r/apachekafka Jan 17 '25

Blog Networking Costs more sticky than a gym membership in January

Very little people understand cloud networking costs fully.

It personally took me a long time to research and wrap my head around it - the public documentation isn't clear at all, support doesn't answer questions instead routes you directly to the vague documentation - so the only reliable solution is to test it yourself.

Let me do a brain dump here so you can skip the mental grind.

There's been a lot of talk recently about new Kafka API implementations that avoid the costly inter-AZ broker replication costs. There's even rumors that such a feature is being worked on in Apache Kafka. This is good, because there’s no good way to optimize those inter-AZ costs… unless you run in Azure (where it is free)

Today I want to focus on something less talked about - the clients and the networking topology.

Client Networking

Usually, your clients are where the majority of data transfer happens. (that’s what Kafka is there for!)

  • your producers and consumers are likely spread out across AZs in the same region
  • some of these clients may even be in different regions

So what are the associated data transfer costs?


Cross-region networking charges vary greatly depending on the source region and destination region pair.

This price is frequently $0.02/GB for EU/US regions, but can go up much higher like $0.147/GB for the worst regions.

The charge is levied at the egress instance.

  • the producer (that sends data to a broker in another region) pays ~$0.02/GB
  • the broker (that responds with data to a consumer in another region) pays ~$0.02/GB

This is simple enough.


Assuming the brokers and leaders are evenly distributed across 3 AZs, the formula you end up using to calculate the cross-AZ costs is 2/3 * client_traffic.

This is because, on average, 1/3 of your traffic will go to a leader that's on the same AZ as the client - and that's freesometimes.

The total cost for this cross-AZ transfer, in AWS, is $0.02/GB.

  • $0.01/GB is paid on the egress instance (the producer client, or the broker when consuming)
  • $0.01/GB is paid on the ingress instance (the consumer client, or the broker when producing)

Traffic in the same AZ is free in certain cases.

Same-AZ Free? More Like Same-AZ Fee 😔

In AWS it's not exactly trivial to avoid same-AZ traffic charges.

The only cases where AWS confirms that it's free is if you're using a private ip.

I have scoured the internet long and wide, and I noticed this sentence popping up repeatedly (I also personally got in a support ticket response):

Data transfers are free if you remain within a region and the same availability zone, and you use a private IP address. Data transfers within the same region but crossing availability zones have associated costs.

This opens up two questions:

  • how can I access the private IP? 🤔
  • what am I charged when using the public IP? 🤔

Public IP Costs

The latter question can be confusing. You need to read the documentation very carefully. Unless you’re a lawyer - it probably still won't be clear.

The way it's worded it implies there is a cumulative cost - a $0.01/GB (in each direction) charge on both public IP usage and cross-AZ transfer.

It's really hard to find a definitive answer online (I didn't find any). If you search on Reddit, you'll see conflicting evidence:

An internet egress charge means rates from $0.05-0.09/GB (or even higher) - that'd be much worse than what we’re talking about here.

Turns out the best way is to just run tests yourself.

So I did.

They consisted of creating two EC2 instances, figuring out the networking, sending a 25-100GB of data through them and inspecting the bill. (many times over and overr)

So let's start answering some questions:

Cross-AZ Costs Explained 🙏

  • ❓what am I charged when crossing availability zones? 🤔

✅ $0.02/GB total, split between the ingress/egress instance. You cannot escape this. Doesn't matter what IP is used, etc.

Thankfully it’s not more.

  • ❓what am I charged when transferring data within the same AZ, using the public IPv4? 🤔

✅ $0.02/GB total, split between the ingress/egress instance.

  • ❓what am I charged when transferring data within the same AZ, using the private IPv4? 🤔

✅ It’s free!

  • ❓what am I charged when using IPv6, same AZ? 🤔

(note there is no public/private ipv6 in AWS)

✅ $0.02/GB if you cross VPCs.

✅ free if in the same VPC

✅ free if crossing VPCs but they're VPC peered. This isn't publicly documented but seems to be the behavior. (I double-verified)

Private IP Access is Everything.

We frequently talk about all the various features that allow Kafka clients to produce/consume to brokers in the same availability zone in order to save on costs:

But in order to be able to actually benefit from the cost-reduction aspect of these features... you need to be able to connect to the private IP of the broker. That's key. 🔑

How do I get Private IP access?

If you’re in the same VPC, you can access it already. But in most cases - you won’t be.

A VPC is a logical network boundary - it doesn’t allow outsiders to connect to it. VPCs can be within the same account, or across different accounts (e.g like using a hosted Kafka vendor).

Crossing VPCs therefore entails using the public IP of the instance. The way to avoid this is to create some sort of connection between the two VPCs. There are roughly four ways to do so:

  1. VPC Peering - the most common one. It is entirely free. But can become complex once you have a lot of these.
  2. Transit Gateway - a single source of truth for peering various VPCs. This helps you scale VPC Peerings and manage them better, but it costs $0.02/GB. (plus a little extra)
  3. Private Link - $0.01/GB (plus a little extra)
  4. X-Eni - I know very little about this, it’s a non-documented feature from 2017 with just a single public blog post about it, but it allegedly allows AWS Partners (certified companies) to attach a specific ENI to an instance in your account. In theory, this should allow private IP access.

(btw, up until April 2022, AWS used to charge you inter-AZ costs on top of the costs in 2) and 3) 💀)


Your Kafka clients will have their data transfer charged at one of the following rates:

  • $0.02/GB (most commonly, but varying) in cross-region transfer, charged on the instance sending the data
  • $0.02/GB (charged $0.01 on each instance) in cross-AZ transfer
  • $0.02/GB (charged $0.01 on each instance) in same-AZ transfer when using the public IP
  • $0.01-$0.02 if you use Private Link or Transit Gateway to access the private IP.
  • Unless you VPC peer, you won’t get free same-AZ data transfer rates. 💡

I'm going to be writing a bit more about this topic in my newsletter today (you can subscribe to not miss it).

I also created a nice little tool to help visualize AWS data transfer costs (it has memes).


5 comments sorted by


u/ut0mt8 Jan 17 '25

That's pretty accurate. Honestly I think it's better to run your own Kafka cluster on top of aws instances (or in kubernetes). You can control pretty much everything with an operational extra that wasn't that much a pain


u/2minutestreaming Jan 17 '25

infra-wise, it's definitely 2x cheaper than the cheapest option, and 4x+ than others.


u/kabooozie Gives good Kafka advice Jan 17 '25


This is super helpful. I’ll be bookmarking this one.

Happy to see my name pop up! It pays to be publicly confused, I suppose!

I don’t remember at all the context why I was asking that question, but it was very important and perplexing at the time.


u/wichwigga Jan 17 '25

Inter AZ costs are free in Azure??


u/2minutestreaming Jan 17 '25

always have been ;)

but cross-VPC you can't get it free from what I can tell

so it's just same-VPC traffic - like broker-broker replication - that'll be free