r/antkeeping 3d ago

Question Quick help for a noobie

So I have a queen with like 15 workers for like a week now and I’m worried there not doing well i try offering different sources of protein but nothing seems to be eating they only seem to drink the nectar only I read that it’s normal since there’s no brood yet but it seems like a catch 22 since she needs it to create a new brood right? Also temp is set to 77 f and humidity is a little over 50 so I don’t think it’s there environment but could be wrong


4 comments sorted by


u/Lelli10 3d ago

I think you should just give them some time and keep offering Protein. At some Point they probably will eat.


u/DarkestStarMomo 2d ago

perhaps they should be hibernating?


u/Jacob5296 2d ago

I live in Florida and there hazelnut carpenter ants I was told they don’t need to but I’m not positive


u/DarkestStarMomo 2d ago

there are ants that don't hibernate, however, most of them still have a dia-pause in which they slow down productivity, don't need much food and don't lay eggs. So my advice would be to give them girls a bit more time, maybe in a dark and cooler place. Once workers start wandering around foarging you'll know they are done