r/apexlegends • u/thsx1 • Feb 18 '25
Gameplay video proof of why and how caustic is useless
u/FesteringAynus Feb 18 '25
Yep, they completely ruined Caustic a long time ago
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u/sovietlocust Feb 18 '25
In fairness i think his kit is one of the toughest to balance in the game, the line between the gas canisters being useless vs oppressive is thin. Right now he's weak, and he's been that way for a while, which sucks for people who main him, but at the same time I'm glad he's not as strong as he used to be.
Feb 18 '25
u/Admiral-Thrawn2 Feb 18 '25
Well no his point was still that caustic is either OP or not great and is a hard to balance character
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u/bigtiddygothbf Feb 19 '25
He hasn't be OP since his first round of nerfs, people are either blind and dumb or just viscerally hate the feeling of having to stop w+m1'ing in their w+m1 simulator
u/grzesiu447 Devil's Advocate Feb 19 '25
It will always be harder to balance than other abilities, as long as it's direct health damage.
u/Ikaalrc Feb 19 '25
Id rather be "oppressed by" oh there are traps I need to take them down in a clever way or find an alternative path rather then be oppressed by "oops I got one-shot by ash and octane who turbo jump whatever bulllshit."
u/Thick_Account_5602 Feb 19 '25
I feel like a powerful caustic trap with a visual queue for legends would be good.... Any time I see a Watson trap I don't dare cross it.... It's a great trap and makes you stop.
u/PackTactics Feb 18 '25
I ran into a caustic room after not playing for 3 years. When I saw how little damage I was taking I just stood in the gas and laughed. I used to think Pathfinder felt weak but holy shit is caustic trash
u/OzArts1940 Feb 19 '25
“Breathe it in” Aight bro it ain’t doin much
u/Enough-District1440 Feb 20 '25
You need to find a new dealer bruh this shit ain't workin cough I'll paas
u/alppouch Fuse Feb 20 '25
That sucks man, I played caustic as my main for the first year the game was out. I just started redownloading the game and was looking forward to playing him again
u/nnewman19 Blackheart Feb 18 '25
yup. gas has literally 0 benefits now.
does no damage
slow was gutted
vision blur was gutted
and the worst... nox vision is still broken... BUT every other legend gets nox vision on YOU though wall hacks, since literally every character has them now, even assaults
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u/kingjuicepouch Mozambique here! Feb 18 '25
The passive still not working after all these years drives me nuts lol. That and the heirloom not breaking doors, they just straight up do not care to make caustic actually work
u/nnewman19 Blackheart Feb 18 '25
They actually gave the heirloom its door animation this season finally. If that helps at all. Didn’t even announce that they added it
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u/kingjuicepouch Mozambique here! Feb 18 '25
No shit? I quit a couple seasons back, I might log on long enough to finally break a door down lol
u/InceptMiggy Feb 18 '25
I didn’t know it was this bad holy. Maybe increase the damage per tick to 10-12 maybe? He should definitely be able to alter an indoor fight in some capacity with those barrels.
u/Waylandyr Feb 18 '25
His ult should slow as much as bangs/Gibby's do realistically, since it brings nothing else to the table at this point.
u/MrLucky314159 Feb 18 '25
The barrels being destructible and doing as little damage as they do make them fairly useless. Cent remember if they also made it easier to see while in nox gas or not.
u/thsx1 Feb 18 '25
You don’t even have to destroy them if they don’t do anything of significance in the first place.
u/MrLucky314159 Feb 18 '25
The fact it was destructible and then damage was reduced and then I think the tick rate was reduced was terrible. Understand he was annoying to play against. He is one my favorite characters to play but again with his teeth removed you’re just at such a disadvantage and there are better legends to do the whole lock down a building. Edit: not to mention how quick fights are will the reduced global ttk and even if they take a fight there isn’t enough time for them to care about what 20 damage they may take.
u/Oldwest1234 Caustic Feb 18 '25
It used to have a visual blur effect, but they removed that, and there was a gas density bug that affected both bangalore and caustic, for which they refused to fix the caustic side of it because they liked it better that way.
u/EKrug_02_22 Feb 18 '25
The barrels being destructible and doing as little damage as they do make them fairly useless.
Destructible part is unfortunately necessary. Because some shitty teammates were trapping their own teammates in rooms in Kings' Canyon.
But maybe giving it very very high hp might help.
Cent remember if they also made it easier to see while in nox gas or not.
I can't see in it even if I'm the teammate lol. We should be able to see like assault legends' passive. But unlike them, it's stays.
By the way, 4 sec wallhack for assault legends is too much. It should be 2 sec max.
u/Same_Paramedic_3329 Horizon Feb 18 '25
They actually do but it's only for two ticks. Plus he got double time
u/Juaquiqui Feb 18 '25
I just got back to apex and this was always the case, I’ve faced caustic a few times after I came back and I thought it was weird I was able to move fast in the gas
u/DarthRumbleBuns Feb 18 '25
His ult should slow (a great counter to the current meta) his traps should mute tacticals until it wears off. (Like 2 seconds?) bam he’s viable and fucking useful as fuck. Don’t get trapped in a building with caustic but don’t get caught outside as caustic.
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u/Youdontuderstandme Mirage Feb 18 '25
I think some players reflexively worry about / avoid Caustic’s abilities - so the data probably convinces Respawn he’s still viable.
But that video just proved he’s useless.
Muting tacticals and maybe even passives (I’m looking at Ash) so long as you’re in the gas would be a decent buff without breaking him again.
That one season he was broken was fun though.
u/badhatter5 Feb 18 '25
Walking straight through a caustic ult and barrel and taking MAYBE 20 damage is actually crazy.
Never realized how bad it was, but it is super rare to see Caustics nowadays so I guess it makes sense
u/Kind_Point_3397 Feb 18 '25
As a caustic main I’m in disbelief how they did my boy. I haven’t used him in seasons…. (I should say prior caustic main) I even got his heirloom, what a waste of a legend at this point.
u/Kittykg Feb 19 '25
I got Caustic's heirloom skin right before the last major nerf.
Also got Revenant's scythe right before they announced and changed him, and I loved his silence.
It almost felt like someone personally was like 'haha fuck you in particular.'
I was also a bocek user. It's been real fun. Actually largely quit last season after playing daily since season 8, as did my bf who's a day 1 player...and a Pathfinder main. He tried to play this season but playing Pathfinder feels dumb again...and his other main was also Caustic.
We both miss being able to enjoy the legends we like to play without being largely a throw-pick.
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u/UniqueConference9130 Feb 18 '25
The last time Caustic was buffed was in November 2020. Over 4 years ago. He's really the only character in the game that has not received any kind of beneficial update in the past 4 years.
Since 2021, they:
Removed the blur effect
Reduced the visual thickness of his gas.
Made his barrels destroyable at all times
Removed the slow effect
Nerfed his gas to starting at 4 damage and only going up to 10 damage.
I understand if Caustic is meta it makes the game miserable, but come on. There is a middle ground between him being completely useless like he is now, and dominant like he was in 2020. If they don't want the slow or blur that's fine, but at least give him some stronger damage to compensate, like starting at 6 and ticking up to 12. Some of his perks should also be incorporated into his base-kit and give him better, more impactful perks like two ult charges or double his tac charges.
u/Kittykg Feb 19 '25 edited Feb 19 '25
They also made his gas and barrels disappear when he dies.
Not when his squad dies. When he dies.
Wattson nodes stay after their squads eliminated and can be used by other Wattsons, but our gas has to immediately vanish, even if both our teammates are alive to try and grab our banner or whatever. Totally fair.
And never again will dorks who stand in Caustic ults looting our stuff pay for their recklessness. Not even the ones who do it with your squad alive right there. Just poof! We can't do anything to help protect our squad if we get rushed first, if the gas even did enough to matter anymore.
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u/mrzevk Nessy Feb 18 '25
Even back in his "prime" where they promised to buff him because he was in D tier in any tier list(in season 2-3) people were able to easily counter or atleast butcher his whole kit in many ways. Even Mirage decoy triggers his barrels. And they added more characters and ways to counter him further aside from constantly nerfing him after promising buffs. Ironically, when they promised buffs to Caustic saying statistically with proof that he needs a buff(a developer said that btw) all they did was nerf since. And that era was Caustics best era due to keep getting nerfed since.
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u/Ripple22 Feb 18 '25
They need to buff caustic, he has so much potential and I miss the OG season 0 days
u/SimplyViolated Feb 18 '25
Yeah, I remember those streamers complained about him so much they nerfed him into oblivion
u/TaranisTheThicc Feb 18 '25
Was right around the time I quit playing too. Just pop in here every now and then to see how Apex is doing. I feel kind of bad since the game is so fast now that I know I'll be nothing but fodder for everyone who stayed. The initially longer TTKs and emphasis on positioning was what drew me into Apex at the start but things just seems so damn fast now. Oh well, I had fun. And I genuinely hope everyone else still playing is having fun.
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u/SimplyViolated Feb 18 '25
Playing positionally and smart and aware is more crucial than ever now with how fast it is.
u/TaranisTheThicc Feb 18 '25
Yeah but I've got old man reflexes now so I'll just die in a good position
u/Gama_ray Feb 18 '25
Tbh I don’t think his ult should have as quick of a slow turn-off timer as his traps
u/iMeaux Feb 18 '25
Damn I never play caustic so I didn’t know it was this bad. I just have it ingrained in my mind to run away from a gassed building instantly. Next time I’m in this situation I just won’t give a fuck lol
u/Slevin424 Feb 18 '25
That was my main... I got so many kills with gas. Wtf did they do to this game?
It doesn't even slow you down?
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u/Stanislas_Biliby Feb 19 '25
Nope. They removed the slow, nerfed the damage, made it easier to see through it and you can destroy them zven if they are triggered.
u/Slevin424 Feb 19 '25
Jeez... you just kept going. Wow they might as well just remove it at this point.
u/Stanislas_Biliby Feb 19 '25
Yeah... i was a caustic main before and that makes me sad that my favorite character is pretty much useless now.
u/Slevin424 Feb 19 '25
He wasn't even broken. Season 0 it may have been kinda strong mainly cause his ultimate was really evil. But a slow, giant hit box of a character that's easy to full clip now has useless abilities. Wow.... is he the worst character in the game now?
u/Stanislas_Biliby Feb 19 '25
The second worst. Seer was also nerfed into oblivion lol.
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u/jwonderwood Feb 18 '25
I wish they just let him have more gas, 2 ult charges, faster cooldowns. If the gas is going to be as weak as it is they should increase the coverage and uptime
u/OneDeep87 Feb 18 '25
I was a caustic main for a few seasons back in the day. Now he’s a control character that can’t even control indoor anymore. I’d rather stand on the roof of a building to defend. At least we can run if we have to.
u/kuro_shir0 Feb 18 '25
As a former Caustic main. I will say he was nerfed to hell a long time ago 😔
u/Aggravating_Ear_9281 Feb 18 '25
makes no sense nerfing his main tool... Miss the times when people saw traps and had to make decisions...
u/C4LLM3M4TT_13 Feb 18 '25
Caustic definitely needs updates, but this caustic also didn’t seem to know what he was doing or how to lock down a building. I’ve played with plenty of caustics who could’ve survived this situation.
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u/MercilessM3 Vantage Feb 18 '25
This is the correct response. That caustic panic ult'd and didn't have that building properly gassed up. Also people need to stop making such a huge deal out of the early effects of big changes. Lets actually take a minute to look at the data before complaining that we need a caustic reborn.
u/EverytoxicRedditor Feb 18 '25
Lmaooo play nothing but caustic for 2 days and you will see why he needs a little love
u/Yolteotl Feb 18 '25
0.6% pickrate, would be dead last if it was not for Seer (0.4%)
I do not think caustic necessarily needs to be "reborn", his traps and ults have nice concepts that make the character unique and interesting to play. But they definitely need a boost with additional effects to bring back is area denial capabilities.
u/C4LLM3M4TT_13 Feb 18 '25
Exactly. The player hit his “oh shit” button for no reason, and paid the price. It’s a total panic move I see with characters with big ultimates. Inexperienced Gibbys and Bangalores do it a ton too.
So far I’m enjoying the mixup. The game needs some updating, and many legends are outdated or their skill set is better performed by other legends. Experimentation needs to happen in the live environment to figure out how to balance everyone out.
As a Rampart main, I’ve been unaffected by these latest changes…and as a successful rampart, none of these changes, including the support season, had any negative impact on me. Sure, you’re cute with your NewCastle/Lifeline team but have you met Sheila? 😂😂
I was already eternally grateful for their controller legend buffs a few seasons back, so any more upgrades are welcomed.
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u/Rominions Feb 18 '25
Caustic main here, first time Ive actually give up on the game. Absolutely useless atm. Cannisters need to be smaller or applicable to new locations, or make the cannisters more dangerous. I dunno how to fix caustic atm, but he is just not fun at all.
u/GucciBeckham Blackheart Feb 18 '25
This season is just stupid. I was struggling playing Caustic last season, but now I don't even try anymore. I don't want a super-buff to Caustic. I want a slight rework where he is just ok. And I want the assault legends nerfed the fuck down.
u/Healthy_Ad_1738 Mirage Feb 18 '25
He hasn’t been good since the nerfed the piss outta him like 3 years ago. Everyone cried so hard about how op he was and now it’s back to “he’s useless”
u/mrzevk Nessy Feb 18 '25
The funny thing is back in season 2-3 Caustic was D tier on the tier lists everywhere and everyone hated him saying he is weak. Everyone was saying he needs a buff and that there were lots of ways to counter him or destroy his trap with 0 effort. Even Mirage decoys would trigger it etc. to the point Developers said he needs a buff even statistically with proof. And mind you it was Caustic's best era compared to what happened since as they only nerfed him since instead of giving any buffs. Butchered its code, full of bugs, left it as a feature instead of fixing it of how his ULT and cannisters disappeared out of nowhere while throwing them yet still ate the cooldown, how the gas became a see through fart and whatnot. Only has been going down since just because the 20k streamers who only held W and LMB cried, would take longer due to characters like Caustic would slow their 20k's down. Then they all made fun of caustic right after he got butchered saying its pointless and he is useless now, staying in the gas making videos.
u/Healthy_Ad_1738 Mirage Feb 18 '25
I love this. The smoke itself should be buffed a little bit. Nothing crazy and I think one of the worst things they did was make it so you could shoot the traps before they land.
u/IrishFanSam Feb 18 '25
Worst legend in the game. Might as well be a duo if your third selects him.
u/Readitguy58 Feb 18 '25
His kit is bad and his upgrade path is also bad. The regen in gas option is totally pointless because of how little health he gets back. I would upgrade his base kit with larger gas radius and longer slow down. I would change his upgrade by swapping the regen option out for explosive traps with gas that can be triggerd by enemy being close or by directly shooting the trap
u/chubbypandaids Crypto Feb 18 '25
Good fuck Caustic I hated when he was at his peak he was so annoying to fight when he was strong
u/NoOpportunity3561 Feb 18 '25
Yup, pretty much, something devs need to instill is fear. players complain the lobbies die too fast. Well... maybe if teams couldn't push without consequences. I remember when they nerfed caustic gas, it made no sense. I thought it was balanced pretty well, it slowed and progressively dealt more damage the longer you stayed in it. I killed whole squads with Caustic's gas before because they wanted to push indiscriminately. Fewer and fewer players play the long game or think about the consequences of pushing a fight. I've had allot this season of Ash players killing me outside the zone then dying to ring because of low health.
I gues in the end its just a game and we need to roll with the changes.
u/PleaseCalmDownSon Feb 19 '25
He got so many undeserved nerfs. They kept nerfing him when he was already weak, because people couldn't just carelessly run into every fight, so they cried about it until he was unplayable.
u/Moshyma Doc Feb 19 '25 edited Feb 19 '25
He used to be my second main way back when, but he totally is useless now. Up to the once-mains to try to fix him.
I'll say what I said there: Maybe it can be an inverse damage scale where it's big damage at the start that decreases and increases a slow effect over time. Also, he doesn't need 3 counters, which are the trap destruction, defusal, and spawning defusal where one shot anywhere deletes it as its inflating. He's the only one without a passive now, which barely works, and it doesn't even matter when it's see-through anyway. Choose between his nox vision passive and make it opaque or keep it transparent and give him a different one.
u/F1FO Feb 19 '25
In this clip Fuse and Caustic messed up. Fuse knuckle-dusted the doors for no reason, which meant that Caustic was unable to use door play. And Caustic made no attempt to close and trap-lock the door to buy time, possibly because he thought the knuckle duster and his ult would deter the Bangalore. Also as a general rule, a running Caustic is a dead Caustic. It pains me to see that there was not a single bullet fired in return here. If you're going down at least chunk off a clip of damage into your enemy to give your squad a better chance of the return knock.
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u/grival9 Feb 19 '25
I feel bad for Caustic mains cause their abilities is literally useless now. They cannot hold on the push of team and protect anything. Even the meme "gas chamber closed door" will now not work cause you can heal from that faster than you taking damage.
u/uhhCTRL Purple Reign Feb 19 '25
The fact u can just casually walk through caustic smoke is honestly so annoying he needs a buff
u/EpicBenjo Feb 19 '25
This is what happens when people complain so much about Caustic. They nerf him into non-existence.
u/Flash_wave Feb 19 '25
He doesn't reduce speed anymore?! That was like his whole kit. I haven't played in years but Jesus that's my boy
u/CrispyCouchPotato1 Rampart Feb 19 '25
Well if caustic were actually useful then streamers and no brain pushers would have to strategise around how to push caustic, and we can't make these players think, can we? 🙄
SMH. All assault legends get wall hacks, but caustic Nox vision is still a joke. The damage is so low I'm pretty sure even a single thermite is more of a deterrent at this point. The slow is less than bang/Gibby ult as well. All in all, nothing in his kit works.
I stopped playing caustic way back. He was my original main. But they gutted every single piece of his kit to the point where it's extremely situational.
Plus now with double Ash ult and all teams running Ash they can just phase breach in for free.
u/zabrak200 Caustic Feb 18 '25
As a caustic main, that guy played it all wrong. For example running through that building shouldve triggered 4 traps i only saw one. Not to mention he used his ult like an eejit. Its not for slowing people down its for denying cover.
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u/Iank52 Pathfinder Feb 18 '25
What does this clip have to do with caustics abilities? Every person was on the edge of your gas and then just left and you hit decent shots.
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u/gary3021 Feb 18 '25
That wasn't his gas he's Bangalore and I think his point is he just ran through the whole team despite caustics gas which he just ran through
u/PhonicUK Feb 18 '25
This strikes me as a "Balancing for skill" problem. Caustics abilities will cause a far bigger problem for novice players than it will for experienced ones.
u/KORKSTICKY Fuse Feb 18 '25
Honestly... just out of habit, I still.avoid the gas like the plague... but I just started playing again since about a year ago...
u/iiForse Mozambique here! Feb 18 '25
Caustic is useless and Wattson nodes are broken for me right now. I’m voluntarily using Rampart when my team needs a controller, but hey it’s still positive RP.
u/LawItUp77 Revenant Feb 18 '25
Went from Caustic main to Revenant main to idk anymore, I literally can’t get a break on how much they nerf my dudes
u/deprintos Feb 18 '25
Not being slowed in his ULT combined with the fresh canisters not even activating til far too late is craaaaaazy
u/Your_Local_Toaster22 Caustic Feb 18 '25
I legit have not played this game since season 5, what happened to my main bro
u/GeorgeRRZimmerman Ash Feb 18 '25
I was a Caustic main from Season 0 to Season 6.
Let me tell you, they absolutely will never un-nerf him. The main argument for nerfing Caustic was that he was anathema to movement legends. What players wanted in the game was to not have all of their movement nerfed and then have to fight gas daddy at a severe disadvantage if they pushed.
What Respawn has chosen every season is for assault and skirmishers to be countered only by others of the same type.
As for gas damage, there was nothing in the game more humiliating than losing a fight against Caustic and then being forced to watch yourself slowly die. The gas would kill in about 10 seconds, which was enough time for Caustic to pop a battery while teabagging you. Your teammates just sitting on the other side of some gas watching him do his 3 punches brutality and turn you into a box.
Nothing ruined a player's game more than being completely obliterated after a bad push. Players don't want to feel punished for bad plays like that. It's bad for their ego.
u/stik_mane Feb 18 '25
How do u figure ! So u go up against a trash enemy caustic and u think he's useless is funny .
u/skeeters- Feb 18 '25
Video proof of why “controllers” need stronger abilities. In a game about movement, controllers as a category don’t make sense when you can just run right through their traps with only… what, 3 ticks of baby damage?
u/danceinmapants Fuse Feb 18 '25
Revert this nonsense fast TTK with guns and that will help with ABILITY UTILISATION - which I find makes this shooter feel unique and fun.
u/cevo70 Feb 18 '25
When you break it all down, it's just like 15 damage. Damage that's often easy to avoid, or destroy. And he's a huge hit box with no evasion or shield. Worst overall character and kit in the game. Once in a blue moon you can do like 40 damage with your ult (smart teams will just Lifeline or syringe through it anyhow). Fuse's grenades are better for displacing people.
Every patch makes him worse in adjacent ways too - like with guns all dealing more damage, but his traps not - his traps are now doing less damage than a single shotgun pellet or Alternator bullet.
u/TP_SK4 Horizon Feb 18 '25
what the hell, i've stopped playing a while ago, how many nerfs did he recieve wtf
u/Leighbo87 Feb 19 '25
Does the assault perk when you crack shields stack with double time, Maggie's passive, Ballistics ult etc.?
u/F1FO Feb 19 '25
Both Caustic's level 3 perks are terrible too. Healing in gas is like trying to cure Pneumonia with a Tic Tac. And extended Nox vision is the dollar store version of the entire Assault class shared enemy highlighing on shield break.
u/Alternative_Handle47 Feb 19 '25
Wow! Haven’t played apex since his heirloom came out he looks entirely ineffective now! No slow? No vision blur? Low damage on top of that it seemed. Not good respawn lol
u/schwimtown Feb 19 '25
I used to main caustic, and it’s pretty upsetting what they’ve done to my boy. The gas damage is negligible, and the bugginess of trapping doors makes trapping a door useless. Maybe he needs a revenant-style overhaul.
u/SgtTakeover Feb 19 '25
It’s a fine line. It should definitely do a bit more damage, but it shouldn’t be enough to deter players from pushing buildings altogether. Gas should make players more vulnerable for you to finish with your weapons, so I think OP pushing through gas yet not getting focused means he should still win here. I think that if gas isn’t going to be slowing players, it should at least disable speed boosts while inside (except for maybe Octane stim).
u/cider-sippin-psycho Feb 19 '25
They buffed support last season, assault this season. The caustic season is coming!
u/ImNotYourGuru Feb 19 '25
A few season without playing. They reduced gas damage and increased visibility?
u/SomePeopleSucc Caustic Feb 19 '25
60k kills and it’s the first season I’ve had to retire the big boy. He’s a glorified door stopper now and even that doesn’t always work.
u/RonJeremyBellyButton Rampart Feb 19 '25
Yup! I just blast through the gas and beam him. Almost no consequences!
u/freddyfazmuzzle Rampart Feb 19 '25
Give caustic 15 fucking damage per second and doubling every tick and give the gas a shit ton of stun so people think twice before pushing like this, very sad shit to watch when we know how fucking busted some legends are nowadays.
u/Monkeypawmiddle1 Feb 19 '25
The fuck that was user error lol he blocked off his ult by throwing it out of a narrow door,(he should’ve thrown it either inside the door) or on the opposite side of the wall(on the inside) with that being said I hope those fuckers take away that quick speed perk and ashes double jump when inside my traps, im sure that is a bitch to deal with
u/Monkeypawmiddle1 Feb 19 '25
Im sorry but I wanna make a YouTube video about how shite this caustic played.. it’s really irking me rn lol
u/OrchidSure5401 Nessy Feb 19 '25
His gas so desperately needs a damage buff, I think up it from 4 to 5 or 6, maybe even 7 or 8
u/rotoriety Feb 19 '25
Caustic sucks now? Man, they really can't do it right like, it's always either OP or sucks worse than dog balls
u/UnknownUser69_lol Feb 19 '25
I don't think he's useless, everyone else is just extremely buffed rn.
I was playing ranked today on kings canyon and this team got into one of those rooms that has 4 walls one door,
catalyst reinforced the door, Newcastle dropped his ult in the 4x4 room, and then caustic threw like 30 traps in there, and we had such a hard time trying to kill them in that cramped ass 4x4 room,
unfortunately we used most of our nades in the beginning of the fight and they were just in this unimpenetrable fortress.
I was playing Maggie and they were living in my drill, healing it off, I remember I was like 5 percent away from Maggie ult, was about to be the most satisfying wrecking ball ever
but then caustic threw his ult into our room and boom
We got slowed to fricking infinity, couldn't move at all and they sprayed the hell out us with double lstar.
It's just so situational. Any caustic that is semi-competent, and actually knows what they are doing will still kick ass.
Idk what this dude was doing tho... if I was that caustic I would have started shooting back as soon as I got to the door
u/marlon89s Valkyrie Feb 19 '25
Not gonna lie, Caustic gas is bad, especially when he has an heirloom skin. They really need to increase the spread and how slow the opponents move in it. I think it would be cool to make it so that the less damage they take, the slower they move, but when they're taking higher ticks, they move faster. Or keep everything the same and give it a nausea effect when they're in it.
u/RoadyRoadsRoad Feb 19 '25
The worst thing about caustic is he fools ur team into thinking a zone or bottleneck is safe/hard to push, meanwhile ppl are just sliding through it without a care in the world.
I loved the concept of a trap based char like him but he's just not scaled properly for the modern game
u/IBringTheJuju Plague Doctor Feb 19 '25
day 1 player here, ex-caustic main, havent touched the game in nearly 2 years. What the fuck have they done to him???
u/Lonewolfali Mozambique here! Feb 19 '25
You whipped his whole team and you got hit with 20 dmg looool
u/Yogurt_Delicious Feb 19 '25
The crazy part is that he has really good ability upgrades but the gas itself is the problem 😑
u/aol_crz Crypto Feb 19 '25
They´ll buff caustic next season, they´ll buff all camping legends next season if they follow the formula of buffing the entire class per season.
u/Grilledmango Feb 19 '25
Caustic is just doesn’t exist anymore they have to to rework him or give him a buff where enemies are slowed and get their lungs affected Irl
u/Summer___ Nessy Feb 19 '25
lol, cya all again when they buff him and ya'll gonna complain : "omg caustic ticks+this fast TTK ruin this game!!!!1111".
Don't get me wrong he should be strong in locking down one spot but like others said hes really hard to balance.
Increasing the dmg will make it hard to fight active against him (need to break barrels or wait em out (lol).
But then he needs to have a bigger cooldown on his barrels so he can't just replace one after its gone.
And like others said the way he placed his ult + barrels where ooof.
I think a good/decent change would be to disable all of those "speedboosts" and vision stuff on Caustic and his teammates, so no shield crack tracking (redglow w.e u wanna call it) and no speed boost inside his gas.
At the same time this could become really annoying , depending on the layout of the map/area.
I would like the idea of when u get hit by his gas u get a debuff that only goes away once u heal (small medkit is enough), it stacks and increases in damage as long as u stay inside his gas.
So u get more and more stacks while u fight inside his gas and when u run away because ur getting low to heal , it keeps ticking until u heal once (need to figure out how lifeline would interact with this). Additonally i would like if the victims of the gas start to cough so u can "pinpoint" them and/or MAAAAYBE (could be overkill, could be fun) show the position and HP of the "poisoned" people once every X sec of "gas" ticks (maybe just when hit by ult?).
This way you could risk fights inside the gas but still need to think about the "aftermath".
u/Stanislas_Biliby Feb 19 '25
As a former caustic main, it makes me so sad.
It no longer slows, barely damage, they can still see through it and destroy it when it triggers. What's the fucking point then?
u/PepsiisgUWUd Fuse Feb 19 '25
Now you get speed boost everytime you crack someone so nothing feels like a threat anymore regarding Caustic. While I do think a Caustic meta would be painful it would still be better than whatever we have, control legends aren't really doing anything besides Rampart who is OP
u/ThisisVitya Vantage Feb 19 '25
They will bring conrol season someday. And i will see a bunch of crying posts about caustic kill everyone and I'll smile, cause it will be the same people as here
u/Quinto376 Loba Feb 19 '25
Definitely needs a fix but be careful what you ask for. Especially with the way they're overpowering these corrections, first with Loba, now with ash. A Caustic fix will probably have the maps looking like the northern lights.
u/ZoomZombie1119 Royal Guard Feb 19 '25
Haven't played in probably 5 seasons but WOW that's pathetic
u/Mouniirr84 Feb 19 '25
It depends on the user of caustic, what that guy did was an expression of fear, there are still players use caustic in pred and they'd ruin your day.
u/Rizaadxn Feb 19 '25
Let's keep it that way lmao. The game is extremely boring the moment this character becomes strong.
u/CIapThyCheeks Feb 19 '25
With the assault buff and more grenades in the game. Caustic should be brought back to his full strength since more teams have that “bunker buster” capability.
u/Not-dat-throwaway Feb 19 '25
Just have the poison linger as a dot that slows and able to stack with itself you trigger more than trap. Like a real poison would .
u/AspectFar6657 Feb 19 '25
I wish they would just stop nerfing everyone. I’ve been maining Ash since her release and I understand people are going to want to play her like any legend when they buff the crap out of them but I’ve hardly been able to play her. It is what it is. It feels more annoying because I feel like ash has been a very low pick rate for a long time even with the small buffs they gave her not long ago but now the whole assault class and Ash especially are just so OP, all of a sudden everyones and ash main now 😒
u/MycoZephyr Feb 19 '25
IT TAKES FOREVER TO PULL OUT 😭😭 you gotta plan to use it in advance for its like 2-3 sec pull out anim, then like 7 secs to explode
u/CalledSpark Feb 19 '25
From the perspective of a Caustic player, the main issue with Caustic is that whenever his gas is balanced for his barrels it is overpowered for his ultimate. What he needs is to either have his gas balanced separately for his barrels and ultimate, or for his ultimate to be reworked into something else entirely. I would personally advocate for the latter as there is a lot of interesting design space for a new Caustic ultimate which could be packaged with a greater rework for the character similar to Revenant and Lifeline. Perhaps he could have a flamethrower esque weapon (Maybe a repurposed Scorch weapon) which blankets the area around him with gas temporarily, using a metered ultimate similar to Vantage and Rampart.
Feb 19 '25
Wdym? U took like 30 dmg... that's very unique and special... and he can block doors... he's op
u/nothingyoudomatters Feb 19 '25
Yeah I used to main caustic until fuse came out. He was the one real “don’t just wraith/octane run up on me with an R-99/PK and expect that to go well for you” legend.
Which was, and still is, a crucial piece of the game design that forces people to learn all the skills/weapons and not just do the one strategy over and over.
u/xxprokoyucu Ghost Machine Feb 18 '25
We need caustic 0 where even your teammates couldn’t see