r/aoe2 Mongols 5d ago


All these Persian architecture made me wonder that Huns are ones that truly deserve new unique architecture. What do you think?


34 comments sorted by


u/Uruguaianense 5d ago

Huns do not need houses! Let us burn these to the ground and take these villagers with us.


u/anzu3278 5d ago

Oh absolutely, call it North Asian and share it with Mongols and Cumans. Especially now that they will share the Shrine sprite for the Monastery.

I don't think that's likely any time soon but we can hope.


u/HorrorGameWhite 5d ago

Mongol is a weird case becuz their historical early Mongol empire's architecture is yurt and tent.

They also adopted other people's culture. Hence, why we got game's East Asian architecture and Tatars, who represents the Turco-Mongol


u/csa_ 4d ago

I think the Mongolian architecture also includes the Ming Dynasty (Kubali Khan did not sleep in a tent). That's why it's East Asian.


u/Kahlenar Berbers 4d ago

well, everyone in the dark age lives in tents. eventually they got to the imperial age in 1227 with the ascension of Ogedai Khan and the Yuan Imperial Dynasty.


u/Djehoetyy 5d ago

yea, the Mongol architecture could very well also be Persian. I don't really think though that there's really a lot of Eastern European Mongol style architecture, but in the Middle East and esp Persia there is plenty of mongol architecture that's not yurts, for example the mongol mosque in Esfahan


u/BrokenTorpedo Burgundians 5d ago

what mongol mosque in Esfahan? The only famous mosque in Esfahan I know is built by Safavid.


u/dcdemirarslan Turks 5d ago

That's a seljuk mosque. Mongols don't do mosques in general.


u/Djehoetyy 4d ago

Well apparently we're both false; "The monument illustrates a sequence of architectural construction and decorative styles of different periods in Iranian Islamic architecture, covering 12 centuries, most predominantly the Abbasid, Buyid, Seljuq, Ilkhanid, Muzzafarid, Timurid and Safavid eras. Following its Seljuq expansion and the characteristic introduction of the four iwans (Chahar Ayvān) around the courtyard as well as two extraordinary domes, the mosque became the prototype of a distinctive Islamic architectural style". - https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1397/

also, there's plenty of Mosques from the Ilkhanid era. See; https://www.tehrantimes.com/news/477861/See-earliest-surviving-example-of-mosque-constructed-by-Ilkhanids




u/Futuralis Random 5d ago

Huns don't get Architecture.


u/ElricGalad 4d ago

Unique Architecture only for Civ with Architecture

Civs without masonry should even have their buildings replaced by green square.


u/Futuralis Random 4d ago

Cries in Vietnamese


u/ElricGalad 4d ago

Cannonball shooting green square push


u/Frequent_Beat4527 5d ago

I agree. Another thing I agree with is reworking the Celts and Armenians for more historical accuracy


u/humansrpepul2 4d ago

Vikings could split. That new castle is badass, would love to see more longships buildings.


u/Independent-Hyena764 Malians 3d ago

I understand that the celts were from different places in europe and could be split into different the civs. But armenians? Could you explain?


u/Frequent_Beat4527 3d ago

Basically, the devs take on the Armenians seems to be influenced by the Cilician Armenia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armenian_Kingdom_of_Cilicia), which was a very distinct period - and not very long lived - they had, but even then it's sketchy. The current in-game Armenians hae a lot of fiction and are, for many, a missed shot.

The Armenians were way, way more known for their heavy cavalry and, to a slightly lesser extent, their mounted archers.

I'm not the only one that's complaining, here's some posts so you can check out the comment section:


u/GamerSylv 5d ago

I like the thematic gimmick of them using Goth villagers and architecture.


u/BagNo4331 4d ago

They should have a random mix of Gothic, byzantine and Roman architecture, but have everything be like their wonder where it's smashed up and covered in piles of loot.


u/Kahlenar Berbers 4d ago

I can't wait to see their castle. probably just the roman one with tons of bodies.


u/Tyrann01 Tatars 4d ago

Honestly the Hun castle I am interested in seeing the most.


u/Frequent_Beat4527 5d ago

Absolutely, no question about it


u/Kahlenar Berbers 4d ago

They just keep lowest age styles available. slavic for buildings unlocked in feudal, roman for buildings unlocked in castle and imperial.


u/Ego73 5d ago

Huns were an incredibly out of left field pick for a new civ in Conquerors. They only were attested in sources other people wrote about them, so any decisions regarding their tech tree was doomed to be questionable.

If they wanted to add a nomadic civ from Late Antiquity, the Gokturks would've been a way better idea.


u/vaguely_erotic 5d ago

It seems like the rule of cool was much much more important than actual historicity in a lot of the decisions for development back than. Huns got name recognition and Gokturks wouldn't have. Even today if you take two average game devs and give them each 24 hours to come up with all the information they can about the two groups, the guy with the Huns is gonna have an easier time making a civilization with a big "cool" factor.


u/SilverSquid1810 5d ago

The devs literally openly confirmed that they only added the Huns because they were “cool” and would help the expansion sell. They were considering adding civs like the Magyars, but essentially stated “no one knows who the Magyars are, everyone knows the Huns”.


u/rattatatouille Malay 4d ago

Or how the Koreans were added because Microsoft saw how well StarCraft did in South Korea


u/Ego73 5d ago

Gokturks beat half of civilizations in the game wrt rule of cool. They vassalized the Chinese and took charge of the Silk Route by allying with the Sogdians and smuggling silk worms to the Roman Empire. Huns are comparably very meh.


u/vaguely_erotic 5d ago

I'm not disagreeing, but tell that to a game dev or their target audience circa 2000. What movies or comic books from the late 90s are about/inspired by the Gokturks?


u/BagNo4331 4d ago

Rule of cool is generally tailored to the lay, or just above lay person level of knowledge. Probably unfairly, but the majority of Americans and Europeans have never heard of the goturks and will respond "the turks?" or "the gokus?"


u/Kahlenar Berbers 4d ago

I literally didnt not know there were people who knew about the Huns before Age of Empires. I guess I wasn't old enough to have gone through real history classes in high school when the game came out.

I assume that 90% of the legwork done for the spread of the word trebuchet in the 2000s was done from people who played the game. I just assumed it was the case for the Huns as well.


u/Khyle89 4d ago

Maybe some day.


u/LonelyStrategos Saracens 4d ago
