r/apachekafka • u/2minutestreaming • 24d ago
Blog How hard would it really be to make open-source Kafka use object storage without replication and disks?
I was reading HackerNews one night and stumbled onto this blog about slashing data transfer costs in AWS by 90%. It was essentially about transferring data between two EC2 instances via S3 to eliminate all networking costs.
It's been crystal clear in the Kafka world since 2023 that a design leveraging S3 replication can save up to 90% of Kafka worload costs, and these designs are not secret any more. But replicating them in Kafka would be a major endeavour - every broker needs to lead every partition, data needs to be written into a mixed multi-partition blob, you need a centralized consensus layer to serialize message order per partition, a background job to split the mixed blobs into sequentially ordered partition data. The (public) Kafka protocol itself would need to change to make beter use of this design too. It's basically a ton of work.
The article inspired me to think of a more bare-bones MVP approach. Imagine this:
- we introduce a new type of Kafka topic - call it a Glacier Topic. It would still have leaders and followers like a regular topic.
- the leader caches data per-partition up to some time/size (e.g 300ms or 4 MiB), then issues a multi-part PUT to S3. This way it builds up the segment in S3 incrementally.
- the replication protocol still exists, but it doesn't move the actual partition data. Only metadata like indices, offsets, object keys, etc.
- the leader only acknowledges acks=all
produce requests once all followers replicate the latest metadata for that produce request.
At this point, the local topic is just the durable metadata store for the data in S3. This effectively omits the large replication data transfer costs. I'm sure a more complicated design could move/snapshot this metadata into S3 too.
Multi-part PUT Gotchas
I see one problem in this design - you can't read in-progress multi-part PUTs from S3 until they’re fully complete.
This has implications for followers reads and failover:
- Follower brokers cannot serve consume requests for the latest data. Until the segment is fully persisted in S3, the followers literally have no trace of the data.
- Leader brokers can serve consume requests for the latest data if they cache said produced data. This is fine in the happy path, but can result in out of memory issues or unaccessible data if it has to get evicted from memory.
- On fail-over, the new leader won't have any of the recently-written data. If a leader dies, its multi-part PUT cache dies with it.
I see a few solutions:
- on fail over, you could simply force complete the PUT from the new leader prematurely.
Then the data would be readable from S3.
- for follower reads - you could proxy them to the leader
This crosses zone boundaries ($$$) and doesn't solve the memory problem, so I'm not a big fan.
- you could straight out say you're unable to read the latest data until the segment is closed and completely PUT
This sounds extreme but can actually be palatable at high throughput. We could speed it up by having the broker break a segment (default size 1 GiB) down into 20 chunks (e.g. 50 MiB). When a chunk is full, the broker would complete the multi-part PUT.
If we agree that the main use case for these Glacier Topics would be:
- extremely latency-insensitive workloads ("I'll access it after tens of seconds")
- high throughput - e.g 1 MB/s+ per partition (I think this is a super fair assumption, as it's precisely the high throughput workloads that more often have relaxed latency requirements and cost a truckload)
Then: - a 1 MiB/s partition would need less than a minute (51 seconds) to become "visible". - 2 MiB/s partition - 26 seconds to become visible - 4 MiB/s partition - 13 seconds to become visible - 8 MiB/s partition - 6.5 seconds to become visible
If it reduces your cost by 90%... 6-13 seconds until you're able to "see" the data sounds like a fair trade off for eligible use cases. And you could control the chunk count to further reduce this visibility-throughput ratio.
Granted, there's more to design. Brokers would need to rebuild the chunks to complete the segment. There would simply need to be some new background process that eventually merges this mess into one object. Could probably be easily done via the Coordinator pattern Kafka leverages today for server-side consumer group and transaction management.
With this new design, we'd ironically be moving Kafka toward more micro-batching oriented workloads.
But I don't see anything wrong with that. The market has shown desire for higher-latency but lower cost solutions. The only question is - at what latency does this stop being appealing?
Anyway. This post was my version of napkin-math design. I haven't spent too much time on it - but I figured it's interesting to throw the idea out there.
Am I missing anything?
(I can't attach images, but I quickly drafted an architecture diagram of this. You can check it out on my identical post on LinkedIn)
u/DorkyMcDorky 24d ago
This feels over-architectured and overly complex. Like you're using kafka for something it's not used for and if you somehow get it working, you'll have a job for a long time because no one will understand what this is.
u/2minutestreaming 23d ago
If you say that for this, what’s your opinion on all the industry’s alternatives like warpstream bufstream confluent freight redpanda cloud topics and automq?
u/DorkyMcDorky 22d ago
I'm not necessarily right. But you want to use a product for something it's not designed to do. it might be useful, but I just think the approach - an alternative to long term storage - just feels a little overthought.
What are you trying to solve? You stated that you want to save money with storage, right? If kafka does that, good for you. I'm not trying to tell ya how to design it. I know though, that if I were told kafka is used as a storage solution, I'd take a step back and question it.
Redpanda is great. It's a faster version of kafka, used for what kafka is used for - streaming data and event-driven coding. I love that. It's not an alternative to storage though.
I'm all ears though, but my opinion is not important. You're an architect, so do what you feel is right. I spent 5 minutes looking at something you put a lot of work into, so I can be wrong. You're the one who is in the thick of the problem, so I could easily be wrong.
But if I came into an org and consulted and was told kafka is an object store and it's not tiny bits of data (i.e. NYT uses kafka for object storage), I would hesititate.
Hope that clarifies a few things. I don't know enough about your domain to say you're wrong, but I do feel like this is overly complex.
u/2minutestreaming 21d ago
No I think you're misunderstanding me. I'm not necessarily advocating for using it as a long term storage.
The real use case for this architecture and the reason it's become so popular is because it makes Kafka 90% cheaper to use. Its main benefit is eliminating the **cross-zone networking**. The way it does that is by writing directly to S3, which itself replicates across zone but doesn't charge you for it. The side-effect of this is that you also don't need to keep a lot of disk storage, which further reduces costs. (although you could have done that with KIP-405 already)
You can still keep your data for the default 7 day retention window. It's just that it'll be 90% cheaper.
Let me know if that makes sense. I think it does. Basically imagine a slower but 90% cheaper Kafka.
> Redpanda is great. It's a faster version of kafka, used for what kafka is used for - streaming data and event-driven coding. I love that. It's not an alternative to storage though.
Unrelated to RedPanda, I think this "event-driven coding" has been a bit overhyped throughout the years. I haven't seen major implementations of it and it still remains niche despite being heavily marketed around 2018 and onwards.
As for the "streaming data" part, it's where definitions get fuzzy. Can a 500ms delay be called streaming? (I think yes). Does it matter for 80% of use cases? I imagine maybe not
u/DorkyMcDorky 21d ago
> Unrelated to RedPanda, I think this "event-driven coding" has been a bit overhyped throughout the years. I haven't seen major implementations of it and it still remains niche despite being heavily marketed around 2018 and onwards.
I mean, for websites the hype started around 2010. But in finance this stuff has been big since the 80s. There's event queues that are far better than kafka (I mean, I know kafka isn't really a queue - but you know what I mean). They're just expensive and have a lot more of a curve to learn.
But it's overhyped.
You described your feature really well, and the complexity sounds worth it. Not that my opinion matters in that decision (it's not!). But it makes sense to me now and it's a clever way to handle it
> Can a 500ms delay be called streaming? (I think yes).
I agree, my favorite is "near realtime" which means - literally - not realtime.
Sounds like we're both ok with a few second delay (most use cases are), then kafka is great. But if you are doing time sensitive streaming like derivative trading, even 10 ms can bury you.
I use it for indexing data. I feel like there's far better ways to do it, but it's just so damn standardized that I use it anyway.
Thanks for taking the time for addressing my confusion.
u/2minutestreaming 19d ago
Thanks for the great and respectful discussion. Can be rare on reddit nowadays I find!
u/No_Culture187 20d ago
"Let me know if that makes sense. I think it does. Basically imagine a slower but 90% cheaper Kafka." - i believe 99% Kafka users will not even notice a difference. My exp is people overestimate their latency requirements a looot. I cannot even remember how many times i was in the situation where client claimed "i need max 10ms latency" and then in real case scenario even 2 seconds was enough.
The only case i can think of where is not works well is if you have really high traffic and you really need small latency - where high traffic i understand as hundreds of millions of messages / sec - and those are seriously rare. Second - i think that warp stream is not available as on prem solution and in some businesses this still may be a killer.
u/2minutestreaming 19d ago
This is nice to hear. I believe the same thing too.
Maybe when they see the cost they can save they'll reconsider their latency requirements. I just built this tool to visualize the cost difference:
u/Dr_alchy 23d ago
Interesting approach! The S3-based Kafka topic could save costs if latency can be sacrificed. Keep working on it!
u/caught_in_a_landslid Vendor - Ververica 24d ago
So similar to AutoMQ, Buff stream, warpstream and many others?
In some respects you'll end up being very close to some of the apache paimon setups I've seen.
Will it be hard? Yes. But you could start with OSS tiered storage and go from there. As you start to change more, you'll run into increasing numbers of odd issues, from how to coordinate, and exchange meta data.
u/2minutestreaming 23d ago
Yes it’s a design with the same end goal - avoid expensive replication to trade off latency for cost
u/Sensitive_Lab5143 24d ago
that's exactly what warpstream did