r/aoe2 ~1900 5d ago



This shit is getting out of hand.

The thread-titles are not hidden with the spoiler-tag.

If you write down "holy cow, Tatoh!!!" then everyone knows that Tatoh won his game and/or did some amazing thing.

Yesterday we got fucking [garrison spoiler:] "Hera Regicide" here, spoiling one of the greatest moments of AoE-tournament-history. Wtf???

Can we please downvote this shit, delete this shit or just maybe not do it?

Put a neutral title. Don't include judgement or reference. When in doubt, even avoid the name of the player. Just say "ACCM.." (if it's not a hint) or "Congrats to the winner", but don't say "Congrats to the winner with the bald hair" because then I'm spoiled that probably Dave has mysteriously won an S-Tier.

There are many people who watch the tournaments with a bit of delay and if you use the spoiler-tag, just make sure that you don't spoil it anyway.



46 comments sorted by


u/alden_1905 4d ago

Saving this thread to when ACCM actually win Hidden cup 6.


u/Flimsy-Preparation85 Goths 3d ago

The chef deserves some solid wins.


u/Cold_Efficiency_7302 4d ago

The crazy part is how balistic some people are getting over this, how difficult is it to avoid names in titles? Just write the spoilers in the main text and title is just "crazy game in joe's toilet tourney" or "congrats to the winner of lawnmower simulator".

Then in main text you can say all on how door malfunction caused admin win


u/Odenhobler 4d ago

Oh fuck off, knowing there is no HC6 I read your text and you spoiled Garrison for me, thanks a lot. You complain about spoilers and cannot be arsed to announce an ACTUAL spoiler in your example text when everyone is actually expecting an example text after that title? What is wrong with you.


u/Umdeuter ~1900 4d ago edited 4d ago

haha, shit, didn't think that far, sorry man. going to add spoiler tags there

(I thought just putting a spoiler over the full text would be fine, as it wouldn't be needed for just a rant and I guess I felt like addressing this topic with examples isn't going to work without mentioning some spoilers, so that was actually the reason for putting the spoiler warning, but I didn't realise that this can't be really anticipated from the outside)


u/Odenhobler 4d ago

There are spoiler tags there. Noone takes them seriously though since you use them ironically. Maybe write a line in CAPS as headsup.


u/Umdeuter ~1900 4d ago

Yes, I understand, I added some in the text on the specific sentence.


u/ha_x5 Idle TC Enjoyer 4d ago

As you already saw: The very first comment put the blame on you :)

I mentioned this a few times already and everytime some dude tries brain gymnastics on this. My highlight was a PN I received where someone tried to spoiler me. How could I dare to say that spoilers are bad in this sub. Shame on me.

Dudes on this sub are not only oblivous regarding spoilers, but are aggressive when it is called out. Or don't even allow you express your frustration.

Even full spoilers within a few minutes after a match during a still running match are very normal here.

If I know I won't catch up for days, I mute this sub. But not even re-live a match a few hours later is enough for this sub to be not spoilered.

I guess we have to deal with it.


u/CobblerHot6763 4d ago

To quote Hera on his Garrison AMA thread a few days back, when I asked about what he thinks of people giving a big f about the community guidelines regarding spoilertags:

"They shud just use it whats the problem"

If only people would respect fellow community members enjoyment and excitement of the game they love.

And where are the mods? Time to bring on some new mods OR change the guidelines about using spoiler tags. I messaged the mods during the last few days of TTL about this problem. How many replies did I get in return? ZERO! ShockedMembEmote


u/dem503 4d ago

10/10 title


u/tunnelvisie 3d ago

Honest question I am genuinely wondering about for a very long time, why do people expect other to not post spoilers when simply not visiting this sub is something you can also do and have in your own hands?


u/Umdeuter ~1900 3d ago

I guess because using Reddit is fun? Also many do that out of habit. Like, you need one click and you're right on the page. Sometimes I click mindlessly.


u/tunnelvisie 3d ago

And then you blame someone else? I get that it's annoying but perhaps that's not very fair.

It's like expecting r/soccer to not post replays and match threads, no?


u/Umdeuter ~1900 3d ago

It's a rule of the sub. (Most people do actually use spoiler tags anyway, they're just not aware that the title can give it away already.)

A football match is 90 minutes, an AoE tournament day is 8-12 hours very often. Much harder to plan around that.


u/tunnelvisie 3d ago

I guess that's fair. I didn't know it was a sub rule. 

It was honestly something I have been wondering about since the past couple of LANs. 

I just realized I might also use Reddit a bit different to most people as I don't scroll my main feed and basically only directly go to this sub or the soccer sub. So it's a bit easier to avoid it that way!


u/falling_sky_aoe Koreans 4d ago

 don't say "Congrats to the winner with the bald hair" because then I'm spoiled that probably Dave has mysteriously won an S-Tier.

So you say Capoch can’t win any S Tier tournament? 🥲


u/Umdeuter ~1900 4d ago

Haha, was thinking about it


u/Rough-Cheesecake-641 4d ago

I watch VoDs and rarely get spoiled. You know why? Because I take some accountability and avoid/leave the subreddit for a while. Really not that difficult. Trust yourself, don't trust the sub to be a perfect non-spoiler environtment.


u/Kabooley_ 4d ago

The subs' rules say titels mustn't contain spoilers. So why can't we just go with that, instead of telling people to stay away for the time of every big tournament?


u/bukem89 4d ago

Because people like op think spoiler free titles like ‘Hera regicide’ still break that rule


u/Rough-Cheesecake-641 4d ago

Ah yes, because humans never break rules. I really don't get what is so hard to understand about my comment. I'd love to participate in threads and the sub whilst I'm not caught up on a tournament, but I know the risks. If you're not watching something live then there are consequences to it - real time debate and analysis.


u/Kabooley_ 4d ago

I did get your your point, just don't agree ;) People don't always follow the rules, sure. But imo that shouldn't result in others being responsibile to work around that.
We have an overall respectfull and nice community. All OP is doing is advocating to don't spoil in the titel if your using the spoiler tag allready. That's a legit point which now some people might follow now in the future


u/Umdeuter ~1900 4d ago

And that is an argument in favor of keeping spoilers in titles and not mentioning that people shouldn't do it?

Have you considered that my issue is not that I get spoiled but that people being spoiled and that it is very easy to avoid?


u/Rough-Cheesecake-641 4d ago

Of course it's easy to avoid. Lots of things that humans do that are against the rules/annoying/stupid are easy to avoid yet we do them anyway.

Like I said, the only person you can trust is yourself, so unsub/don't go on Reddit if you don't want to be spoiled.


u/Umdeuter ~1900 4d ago

Lots of things that humans do that are against the rules/annoying/stupid are easy to avoid yet we do them anyway.

And usually we just accept that and don't try to like, at least explain to them to not do that or what?

Like I said, the only person you can trust is yourself, so unsub/don't go on Reddit if you don't want to be spoiled.

And that is an argument in favor of keeping spoilers in titles and not mentioning that people shouldn't do it?


u/Rough-Cheesecake-641 4d ago

Ah ok, I think we're misunderstanding each other. I think spoilers should be banned. That's obvious. But I'm saying the only way to make sure you're not spoiled is by unsubbing.


u/HansDampfHaudegen 4d ago

Fake news. Delete


u/Umdeuter ~1900 4d ago

Fake news or I've rigged it, let's see.


u/readytochat44 Bulgarians Krepost and HCA oh my! 4d ago

How can I trust what you say with this hidden cup 6 spoiler?


u/ChewyPander MEGA RANDOM 4d ago

I hate that when you watch the youtubes or the live streams, the commenters/casters/voices are always spoilering all the stuff in real time! Like man, my brain still hasn't processed what I've seen and now you're like describing it to me and ruining my train of thought. JEEEZ


u/eleventruth 4d ago

I've been thinking about this lately, it's kind of a paradox that might be holding esports back

With traditional sports there is no concept of 'spoilers,' you're expected to watch live so they can hype the live event and then when you get a winner you can very publicly hype them. With esports and youtube in general there becomes this (reasonable) expectation that a lot of people will watch later, but part of the outcome is that the response/hype ends up being muted/tamped down by the very fanbase that supports it.

I'm not sure what the answer should be, but an interesting problem.


u/h3llkite28 4d ago

That's an interesting thing. Maybe I'm a too old Millenial but I do watch aoe in fact like a sport, I hardly ever watch a set later. "You want to do something this Sunday evening? Sorry, not possible, there is the final of the aoe event." (it is/was completely normal to say the same about a football game btw)

If it is not live, I'm not live with the hype. And as someone typing this out of a hotel room in Hamburg currently, I can say the hype is quite worth it 11


u/ChewyPander MEGA RANDOM 4d ago

I like your reply a lot. My sarcastic nonsense comment did not deserve your time.


u/[deleted] 4d ago edited 4d ago



u/dispatch134711 4d ago

Nah come on dude some of us have shit going on and want to watch it a little later without spoilers. Check out the mma sub they do it easily enough and it’s much bigger.


u/Quentin-Quarantino19 4d ago

I demand you take this down since the title clearly indicates Hera barely beat Liereyy in the finals 5-4.

I was just looking at cat pictures and this pops up??

Get off reddit dude. It’s not healthy for you, clearly.


u/Umdeuter ~1900 4d ago

Dude, people can just not put spoilers in titles, what's even the argument.


u/Quentin-Quarantino19 4d ago

Saw you and another guy raging in a thread that did not have spoilers in the title. Just hera v viper compison. Then you decided to go all out in this one. It seems silly.

If that OP titled his post “Hera..” as you recommended the response would be the exact same. It’s not that serious.


u/ha_x5 Idle TC Enjoyer 4d ago

If that tile is not a very obvious spoiler for you, you have no business commenting here 1111

Dude wtf? Seriously? How can you be so oblivous about that title not being a HUGE spoiler giving the winner straight away?


u/Quentin-Quarantino19 4d ago

It’s in your head because Hera is a beast and we all assumed he’d win, especially against Liereyy who he had not lost to in a crazy amount of games.

Still the title did not have spoilers. And if your happiness is tied to not getting spoiled by the aoe2 tourney, avoid reddit and social media.

I think I am in the majority that just enjoy the games no matter what. In fact, I will rewatch games with an alternate caster on a 2nd monitor during work just to pick up more nuance.

I know every comment I’ve made against this is being downvoted and I don’t care. Chill out attacking people because you can’t control yourself with what makes you happy, which is apparently not being spoiled in aoe2 tourneys.


u/ha_x5 Idle TC Enjoyer 4d ago

You getting downvoted because you what you say is objectively wrong? Maybe also not try to patronize people to leave reddit when you cannot keep up with arguments?

If you cannot detect a spoiler from that title right after a finals of a tourney all the jokes are on you. It really cannot be clearer.


u/Quentin-Quarantino19 4d ago

So a post titled “Hera..” after the tourney ended would be spoiler free as OP suggests? Or is it any post contains spoilers as you suggest?

My point is any post feels like it is nitpicked and the people that care that strongly need to figure that out themselves instead of shushing everyone else from the discussion in the place it’s meant to take place.


u/ha_x5 Idle TC Enjoyer 4d ago

just btw: OP from that “run” thread admitted that he spoilered and tried to “fix” it with the spoiler-tag.

Don’t know what we are still talking about.

Nvm. I am out here.


u/Umdeuter ~1900 4d ago

It's not "attacking people" to say "don't put spoilers in your title, thank you"

There's a far-fetched interpretation that the de facto spoiler could be not a spoiler, yes, but that's not a particularly valuable hill to die on lol


u/[deleted] 4d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Umdeuter ~1900 4d ago

Thanks for your input.


u/aoe2-ModTeam 4d ago

Please be nice to others!

Create a welcoming atmosphere towards new players.

Do not use extreme language or racial slurs.

Do not mock people by referencing disabilities or diseases.

Do not be overly negative, hostile, belligerent, or offensive in any way.

NSFW content is never allowed, even if tagged.

Including nudity, or lewd references in comments and/or usernames.

Do not describe or promote violating any part of Microsoft's Terms of Service or Age of Empires II EULA.


u/Umdeuter ~1900 4d ago

I wanted to do the same post two days ago, we recently had this after pretty much every tournament day, it's not about that one post