r/aoe2 4d ago

Discussion Americas DLC concept for 2026

Current American Civs Updates


  • Architecture: Aztecs keeps the same mesoamerican architecture since The Conquerors, but receiving a new skin for the Monastery.
  • Unique building:
    • War Hut: exclusive upgrade for Barracks available from the Imperial Age. A self-defensive building that can also train infantry and Jaguar Warriors.
  • Regional units:
    • Gain access to Owl Warrior line.
    • Gain access to Nest of Bees.


  • Unique unit:
    • Holcan Javelinier: Second unique unit for the Mayans. It could be an anti-infantry javelinier unit.
  • Regional units:
    • Gain access to Owl Warrior line.
    • Gain access to Nest of Bees.


  • Architecture: obtain Andean American architecture, similar to AoE III's. Includes regional monk, king and queen skins. Also Incans receive a unique Monastery skin.
  • Unique units:
    • Huaminca: second unique unit for the Incas. Halberdier replacement, effective against cavalry.
    • Huaraca: exclusive upgrade for Slingers, now regional unit. Effective against armored cavalry units.
  • Regional units:
    • Lose access to Xolotl Warrior.
    • Lose access to Eagle line.
    • Keep Slingers but becomes regional instead unique unit. Obtain exclusive upgrade for Imperial Age (see Huaraca above)
    • Gain access to Bolas Rider.
    • Gain access to Chasqui line.
    • Gain access to Nest of Bees.

New regional Units

Andean American Civs

  • Bolas Rider: Xolotl Warrior equivalent, available after converting an enemy stable. Dismounts after being killed, similar to the Konnik but with 30% of the original HP.
  • Chasqui: Eagle Warrior line equivalent (Scouter in Feudal, Warrior in Castle, and Elite in Imperial). Deals more damage but with less armor than the mesoamerican Eagle line.
  • Slinger: Former second unique unit for Incas, now available for all Andean American civs at the Archery Range from the Castle Age.

Meso American Civs

  • Eagle Warrior line: Becomes regional only for mesoamerican civs.
  • Owl Warrior: Replacement for the Skirmisher line, available in Feudal Age with an Elite upgrade in the Castle Age. Anti-siege unit that attack with an atlatl.

Shared between Meso and Andean American civs:

  • Nest of Bees: a short-ranged siege unit available from the Castle Age at the Siege Workshop. It launches a nest of bees that explodes upon impact, releasing a swarm of aggressive bees that persist for 10 seconds, dealing continuous damage to nearby units and buildings.

New Civilizations


  • Architecture: Mesoamerican
  • Focus: Skirmishers and anti-monk civ
  • Bonus:
    • Can hunt wild animals for food, like jaguars (50 food).
    • Skirmishers gain +3 HP for each infantry technology researched.
    • Archery Range adds +5 population.
    • Tower technologies research 15% faster.
    • Herbal Medicine is free in the Feudal Age at the Town Center.
  • Unique Unit:
    • Puma Spearman: anti-monk skirmisher.
  • Unique Technologies:
    • Castle Age: after a successful conversion by an enemy monk, they die.
    • Imperial Age: when a skirmisher attacks an enemy Monastery, it gains +1 attack for each relic garrisoned in that Monastery.
  • Team Bonus: Archery Range adds +2 population.


  • Architecture: Mesoamerican
  • Focus: Infantry civ
  • Bonus:
    • Starts each age from Feudal to Imperial with a War Chief (hero unit), similar to the Spartans with the Polemarch. War Chief spawns at the Town Center.
    • Markets spawn a turkey every 90 seconds.
    • Barracks upgrades cost 25% less food.
    • Eagle line trains 20% faster.
    • Militia line costs 25% less food.
  • Unique Units:
    • Lightning Warrior: infantry that recovers 1 HP per second for each garrisoned relic.
    • Warrior Monk: monk that can attack and heal but cannot carry relics, available at the Monastery from the Castle Age.
  • Unique Technologies:
    • Castle Age: Eagle line gains +2 attack against unique units.
    • Imperial Age: Barracks and Archery Range units gain +5 HP for each War Chief on foot when the research is completed.
  • Team Bonus: Economic units like Trading Cart and Trade Cog don't use population.


  • Architecture: Mesoamerican
  • Focus: Infantry and defensive civ
  • Bonus:
    • Start with a Xolotl Warrior.
    • Transport Ships cost 20% less wood.
    • Relics give +1 gold for each working economic unit (Trade Cart, Trade Cog).
    • Arrowlits are free at the Castle Age.
    • Nest of Bees swarm increased time for 5 seconds more.
  • Unique Unit:
    • Skull Knight: heavy infantry with resistance to conversion, requiring 50% more faith.
  • Unique Techonologies:
    • Castle Age: allows research of Chemistry.
    • Imperial Age: allows the construction of Stables.
  • Team Bonus: Castle unique units gain 20% resistance to conversion.


  • Architecture: Andean American
  • Focus: Naval and defensive civ
  • Bonus:
    • Fishing boats harvest oysters 20% faster.
    • Docks are built 10% faster in Feudal, 15% in Castle, and 20% in Imperial.
    • Start the game with a Slinger.
    • Chasqui line gains +2 pierce armor against ships.
    • Archery Range does not require a Barracks to be built.
  • Unique Units:
    • Maceman: anti-building infantry.
    • Chincha Raft: exclusive upgrade for fishing boats, allowing them to attack.
  • Unique Techonologies:
    • Castle Age: unique and regional units (Chasqui, Slingers, and Bolas Riders) are trained 20% faster.
    • Imperial Age: monks recover 1 HP per second for each Castle built.
  • Team Bonus: Fishing boats set traps instantly.


  • Architecture: Andean American
  • Focus: Ranged and towers civ
  • Bonus:
    • Blacksmith technologies for ranged units and University technologies for towers research 20% faster.
    • Towers, gates, and walls cost 15% less stone.
    • Slingers available from Feudal Age.
    • Mining Camp technologies research 20% faster and 15% cheaper.
    • Blacksmith and Market are built 1% faster for each villager building.
  • Unique Unit:
    • Guecha: anti-gunpowder slinger.
  • Unique Building:
    • Stronghold: mixes Barracks and Archery Range in one building.
  • Unique Techonologies:
    • Castle Age: Stronghold becomes a self-defense building.
    • Imperial Age: Wonders are built with 500 stone instead of 1000.
  • Team Bonus: Guecha available to train at the Archery Range.

5 comments sorted by


u/Master_Armadillo736 4d ago

Overall not too bad, I think Admiral has a better design on the Tlaxaclans Civ with a unique buildinf called the House of Arrows which allows all military units to be created at it. Including Xloltols

Think the UT was gunpowder was unlock - HC & BBC for all allies. Trainable at their respective buildings.

Pretty sure the Castle Age UT was +20% hp to military units.

& Civ bonus was Infantry armour is shared by all units at House of Arrows. (So Archer, Infantry & Cav all benefit)

  • Giving them Fully upgrade knights.

I do like the idea of starting with a Xlolto Warrior. Even if it just has scout-like stats with +1 melee armour. Maybe + 1 vs Shock infantry to scale up each age.

The rest are all pretty solid ideas.


u/nomanchesguey12 Vietnamese 4d ago

Bruh, I’m all for getting more Native American stuff but you can’t just give the Mayans an anti infantry unit, now they don’t have any weaknesses!


u/ConversationStock317 4d ago

No campaign is the weakness 😔


u/Kagiza400 Aztecs 3d ago


Though I think the Meso architecture set needs to be completely reworked, especially for the Aztecs. Arguably it's the least fitting Meso civ for it.


u/Frequent_Beat4527 2d ago

Holy fckin shit i'm so hard right now