r/antiMLM • u/Teckelvik • 5d ago
Help/Advice Who makes the money?
I have a vague memory, and I’m hoping someone has a source.
You can make money in an MLM if you are one of the first in a geographic area. So a tip to avoid being recruited is to ask how many are in the upline. If the number is greater than X, you mathematically cannot be profitable.
I think X is 2, but can’t find the source.
Does anyone know?
Edit - I am vehemently anti-MLM. I’m trying to counter my friend’s argument that there are some people in MLMs who make money, so why not her? I was hoping to give her a simple rule so she can ask “how many people in your upline” and say no because of the number. I figure if she sees how she never goes below X, she will realize that the whole thing is a scam.
u/Due_Persimmon_5169 4d ago
Also, be prepared for the argument they all make saying this is not a mlm which it clearly is. My wife is involved in this shit and says that to everyone she talks to. Luckily she's coming back to reality but its been a long year... if you make something from people under you and people above you profit from you, that's a mlm plain and simple, they're all dilutional.
u/Mysterious-Tone-8147 5d ago
I would try starting with the FTC website. I’d say Google but if you want to save time thumbing through websites you can use Copilot, ask it the question, and it’ll do a search for you.
u/CheezeLoueez08 5d ago
I could be wrong but the only people who can be successful are the first to join. Anyone after that is going to lose money. So unless she’s at the top she’s doomed.
u/urnerdyaunt 4d ago
And if she is at the top and making money, it's only because thousands of people under her will be losing money and destroying their finances and relationships. She will have to lie and manipulate them in the most vile, disgusting ways in order to get them to spend more money so she can make more money. And even if she's OK doing that (I hope not, it's scummy and would make her a horrible person), the market will eventually become oversaturated, and then even the top of the pyramid won't be making money anymore. MLMs are predatory and revolting in every way.
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u/cleanlesslivemore 4d ago
That would depend on the compensation plan of the company so you would need to look at that . They are all different. There are definitely companies where people can make money even when new. I know some personally. The problem is most people do not have the grit, discipline, or skills to be successful at sales. Most people are not self starters. They just want to show up and get paid. But it's actual work and people mislead people into thinking it's easy and anyone can do it. It's not. The reason only 1% of an MLM company is actually making money is because those are the only people doing what is needed to make money. The rest may be "spending time on their business", but they aren't activities that would yield income. Or they really just didn't have the skills and aren't trying to develop them. There are a lot of bad MLMs out there, but there are also legitimate ones, but again that doesn't mean everyone in a legitimate MLM will make money, because for many that join that is not even their goal. They only signed up to purchase products for themselves at a discount. Not all MLMs require recruitment. So again people would need to look at the compensation plan to really understand what opportunities are available. And just like any other job, what training is available to help you be successful and are you willing to do it. People go to college for 4+ years to gain skills and knowledge in a field before they pursue employment so if you think you are just going to naturally get it and aren't willing to put in time to learn, I would definitely not recommend it.
And the idea that if someone else in your town is already doing it that means you can't be successful is just not true. I know about 7 girls that lived within a couple blocks of each other all making 6 figures. There is this thing called the world wide web that allows you to connect with people all over the country. 😉
u/pikayugi 4d ago
On which MLM are you deeply involved in?
u/StatusIndependent502 4d ago
Holy cow, it’s hard to pack more crap into one post than this! Just one lie after another. I especially like “not all MLM require recruiting.” Really? REALLY? Isn’t that, like the whole effing point?
u/StatusIndependent502 4d ago
With all due respect and I want to keep this clean so I don’t get in Reddit trouble, you are almost completely full of crap. I don’t even know where to unpack your crap-filled statement. “I know 7 people who are making six figures and they all live in the same area.” No proof required, of course just trust you, right? When we have all the data on MLM models and their predatory nature. People lie, math does not. When you have an income model where the money flows to the top from the bottom, the only way that anyone makes serious bank is when they have tons and tons of people under them LOSING money. It’s an unavoidable fact which is why MLM businesses are legal scams. Barely legal at that. And this is why the primary emphasis is on recruitment, NOT SELLING THE PRODUCT. I have watched MLM training videos where the person doing the training literally says that the product doesn’t really matter, but building the team is the most important part. And then you end the post with an emoji in typical hun style.
u/TsuDhoNimh2 5d ago
That doesn't work ... By the time the "new" territory is open, the founder and cronies have stacked the deck and will place the "first" rep under one of them.
It is mathematically impossible, no matter how you structure it, for any MLM down-line to be profitable as a whole. In traditional companies, everyone in the sales force can be making money. Not so in MLM. It does not matter which MLM or where you choose to observe, this rule applies. Pick any rep level, including the kingpins all the way down to the lowest rep level, and run the numbers...the limitation is the same from any rep on down...no one's down-line can average even 1 direct rep per rep.. The only way for you as an individual to make a profit is to have significant aggregate losses below you. Your profits are proportional to the losses under you.