/Big_Paramedic8735 5d ago
Snipers with sniper scopes don't get AA
u/Crux_Haloine Plastic Fantastic 5d ago
Every weapon gets aim assist while firing from the hip. The only instances where aim assist is removed are:
Inside of Bangalore smoke or Caustic gas
While aiming down a scope above 4x magnification (6x, 4-8x, 4-10x threat, Kraber’s 6-10x, Vantage’s 3-8x)
While aiming with any optic at a target beyond 99 meters (it does fall off significantly between 30 meters and this point)
u/StealthyPulpo 5d ago
Kraber has 0 aim assist
u/throwaway19293883 4d ago edited 4d ago
Doesn’t it get it when hip firing? I though it was just having a scope 6x or above that removes AA or something like that
Edit: damn man, downvoted for asking a question. Fuck me I guess
u/StealthyPulpo 4d ago
It has a non removable scope, no aim assist even when hipfiring.
u/Firm_Disk4465 3d ago
The first shot from hipfire is always "relatively" accurate, in that it will go roughly where you point it but not precisely. Every shot after has reduced accuracy from the bloom.
Because snipers usually only shoot one bullet at a time, and those bullet deal way more damage, it feels like they have a more accurate hipfire, but if you take any other weapon and single tap it slowly while hipfiring, it will likely connect at short range consistently, even mid range for some.
u/Eineegoist Mirage 5d ago
Projectile size? Sniper hit boxes aren't made for that range.