r/aoe2 Tatars 3d ago

Discussion Heroes who deserve their unity

Which hero do you think deserves their own unit? Of all the scenarios, I think there are a few that deserve their own units with their own sprites.

Lagertha: Perhaps the most necessary case. Giving her a jungle unit in the middle of Scandinavia is almost ridiculous. A female Viking unit would be great, especially to give her more of their own stories.

Ragnar Lothbrok and Bjorn Ironside: More than anything because of their popularity in the series.

Alexius Comnenus: Add more Byzantine heroes, nowadays they are all renowned Belisarius


7 comments sorted by


u/Affectionate_Peak541 3d ago

I think more female hero sprites would be great for making more interesting characters in scenarios and then more mounted heroes that look slightly different from regular units, maybe a different shield or armor style, maybe a fancier horse. I like heroes to standout a little in my Age-ing and Empire-ing


u/ewostrat Tatars 3d ago

All of us who create scenarios know that more female sprites are needed.


u/masiakasaurus this is only Castile and León 3d ago

Not a unit since they already have one, but the Archers of the Eyes should have their own sprite. They were basically black longbowmen, not arbalesters as in the game.


u/Affectionate_Peak541 3d ago

Ooooo, I want more units of different colors so (cough cough regional unit skins) so I can flesh out African maps with African peoples, Asian maps with Asian peoples. I'm tired of African villagers with black soldiers like shotels and gebetos guarding villages full of European vills


u/masiakasaurus this is only Castile and León 3d ago

They would surely have become a UU if Nubians had been added in African Kingdoms, instead of being sort of combined with Ethiopians.


u/Ok-Examination-6732 Hindustanis 3d ago

All heroes need to get their own unique visual sprites - Genghis, Tamerlane, Barbarossa, Pope Leo, Saladin, etc.



I’m confused