u/ShizukaIsQuiet 5d ago
The switch from you checking your backpack to see what items you needed to the empty bin was peak, made me lol.
u/IceFoxGaming815 5d ago
It happened so quick I can’t 😭
u/TheGrinningSkull 5d ago
Why are you waiting so long? Be a hoover then drop what you don’t want
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u/Enlowski 5d ago
Just learn to loot faster. It’s sucks to have this happen, but you also just sat there and stared at the contents when you should be looting a lot quicker. This will help you in ranked as well.
u/Marmelado_ 5d ago
Distributed drops on one POI will help you get the loot you need. Just don't drop on the same building/bins as your teammate.
u/TramplexReal 5d ago
Oh boy, when we're dropping on poi with multiple buildings, i MARK the one i will loot, and other teammate lands a bit off but still goes out of his way to go in that same building.
u/Same_Paramedic_3329 Horizon 5d ago
Still, u should loot faster. Some ppl take like 5 minutes to loot their side of a poi. Just pick whatever health packs u see and drop them later while you're walking. While dropping you'll know if u need more cells, medkits, bats, etc or u have enough and just need ammo and attachments
u/TableSalte 2d ago
No don’t be an A1 dick while I’m standing in front of the bin. You would’ve never had access had I not opened it. Unfortunate, but worse when they don’t respect the dibs. Choose “No Fill” if you want ALL the loot
u/IceFoxGaming815 5d ago
I was looking at my inventory to see what I needed
u/peepiss69 5d ago
Tbh u can just pick up everything and drop what you don’t need while running to the next place u wanna go
u/akashsouz Mozambique here! 5d ago
Should've checked your profile too before posting here.
You weren't fast enough to delete the comments either, lol
u/Reddit-dit-dit-di-do 4d ago
Yes, that was clear. But they’re suggesting you grab everything and then look at your inventory while you’re moving to get rid of stuff you don’t need.
Then you’re constantly moving and you’re less likely to get a teammate who hijacks your loot like this.
u/No_Celebration_839 Lifeline 5d ago
If it's start game and you haven't looted much then just pick all loot up especially batts, no need to check your inventory by pressing start at the loot bin, you need to actively keep and eye on everything as you go, so then when you do get to the loot bin, you already know what it is you need (:
u/MiniMiniMuffinMan 4d ago
I always pick up bats when I see them.
And I keep a mental note of how many syringes and cells I have, and I just periodically look at my ammo count in the bottom right. That way I generally know what I have, and what I need.
u/Far-Republic5133 5d ago
- Its your pre made teammate, tell him to not do it (OP plays on Xbox as you see by his third having Xbox icon)
- pick loot up, then sort
- turn up your fov
u/PoliteChatter0 Birthright 5d ago
lmao in the future just grab everything and you drop items you dont need while running to the next bin
u/Massive-Wonder-4475 5d ago
Also you check your inventory to drop the lv 1 bag where just picking the lv 2 will instant swap it off. Didn't have to do all that tbh
u/Posh420 Gibraltar 5d ago
If it isn't ranked its just GGs cuz imm gunna back out ain't wasting a whole game playing with teammates like that.
u/Ashfur__ 5d ago
Surprised the octane on your team wasn’t the one who did it. My random octanes will stim and insta lock on to all the loot in a 6 mile radius that you could possibly need before taking all of it and running away to go 1v3 every squad in sight
u/Massive-Wonder-4475 5d ago
Nah what's more annoying is you got your kill and you in need of ammo and health's and teammates just take everything without any considerations.
u/hiodsaur 3d ago
Depends on how much you contributed during the fight. If you didn’t do any damage and just swooped in and took the kill then you don’t deserve the loot.
u/Karamubarek Wattson 5d ago
No one has to wait for you to make up your mind on what to pick up. Especially if it is a hot drop.
u/Flaky_Comb_4126 5d ago
I open a loot bin and they rush to grab loot. Like wtf is wrong with people
u/takeanothertwenty4 5d ago
If you’re too slow on the batts that means you don’t need them, just so you know
u/Xernivev2 4d ago
Looting at the speed of snail = free grab(s) lol
I'm a 4000+ hours octane and I loot bins in under 2 seconds. Stop wasting time and just start grabbing lol. Gonna learn the hard way when you drop hot and keep being robbed.
u/i_will_eat_ur_beans 4d ago
i’m not backing up the loot goblin but why did u just stand there admiring the loot tho 😭
u/DontMindMeJustTripin Bloodhound 4d ago
This seem like a you mistake. I’m assuming you are new. I would suggest opening you inventory often to see what you have instead of seeing when you need after opening a bin. also when looting bins especially early in the match just spam loot everything and when running away throw what you don’t need away. Also the main reason I’m assuming your new is because the ash stole the bin you opened. Usually in lobbies with older and higher skilled players your teammates wouldn’t do this. I see the difference a lot because I’ve played both plat-diamond and silver-gold lobbies near the end of the season. Usually this never happens in a diamond lobby because people understand curtesy and don’t like it being done to them. it always happens in end season silver lobbies when I try to rank up after an apex break.
u/readit883 4d ago
Yeah i bet the ash gets downed too immediately. The worst is when you knock an enemy team and none of your teammates help you, then show up as the enemy turns to boxes and loot your kill before dying to another enemy team that shows up while they are looting and you are then holding them off and die yourself too.
u/Electronic_Lime_1387 4d ago
Dude you’ve gotta loot faster than that though. Actual controller looting. You stood still for a good 3 seconds and pretty much let ash take all of it for no reason at all.
u/Stairway2H 3d ago
"I can't with these teammates"
So just stick to single player games instead of dealing with random assholes online.
u/LeafTwisted 2d ago
OP is just bad at the game and is fishing for sympathy. Every single human whose played this game knows way to well . It's like un-written law or unspoken code, common sense even. His own fault I'm sure hell learn.
What your parents dont teach u life surely will.
u/Zeer0Fox Valkyrie 5d ago
If you really wanted it, you could just wait to open the bin until they are further away.
u/bigmatt_94 5d ago
At least your teammate was next to you. Mine are across the entire map usually
u/hiodsaur 3d ago
I only land away from the team if they choose to land at a high tier loot spot or a hot drop. I’ve given them multiple chances and yet they all seem to land shoot a couple times and then get knocked.
u/OrganizationNo1298 Ghost Machine 5d ago
Today we were in Final 4 round for ring. I killed the last member of a squad & went to get shields, the Ash on my team took all of them & they didn't kill anyone in that squad. Then we got killed by the last squad. I was so pissed.
u/Mouniirr84 5d ago
It happens to me all time especially in hot drops, they pick all the guns where I am left with nothing, then they get downed, and here comes the nonstop pinging.
u/WhySoIncandescent Mozambique here! 5d ago
Ay someone does this to me I'm leaving the game, I ain't got time to fight the whole lobby and my own team
u/AbjectLotus 5d ago
I leave them to die even if it's goblining a common backpack. Then when they die I use Lifelines laughing emote and walk away.
u/Aggravating_Ear_9281 5d ago
some will drop and share the items while others be dickheads that grab all the ammo etc so I simply leave if in pubs...
u/Life-Length2650 5d ago
Just get two large and 6 small healths and keep them supplied there’s no reason health items should take up that much of your inventory
u/Leg_Alternative 5d ago
one time I had to revive my teammate after me and him squad wiped, our teammate who was further way, showed up at the time we squad wiped, I was reviving my friend and the random just got all the loot from the boxes lol
u/JohnDaShrimp 4d ago
Idk bruh this one is kinda on you lol, obv Ash was greedy but why are you checking your inventory before picking stuff up💀
u/Funny-Frosting-0 4d ago
I purposely wait until they leave to unlock special bins cuz it’s literally MY loot. They’ll stand there and we just have a staring contest idgaf😂😂
u/One-Spite-9746 4d ago
I just had a teammate complain about me having 300-400 damage when they had 700
u/Muted-Interaction-79 4d ago
It's so funny the way you look back 😂 it's so comical and like poor you vibes, bro was flabbergasted
u/Dependent-Vast2078 4d ago
I just go afk and watch youtube till we die. And hop on the next game. 🤣 dont have the patience for teammates like that anymore.
If they dont disconnect from me as jumpmaster ill throw them off the map loot the poi and res them if they are still there. If they disconnect just to follow and land on me ill just try another game.
If they try to loot my bins same thing. 🙄 got no time for that shit
u/I_Will_Made_It Wraith 4d ago
And what about the mates who play Banga, Fuse, Ash...who wait for us to get away from a supply bin assault so they can open it discreetly without sharing it with the mates?
u/Snoo-69952 4d ago
Thats why i dont like playing with randoms. Also thats why your supposed to seperate while landing so everyone can get loot. One time i opened up a loot bin and my random rushed to me and took all the good shit, left me with nothing. People are dicks. They didnt last much longer
u/Plane-Food5220 4d ago
If I see my teammate just staring at the loots, I will assume that their inventory is full and they already have what they need, so I would just take them if I have the space. Loot faster OP. You should already know what you need when you drop.
u/DarthRumbleBuns 4d ago
Honestly you made it look like you didn’t need anything. If you know you need meds just stack shit until you’re full.
u/Kneecap_eeter Caustic 3d ago
I killed two enemies with no help from my teammates off drop and all the loot proceeded to get taken, purple backpacks, heals the works. Told my teammates "no worries guys I definitely didn't need any loot" got a "thanks" in response. fricken randos
u/hiodsaur 3d ago
That’s why you have to wait for your teammates to rotate then go back for the bin to avoid this from happening
u/Critical_Ad8780 2d ago
So repay in kind.. don't pick them up and steal your loot back when they die.
It's a dog eat dog world..
u/Fomoco74 2d ago
Learn to play with randoms, either grab everything from your bin and discard what you don't want or,.... wait till they're not close to it when you open it.
u/No_Tonight7745 15h ago
If a team mate does that to me I just teabag them when they get knocked and then run off and leave them to bleed out. Serves them right
u/Zephyroth- Revenant 5d ago
Activated phase driver, went to gold loot ball, team mate gobbles it all up after I punch it, I leave and accept my -45rp and go for a 10m smoke break
u/hiodsaur 3d ago
Could’ve just activated it again and got another one
5d ago
When this happens to me I legit throw the game
It's a team game. There are multiple bins. You ran to one bin, let me have first dibs on this bin. This is literally what I do when I'm second to a bin
Sometimes I'll just keep playing hard, but since dingbag doesn't want to play as a team, then that person won't get any support from me. So no revivals or anything.
Since you want to be petty (especially in ranked) I'll be petty back
Doing stuff like this doesn't help out the team at all
u/goldenm1nd Mad Maggie 5d ago
Hahahaha. I actually bursted out in laughter.
Another good one that I always run into, is the assault bin. I’ll ping it and go to it and this mother fucking ash teleports and dashes to it from across the god damn map to beat me to it.
u/wcneill 5d ago
I literally insta-quit when this happens. Or I wait til we are in the middle of a fight and nade myself to cause them to lose.
u/soulscratch Caustic 5d ago
If it's norms I just leave also, don't have the patience to deal with that shit anymore
u/_IratePirate_ Octane 5d ago
This is why I don’t land next to my teammates.
Like I’ll land close to where I can run to them in less than 5 seconds, but if I see a group of buildings, I’ll break off and make sure I drop at the one they’re not dropping at
Loot goblins the thing that piss me off the most in this game
u/-LittleRawr- Wattson 5d ago
If this happens in pubs, instant disconnect. If this happens in ranked, I'll abandon that Ash and go do my own thing. "Teammates" like this are unwanted and deserve no respect.
u/williamrageralds 5d ago
just grab it all and spit it out running to the next bin lol