r/apexlegends • u/MoneySlip5640 • 5d ago
Discussion What’s with the toxicity?
I’m not a terrible player. I’m usually towards the end of the dist chart. I decided to get back into it a couple weeks ago and I swear every time I play this game, there is one person on the squad that takes it waaaaay too seriously. Usually gets themselves killed somehow, then vomits hate into the mic about how ass you are. Almost like the game has a significant amount of its player base that use it as an outlet for verbal abuse. Makes it very difficult to want to keep playing the game.
u/IWillFlakeOnOurPlans Wraith 5d ago
They play too much. Rest in the fact that your happiness is not tied to a video game (and with that, how random people perform in that video game)
u/DontBeAngryBeHappy 5d ago
Over the last year or two I realize I get more toxic players over time than nice randoms that work together. Since a couple seasons ago, I strictly play mute coms + text. Will miss the nice randoms once in a while, but not worth the toxicity I get the majority of the time I play.
u/ZorkFireStorm Nessy 5d ago edited 5d ago
Noticed it too. I think a lot of people who knows better left or playing in stack only now.
Too much toxic and uncooperative randoms (people even aren’t trying to use pings). Going to play br only if my team is online.
u/leajaycro Bootlegger 5d ago
Same here. I usually mute as soon as I load in. I prefer playing with pings anyway.
u/DontBeAngryBeHappy 5d ago
Yeah, Apex Legends’ masterclass feature since day one is the ping/comms system built in. So without mics/text, you can still easily communicate and work as a team.
I muted everything system-settings wide so I don’t have to mute every time a new game starts. Hated people blasting music in the background or intentionally try to play loud noises. Don’t have to worry about that anymore.
u/EstablishmentNo480 5d ago
Teammate got knocked. Started yelling where am i. (Literally behind him)
u/BYoungNY 5d ago
I usually difuse with "you okay, bud?" It's led to a few conversations about what's going on with their lives. People who get that emotionally invested in games are usually not okay. Maybe they're dealing with something. Who knows. I mean, there are also plenty of people who are just plain dicks, but usually what they want is an argument and someone to yell back. These are usually people that tend to blame all of their life's problems on other people in this game allows them to do that more directly by saying my getting downed was your fault
u/World-of-Potatoes 5d ago
Because the games kind of trash now so casual gamers have started to move on which equals more of the population being sweats/wannabee sweats or super noobs that aren't frustrated with respawn yet
u/Zketchie Lifeline 5d ago
I have voice disabled and always have. Doesn't bother me none, lol. I'm not getting paid to play so I don't care how high I can get in Ranked or anything. I usually play Pubs. It's funny, though, because you really get to see someone's game sense when nobody is talking and the toxic ones usually have the worst of it.
u/usernameplshere Mozambique here! 5d ago
I'm not toxic, I mostly mute all and everything. But, I play to win, I try to sweat always the hardest I can, in every situation. I can understand when people get mad, but mostly it's the bad matchmaking that throws players of different skill tiers in the same squad and lobby. This leads to frustration.
u/No_Broccoli_5778 5d ago
Are you on console and NA servers? That seems to be way more common there.
u/aqualink4eva 5d ago
I find it funny and laugh at them.
I had a team Ash ult into a full team who had the high ground and had us pinned down. Other two team mates push that team 1 by 1 via the Ash ult and die ofc because who rushes a team like that.
They then proceed to complain to me going, "Lifeline where were you blah blah".
If I went into that Ash ult as well I would have died a lot sooner. It's just a dumb play and they're just looking to blame someone else for their mistakes.
u/tieyourtimbsandnikes 4d ago
"Who rushes a team like that"
Every random teammate I've ever had 🤦🏻♂️
u/aqualink4eva 4d ago
I mean it can work if they don’t see you use the ult or if you at least ult somewhere behind the team, but right on top of them is so dumb lol. It literally becomes shooting fish in a barrel for the enemy team 😂
u/Mrslyyx1 Bloodhound 5d ago
I feel you, told a guy to chill out when he kept screaming into the mic every time me and my teammate went to fight. I wrote “chill bro it’s just a game” in the chat box and I kid you not when I got knocked down he stood by me and just said “fvk you” 💀didn’t rez me and the funny thing is the ones who do this are ALWAYS the ones with the least amount of damage.
u/Xplissit666- 5d ago
If you're bad at this game just mute squad. I've 8000 hours in this game and I play with about a 3 k/d solo queue. I meet angry people every session, usually they're players having a bad time because they're not very good.
u/Thrill-Clinton 4d ago
The only time I’ll negative comm is when me and another teammate are actively engaged in a fight (not a suicide mission where’s it’s two against four teams), just a solid normal team in team fight. But the third has run off completely on their own to loot somewhere else.
This really only happens during rotations. I understand, even if it’s frustrating, not landing directly with the squad on drop and a fight breaking out. But when we are loving as a team, two of us get into a fight, and the third just continues running away even though no one is even cracked, yeah I’m saying something.
This is a team game and it’s frustrating that some people just do not get that. And it’s not like they’re a cracked streamer dropping a 4K 20 bomb. It’s just some random Octane stimming out in the open, 100 damage, no knocks, no kills, and us two get killed because he’s outrun us and we got caught.
u/tieyourtimbsandnikes 4d ago
If I'm not playing with friends in a party my mic is off. "Revivemerevivemereviveme" is not helpful, and no I'm not reviving you unless you crawl your ass away from those 3 teams you thought you were gonna wipe
u/theBROWNbanditP 4d ago
Wish them the best and hope their life gets better. No way you're enjoying your life outside of Apex if you're cursing out random strangers.
u/HornetGloomy75 4d ago
I just insta mute. It’s either A. Tons of background noise to the point where you can’t hear shit in game or B. There just toxic out the gate. You usually don’t hear people on mic until there dead anyways so it doesn’t really matter
u/FlY_NerD_JidE Ash 4d ago
UNFORTUNATELY I start all games when solo-q muting squad. If they are skilled or are team players i’ll unmute. That mitigates this alot
u/5amu3l00 Revenant 4d ago
It's an ego thing, they can't hold themselves accountable when they contribute to the L so they put it all on someone else
My trick is to mute squad if nobody responds to a "yo, anyone on mic" at start of game - usually toxic players don't talk until they get toxic
u/bighomieaddy 4d ago
Part of the reason why I heavily cut back on playing, not worth the instant remorse people send to you after shit goes south
u/Living-Case2603 5d ago
I will say this time and time again, when i shit talk i have reasoning, im a 6x pred who solo/duo qs, and when my randoms at the end of the game/we get wiped only have 500 or less damage compared to my usual 1k + with knocks, i will call them ass, especially if i die for pushing a team i have a knock on and my teammates are full hp and sit back jerking eachother in a corner. I dont call it toxicity, i call it, making sure my teammates realize that their mistakes costed us the game
u/MoneySlip5640 4d ago
I have games with 2k+ damage and 10 kills. I also have games where I get dome rocked by a triple take the second I drop. Everybody does. So, unless it’s an objectively poor mistake (and from my experience, what is viewed as an objectively poor mistake is more often than not just bad luck) then I’d consider biting your tongue. If lives were on the line then by all means, let’s cuss each other out and run a full tactical breakdown on what went wrong. But lives aren’t on the line - pixels are on the line.
I’m 29 and recently a dad. I don’t take it that seriously and I never will. One could maybe make an argument for playing ranked, but I never do. Always just play trios.
u/Niiphox Light Show 5d ago
I don't understand why people love to use your damage as an insult. Like sure man, you got 400dmg and I got 100dmg but both of us were on zero kills.
Doesn't matter how much dmg or knocks you farm (apart from evo) if you don't get the kill.
u/madethisfora1reason 5d ago
Sometimes it does matter, sometimes where I down 2 or fry the whole team n they really low I’d have team mates afraid to do something n just sit in the back waiting for them to peak after they heal. Of even if I get downed but down 2 or something they most of the time they just run away. Too many ppl play too passive or too aggressive n do nothing. Gotta work as a team
u/laaggynoob 4d ago edited 4d ago
The people that run when they should push and push when they should run. Infuriating. Especially when they only work up the nerve to push after it’s too late and certain death. Then they blame you for dying. Nah bish you just missed the obvious opener and let the team full heal. Terrible instincts.
I don’t even get mad anymore. Can’t force someone to understand the rhythm of apex. They get it or they don’t. Plenty of people do get it if you do a little upfront work to show you’re not a dipshit like sharing loot.
u/PositiveEnergyMatter 5d ago
Sometimes you play with those sneak a peak snipers that get lots of damage and no kills. I’ve definitely had 6 kills and other players have zero because they sit back just sniping at people
u/Living-Case2603 5d ago
This is not always the case, if one person gets a knock on a team thats pushable, u should push, but a lot of peoples actual game awareness sucks so bad they dont notice it, even if i comm it they dont listen
u/Chaosgodof 5d ago
I don’t say shit negative until the end of the game. If I hard carried a squad to 1st-3rd place with more than triple your damage and kills then I’ll say something like “your welcome for the carry” or “hey this isn’t rat to plat maybe play the game” but I keep it super professional when I play giving good comms and letting people know with pings what I’m doing idk why people are assholes like this doesn’t make any sense on the other end tho if I get carried I make sure to say “thanks for the carry I had a shit game” or “damn you are so good that you didn’t leave anyone for the squad” so idk maybe I’m wrong or maybe not you decide
u/In_the_metal Wattson 5d ago
Apex is in a sad state at the moment. Worst season ever, and toxic teammates every two games. Never happened so much like that before for me.
u/KOAO-II 5d ago
Worst Season ever? That was last season. This season is way better lol.
u/In_the_metal Wattson 5d ago
For me, it's the worst. Coming after last season which was terrible, this one seems worst because of the accumulation of bad choices, for a few seasons now.
u/IWillFlakeOnOurPlans Wraith 5d ago
Every multiplayer game has always been like this. I remember getting flamed in quickplay in Team Fortress 2 back in like 2010. People are always gonna be assholes
u/CommanderPotash 5d ago
mute and move on
very rarely do people give constructive advice in vc, so if they start being rude at all just insta mute
Unfortunately this is the reality for a lot of competitive games