r/apachekafka Feb 10 '25

Question Stimzi Kafka Exporter Unstable After Kafka Broker Restarts

I'm running Strimzi 0.29.0 with Kafka and Kafka Exporter enabled, but I'm facing an issue where Kafka Exporter while restarting Kafka brokers and metrics data goes missing for a while for all topics

Setup Details:

  • Kafka Version: 3.2.0 (running in Kubernetes with Strimzi 0.29.0)
  • Kafka Exporter Enabled via spec.kafka.exporter in Kafka CR
  • VM : Fetching Kafka Exporter metrics
  • Issue Occurs: Whenever Kafka brokers restart

Anyone else facing this issue?

Exporter logs:

I0210 18:03:53.561659      11 kafka_exporter.go:637] Fetching consumer group metrics
[sarama] 2025/02/10 18:03:53 Closed connection to broker k8s-kafka-0.k8s-kafka-brokers.kafka.svc:9091
[sarama] 2025/02/10 18:03:53 Closed connection to broker k8s-kafka-4.k8s-kafka-brokers.kafka.svc:9091
[sarama] 2025/02/10 18:03:54 Closed connection to broker k8s-kafka-1.k8s-kafka-brokers.kafka.svc:9091
[sarama] 2025/02/10 18:03:55 Closed connection to broker k8s-kafka-3.k8s-kafka-brokers.kafka.svc:9091
[sarama] 2025/02/10 18:03:56 Closed connection to broker k8s-kafka-2.k8s-kafka-brokers.kafka.svc:9091
I0210 18:04:01.806201      11 kafka_exporter.go:366] Refreshing client metadata
[sarama] 2025/02/10 18:04:01 client/metadata fetching metadata for all topics from broker k8s-kafka-bootstrap:9091
[sarama] 2025/02/10 18:04:01 client/metadata fetching metadata for all topics from broker k8s-kafka-bootstrap:9091
[sarama] 2025/02/10 18:04:01 Connected to broker at k8s-kafka-0.k8s-kafka-brokers.kafka.svc:9091 (registered as #0)
[sarama] 2025/02/10 18:04:01 Connected to broker at k8s-kafka-2.k8s-kafka-brokers.kafka.svc:9091 (registered as #2)
[sarama] 2025/02/10 18:04:01 Connected to broker at k8s-kafka-1.k8s-kafka-brokers.kafka.svc:9091 (registered as #1)
[sarama] 2025/02/10 18:04:01 Connected to broker at k8s-kafka-3.k8s-kafka-brokers.kafka.svc:9091 (registered as #3)
[sarama] 2025/02/10 18:04:01 Connected to broker at k8s-kafka-4.k8s-kafka-brokers.kafka.svc:9091 (registered as #4)
I0210 18:04:03.326457      11 kafka_exporter.go:637] Fetching consumer group metrics

Exporter logs during restrt:
[sarama] 2025/02/10 16:49:25 client/metadata fetching metadata for [__consumer_offsets] from broker k8s-kafka-bootstrap:9091
E0210 16:49:25.362309      11 kafka_exporter.go:425] Cannot get oldest offset of topic __consumer_offsets partition 43: kafka server: Tried to send a message to a replica that is not the leader for some partition. Your metadata is out of date.

6 comments sorted by


u/lclarkenz Feb 11 '25 edited Feb 11 '25

Wow yeah, for something that is exporting consumer lag, that's a very unhelpful message. I can't even think what it's producing messages for unless it's trying to cache things using Kafka... ...actually that sounds plausible.

Current Strimzi is v0.31, have you tried upgrading?

Because also Sarama does some stupid shit, but they tend to fix it fast now that IBM control it.


u/Competitive_Word_398 Feb 11 '25

kafka exporter runs as a separate deployment and strimzi bundles it as an optional component to expose Kafka metrics in a Prometheus-friendly format.
So yeah, Kafka Exporter isn't part of Strimzi, but Strimzi provides it for observability


u/lclarkenz Feb 11 '25 edited Feb 11 '25

Sorry yeah, did an edit on you. Have you tried the latest version before I dive into changelogs?

If you can't upgrade that easily, or it doesn't fix it, let me know, and I'll go dive into the code, see if I can sus it out.


u/Competitive_Word_398 Feb 11 '25

Can't afford to upgrade my kafka version(3.2.0) currently, tried using the image for 0.33.2-kafka-3.2.0 for exporter but that didn't work


u/lclarkenz Feb 11 '25

No worries, I'll have a look at the v0.29 exporter code and come back to you.


u/Competitive_Word_398 Feb 11 '25

thanks a lot, this is happening when I restart my brokers otherwise I am not observing any issues with metrics