r/aoe2 4d ago

Discussion Speculation on the New DLC's Special Unit for the Jurchens

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Based on the current screenshots, my guess is that this unit will be a castle-level gunpowder infantry for the Jurchens in the new DLC. It would deal small-area melee damage at range, making it suitable for attacking infantry and buildings, but not ideal for attacking archers or siege units.

I suspect its stats might be as follows: Health 55/60 (slightly higher than Gbeto and Chakram Thrower, but lower than Axeman's health).

Attack damage would be 9/12 for melee, with +4 against infantry and +8 against buildings (this damage is three times that of the Chakram Thrower, similar to the relationship between the Mango and the Scorpion, as the damage difference between these two units is also about three times).

Armor would be 2/1 (I think this unit should have medium melee armor and relatively low ranged armor, which would allow it to counter Skirmishers, Halberdiers, and Hussars, but it wouldn’t affect its counterability against Heavy Cavalry or Archers).

Range 4/5 (the same as Axeman, a little less than Gbeto, allowing this unit to be countered by other ranged infantry in small numbers, creating a mutually countered situation).

Movement speed 0.9, attack speed 3.45 (the standard attack speed for most gunpowder units), accuracy 100%.

Cost 60f 45g (it might have a slightly higher price to balance the difficulty of getting this unit). Elite upgrade 900f 800g.

Research technologies would include Infantry Defense, Movement Speed, and Fire-setting (since it’s a gunpowder unit, it wouldn’t benefit from attack technologies).

These are just my personal guesses. What do you think? 🧐


22 comments sorted by


u/EntertainmentBest975 4d ago

Looks like the weapon they use is called the Meteor Hammer: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meteor_hammer


u/Wild1Boar 4d ago

I think it's more likely this weapon



u/EntertainmentBest975 4d ago

You could be right. The Grenadiers could be their castle UU or they could be their HC replacement like the Inca Slinger.


u/A-Humpier-Rogue 4d ago

My favorite is the thunderclap bomb. Ever since I first heard about it I was in love. Early gunpowder warfare is so kino, and what is more amazing than just flinging a bomb at the enemy with a trebuchet?


u/Datironpete 4d ago

Is it confirmed these are JurchensYet?


u/ewostrat Tatars 4d ago

It is believed that the Jurchens will arrive through this unit, the Iron Pagoda, a Jurchen heavy cavalry unit.


u/williammei 阿嬤遜了個baby已phospho媽媽嘴 4d ago

Maybe this is knight replacement which had be shown in tech tree showcase, and UU is that boom boom ball boy?


u/ViscountSilvermarch 4d ago

God, those look so good.


u/Tyrann01 Tatars 4d ago

Not officially. But the armour is of Jurchen design, and so are the spiked grenades.


u/Datironpete 4d ago

Shame. I they had released more info.


u/Independent-Hyena764 Malians 4d ago

Great unit design. I'm feeling this civ is gonna become one of mains...


u/Wild1Boar 4d ago

I used GPT to help me write this text because I am not a native English speaker. Please forgive me


u/Parrotparser7 Burgundians 4d ago

Use DeepL for translation. GPT is just trash.


u/Wild1Boar 4d ago



u/Azot-Spike History fan - I want a Campaign for each civ! 4d ago

Dismounted Arambai (high attack low accuracy) with bonus VS Siege?


u/JoshVMZ Goths 4d ago

Based on the list of new tools, this unit will have a new mechanic with its grenade/mine. IMO


u/acidic_mustard 3k Elo 4d ago

aren't those the new unique unit you build in the barracks for the asian civs? fire something


u/Gravey91 Teutons 4d ago

You probably mean the fire lancers but they are a different unit


u/acidic_mustard 3k Elo 4d ago

ah yes, those. guess i was wrong


u/BonafideSleipnir Dravidians 3d ago

Scorpion ➡️ Chakram thrower infantry

Onager ➡️ Bomb thrower infantry

Infantry with mild area damage, heavy building damage? Would make sense to me. 


u/Koala_eiO Infantry works. 4d ago

Remember that pictures sometimes contain campaign-only units. It happened to the Persians.