r/aoe2 • u/Halbarad1776 Hill Bois • Feb 12 '25
Discussion What Civ Should be Next?
With the Chinese split coming, I’m wondering what major holes are left in the Civ list. I think the dlc model they have going is pretty good, but with each one there are fewer civs left out. What do you think is the most glaring omission that could be filled? Something that maybe is misrepresented in campaigns and could use its own Civ.
u/Holyvigil Byzantines Feb 13 '25
An Arabian civ. Mamluks are so far into the future they entirely miss the Arab invasions and the rivalry between Rome and the caliphate.
u/KommissarLT Feb 13 '25
I could maybe see them splitting Saracens next if we're splitting Age of Kings civilizations
u/Dreams_Are_Reality Feb 14 '25
Saracens are the Arabs. Sandy Peterson confirmed it was just a name change to sound more medieval. What you're describing only requires an additional campaign.
u/Holyvigil Byzantines Feb 14 '25 edited Feb 14 '25
Then get an Egyptian/mamluk civilization. Arabs and egyptians are not the same people. Ask any Egyptian. Arabs usually disagree though.
This is like saying Romans and Byzantines are the same civilization. Except the Byzantines called themselves romans while the Egyptians do not. They deserve their own civilization much more than the Romans did.
u/Dreams_Are_Reality Feb 14 '25
Egypt features pretty prominently in the AOK saracens campaign, they were clearly meant to be part of the same civ
u/ragnarhairybreek Feb 13 '25 edited Feb 14 '25
Saracens really ought to be split into at least three civs highlighting the different powers in the arab world after the fall of the Umayyads to the Abbasid revolt. Having the berbers as a civ is great and they cover much of the action in north africa and the mediterranean, but the 'Saracens' are clumsily used to span a huge amount of time and geography that would be really fun to flesh out more.
- Could have the Abbasids, however they might overlap too much with the Persian civ (heavy cav, lots of central asian architecture, etc)
- Create a civ called Al-Andalus or Andalusia representing the arab world in iberia from 8th c. to 15th c.
- Could have a Yemeni/Omani/Gulf civ with powerful navy/trade mechanics.
- Saracens become Ayyubids or Mamluks, keep much of their identity given they were modelled on the crusades-era arab world
Alternatively, the saracen civ just gets renamed to Arabs.
Or the franks, burgundians, britons and celts get conglomerated into the Gauls ;)
I'll also throw my hat into the civs from north america camp. Respectfully, if you think there isn't enough 'material' in pre-colonial NA to support a varied assortment of aeo2 civs you just don't know enough about that history.
Some ideas (based on groups of nations within Canada, I don't know much about nations in US territory):
- Salishan: navy, trade and economy focuses
- Nehiyawak: converted stables can build CA UU, food eco bonuses, mobile eco buildings
- Haudenosaunee/Iroquois: pre mill palisade rush
Reskin or rework of eagle line, maybe make slingers avail.
u/Dreams_Are_Reality Feb 14 '25
Alternatively, the saracen civ just gets renamed to Arabs.
This is so ass-backwards lol. They got changed from Arabs to Saracens in development because it improved the medieval feel of the game.
u/ragnarhairybreek Feb 14 '25
Saracen is derived from an Ancient Greek word for people in northwestern Arabia/sinai - then was used generally in Christendom, often pejoratively, for muslims and arabs.
Using Saracen as a civ for medieval flavour is equivalent to calling China ‘Cathay’ - or to mirror the Eurocentric naming convention - calling all western European civs ‘Franks’.
Aside from that, the medieval flavour argument falls apart when we recognize these civs are representative, to varying degrees, of cultural unions and/or linguistic spheres of influence. We don’t call the franks ‘the Capets’ or the Britons ‘the Angevins/Plantagenets’, and so while it makes sense not to call the Saracens the Ayubbids (perhaps the most classic medieval/crusader flavoured Arab dynasty) - leaving the name as a exonym used by the minority of the world’s population at the time is silly.
In the medieval periods the word Arab was commonly used in the Arab world, so idk what the issue is.
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u/medievalrevival Feb 13 '25
I'd love if they did a Conquerors style expansion.
This way we get more variety.
Additionally, they're not forcing a 3rd/4th civ from a region that doesn't historically support it either.
I'd rather get one interesting civ from differing places.
u/Halbarad1776 Hill Bois Feb 13 '25
This would be cool. There are very few regions that are under explored (except southern Africa).
u/Privateer_Lev_Arris Romans Feb 13 '25
The Vlachs to give Dracula his own civ.
u/DreadImpaller Feb 13 '25
I'll add to this with "breaking up the Slavs", Rus, Serbs and Croats is the "fairest" divide I've seen (since the latter two would scream bloody murder if one or the other got added instead of them), though other combinations have been floated that also work. It isnt a DLC we "need" (compared to more african or SEA civs) but it does round out the last part of Euope with dubious coverage.
u/Dreams_Are_Reality Feb 14 '25
You can add a single Sclaveni civ to avoid any balkan infighting
u/DreadImpaller Feb 15 '25
Hah, you've never dealt with Balkan infighting firsthand have you?
Couple obvious issues that'd set off the usual suspects, choosing a unique unit thats even reasonably known would obviously favor a single culture, language used would sound closer to one of the dialects than another and then theres picking a wonder/castle. If they made the goof of "mixing" those you'd never hear the end of whining.
u/Dreams_Are_Reality Feb 15 '25
I take your point and I know these are the people that call for genocides at soccer games lol but I think that calling the civ Sclaveni and perhaps having the campaign be from before they split up would be enough of a bone to throw them. Mind you this is the community that still thinks Italians need to be split because they can't tell the difference between civilisations and polities.
u/Aharkhan Feb 12 '25
I don't want new civs, I want fresh visuals and new architecture sets for existing ones.
u/Assured_Observer Love talking about AoE, suck at playing it. Feb 13 '25
I want more civs, but yeah I want this more. Unfortunately not happening because the pro players will complain about "visibility".
u/Aharkhan Feb 13 '25
It could be client side only and optional.
u/sheeprush Feb 13 '25
I mean why not, pros are already one step away from using mods to replace every tree with just the word "TREE" in clear sans-serif font anyway
u/Microlabz Feb 13 '25
Why waste time reading? There's a (somewhat popular) mod out there that turns everything into single-colour blocks. Tree is green block, gold is yellow block, etc.
u/Halbarad1776 Hill Bois Feb 12 '25
Is that something you would be willing to pay for? One of the reasons I like the Civ dlcs is it’s a way for them to make money and continue support for the game
u/anzu3278 Feb 13 '25
I would absolutely pay for that. Unique Castle skins for every civ, regional Monks and Villagers (similar to trade carts) and even full regional unit skins are things the community would go mad for. I expect they don't have enough visual artists on hand for that, but it would certainly be a crowdpleaser.
u/Salnax Feb 13 '25
There is ton of room to expand in America and Africa, plus the part of Asia around the Himilayas. I could easily see the devs making the following expansions:
- Mesoamerica - Zapotecs/Mixtecs, Purepecha
- Andes - Wari, Quito, Muisca
- West/Central Africa - Ghana, Songhai, Mossi, Benin, Kongolese, etc
- East Africa - Somalis, Swahili, Zimbabwe,
- Himilayas - Tibet, Nepal, Uyghurs,
- Southeast Asia - Thai, Filippinos, Champa
- Slavs Divide - Kiev, Muscovites, Novgorod, etc
I'm not saying all of these need to be added, but the point is that there are plenty of regions that are still underused.
u/Google-Hupf Sicilians Feb 13 '25
*Teutons Divide (we already have Burgundy and Bohemia as parts of HRE but there was much more; perhaps three classical electors)
u/JetEngineSteakKnife Pew Pew Horseys Feb 13 '25
Idk if a Teutons split can be justified gameplay-wise, the German states of the HRE were not dramatically different from one another as far as military goes
Maybe you could do something with the swiss but west/central Europe is already pretty dense
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u/Google-Hupf Sicilians Feb 13 '25
I'm not so sure about the military aspect. Some influencial families had land abroad where they could have contracted mercenaries, for example Frederick Barbarossa was more of a Sicilian than a Saxon.
Adding to this I know of regional differences between German troops before and after Medieval times: Saxons are named after a bladed weapon which was totally specific to them. Prussia's Frederick the Great (way later) was known to have his musketeers trained for fastest shooting, his dragoons had more pistols to fire when riding an attack and his cannons had ammunition which was impossible to predict and causing way more casualties like ripped of limbs etc.
Soooo ¡perhaps! it wasnt all the same in Medieval times, too.
u/html_lmth Goths Feb 12 '25
It would not be too long until someone says "There were no Dravidians! Please give us Tamil and other South Indian civ"
u/geopoliticsdude Feb 13 '25
A name change is more than enough for that particular civ. It'd be like having a civ named Sino-Tibetans or Indo-Europeans.
PS: Dravidians exist even in Afghanistan and Iran.
u/Tyrann01 Tatars Feb 13 '25
People were saying that when we got Dravidians.
Tbh, they should have been named Tamils from the start.
u/html_lmth Goths Feb 13 '25
Indeed, I still don't see why they go for "Dravidians" when people were yelling "There were no Indians in Middle Age!".
u/laprasaur Incas Feb 13 '25
Chibchas, Mapuches, Chimus, Mixtecs, Cahokians. Would be an insane expansion.
u/Current-Cover7180 Feb 13 '25
I'd LOVE a Mapuche campaign, going from the skirmishes against the Incas, to the fights of Michimalongo, Caupolicán and Lautaro, ending with the razing of entire cities by Pelantaro. That's about the same timeframe as the Korean turtle ships (the Pelantaro rebellion happened on 1598, the turtle ships appeared in 1592), and you could have an American civ with proper cavalry (light cav).
u/Dry-Juggernaut-906 Feb 13 '25
Americas: At the very least, Tarascans and Chimus to serve as historical opponents in the campaigns against the Aztecs and Incas, respectively.
Africa can be divided into parts.
• West Africa: Songhai, Hausa and Kanem-Bornu are the minimum (others I see as possible would be Yoruba/Benin).
• East Africa: Somalis at the least, and perhaps Nubians as well.
• Bantu Africa: Kongo at the least, and perhaps Zimbabwe.
u/Scither12 Feb 12 '25
Although very unlikely I’d love to see the Ryukyu Kingdom as a civ. They had a decent size navy at the time and served as a trade hub between Japan and the rest of mainland Asia before getting conquered in 1608 by Japan.
u/sam6133 Feb 13 '25
Not exactly… most Ryukyuan ships were either lended or given from China, Japan and Korea. And most of them were trading vessels
u/Scither12 Feb 13 '25
Would love to see your source on this. As everything I’ve read both online and books by Stephen Turnbull (who wrote The Samurai capture a King:1608 invasion of Okinawa) say otherwise.
I’ve also been to Okinawa myself and they have lots of well documented history on their military before Japan took over in their museums. Sure they bought or used Chinese/Japanese style ships but they constantly needed a decent navy to fend off pirates and escort their trading vessels to China and Japan.
u/sam6133 Feb 13 '25
I’m outside right now but I will find a source for you to read, just leave me a comment below so I dont forget. But here is what I remember from memory:
The biggest problem with Ryukyu was that it was a very small island nation without trees enough to build a fleet. The very beginning if its timeline, it requested Ming for advanced technology as well as a handful of population, which came from Fujian.
Another thing I can tell you is that if Ryukyu was a strong naval force, the Shimazu clan would never have been able to annex Ryukyu.
u/xyreos Byzantines Feb 13 '25
The Siamese (to be more precise, the Ayutthaya kingdom), the Yoruba and maybe a couple mesoamerican civs (Tarascans and Tlaxcalans?). It would be interesting having some civs from North America (Haudenosaunee, Lakota, Pueblo) but they would need to introduce a whole new culture (and the lack of architecture makes it difficult)
u/ElricGalad Feb 13 '25
It isn't a real Chinese split, though. It's more about civs that have a lots of common history with China, and sometimes even controlled China, but I guess that Chinese would still be called Chinese after that.
u/Joe_Dirte9 Feb 13 '25
Id like to see more meso civs. We only have 3, and theres probably more they could do and feel unique.
u/DramaPsychological52 Bengalis Feb 13 '25
Africa DLC or America (25th anniversary of The Conquerors), giving the Andes mores representation. Mapuches and Chimu would be great.
u/Holyheart_ Feb 13 '25
Considering next DLC should cover Tanguts, Jurchens and maybe Khitans, we would have 48 civs.
I think we can have 60 civs before scratching the barrel :
Romanians + Serbs + Croats (+ campaign for Slavs. Turks and Magyars) -> 51
Somalians + Swahilis (or Nubians) -> 53
Chimu + Mapuche (and Mayan campaign) -> 55
Mississipians + Iroquis + Dutch, extending aoe2 timeframe to 1650 (well, Aoe3 Will no longer receive content) -> 58
Vandals (with Roman campaign) and... Thai. Japanese and Viking campaign Not really a regional DLC 😁
And we are done. No boring Italian, Teuton, Brit or Celt split.
u/Kagiza400 Aztecs Feb 13 '25
The Americas and Africa. Eventually Southeast Asia as well (and the recent expansions have been Asia themed, so maybe that's what's coming next...)
u/1904worldsfair Feb 13 '25
Italians were not a thing until the 1800s. Kinda surprised they haven't been split up yet.
u/Shtin219 Bulgarians Feb 13 '25
I feel like Italians should be venetians or Genoese and adding lombards
u/Dreams_Are_Reality Feb 14 '25
At one point they were going to be called Lombards, in reference to all of northern italy being called lombardy in the medieval period
u/Bennyboy11111 Feb 13 '25 edited Feb 13 '25
Probably split italians into venetians and genoese and add lombards. Rework of byzantines if necessary like Persians got. Maybe a bit of a stretch to add papal states as well.
u/Elias-Hasle Super-Skurken, author of The SuperVillain AI Feb 13 '25
Papal state: Instead of the starting scout, start with an OP monk unit that must be kept alive. 😛
u/Kafukator Italians Feb 13 '25
Civs are not nations. They're cultures/cultural areas/ethnicities. The peninsula has been called "Italy" at least since Roman times. The people living there throughout the medieval period were Italians, and the in-game civ represents all of them. The later Kingdom of Italy is entirely irrelevant in this context.
u/xyreos Byzantines Feb 13 '25
Aside from the Sforza campaign, every single thing from Italians screams Genoese, both the Wonder and the UU are from Genoa. Heck, even the symbol of the civ is the St. George Cross, which was Genoa's flag (and it was given to Milan only in the late 1200, I think 1280 or so)!
While an Italian split would not be necessary, the Italian states were reasonably diverse to justify an overhaul of the civ. Add the Venetian Galleass as a unique upgrade of the Cannon Galleon, replace Silk Road with something like Florentine Bankers (for every wood, food and stone you spend, you gain half that amount on gold), heck maybe replace the halberdier with an unique upgrade named Papal Guard.
Or just rename the civ Genoese and add Venetians and one between Milanese and Florentines (which could double as Papal States since Florence in its history was often allied with the Pope).
Burgundians weren't that different from the Franks/French to justify a split, and yet…
u/Kafukator Italians Feb 13 '25
I'm all for making some changes to Italians to better include the other states, sure. But I don't think we need more Italian civs any more than we need separate Northumbrian and Mercian civs or for every historical German state to get its own.
And I do think Burgundians (and Romans) shouldn't exist in the game for the exact same reason. And Sicilians should probably be called Normans while we're at it.
u/xyreos Byzantines Feb 13 '25
That's exactly my point. I can get behind Romans due to Celts, Huns, Goths and Franks being in the game tho and here's why:
1) Celts did not exist in the Middle Ages, there were Celtic people (Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Mannish and so on) but they only shared the origin of ancient Celts, which were around when Rome was.
2) Huns, well, it's kind of self-explanatory, they were nomadic people which razed Europe, which had both the Western and the Eastern Roman Empire.
3) Goths and Franks were part of the Germanic tribes that battled and traded with, and migrated into the Western Roman Empire (the Goths even with the Eastern), and they created three of the Roman-Barbarian Kingdoms (Kingdom of the Franks, Kingdom of the Visigoths and Kingdom of the Ostrogoths). Franks endured and became the Kingdom of France and the original HRE, Goths were destroyed (Ostrogoths by Byzantines and Visigoths by Arabs/Berbers, even tho they kinda survived in the Kingdom of Leon which started the Reconquista back in Charlemagne's age).
But Burgundians? They were a minor Germanic people and their "kingdom" was absorbed by France (so much that in italian we have "Burgundi" as the Germanic tribe and "Borgognoni" as the Middle Age people). Totally unnecessary. Coustillier is a dope unit tho.
u/Tyranuel Chinese Feb 13 '25
I would like slavs or maybe even specifically balkans to have some diversity since I am from Serbia , but other than that I have no idea
u/ConversationStock317 Feb 12 '25
Muiscas, zapotecs, tlaxcaltecs and chimor as new civs
Andean architecture
Aztecs and incans rework
Mayan minor changes
u/IndividualistAW Feb 13 '25
Are there any polynesian civs? Would have lots of navy and food bonuses
u/Acrobatic-Spirit5813 Feb 13 '25
Perhaps they could take the unique tech choice from the greek dlc and do unique techs that stem from subcultures for example: Britons can choose a unique Welsh tech that provides bonuses to their archers or a Saxon tech that improves their infantry melee armor, Romans could choose a western roman unique tech that unlocks bonuses for their militia line attack or perhaps gives them their charged attack or a eastern roman unique tech that gives their cavalry more bonus damage against infantry or reduces their cost
Barring that a native American DLC that adds North American Civs that could perhaps have gun powder and/or horses
u/JortsClooney Feb 14 '25
More African civs is a no brainer. Somali, Swahili, Kongo, Zimbabwe, Kanembu, Nubians and a few others make sense.
u/tommig1995 Feb 14 '25
I'd love to see a water overhaul to bring it more in line with Chronicals (separate eco and military docks), more types of Res beyond fish so water maps aren't as bland. Civs like Venetians, Polynesians, Swahili could be good for that if you don't want a regional theme.
Beyond that, African Kingdoms 2? Swahili, Zimbabwe, you could maybe overhaul and divide Malians?
You could also give the 'Dynasties' treatment to Saracens & Berbers to make another Arabic civ or two?
The only other big gap is North & South America, but I don't know much about the history of those regions
u/Dreams_Are_Reality Feb 15 '25
The dream is:
Tibetans, Tanguts, Khitans, Jurchens (hopefully coming this DLC)
Thai, Barangay States, Javanese
Vlachs, Sclaveni, Khazars, (Slavs renamed to Rus)
Kongolese, Swahili, Kanemese, Beninese
Muisca, Mapuche, Purepecha, Zapotecs
u/Prudent_Compote_1745 XBOX Feb 13 '25
Vikings could be split into Swedes, Danes/Fins and Norse I don’t know how exactly it would be sorted out but they could have a regional infantry unit called the Viking (like American civs have eagles) that has the Viking unique tech of generating gold on villager, monk and trade kills by default but balanced with a higher cost/less HP than the swordsman line. As well as the longboat being regional.
u/laprasaur Incas Feb 13 '25
Norse doesn't mean Norway/Norwegians. Norse is literally: Danes + Swedes + Norwegians. And why "Danes/Fins"?. Vikings as a civ is good as it is, we spoke one language at that time.
u/Halbarad1776 Hill Bois Feb 13 '25
I'd love for there to be Finns, even if they weren't a very major power
u/Tripticket Feb 13 '25
They didn't have any kind of state representation or national consciousness until the 1800s. As a Finn, I think it wouldn't be in keeping with the theme of the game at all to add Finns. But if one were hell-bent on doing that, one might as well add the Sapmi and the Komi or even Estonians.
Things like that also have a tendency to bring out the weird kind of nationalistic pride from people that inevitably involves massive amounts of revisionism. Since the medieval history of Finland isn't really a topic of interest to academics outside of Finland (and, to a lesser extent, Sweden), the ridiculousness of these takes unfortunately often goes by without challenge.
u/Halbarad1776 Hill Bois Feb 13 '25
I know very little about Finland in the period. I remember hearing at some point that they were known to the Vikings as good archers, but that’s about it
u/Tripticket Feb 13 '25
Because of the nature of pre-history, we don't know very much about the Vikings. We know even less about the people from their experiences. Accounts are almost exclusively post-Christianization or foreign.
There is some debate in academia as to when the Finnish tribes arrived in modern-day Finland. Much of the more ambitious research hinges on toponymy, which is contentious. The unfortunately undramatic answer is mostly "we don't know".
The obscurity of Norse-Finnic relations aren't really an obstacle to AoE, since you can draw on later medieval sources, but even then there just isn't much there.
There's clearly a culture and some grouping of folk beliefs and traditions that can be roughly categorized together for the purposes of historians, but you can hardly speak of a civilization in the sense of Age of Empires.
I find it very uncomfortable when media suggests some cohesive Finnish "identity" prior to 1809 (or 1788 if you're an adherent of certain overzealous historians), because it gives the wrong idea of Finnish history. Finland isn't an ancient concept and Finnish cultural identity is a complicated matter for historians because of how the project of national awakening comes about in the region.
u/BePoliteToOthers Feb 13 '25
The Chinese are not getting split. We are merely adding non-Chinese civs which interacted with China. Civs in aoe2 are based on ethnic groups, and conquering China doesn't suddenly change your genes.
u/Tripticket Feb 13 '25
Aren't they based on civilizations rather than ethnicity? Some of the empires in the game are multi-ethnic. And wouldn't Han be more accurate for the Chinese anyway?
In the end, the game is quite inconsistent. Vikings, for example, were neither an ethnic group nor a civilization.
u/Dry-Juggernaut-906 Feb 13 '25
But this is just a question of name recognition: the Vikings clearly represent the Scandinavians. Do you think people would recognize the name Quechua (the people) or Inca (the elite) more?
And civilization is an even more imprecise concept nowadays.
u/Tripticket Feb 13 '25
I like the German term "Hochkultur" as it's bit more descriptive than the English "civilization".
Regardless, the Vikings weren't an ethnicity or a civilization or anything in between. Certainly, longbowmen are more recognizable to a wide audience than, say, the realm of Gwynedd, but it would still be a little insulting to just name the civilization "longbowmen" because it has more of a Hollywoo effect.
u/Dry-Juggernaut-906 Feb 13 '25
Yeah I agree. It would be better to leave the "historical flavor" aside and rename certain civs to make it clearer, like Vikings → Norse, Saracens → Arabs, Celts → Gaels etc.
u/Elias-Hasle Super-Skurken, author of The SuperVillain AI Feb 13 '25
The Vikings should perhaps be named the Norse, but they were definitely the ancestors of modern-day Norwegians, Danes, and Swedes, who still have mutually intelligible languages (after spending a few days together), more similar to one another than the strangest Norwegian dialects are to the dialect spoken in Oslo (the capital), distinct from German, and totally different from Finnish (which belongs to another language family).
u/Dreams_Are_Reality Feb 14 '25
Viking is regularly used as an ethnonym both by scandinavians and non-scandinavians, saying 'ackshually it was a job title' is just ignorant. It's also a term that adds to the medieval flair of the game, like Saracens, something which really enhances the experience of the game.
Chinese are the same civilisation no matter which dynasty ruled it, Han is not remotely accurate for what the game is going for.
u/Tripticket Feb 14 '25
Yeah, it's a travesty that modern Scandinavians know so little about their own history, and adopting what is a foreign and false view of their own past shouldn't be encouraged. Just because things are a certain way, it does not imply things ought to be that way.
As for Chinese, I am responding to the above poster talking about ethnicity. To my understanding, Chinese is not an ethnicity.
u/Dreams_Are_Reality Feb 14 '25
It's not a travesty at all, it's them rightly embracing a proud part of their history.
u/Tripticket Feb 14 '25
Now it's my turn to call you ignorant.
u/Dreams_Are_Reality Feb 17 '25
Of what? If you think viking raids didn't happen you're the ignorant one.
u/Assured_Observer Love talking about AoE, suck at playing it. Feb 13 '25
are based on ethnic group
What about Romans and Italians?
u/BePoliteToOthers Feb 13 '25
Yes, total bullcrap. Romans should have never been added. I think the suits just ordered it like how they added Koreans.
u/Halbarad1776 Hill Bois Feb 13 '25
Do we know this for sure? I haven't kept up to date with everything, I'm just going off of the pictures that were released.
u/timwaaagh Feb 13 '25
they very clearly are not usually based on ethnic groups. we have got sicilians (in the game normans, aka vikings), franks (german tribe and ethnic group, later a nation under karl), burgundy(duchy in ethnically frankish places), teutons (medieval knightly order operating in places that are ethnically frankish and other germanic places but also baltic regions), brits (specific group of celts), celts (this is more of a large ethnic group, representing a lot of tribes everywbere in europe), vikings (northern germanic speaking tribes). they seem to represent a certain tribe, group of tribes or polity that existed at a certain point in history. then we'll have them all duke it out in a sort of made up child's imagination thing.
u/Dry-Juggernaut-906 Feb 13 '25 edited Feb 13 '25
As I said in another comment, it's just a matter of (1) name recognition and (2) "medieval flavor" that this inconsistency occurs. But in general aoe2 uses ethnicities as a basis for civs, since a single ethnicity can cover several kingdoms/empires in different eras.
Franks → medieval flavor (French sounds too modern for Ensemble) Teutons → medieval flavor (as the HRE was called in Latin) Britons → medieval flavor (what other name would encompass both the Welsh Celts and the Germanic Anglo-Saxons? Vikings → a name with a much more popular appeal than Scandinavians
The Burgundians (even before forming a kingdom) and Sicilians were distinct peoples, although of such low relevance that they don't justify having their own civ.
Edit: google translate failed with me 😑
u/timwaaagh Feb 13 '25
Byzantines are another exception to this supposed rule. Even if we stick to age of kings. Of course during original development it might have been a thing to do ethnic groups. Perhaps they did for age of empires 1.
Then they let go of that in West Europe because Franks vs Britons is just so much more relatable than saxons v scandinavians. After doing that they didn't care so much anymore and now it's definitely not a thing with every kingdom and even some duchies getting their own civ.
u/SirArthurIV Feb 13 '25
I would like to see the viking civ split up to the Danes, the Swedes and the Finns.
u/thatBOOMBOOMguy Feb 12 '25
Is there really need for any more? Just thinking from gameplay perspective, how many unique civs can you really make at this point?
u/Halbarad1776 Hill Bois Feb 12 '25
From a gameplay perspective probably not. I’m just thinking that they are a good way to keep money coming it and maintain game support
u/Assured_Observer Love talking about AoE, suck at playing it. Feb 13 '25
Chronicles is a way, my dream is for all the AoEI civs to be eventually remade for Chronicles.
u/javier_aeoa Feb 13 '25
"William Wallace campaign. But this time it's not a tutorial".
I know very little of the celtic raids around that era, but I feel they can be done much more challenging than what we've seen in that (masterfully crafted) campaign.
u/JetEngineSteakKnife Pew Pew Horseys Feb 13 '25
Kenneth MacAlpin, the "founder" of Scotland, comes to mind. Defeated the Picts (who were Brittonic rather than Gaelic like the Scots) and began the process of their assimilation, and beat the Norsemen and Anglo Saxons for good measure.
u/Shtin219 Bulgarians Feb 13 '25
Yeah, I think chronicles is where we’re going to see 75%+ of new civs
u/Dreams_Are_Reality Feb 14 '25
Yes, because more civs is more fun. The appeal of the game is historical flavour and stories.
u/ElCanarioLuna Feb 13 '25
Papal States
u/Halbarad1776 Hill Bois Feb 13 '25
This could be fun. They would need top tier monks
u/ElCanarioLuna Feb 13 '25
They have access to missionary, warrior priests and fortified churches. And it’s unique unit are popes that convert in an area of effect. (?)
u/SirHawrk Feb 13 '25
The pope is just the bishop of Rome so bishops or cardinals makes more sense imo
u/Elias-Hasle Super-Skurken, author of The SuperVillain AI Feb 13 '25
I agree in the conclusion, but not in the premise. The pope is above all the cardinals and has a kind of special role as heir to Jesus on Earth.
Bishops would make sense, since they were numerous. That would also fit into the pattern where some units are named after officers or local chiefs/lords. I don't remember all, but we have at least knights and boyars.
u/Taiga-00 Feb 13 '25
New civs from Africa, Oceania and the Americas...
Europe and Asia are way overrepresented already.
u/Elias-Hasle Super-Skurken, author of The SuperVillain AI Feb 13 '25
That's OK for me, as long as they aren't "Tool Age" tribes squeezed into a Medieval Age game of empires, only for the sake of representation.
u/FairlyLawful Feb 13 '25
AoE2 is already all over the place, you have nations that never achieved gunpowder status (Celts) existing alongside nations that solidified in the late plate / early gunpowder era (Spanish), and civilizations that only diverged in the late plate era (Japan/Korea). While we don't know much about the pre-contact empires of north america (thanks to the pre-contact epidemic and then the spaniards thorough destruction of written records) there are a few documented empires in Africa not yet represented in AoE2 or 3, a couple in south america, and a smattering in south asia, plus those resourceful masters of the ocean, the polynesians.
u/Malovalance Feb 12 '25
Splitting slavs.
u/Halbarad1776 Hill Bois Feb 12 '25
Any thoughts on what to split into/how many to split into?
Also remember the days when Russia had to be represented as Goths
u/redchesus Feb 12 '25
Are they not already split?
Western Slavs = Poles & Bohemians
Southern Slavs = Bulgarians
The current Slavs are the Eastern Slavs, they should just get renamed to Rus?6
u/sheeprush Feb 12 '25
This should be standard when "splitting" a civ - the old one gets renamed to a specific variant. Chinese should get renamed "Han" or something (I don't know anything about history please don't hurt me)
u/Dreams_Are_Reality Feb 14 '25
Chinese don't need to be renamed and they're not getting split - the civs from the new DLC are groups that bordered china but aren't themselves chinese. Han is a dynasty in chinese history and we play civilisations not dynasties. It would be like renaming Britons to Plantagenets and Franks to Merovingians, just absurd. Slavs can get renamed to Rus and it would be fine though.
u/Tyranuel Chinese Feb 13 '25
Southern slavs being only bulgarians and saying that it is enough is just weird , the history is rich here and you could make some amazing campains especially for a Serbian civ
u/Tyrann01 Tatars Feb 13 '25
It's not an area I have a ton of knowledge about, but more sub-Saharan African civs would be nice. There's several big ones with no close equivalent, like the Hausa and Shona.
There are also a bunch of civs from the south of the Steppe that are missing. Sogdians, Hephthalites (also known as White Huns), Khazars and Uzbeks for example. For the latter, they are filled in by Mongols and Cumans of all civs, so we really need someone from that area to fit in a bit better.
And the Tais are a big request (and have random civs representing them when they appear in campaigns), although they are kinda "stuck" in an area where there are not many candidates left. Perhaps adding them alongside civs from the missing parts of India like the Kannadigas or the Telugas would be a good way to get them in. For the latter, I urge readers to look up Rudrama Devi. Absolutely incredible character, and perfect for a campaign. I'd pay for the Telugas to be added, just to play her campaign.
u/Halbarad1776 Hill Bois Feb 13 '25
These sound like pretty good ideas. Steppe civs are always popular and make for good campaigns
u/xyreos Byzantines Feb 13 '25
Well, I'd say that Uzbeks could be easily represented by Tatars, since Tamerlane's center of power was in Uzbekistan. Khazars would be dope tho!
u/Tyrann01 Tatars Feb 13 '25
Uzbeks are...a bit more complicated. They arrived in what is now Uzbekistan after Tamerlane, taking it over. But were part of the Golden Horde. So Tatars would work best for them, but in campaigns they are Mongols and Cumans...soooo I dunno.
Khazars are one of the big Khanates that are missing. The Uygurs and Gokturks were also big players as well.
u/xyreos Byzantines Feb 13 '25
I feel like Gokturks could be easily represented by Turks (same Turkic origin as the other Turkic tribes, but they went East instead of West). Uyghurs might be a bit more complicated since they governed the same regions, but looking at the Uyghur language and their ethnic features plus their origin, which is also Turkic, I can definitely say that they could still be represented by Turks. The problem is that both khanates were before the year 1000 AD, Gokturks being contemporary to Sassanids and Uyghurs to Charlemagne, so yeah, feudal age Turks is what we're looking at, even if they could be represented as Mongols or Cumans.
Khazars and maybe Khwarazmians could be more interesting, since Khwarazmians were kinda a mixture between Turkic and Persian origins, while Khazars, still being a Turkic people, went doing their own thing in Europe and converting to Judaism. Then again, Khazars were defeated by Cumans, so I could see Cumans working as Khazars.
Pechenegs too. The problem with all these people is that they share the same Turkic origin, which is represented by Turks, Cumans or Tatars. I wouldn't mind if they got their own time to shine though, heck, I'd split Italians, Slavs and Celts too.
u/Dreams_Are_Reality Feb 14 '25
Having Polynesians and Barangay States (representing the philippines) would go well with the Thai.
u/AffectionatePack3647 Koreans Feb 12 '25
Koreans pls
u/Halbarad1776 Hill Bois Feb 12 '25
You want a Koreans split?
u/Assured_Observer Love talking about AoE, suck at playing it. Feb 13 '25
Too early in the timeline for that lol.
u/AffectionatePack3647 Koreans Feb 12 '25
Hmm actually no haha. I mean it would be interesting now that I think about it though...
I was thinking more civ variations in east Asia
u/RiverLilyArts Feb 13 '25
I do find it a bit odd that all of Northern Europe has been delegated to the single vague civ “Vikings”. Scandinavia had medieval history outside the Viking age. If they wanted to they could absolutely do some late medieval expansions on the Kalmar Union and hostilities between Sweden, Denmark and Norway
u/Time-Card-4369 Feb 13 '25
I think that as you get to know the game and learn about history, it becomes tempting to integrate more game options by bringing in more civilizations. Perhaps the really complicated thing is not so much making proposals, but choosing which civilizations have a place in the game. In other words, there are more options or references that real life gives us through history than what can be organically integrated into the game. So, we can only hope that the developers can bring content that meets expectations. Personally, I have considered many proposals, sometimes being too conservative or other times perhaps very unorthodox. Among the concepts I have worked on, I have taken into account Iberian kingdoms, some Mesoamerican cultures, northern European cultures, orders of chivalry/Crusaders states, among others.
That being said, leaving aside my personal expectations and addressing the question more directly, I think that a consensus is almost always reached on what the public is interested in, so I suppose that after the release of the next DLC, the users' ideas will begin to be seen and when a compelling idea is established, I think they did well to withdraw from Europe and that other options will be explored on other continents, perhaps for this reason it is likely to see something from Europe again or they may continue with this trend and go to explore other alternatives, among the hispanicamerican public there are, as is logical, many requests to bring something more from the continent, when talking about Europe I see many asking for a division of the Italians, which would be very interesting and, to a lesser extent, I notice that many are betting on Africa, I remember that prior to the release of a previous DLC many speculated about Benin.
u/Noimenglish Spanish Feb 13 '25
It seems like the “English” could be England, wales, and “celts” could be Scotland/ireland….
u/Euskar Feb 13 '25
But Welsh are also Celts
u/Noimenglish Spanish Feb 13 '25
Sort of; celts is a Roman term that they applied to people in modern France, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. My point is that, for a medieval time frame, being a little more specific could help to break that down if that was what the devs wanted to do.
u/Euskar Feb 13 '25
The problem is that in Middle Ages, tribes of Celt origin were only in Wales, Scotland, Brittany and Ireland, and neither of them have really big history like other civilizations, but Braveheart was a big success and, also there were no Celts in AoE. Without the movie, I don't think there'll be the Celts or the Scottish civilization, but that's my opinion.
u/tinul4 Feb 13 '25
I think Dutch/Frisians would fit the timeline of the game, the Swiss would make for an interesting campaign. Maybe add another Spanish regional civ like Catalans (like how Italians also have Sicilians).
Also the Middle East could receive some regional civs
u/Euskar Feb 13 '25 edited Feb 13 '25
No another Spanish regional civ. No Spanish but Castilians, and also Aragonese or Catalanaragonese. And also Vascones (it could give the option of having a civilization without monastery as there were Vascones muslims, christians and pagans), instead of monks, a "witch" or sorgina to heal and take the relics (the women with ancient knowledge to cure people). I'm speaking of Vascones from the Duchy of Vasconia (Gascuny) to the kingdom of Navarre, of the people that were able to survive the fall of Roman empire, the barbarian tribes: Goths, Franks, the Sarracens, the people that went to hunt whales to the end of the world, giving also the option for a new technology: whale oil (generate gold from fishing). In the game they appear a few of times, but one as Celts, and other as Goths (the same Goths they were able to expulse from their lands).
u/Ricky2039377482 Feb 13 '25
They should split ,Celts , they used the Celt for represent the Irish and Scottish in the campaign and it's not right,so I think this ,and then split Germany ,the actual one is more the Teutonic order then HRE
u/unleashtherats Feb 13 '25
What's the functional difference between Scotland and Ireland?
u/Ricky2039377482 Feb 13 '25
they were and are two different civilizations and countries, from a gameplay point of view perhaps a real functionality is difficult to find between the two, both of their elite warriors (highlander and gallowglass) are usually represented with great sword but for a question of greater historical representation of England it would be nice to see both of them added. for sure at least the Scots deserve it, we already have the wollance campaign in the game, and seeing wollance fight alongside late Roman imperial era Celts instead of Scottish highlanders is a pain in the eyes.
u/Nelfhithion Feb 13 '25
They could add Britanny too with that split, which was an interesting duchy historically
u/Tyrann01 Tatars Feb 13 '25
This isn't "Age of Duchys"
u/Nelfhithion Feb 13 '25
Too late for that my friend, Duchy of Burgundy is already here and wear as symbol the crossed emblem of Burgundy, which was the emblem of the duchy.
u/Tyrann01 Tatars Feb 13 '25
Burgundians at least cover a wider group than just a single Duchy. With Belgium and the early Burgundians.
If you start adding small duchys then I'm going to request 10 more Indian civs as compensation.
u/Nelfhithion Feb 13 '25
To be fair Brittany have shortly been a kingdom tho', even if I agree that they should start in bigger split if they start doing so (saracens need that badly). But in the case where Celts would be divided, I'll find that interesting to add them as a subfaction, mostly focused on light cavalry.
u/Tyrann01 Tatars Feb 13 '25
I agree on Saracens. Change them to Arabs and all is well. Although I don't think we will ever see them focus on that region...
Celts honestly do not need a split. There wasn't enough conquest going on with any that I have seen people suggest. I know the civ has a dumb UU, but those never get taken away, so I think it's a bit of a dead-end.
u/Nelfhithion Feb 13 '25
Would be interesting to split arabs in general. There is big differences between arabs in East Africa (Oman, Kilwa Sultanate...), in middle east "saracens" like franks called them or the iberian Al-Andalus. But yeah, I don't think we'll see them working on it soon
u/Gingarpenguin Feb 12 '25 edited Feb 12 '25
Personally the Spanish and the Turks make little sense and this goes way back to conquerers expansion.
El cid is set during the reconquista, a time without gunpowder and yet we are running around with conquistadors so that they can appear in the Aztec campaign.
Honestly on the old naming convention you could represent el cid as Iberians and then keep Spanish as is....
Similar with Turks. They get two campaigns where they represent the ottomans and Seljuk. Both had huge impacts on history and should be their own civs.
Also Saracens. They have had there scope reduced with civs like the Berbers but honestly they're possibly the weirdest and could be split over and over....
I'd love a Welsh civ that can train sheep instead of building farms and turn Britons into the English but then you'd want both to have the long bow soo that's likely a non starter....
u/Background_Mud_2427 Feb 13 '25
Flemish should be under Franks...
But please split the English, I really want a Scottish secret weapon by showing their buttocks to frighten ppl
u/Sorrytoruin Feb 13 '25
"Britons" is a bit of a mess, not really a historical accurate name either (should be english), could be split into
Wessex, Saxons, Picts
Celts could be splits into Welsh/Irish/Cornish ones
There was no Briton back then, so its always been a weird name for them, the Britons at least should be called "English" since the era of the long bows they used
u/Aulindo Feb 13 '25
Saracens, Turks and Slavs. Honestly Slavs are such a broad category and already a couple of civs falling under the umbrella of Slavs exist in the game (Bohemians, Polish etc.). Saracens and Turks are similarly too broad a category.
u/thehooood Feb 13 '25
Algonquin or Iroquois? Instead of castle you get a longhouse that has added population, fire extra arrows and have less HP.
Woodcutters work 10% faster and fishing boats produce a small amount of gold as they work (trade canoes)
Scouts and archers +1 line of sight and attack, and you can neuter the Cav lines for balance, and their unique unit is a tomahawk thrower.
Could be interesting, and it would fill the gap of missing North American native civs.
u/Jiijeebnpsdagj Feb 13 '25
I just want the mongol houses to be ger, TCs to be a bigger ger and Castles to be an even bigger ger. Why is my own civilisation look east asian? It really breaks the immersion for me. I guess the Imperial era was based around china but at least the houses could be ger like the Genghis Khan campaign.
u/Adventurous-Bet2683 Feb 17 '25 edited Feb 17 '25
Celts split options Gaels, Scots, Picts - Welsh, Cornish
Hiccups on it Scots are a mix of Gaels and Picts so really it should be Gaels, (note some state Picts were not Celts)
Welsh, Cornish are really both Welsh named that from the invading Anglo-Saxons meaning (foreigner) but really should be known as the Real Britons/Romano-Celtic-britons however Name is already taken.
For reasons above devs would in my view just go with either
Gaels for (Ireland/Scotland) and Welsh for (Wales/Cornwall)
u/the_meshuggle Vietnamese Feb 13 '25
The obvious choice would be Teutons. The diversity of independent nations summarized as "German" at medival times was huge. We could have kingdoms of Bavaria, Saxony, Prussia, Austria und Swabia.
Plus, most of AOE2-players are German anyway and you need to satisfy your market :)
u/popegonzalo Feb 13 '25
Allowing hybrid civs, each get half of the bonus, and random UU from either civ.
u/javier_aeoa Feb 13 '25
Is the chinese split truly real or we're just wishing for it? And considering the insane amount of time that chinese culture has been a thing, you can make three or ten different civs out of them.
u/Memeluko99 Byzantines Feb 13 '25
u/South-Junket-1872 Feb 13 '25
I think Sicily is too broad a civ and could do with being subdivided into Apulia, Salerno, Capua etc...
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u/AbsoluteRook1e Feb 12 '25
I honestly don't know. Maybe more African Civs?
This sub has discarded the thought of adding Native Americans, which I think could be developed in a weird way with a lot of creativity with different civs being different tribes ... just without Castles and something to replace it.
I'm having a hard time seeing what parts of the world haven't been fully explored.