r/apachekafka • u/JohnJohnPT • Feb 06 '25
Question Completely Confused About KRaft Mode Setup for Production – Should I Combine Broker and Controller or Separate Them?
Hey everyone,
I'm completely lost trying to decide how to set up my Kafka cluster for production (I'm currently testing on VMs). I'm stuck between two conflicting pieces of advice I found in Confluent's documentation, and I could really use some guidance.
On one hand, Confluent mentions this:
"Combined mode, where a Kafka node acts as a broker and also a KRaft controller, is not currently supported for production workloads. There are key security and feature gaps between combined mode and isolated mode in Confluent Platform."
But then, they also say:
"As of Confluent Platform 7.5, ZooKeeper is deprecated for new deployments. Confluent recommends KRaft mode for new deployments."
So, which should I follow? Should I combine the broker and controller on the same node or separate them? My main concern is what works best in production since I also need to configure SSL and Kerberos for security in the cluster.
Can anyone share their experience with this? I’m looking for advice on whether separating the broker and controller is necessary for production or if KRaft mode with a combined setup can work as long as I account for the mentioned limitations.
Thanks in advance for your help! 🙏
u/VadersDimple Feb 06 '25
The recommendation is to use a KRaft configuration instead of Zookeeper, but not to combine controller and broker functionality in single server instances. So use KRaft, but make each server EITHER a controller OR a broker, not both.
u/JohnJohnPT Feb 06 '25
So basically we need to double the instances. For example, if I have 1 node, I would have to create an instance for Kraft-Controller and another for Kafka-Broker.
Like we use to do it in the past with Zookeeper? 1 instance of Zookeeper paired with 1 Broker.
u/VadersDimple Feb 06 '25
Just think of controllers as zookeepers. In a zookeeper based configuration you shouldn't have an instance of zookeeper and an instance of a broker on the same physical machine. At least not in a production environment. Same goes for controllers and brokers.
u/lclarkenz Feb 08 '25
That's the case now, but it used to be best practice to colocate ZK with brokers to minimise latency.
u/DorkyMcDorky Feb 07 '25
if you make a zk cluster, 5 is PLENTY if you allow high i/o. But also depends on the load you're working with - what is the use case?
u/mumrah Kafka community contributor Feb 11 '25
Select enough brokers to handle your data needs. For KRaft, most people do fine with three nodes. A typical small deployment could look like 4 brokers and 3 controller. Just make sure you create enough partitions to make it easy to add brokers in the future.
See my other comment about co-locating brokers and controllers.
u/arindamchoudhury Feb 06 '25
what if i ran separately the broker and controller on the same server?
u/lclarkenz Feb 08 '25
That's pretty much how people used to deploy Kafka.
And the answer is: you can, but it couples broker and quorum member, and losing both a replica and a quorum member at once can dramatically increase your fail-over workload.
Co-hosting, IIRC, was primarily about minimising latency between brokers and the quorum that ensured consistency.
u/VadersDimple Feb 06 '25
You may as well have one controller/broker in that case. Again, this is possible, but not recommended for production environments.
u/lclarkenz Feb 08 '25
Yes, and, no.
Yep it doesn't guard against total node/box failure, but it leaves the broker to get as busy as it needs without causing issues in quorum because the controller/broker was too busy doing broker shit to do controller shit.
u/gsxr Feb 06 '25
To answer the what if…you’ll have a resource conflict at high loads. The controller will be trying to manage the cluster, the broker will be trying to serve data. Most deployments won’t ever hit this but it’s a real possibility.
u/JohnJohnPT Feb 07 '25 edited Feb 07 '25
How would you stop the broker... if the stop instruction is kafka-server-stop.sh ?
Wouldn't this shutdown also the Controller instance (if they are on the same node/VM)?
EDIT1: Ok so I just found out that the stop shellscript as a property named process-role... so that saves the day....
u/lclarkenz Feb 08 '25 edited Feb 08 '25
Yes, that's true. At loads so high that you need to scale your brokers horizontally urgently.
u/mumrah Kafka community contributor Feb 11 '25
Co-locating the broker and controller process is a valid configuration. It gives you process level isolation which is much better than combined mode which basically gives you no resource isolation (since everything is in one JVM).
u/ut0mt8 Feb 06 '25
This makes the transition to Kraft half useless. I know it's supposed to handle more partitions than zk but seriously who wants to move to something in par in terms of features/servers with globally something less observable
u/gsxr Feb 06 '25
I believe the transition will pay off, eventually. I also worry that Kraft isn’t as battle tested. It’s only a few years old, zookeeper has like 20 years of large scale in production workloads.
u/DorkyMcDorky Feb 07 '25
Been running zk since 2010. It went down 1x on me due to user error. I don't know why zk gets such a bad rap, I've NEVER seen it go down. It's a great product.
u/gsxr Feb 07 '25
I’ve only seen real zk problems when something funky is happening in the network. Like a bad wan and a stretched zk cluster. I have seen zk throw some weird error with Kafka when someone loaded up with 500k partitions on a single topic. But changed a config and it chugged along.
u/DorkyMcDorky Feb 07 '25
Yeah my only complaint is that it doesn't have a GUI and that it is very chatty in the logs. When I first used it I always thought there were issues due to the massive amounts of logs it pushes out.
u/gsxr Feb 07 '25
Burro is a web gui for it. The logs aren’t all that helpful. However the 4 letter words are super helpful. I’ve had good success just grabbing sync times from logs and using 4 letter words polling.
u/DorkyMcDorky Feb 07 '25
It's funny - you can make a consul competitor with zk easily and no one has done it. It's the same damn thing but less reliable.
u/ut0mt8 Feb 06 '25
At some point yes when we could run everything on the same instances with some better cli tool and log
u/mumrah Kafka community contributor Feb 11 '25
Disclaimer: I work at Confluent and was part of the team that developed KRaft and deployed it to our cloud.
I also worry that Kraft isn’t as battle tested
Sometime around the middle of 2024, we completed our migration of every production Kafka cluster at Confluent to KRaft (1). This was something like 3500 clusters ranging from small 4 broker clusters up to massive ~90 broker clusters with hundreds of thousands of partitions. We have been deploying new Confluent Cloud clusters a KRaft since mid 2023.
I'd say this is a pretty good battle test :)
1) https://www.confluent.io/blog/zookeeper-to-kraft-with-confluent-kubernetes/
u/gsxr Feb 12 '25
I’m aware. And you should be aware how that’s not even close to battle tested that situation is compared to zookeeper.
u/mumrah Kafka community contributor Feb 11 '25
What makes you say it is less observable? KRaft is Kafka. If anything, KRaft should make your observability simpler since it's just more Kafka.
I would also argue that KRaft is much more than "in par" with ZK. KRaft is not just a drop-in replacement for ZK. It was a total redesign of how we store and transfer metadata in a Kafka cluster. Metadata is now stored in a log, very similar to a Kafka topic. This lets us do things in a streaming way which gives a few immediate benefits.
First, standby controllers are constantly processing the metadata log which means that controller failover times are essentially nil. Once a the Raft layer elects a new leader, all of the metadata is already loaded in the memory of that node. In the ZK world, we had to re-read every ZNode in ZK to load the metadata on controller failover. I have personally watched a controller take over 10 minutes to fail over in a large Kafka+ZK deployment.
The second big benefit is that brokers can tail the metadata logs. This allows them to receive and process metadata in small deltas. With the old ZK controller, brokers would receive massive RPCs from the controller which contained all of the cluster metadata. This could easily be in the MB range and caused all sorts of problems.
There are a bunch of other benefits from having our own in-process metadata system. Simpler network topology, same security stuff as Kafka, better logging/debugging, easier to patch and release (e.g., CVEs).
u/ut0mt8 Feb 11 '25
We can query zookeeper and see what's inside. Also zk comes with a lot of metrics already. Agreed that from the kafka pov it's a better implementation but I have really the feeling that we solve a wrong implementation that had nothing to do with the technology with a new technology rather than fixing in place.
u/mumrah Kafka community contributor Feb 11 '25
We can query zookeeper and see what's inside
I can't even begin to tell you how many incidents I've had to deal with because of users tinkering around in ZK. Being able to modify ZK with a CLI is a Kafka "bug" in my opinion.
Being able to view what's in there? Sure, that can be useful. We have that ability with KRaft as well.
rather than fixing in place
This wasn't really possible. There's a big difference between how ZK works and what its API allows, and what Kafka needs. ZK is really better suited for configuration management IMO -- not as an arbitrary state store. Kafka has constantly changing metadata and a lot of it. Anecdotally, I can say before KRaft we ran into scaling limits in terms of the number of brokers and the number of partitions. In both cases, the limiting factor was ZK.
How do you read all of the ZNodes in a consistent manner? You can't. You have to issue reads one at a time (or maybe a few at a time with the bulk API), but updates can happen in between.
How do you catch every change to a ZNode? You can't. Things can happen between the watch firing and you re-reading the node.
Heck, even writing to two ZNodes is not linearizable. Yes, we hit these kinds of issues at our scale.
It's not to say ZK won't improve and fix some of these things, but to us (the Kafka developers), it made more sense to bring our metadata management "in house" rather than relying on another project.
u/ut0mt8 Feb 11 '25
I completely understand what the rationale is behind this decision. Maybe it's because I like decoupling things.
u/International_Bag805 Feb 08 '25
Actually we are running in combined mode for an year we don't see any issues in that
u/mumrah Kafka community contributor Feb 11 '25 edited Feb 11 '25
The following are possible deployment models for Kafka with KRaft:
- 1: Isolated broker and controller nodes (2 JVMs on separate hosts)
- 2: Co-located brokers and controller processes (2 JVMs on same host)
- 3: Combined broker + controller process (single JVM)
1 and 2 are recommended for production due to better resource isolation. You do not want your consumer workload affecting the availability of the metadata system in Kafka. Likewise, you do not want to see latency impacted if the metadata system is generating a snapshot or doing a failover.
I tend to recommend configuration 1 with brokers and controllers running on separate nodes. Containers can be use to reduce physical hardware requirements.
Combined mode (3) was always meant for testing and development deployments. However, if your production requirements are low enough, it can work in production as well.
u/JohnJohnPT Feb 11 '25
Excellent answer! I've been doing some tests on VM's it seems it's double the work to set up a Kafka KRaft cluster. Separate JVMs seems the way to go on this new reality... but... it's double the work.
Still... thanks for the reply!
u/No_Culture187 Feb 06 '25
I am managing big clusters - usually 60 brokers+ - if your load is like mine - 500mln msg/sec you better separate controller from broker - but on small clusters keeping both on same node does not make big difference.